41 Women Who Tackled Awkward Situations And Won

Men may struggle in life, but the life of a woman is riddled with little things that make you realize that men take their simple lives for granted. From broken ponytail holders to ill-fitting shirts, these women prove that we have awkward lives.

1) Not As Easy As it Looks

Instagram models make everything look so easy. They look amazing, but as much as we want to think it’s natural, it’s not. They work hard to get the perfect shot and it doesn’t even show. Not everyone can achieve such perfection.

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2) That’s A Big Oof

This doesn’t really make sense but it is funny. Not that her boyfriend broke up with her, but that her manager used the opportunity to say something snappy. Who breaks up over text anyway?

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3) Breaking Ankles

Wearing heels is no fun. The only good thing that comes from heels is confidence. For a lot of women, it’s not worth it. But for others, they suffer through the ankle breaking to make sure their legs stay their best and their jobs stay professional.

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4) Maybe She Was Tired

This little boy is a gentleman in his heart but a little rude in voicing his thoughts. To be fair, she probably was really tired and he was nice to give up his seat without thinking about whether his dad wanted to or not.

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5) She Isn’t Wrong

Dad watches the kid? It’s babysitting. Mom watches the kid? It’s parenting. This observation has been noted for decades and it still hasn’t been turned around completely. Moms are judged harshly and people just want dads to be dads.

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6) Behind The Curtain

Wearing a dress is no fantasy. You have to keep it down, the wind works against you, and everything gets snagged on it. If you add pets to the mix, things are ten times worse. This kitty uses everything she has to try to destroy this beautiful dress.

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7) That Favorite Tee

If you hesitate, you probably won’t wear it much. It’s the ones that you see no reason not to buy that you wear every week, not the one that people have to talk you into. Let’s face it, t-shirts are

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8) When You Can’t Get Along With Anyone

This lady fights with her friends and family so often that she’s the last one left in this photo. When she gets mad, she tears their head out of the picture and doesn’t talk to them. Sounds like someone needs therapy.

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9) That’s Gotta Hurt

This happens more often than you think. Some girls are careful and loosen the tie careful. However, others don’t have that option because their hair gets tangled too easily. The lucky ones don’t even have to try.

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10) Priorities, People

These women heard the fire alarm go off at the mall and they quickly grabbed their plates of pizza and left. Those aren’t paper plates either, those belong to Nando’s Pizza. But no one in their right mind would leave their pizza.

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11) Never Trust The Previous Owners

The previous owners of this house were all boys, and the current owners are girls. When the boys came to visit, the girls asked how the hole got in the ceiling. This was the picture showing what happened.

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12) Watch Your Hairnet

This girl got a tan for her birthday. When she put the hairnet on, she put it down too low and ended up with a line straight across her forehead. Maybe this is one of those times to think about getting bangs.

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13) The Tables Have Turned

I feel like girls get attacked by animals more often than boys, at least playfully. When men get attacked, it’s usually pretty brutal because the animal is mad. But in this case, I think it’s all in good fun.

Pikabu Source: Pikabu

14) Not The Best Sample

This girl wa sent a sample mask. She was expecting a full maks but what she got was really a “sample” just like they said. At least she had a good time with it and didn’t lose her sense of humor.

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15) Classic New Shoes

You get horrible blisters with two kinds of shoes. Really new shoes and really old shoes. It’s kind of ironic since they are opposites but it’s true. Now, which is worse is unknown because new shoes are bad, but old shoes are like walking directly on concrete.

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16) At Least Her Dress Is Pretty

This couple got married in their backyard and they forgot to tell the dog where to do his business. So, he did it right three behind them. She looks amazing but the dog is a little bit distracting.

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17) Eyeliner Gone Wrong

We all know what happened here. Someone’s having trouble with their eye makeup. In this case, it’s Arthur, but we can all relate. Even if you don’t do your makeup often, when you do it, you probably have this problem.

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18) The Forbidden Love

This is a sad love story! Let’s face it, women are more likely to be cat people than men. Most men just don’t understand cats, but most women do. So even if you love dogs, you probably can see where these two are coming from.

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19) The Prankster Was Pranked

This woman was going to use a false pregnancy test against her husband but it turns out, she really was pregnant. This wasn’t a very good joke, baby, it was just a very expensive joke. The kid is going to do amazing things.

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20) Even Women’s Shirts Do It

If you try to wear a man’s shirt, good luck. The picture will be distorted and the buttons will pop. However, a lot of shirts that were made for women do this too so good luck finding any shirt that fits right.

