5 hacks to prevent "foggy glasses" while wearing a mask

As the data is coming in, people are being a bit more intentional with their mask-wearing procedure. Whether its the grocery store or the gas station, you are sure to encounter people wearing a cloth mask!

It can be annoying if you have glasses!

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When you trap all that hot air inside of a mask, it can fog up your glasses! Foggy glasses are a sure way to look goofy and bump into things. Here are some tips to help!

Five tips to stop foggy glasses while wearing a mask!

1. Make sure it fits

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Having a mask that fits correctly is incredibly important. If a mask is too loose, air and moisture can sneak up past your nose and begin to fog up your glasses. The goal is to always have it fit snugly around your nose. You can always tighten the ear loops to give a loose mask some extra coverage.

As an addition, make sure you are using a breathable fabric. It allows air to pass through and wick away all that annoying moisture.

2. Pick a mask that has a flexible nose band

A great way to help with fog and moisture is finding a mask that has a flexible nose strip across the top. Many brands sell versions of masks that include this. They normally take the form of a moldable metal band sewn into foam and placed on the bridge of the nose.

If you want to make your own home version of this, simply sew a pipe cleaner into the top!

3. Use a bit of dish soap to help

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If you have ever been scuba diving or snorkeling, one of the little hacks they teach you is to use dish soap on the lenses. Rub a bit of soap on the glass and it keeps it fog-free for quite a while! It reduces surface tension and stops water from collecting.

After applying the dish soap, allow some time to dry for smudge-free results.

4. Use tape to create a better seal

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If you have any athletic tape or medical tape laying around, you can create a seal across the top of the mask that will significantly help. It is a little hack that medical students often use!

If you don’t have medical tape, use a double-sided bandaid. Make sure you don’t use regular tape or duct tape, however. It will cause more problems than it solves!

5. Add something to catch the moisture

A great way to absorb the moisture is to place something inside the mask. A folded tissue or paper towel inside the mask is a great way to catch all the moisture that we breathe out. If it’s in the paper towel, it’s not on the glasses!

Remember, you can try any of these methods at home! If you are having serious issues, you can always use multiple methods to ensure you are fog-free!


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There are plenty of hacks that can help. The biggest thing is to make sure you can be sanitary while also remaining safe. Driving with foggy glasses is a big no-no!

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Source: BHG
