50 Hilarious Comebacks That Packed A Mean Punch

Some people are simply good when it comes to coming up with perfect comebacks that leave their opponent speechless and win the debate big style. A good comeback requires a sharp and quick mind and equally importantly – wit. You might think that it’s not easy to fulfill all these criteria, however, we’ve not even mentioned the key ingredient of a perfect comeback: imagination.

That’s right, all it takes is a bit of creativity to make teach your smug opponent a lesson they won’t soon forget. We firmly believe that a perfect comeback is, in most cases, a product of a momentary inspiration.

As we all know, nowadays, social media are a true battlefield, with people exchanging their opinions over social networks and engaging in heated debates with other people online and the debates often get personal. A good comeback is a game-changer, as they let you turn the tables on your opponent and wipe that smirk off their face in a matter of seconds! These people have done just that.

We present you with the list of some of the most savage comebacks ever to be posted on social media.

1. The biggest joke I ever made

Now, that was just savage. You wouldn’t want to mess with this mom.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

2. Owned

Don’t try to get smart with your teacher online because there’s a good chance you’ll get out of it burned – and embarassed. Mrs. Johanson sure knows how to handle her former students.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

3. Big Z

We imagine Nick didn’t feel so enthusiastic about sharing that kind of information on Facebook after this comeback. Sometimes social media gives us a bit too much freedom.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

4. Gay ads

Google knows everything about you and if you didn’t know that before, now is probably the time to catch up. You might also reconsider posting dumb things like this online. It might come back to bite you.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

5. Back to reality

Here’s a clear example of how being a control freak can come back to haunt you. Not even girlfriends have the right to check their boyfriends phone.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

6. Happiness

Playing with semantics has its advantages, though it’s better you don’t share your findings on Facebook. If you want to avoid looking silly, that is.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

7. Costly mistake

We all make mistakes, that’s just how life is. There’s no reason to go around repeating that simple fact.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

8. Sayeth the Serpent

Posting random quotes from the Bible on Facebook may seem fancy to some, but at the end of the day, it won’t make you look any smarter. Just the opposite.

Reddit Source: Reddit

9. Hard to find

Here’s how you shut down someone in only two words. Saying more by saying less is definitively a form of art, don’t you agree?

Tumblr Source: Tumblr

10. Moms know best

Knowing how to behave around girls is important, as long as the girl is not your mom. We can bet this is neither the first nor the last time he got owned on social media.

Imgur Source: Imgur

11. American beauty

Ouch. This probably hurts. Ugly is just a word and love is much more than that.

Imgur Source: Imgur

12. We must all make sacrifices

We all get philosophical from time to time but most of us are no Plato or Aristotle. Nothing can be more sobering than when you get owned by a random person on Facebook!

Knowyourmeme Source: Knowyourmeme

13. Geography 101

Globes are so awesome, right? Did you know Austria and Australia are actually two separate countries! You learn something new every day.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

14. The little things in life

What would you do if you got completely and utterly owned, not once, but twice? Well, Roger was pretty cool about it, whereas most other people would probably not be so classy. Kudos to Roger!

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

15. Done and dusted

That’s some way to rub salt into this guy’s festering wound. He has no one to blame but himself. He asked for it.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

16. Weekends never have to end

Don’t worry Emily. You might get it… one day.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

17. Aldi strikes back

If you think you’re going to end up working in Aldi, don’t announce it. If you do you might get disappointed.

Twitter Source: Twitter

18. David and Shann

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new Olympic Champion in getting owned online. That must sting!

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

19. Memories, sweet memories

Isn’t it pretty amazing? A pizza that comes in 20 seconds. We thought we’ve seen it all before but this is a new one.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

20. Simple truths

The biggest truths are often the most obvious ones. The problem is, people are generally unwilling to say them out loud, except for this guy!

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

21. Breakups are hard

Talking to your ex can easily become an awkward, as well as an unpleasant experience. Sometimes, just sometimes, you get to release your bottled emotions and tell them how you really feel. This sure didn’t make Caroline happy!

Imgur Source: Imgur

22. Broken things

Here you are, trying to share your wisdom on Facebook and then you suddenly realize your mom is having none of it! If you mom has Facebook, you better watch out!

Imgur Source: Imgur

23. Call me dad

If you thought that commas aren’t important, now is the time to reconsider. Here’s a perfect example of how one little comma can make all the difference.

