4 tips to host the best (and least awkward) virtual happy hour

No matter what the world throws our way, there is always a good reason to take a happy hour! Popping a cork or mixing a drink is a great way to connect and relax with people you love. The issues come when there is a global viral pandemic that is forcing everyone inside for weeks at a time. What are the convivial individuals of the world to do?

There is a way to socialize AND drink at the same time.

With all the incredible tech that this world has created, from iPhones to futons, there must be a way to have a fun happy our with your friends and stay at home, right? Yes! Introducing “Virtual Happy Hours”! A virtual happy hour is when you and your friends plan a time to all hop on to a video service, mix some drinks together, and chat it up!

WSJ Source: WSJ

Get planning and tell your friends! If you are hostess going crazy with social isolation, this is for you!

The first thing that you have to do is plan it! The best part? You don’t even have to clean your house. Just pick up the space directly behind you in order to give the appearance that your household is in order! Just text your friends and settle on a time to virtually connect! There is no real limit to the number of people you want to join you.

Visiting Media Source: Visiting Media

Once you have it planned, here are a few tips to help you plan the best virtual happy hour ever!

Don’t forget! This doesn’t just have to be a result of COVID-19, you can plan these for friends who live in different parts of the world!


1. Decide on a video service ahead of time.

This is a big one! You have so many options here, allowing you to pick the one that best suits your needs. An easy one is Zoom. Zoom allows you to schedule a meeting time, send out a code, and people can join or drop in when they feel like it! It is basically a digital room. Another option is Facetime. This is great BUT everyone has to have an iPhone. It is not available for any other platform. Whichever you decide to use, just make sure you let everyone else know!

Pexels Source: Pexels

2. Plan a drink to make!

This is a fun way to get some group participation. Obviously, you can just all pour leftover wine into a nice wineglass (very fancy), but why not be extra? Let everyone know the ingredient list ahead of time so they can make sure they pick it up when they shop. Once everyone is on, guide everyone through making a fun drink!

Pexels Source: Pexels

3. Have parameters.

This is important! Knowing when it’s supposed to end will give people more reason to say yes in the first place. An end time allows people to plan and organize their day. The best part is that if you and some others want to stay on, feel free! You don’t have to drive home so have another glass!

Amazon Source: Amazon

4. Use good camera etiquette.

So many people have poor camera etiquette. As the host, make sure you are the one that is looking into the camera. Many people look at the screen when they are talking but you should look into the camera lens itself. It may not feel the most comfortable, but it will make all the difference for your guests! Make sure that you have good audio and a good angle. A tripod is less than $10 on Amazon and is a great investment!

With all the options out there, you can have a fabulous time hosting your friends and catching up with the people you love the most.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Country living
