After 7 weeks apart this 4-year old cancer patient finally got to hug her dad

Try to hold back your tears, because this is going to be one of those articles.

How many loved ones are you missing out on quality time with during this quarantine? Probably a lot. It’s sad indeed, but social distancing really is important. The virus is highly transmissible, and every precaution matters.

So if you really love your friends and family, your first and foremost priority should be to keep them safe. That makes sense to many of you, right?

Of course, it’s definitely not easy being apart from them

Not being able to hug and talk to your loved ones seems like a huge price to pay to avoid contracting the virus, but trust us, this virus isn’t playing around. You should take every precaution you can and count your blessings.

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This father recognized that dilemma too well, but nonetheless knew what his priorities were. His 4-year old daughter, Mila, is a cancer patient. This means her immune system is weakened as a result of the chemotherapy. She’s incredibly vulnerable.

But Scott loved her all too much to put her at risk. He made Mila’s safety his utmost priority. She’s already battling one deadly illness, she doesn’t need another one

As he regularly went to work, he strictly avoided making contact with her. Yes, for at least a few weeks, Scott was forced to continue going to work even amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

When he was going to work for the several weeks prior, he made sure to greet her through the window and give her air hugs. The least he could do to show her his love, given the circumstances.

Even in the middle of a global crisis, with cancer already making a problem for her, Scott always reminder her that he loved her.

After he was subsequently placed on the furlough scheme by his employer, this finally gave him a chance to see his daughter up-close again

At long last, the order of social distancing was dropped, and he was given the go to reunite with her. Both Mila and Scott felt that they’d been apart for too long. When Scott came home one day, Mila didn’t know that he was laid off from showing up to work.

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So Scott broke the news to her that he could finally open the door and give her a hug, and Mila was ecstatic. After 7 long weeks away from her papa, she could finally give him a hug. No daughter should have to be away from her father for that long.

Scott stood outside the house, in the spot where he normally just gave her air hugs. He tells her, “I’m coming home today”. Mila was a bit confused, clearly. What did he mean?

He assured her what he meant. He was literally coming home, “right now, in fact”

The moment of truth was when Scott walked through the door. The very same one he had to be on the other side of from Mila for the last 2 months. Mila was in disbelief, and she was overjoyed too, when her dad finally entered their home with her.

Cameras were rolling for the whole scene. They knew what a big moment this was, so it was natural they wanted some way to capture and remember it.

“Can I get a real hug?”

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Scott asked his daughter. The answer was obvious. Mila approached him arms open, holding her tears back. “Oh, I love you”, says Scott to his daughter in his arms. Mila finally gives in and cries uncontrollably, and we’re pretty sure she isn’t the only one crying over this.

This pandemic helped us learn a lot of things. That our societal system is vulnerable, that we should listen to science, and that we can easily balance work with time for ourselves.

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Although one of the biggest things that’s come to light is how much we take for granted being able to hug and be around the people we love

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How often did you meet up with the people you loved before this pandemic? Did you hug them that much? And compare that to how badly you want to do it now. A lot more people are having to stay apart from their moms, dads, grandparents and more.

It’s almost poetically sad how physical contact, something that used to be a sign of love and unity, is now dangerous to do.

We can hope that when this is over, we won’t need to wait for another crisis to happen to show each other love. Watch the touching moment below.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: [Caters Clips/YouTube]
