5 ways to stay positive during times of change

Life can get difficult. And when it does, it becomes so much easier to look at things through a pessimistic point of view. We all go through difficult times. But it’s how we decide to react to these situations that make all of the difference.

Bad things are going to happen. There are going to be days where you’re mood is not ideal. Everybody goes through these things but it’s important to remember that the mind is powerful. Our thoughts shape our reality.

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As you can imagine, negative thoughts can make life seem a lot more difficult than it actually might be. Positive thoughts, on the other hand, encourage one to look on the bright side of things. You might even start to think of ways to overcome the challenge instead of sulking in it.

Of course, these things are easier said than done. Maybe we can help. Below are five tips to help turn a negative life into a positive one. While change takes time, it’s imperative to start somewhere. Why not here?

1) Be thankful

Pexels Source: Pexels

Being thankful for what you have is perhaps one of the most important and easiest ways to turn one’s mindset from negative to positive. Be grateful that you have people who care about you in your life. If you have access to food, clean water, shelter, and other basic necessities, you’re much better off than many.

That’s not to say that things can’t get difficult for you. Just remember, there is always something to be thankful for.

2) Avoid drama

Olichel/Pixabay Source: Olichel/Pixabay

This step tends to get overlooked… skip the drama! Don’t partake in gossip and the spreading of rumors. Stay clear of those who always have “juicy” stories to tell about somebody else. These rumors can easily get into your head creating negative perceptions of others.

While this can be hard to entirely avoid at school or work, just keep a safe distance. Be cordial but careful.

3) Take responsibility

Min An Source: Min An

This is one of the more difficult steps. It’s always much easier to take responsibility for something you did right. But it’s not as easy when it’s something you did wrong. Still, we must be ready to accept the repercussions of our actions. Admit when you’re wrong, offer a sincere apology, and try to do better the next time around.

Nobody is perfect so learning to take responsibility is a huge step in a positive direction.

4) Forgive

Pexels Source: Pexels

This is definitely one of those “easier said than done” scenarios. But it’s an integral part of turning your life from a negative to a positive. Holding a grudge does nothing for either side. And sometimes, we don’t get the apology that we deserve. But we have to be the bigger person and forgive those who have hurt us in some way.

It’s also important to expand this forgiveness to oneself as well. We all make mistakes. The best thing we can do is forgive ourselves for them first.

5) Learn to be kind

RachelScottYoga/Pixabay Source: RachelScottYoga/Pixabay

It’s far easier to be nice to someone rather than be unkind. While the saying “it takes more muscles to frown than to smile” has been debated for some time, you’ll feel much better smiling at someone instead of scowling at them. To make life more positive, it’s important to make others feel good too.

After all, a little goes a long way.

We hope these steps get you closer to achieving the positive life you always wanted!

Edu Carvalho Source: Edu Carvalho

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Sources: Higher Perspectives, Snopes
