47 People Who Just Don’t Care

You may see people walking the streets and wonder what in the world they are thinking. The fact of the matter may be that they really don’t care what you are thinking and are proud of who they are.

1) Just Go To The Other One

This lady tried for an extended period of time to try and get yourself and her luggage up this conveyor belt. She could have used the correct one but she didn’t, so she just let herself struggle.

Imgur Source: Imgur

2) That’s Not How It Works

No one reads the directions on shoe covers but it looks like this guy should have. He put them over his feet instead of his shoes. Sure, it might work depending on the occasion but also…why in the world would you do this?

Pikabu Source: Pikabu

3) He Loves Kitty

This dude is proud of his favorite outfit. His legs look amazing so why should he care if you stare? Hello Kitty might not be just for little girls anymore. Wear what makes you happy, right?

Imgur Source: Imgur

4) This Guy Is Amazing

Imagine being so confident that you could wear footie pajamas to Starbucks and act like you’re just your average hipster. Anyone who judges him is jealous but he just doesn’t care what you think.

Reddit Source: Reddit

5) Don’t Drop The Beer

This is what happens when you get drunk in the forest. You take pictures with old furniture and it escalates quickly. For anyone who hasn’t taken a picture with furniture in the woods, it’s a whole thing in Midwestern culture.

Imgur Source: Imgur

6) One Day It Will Be Trendy

The things we did in the past will come back to haunt us. In this case, it’s this guy’s green ponytail bangs. it may he the strangest hairstyle I’ve ever seen but at least he seems proud of them.

Reddit Source: Reddit

7) At Least No One Is Standing

If this dude was sitting in his La-Z-Boy when an older lady was standing, I would judge. But there are open seats so he’s just taking up a lot of room. Who needs it when you’re all sitting though?

Reddit Source: Reddit

8) How To Glamp

This guy built a hammock raft to take camping with him. It’s so genius that he shoulds tart making them to sell because we all know we would by one. As long as it wasn’t our idea first.

Imgur Source: Imgur

9) She Was Tired

This lady is not human because no one I know can bend like that. She is quite the contortionist but just looking at this photo makes my neck hurt. And she’s sitting on a bus full of people talking too.

Reddit Source: Reddit

10) This Is Why We Have Rules

This kids is the reason that we have such strict rules in malls and other public places. People assume that everyone is going to be like this kid when in reality we all hate it when people do this.

Pikabu Source: Pikabu

11) That One Guy

There’s always going to be that one guy who foolishly holds the life of many others in his hand. Look at him teasing the back of that tailgate like that. This makes me so nervous for everyone involved.

Reddit Source: Reddit

12) Let Me Sink

This guy is so drunk that he barely even noticed that his friend drove them into a lake. Now they are sitting there, drinking beer, and sinking to the bottom. He is so out of it that he won’t even remember what happened.

Imgur Source: Imgur

13) Never In America

This is something you’d never see in America. This cop is searching this guy’s car and is having him hold the gun, as well as his baton, while he does it. I mean, the dude is just standing there all chill about it.

Pikabu Source: Pikabu

14) Best Time To Mow The Yard

This neighbor is mowing the yard in the snow. It is quite satisfying to see him actually mow the snow right up. And how half of the wheels are covered and grass and the other half in snow.

Imgur Source: Imgur

15) Just Take From The Top

We all know there’s only two reasons why someone would do this. The first reason is because germs. The second is more likely because there’s always going to be those rebel shoppers.

Pr0gramm Source: Pr0gramm

16) Escape The Popo

This girl was drunk and being chased by a policeman when she got stuck in this fence. The cop was literally right behind her, walking casually, waiting for her to get unstuck so he could take her into custody.

Reddit Source: Reddit

17) No One Is Stealing That

I don’t know what that sign says but someone thought it would be a good idea to hang their bike on this railing. Is it legal? Probably not. But they did it anyway and who can blame them if there’s no bike rack?

Pr0gramm Source: Pr0gramm

18) The Rare Zebrataur

This rare sighting gives you a relatively close look at the elusive zebrataur in his natural habitat. He wonders if he can fit under the frames without stumbling. You can see humans in the background waiting to see what happens.

Reddit Source: Reddit

19) He Reigns Supreme

This guy is showing off his talents in the strangest way. He could join the circus but there are likely bigger things in his future. He wants people to stare so that’s probably what he’ll get.

Imgur Source: Imgur

20) Lennon Or Ozzy?

This guy bought matching glasses for him and his cat. There are going to be people that think that is cool and there are those that are going to lie. The truth is, we all wish we could be this confident.

Twitter Source: Twitter

21) Too Much Homework

This kid is doing homework on the way home from school on this scooter. Now that’s dedication. Or he just wants to hurry and get it done so he can play when he gets home. Either way, kudos to you.

Reddit Source: Reddit

22) Well, He Speaks English

Okay, at least he does speak English so that part isn’t too confusing. But he isn’t British, he’s Irish, his name is just English. It was confusing for people watching but eventually we all got it. Didn’t we?

Reddit Source: Reddit

23) He Knows How To Market

This guy knows how to sell his watermelons. He sat there all day with watermlons stacked on his head and topped with a flag of his country. Does it make you want to visit Palestine or not?

Reddit Source: Reddit

24) He Doesn’t Have A Leaf Blower

This guy vacuumed his whole yard. That’s quite an accomplishment and serves no purpose in the minds of many. But he saw a need and so he did it. He’s a hardworker and that should be praised.

