4-year-old gives baby brother hilarious advice about grandma


Kristina Kuzmic is a TV and social media persona, who shares her life with her followers, often giving parenting advice that is funnier than you would expect!

An experienced mom (as she has three children) shares tips about bringing up those little guys, while her videos are always entertaining!

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In one of her videos on her YouTube channel, someone else takes the lead and offers some advice instead of her.

It’s her 4-year-old son, Ari, who gives some useful advice to his younger brother, Finn.

It looks like Ari has inherited the bubbly and plethoric personality of his mom, and his monologue is nothing short of hilarious!

So, as you can see in the video below, Kristina needs to go make lunch for Ari, so she asks him to stay with his little brother for a while and she’ll soon be back. And that’s when the fun part begins!

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Ari starts by making it clear his life so far has not been a bed of roses.

As he characteristically says, he’s been on this earth for “four long years”. Now, these words coming out of the mouth of a preschooler are funny as hell all by themselves!

But anyway, he goes on to talk about what lies ahead for Finn, and how he should react to different situations so that he lives a better life.

YouTube Screenshot Source: YouTube Screenshot

First of all, he explains parents, in their attempt to keep their boy alive, will say “no” a lot.

What should Finn do if mom or dad says no? Well, ask grandma of course! She always says yes!

Then it’s time to talk about entertainment. Of course, mom says “too much screen time is bad”, but Ari doesn’t agree!

Now, time to talk about the dirty stuff: potty training! Yes, Ari talks about that as well in his own way:

“Some day you’ll have to wipe your own butt,” he says. And then he gives some feedback about how he feels about it: “It’s nasty,” he says.

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Well, not exciting news for Finn!

And what about baby-talk? Does Ari approve of that? Well, not really- in fact, he finds it annoying! Especially when they start talking to you like that and then immediately stop! It doesn’t make any sense, right?

Now, how does Ari feel about sleep?

As you might have already guessed, he’s not a fan! What if something exciting happens while you’re asleep and you miss out on it? It would be a shame!

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Now, the most important part: food.

Finn should know from a young age that he should resist anything green- except green M&M’s of course!

“Here’s a list of things that you cannot eat,” says Ari. “Bubblegum, money […] your dog, anything green!”

Well, that was pretty explicit.

Of course, big brother has a tip to give Finn about what he should do whenever he’s in doubt. Singing “all you need is love” should do the trick and everything will be fine again.

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Last but not least, he attempts to explain where babies come from, but maybe Finn was not ready for this info, and he starts crying!

Finally, Ari makes sure Finn always remembers he’ll be there for him, which is probably the sweetest thing for a 4-year-old to tell their baby brother!

You can listen to Ari’s wise life advice below.

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Source: Kristina Kuzmic, Kristina Kuzmic