Imgur Source: Imgur

24. What do you have that I don’t?

Boys will be boys. A simple, yet powerful comeback that just screams: ‘Don’t get on Nicolas’ bad side.’

Imgur Source: Imgur

25. Time flies

Time is relative. If you don’t trust us, read Einstein. We’re pretty sure that Mary’s mom can attest to this simple fact.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

26. Old Spice

There’s a thing called fire safety and we’re pretty sure everyone must adher to it. This is what happens when you want to be smart on Twitter. You get burned.

Twitter Source: Twitter

27. In Sun’s orbit

If they invested the time into doing something really creative instead of writing dumbass apocalyptic scenarios on Facebook, they wouldn’t get exposed in front of everyone. Perhaps people need to get burned to learn their lesson.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

28. Nouns and adjectives

It’s best we don’t talk about grammar unless we’re absolutely sure that we’re correct. Furthermore, there’s nothing bad about being single.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

29. Comma free world

We couldn’t agree more. People need to learn to use commas for a change.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

30. The art of critique

Suddenly, everyone’s an acting critic. Folks go to school for that, you know. No wonder this guy got called out for his misguided criticism.

Twitter Source: Twitter

31. Thanks mom!

Here’s a rather rare example of people owning themselves. It must have took a lot of courage to post this.

Reddit Source: Reddit

32. Don’t drink bleach

Facebook is not the Wizard of Oz who knows the answers to all questions. Apparently, some people have a hard time understanding this simple fact.

Imgur Source: Imgur

33. A witty comeback

And it better be a good sandwitch too! She asked for a comeback, she got one!

Yahoo Source: Yahoo

34. Milkman

It’s not cool to take credit for someone else’s superpower. This guy better find his own superpower, or risk all the cows of this world suing him for copyright infringement.

Reddit Source: Reddit

35. When reality hits you in the face

Even if he had a girlfriend, he would be single again after she saw this post. This way only his pride got hurt.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

36. Spelling issues

That comeback was so savage we feel sorry for the guy. The internet doesn’t forgive and doesn’t forget.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

37. Down with the rules!

When you get the wrong idea about what girl power really means, it’s only logical that you end up getting roasted. Not a pleasant feeling, for sure!

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

38. Stripper 101

Claire got owned so thoroughly we feel that anything we might add at this point would come out as redumdant. Let’s hope she learned her lesson.

Imgur Source: Imgur

39. Blonde alert

This was a comeback that was never meant to be. Instead, it was Jake who got destroyed. Not the best of days for the malekind.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

40. Don’t bite my head off!

James miscalculated here big time. No wonder he got destroyed and embarrasse. Next time he’ll probably think twice about comparing male members with lollipops.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

41. A true heart break

If we didn’t read the title, we would’ve thought this was a hair commercial. You know, the before in before and after haircut transformation.

Imgur Source: Imgur

42. Friend support group

That didn’t go well for David. With friends like that, he’ll think twice before sharing details about his medical condition on Facebook again!

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

43. Atheism for beginners

To those who weren’t aware of this before: don’t mess with atheists if you don’t want to get burned. It’s too late for Lauren but it’s not too late for you.

Twitter Source: Twitter

44. Heartbreaking stuff

When guys have a broken heart they generally try not to talk about it. We definitively agree with the last comment!

Imgur Source: Imgur

45. No happy ending

As we were reading this we had a warm feeling we were witnessing the start of a romance but our hope turned to ashes very quickly. That wasn’t just mean but downright cruel.

Imgur Source: Imgur

46. New York, New York

Somebody was obviously sleeping during geography classes. Either that, or New York proclaimed independence when nobody was paying attention.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

47. I’m Tom Anderson and I’m better than you

Tom Anderson is not someone you want to provoke, obviously. It was maybe his polite way of saying ‘Worship me, peasant’ but it was still super mean nevertheless.

Twitter Source: Twitter

48. Christmas pressants

It’s not the Christmas presents that got raped, but English spelling. Going back to school might be a good idea for whoever posted this.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

49. Some call it progress

Here’s why you should avoid feeling complacent about yourself when you lose a couple of pounds. Be that as it may, this was simply uncalled for.

Imgur Source: Imgur

50. It just feels wrong

Give it time, Blair and everything will fall into place eventually. The right place, we hope.

Imgur Source: Imgur

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Source: Bored Panda

Source: Bored Panda

Source: Photo by Jonathon Burton from Pexels