Reddit Source: Reddit

25) Brilliant Or Rude?

This is so smart and wrong that it’s hard to be mad. They parked on the line, so are they really in in anyone’s way? Maybe not but there’s something about it that ticks people off to no end.

Pr0gramm Source: Pr0gramm

26) Speedy Gonzalez

This is new. Someone was spotted in New Orleans speeding down the highway with their scooter. You really never know about people, he probably came straight from Walmart and his heading home.

Reddit Source: Reddit

27) What A Rebel

There were only three things that he wasn’t supposed to bring on the bus and he brought one of them. I guess hotdogs are safer than popsicles. The lesser of the three evils, but an evil still.

Reddit Source: Reddit

28) Why So Slow Today?

They wonder why they never got any customers that day. Until they saw the cameras and noticed their employee worked like this the whole evening. Sure, he probably waited until they closed, but still.

Reddit Source: Reddit

29) Who Really Messed Up?

How did this happen? Did this car park and then was plowed around? Or did they find a way to park on it while it was in the midst of being backhoed? This is another picture we’ll never truly understand.

Reddit Source: Reddit

30) Eat It, Paris

These two traveled the world and took pictures in front of different monuments. Yet, they wore, “I Heart Berlin” hoodies the entire time. They sure are patriotic but you know people cringed.

Reddit Source: Reddit

31) Ditch Propriety

Is this illegal? Riding the subway practically without a shirt. No one really knows so they just leave him be and try not to stare. Eat your Chinese food and read your book, live your life and move on.

Reddit Source: Reddit

32) Lock Him Up

Now this is uncalled for. Those perfect lines were there so you could cut them. The first person didn’t do an awesome job but at least they tried. However, the person with the knife needs to calm himself down.

Reddit Source: Reddit

33) Not Just Pasta

This guy must love breaking the rules because he’s eating cereal out of a pasta bowl. Is that wrong or is it just him refusing to conform? It makes me anxious either way because all you can think about as you eat is pasta.

Reddit Source: Reddit

34) Shopping In Russia

In most places, you gear up when it’s cold outside. But in Russia, it’s just your average Tuesday. This lady is going shopping in a large coat, a short skirt, and it looks like she’s not wearing shoes.

Reddit Source: Reddit

35) Enjoying The Weather

Don’t you love taking a walk outside after the rain? The smells, the birds, the rainbows. It’s all so wonderful. But you probably wouldn’t do so after a flood like this guy who has no worries in life.

Twitter Source: Twitter

36) It’s A Lifestyle

Was this a lost bet or are they just living their best life? I’m not sure but whatever it is, I like it. If they were wearing normal dresses, you wouldn’t think too much of it. But those dresses are so extra.

Reddit Source: Reddit

37) What A Rebel

Someone did their job right. They were probably told to put a brick in the hole and they did just that. Of course, it’s the wrong color, shape, and size. But now it gives something for people who don’t fit in to relate to.

Pr0gramm Source: Pr0gramm

38) Oh, Golfers

Remind you of anyone? You just can’t trust golfers, can you? Enjoying their weekend while the world burns behind them. I do wonder the whole story behind this picture. How could you act like nothing is happening?

Imgur Source: Imgur

39) It Ain’t Broke

This lady actually walked up the bridge that wasn’t set. What she thought she was going to do once she reached the top is beyond me. Maybe she thought that there was some sort of lever at the top.

Pr0gramm Source: Pr0gramm

40) Best Time To Wash The Car

It was pouring outside and this neighbor thought that they better take the opportunity to wash their car. Someone was so impressed that they broke out the camera and caught it on video.

Imgur Source: Imgur

41) He Gets Paid For This

This limo driver ruined everyone’s day with his parking job. Sure, there wasn’t much he could do but he is getting paid to be a good driver. You’d think he could have thought of something.

Pr0gramm Source: Pr0gramm

42) Edna Doesn’t Care For Politics

This is Edna Mode, there’s no doubt about that. At this restaurant, Carly Fiorina, HP CEO and politicatian was speaking and everyone was going crazy. Everyone but Edna. She knows what’s up.

Reddit Source: Reddit

43) Void The Warranty

There was one rule and this guy broke it. He cut into his La-Z-Boy chair with a box opener and nearly cut open the chair itself. There’s a reason that there are signs on the box. But at least they warn you.

Reddit Source: Reddit

44) We’ve All Done It

We have all stuck Capri Sun straws where they don’t belong. When we were kids, of course. But someone did this at a birthday party. The nerve of some people who come to ruin the party.

Imgur Source: Imgur

45) Gotta Use The Duct Tape

This looks like a dare or a game of some sort. It would be okay if it weren’t for the duct take and the lampshade. No idea what in the world is happening here but we need answers, fast.

Imgur Source: Imgur

46) Who Did This?

Someone was hired to put in a ventilation shaft and he did his job. He didn’t care who he destroyed in the midst of it. Who cares if someone else’s hard work is ruined and you mutilate the side of the house?

Reddit Source: Reddit

47) Just Walking The Dogs

This guy actually took his three dogs into Walmart. He probably has them pinned as service dogs but he actually just got a certificate online for $30. Ashamed, anyone? Probably, but he really doesn’t care.

Faxo Source: Faxo

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Source: Brightside, Brightside, Buzzfeed