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21) He Loves Cats

I’m not sure if this guy is a spammer or if he is really talking about the cat. I’d give him a chance because if he’s talking about the cat then he’s a keeper. He has one chance to pull himself out of this.

Pikabu Source: Pikabu

22) The Plot Thickens

This girl took a taxi to her mom’s house and her taxi driver thought that she was being dropped off at a date’s house. That’s awkward! The worst part is that she’s there to wake up and surprise her dog.

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23) There’s No Fixing This

There are hacks like adding rubbing alcohol to the powder to bring it back to life but it will never resume it’s original form. Makeup doesn’t last as long as you think it does and I don’t know a woman who doesn’t use it past its expiration date.

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24) It’s Bound To Happen

This happens every single time. We all get the same set of ponytail holders and we all use them until we break them. The sad thing is when it’s your last one and you break it. Then you’re stuck with produce bands.

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25) Me After Coffee

If you can’t love a girl when she first wakes up, you don’t deserve her after she gets ready. Coffee, hairspray, mascara. It all works towards getting her to a point where she can accept getting out of bed.

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26) When The Cramps Hit

Sorry, but that time of the month is not easy for anyone. Some have it worse than others, but most of us crave a bowl of aspirin or tylenol even more than chocolate. Everyone carries a couple in their purse.

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27) Is She A Cartoon?

Moms and grandmas always want to do your hair. Then you finally let them and you end up with this. She looks like a cartoon character who you always wonder what they’d look like in real life.

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28) The Coffee Kiss

Who doesn’t recognize this one? You get a drink and end up with a stain worse than the one you see on collars in movies. No, that never really happens. But this does, so they should portray lipstick stains like this.

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29) That’s A Tragedy

This is tragic. This girl tried to comb her hair with a thinning comb and I don’t know if I should laugh or if I should cry. The poor thing had no idea nd her sister decided to laugh about it. Hopefully she looks good with short hair.

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30) Remember The Target Kid?

Imagine spending $100 on a pair of shoes just because you think the employee is cute! Okay, so a lot of people would do this, but at least this girl had the common sense to return them immediately.

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31) The Final Countdown

It always comes down to one or two bobby pins and you never have any idea where in the world the rest of them went. You buy a back with over a hundred of them and they disappear like socks in the dryer.

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32) Every Single Time

Why does this end up happening to every single bra? You think that you’re doing good and taking care of it then the underwire pops out without warning. It isn’t cheap or easy to get another one that fits right.

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33) Every Girl Needs It

If there is one app that girls have on their phone that boys don’t, it’s a period tracking one. For some reason, the thought of it makes men nervous, but women have no problem recommending it to friends.

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34) She Wanted To Look Pretty

This is what a cat looks like after trying to apply lipstick. I don’t know if I feel sorry for the woman who this lipstick belongs to or the cat that can’t get it right. She looks so ashamed, hiding on the shelf like this.

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35) Gotta Try ‘Em All

Just like Ash has to catch all of the Pokemon, girls have to try every color of lipstick, nail polish, and eye shadow. That’s what hands are for. All that space is so you can compare and match shades together.

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36) Every Girl’s Dream

Did you just sigh and relax? What’s the first thing you do when you get home? Take off your bra. It becomes natural to reach under your shirt and unsnap that thing. Men will never understand the struggle.

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37) Her Idiot Husband

This person’s name in her phone roughly translates to “Idiot Husband” and we can all relate. If you really love your husband, you probably think he’s an idiot most of the time and don’t care if he knows it.

Pikabu Source: Pikabu

38) Every Woman After Quarantine

Let’s face it, no one shaves as much in the winter as they do in the summer. The year 2020 is like one long winter and we’re aching for spring. The one good thing about it is that shaving becomes less of a priority.

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39) Mystery Finally Solved!

Some days the ticket man was so friendly, and then other days it’s like he didn’t even know her. What a funny revelation to find out they were actually two different people the whole time!

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40) What’s Missing?

Only women can tell you what is missing from this photo. It’s the purse hook! Not having somewhere to put your purse in the bathroom is torture. You don’t want it on the floor and your lap is really inconvenient.

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41) Murphy’s Law In The Works

We all know that Facebook knows exactly what we’re doing at any given time. So of course it knows that we have a face mask on and that if we laugh hard enough, our face will start falling apart.

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Source: Brightside, Buzzfeed
