50 disastrous Christmas fails that ruined Christmas

Christmas is all about fancy, sparkly decorations, high spirits, presents, and fun. Sometimes, however, people try too hard and, the worst thing is, it doesn’t even work out for them!

So here are 50 disastrous Christmas fails to have in mind before going too far this year.

1. Candle Holder Gone Wrong

This probably sounded like a cool idea, but the execution was less than perfect. We can all see where this is going…

@brandonleehoop Source: @brandonleehoop

2. No Instructions Included

Santa brought a make up kit to this girl, but, apparently, forgot to include instructions on how to apply it. Here’s the result.

Twitter Source: Twitter

3. What A Mess!

This guy got a present that might look good when it’s put together, but in order to get there it’s given him a headache! Poor guy!

Twitter Source: Twitter

4. Not This Time

When you’re used to receiving chocolate lobsters every year, how on Earth are you supposed to know when you get a soap one instead?

Twitter Source: Twitter

5. Speaking Of Soap…

This guy received various soap gifts for Christmas. Do you think his family was hinting at something?

Twitter Source: Twitter

6. You Had One Job

Well, this must have been a misspelling- or not? In any case, it’s one of the funniest fails ever!

Twitter Source: Twitter

7. How Nice Of Them

When your in-laws prepare a stocking for you that isn’t exactly what you were expecting. We wonder if it was clean at least!

akantho Source: akantho

8. Unexpected Decoration

When you have cheeky kids in the neighborhood, you’d better expect something like this could happen sooner or later!

extcm1 Source: extcm1

9. Santa?

If this is Santa, our whole childhood is ruined. In flip flops? Oh, well, he may be Australian after all!

we_re_all_dead Source: we_re_all_dead

10. Not Her Bad

Whatever you do, please don’t decorate your Christmas tree with fish ornaments (whether you have a cat or not actually). It’s bound to end badly.

MainePoster Source: MainePoster

11. Test Your Tables

This epic bummer has one thing to teach us: make sure you use trivets on your glass top table before you trust it with your Christmas dinner.

thejimking Source: thejimking

12. Not Doggo Approved

This dog didn’t like the new decoration so he decided to do something about it. Now, wise as ever, is hiding behind the table.

thehuddster123 Source: thehuddster123

13. Eggno-more

When you’ve spent some time preparing the quintessential Christmas drink, the bottle going bottomless is the last thing you’d expect to happen. Yet, it sometimes does.

poopgoose1 Source: poopgoose1

14. Oops!

Imagine how this person felt when they saw the ladder fall while putting up Christmas lights on the roof. We hope someone else was there to help.

brend2b Source: brend2b

15. Dinner Ruined

When your hoverboard ruins the Christmas dinner. Let’s hope this was not the only food they had prepared.

Aiden2222 Source: Aiden2222

16. Aussie Problems

When you spend Christmas in Australia and you see something like this in the morning, you know it’s time you booked your return flight.

danielbln Source: danielbln

17. Merry Christmas

When this woman left her $300 unattended with her little grandson, she had no idea she’d be $300 short when she got back. Surprise!

appycapterr Source: appycapterr

18. Save A Fellow Tree

When a neighbor tried to throw his Christmas tree from the balcony, we bet he had no idea another tree would save it from the nasty fall! Now how do you solve this?

goldquest Source: goldquest

19. No Idea Who Did This

Leaving your dog alone with the Christmas decoration doesn’t sound like a good idea. Luckily, the tree remained intact.

RedPill42 Source: RedPill42

20. Meat-less

This family hid the ham from the dog in the oven on a plastic tray. They were unlucky enough to forget about it and turn on the oven to preheat for the Turkey. Guess who didn’t eat meat that Christmas.

official_jessicafellowes Source: official_jessicafellowes

21. What’s That Smell?

Christmas cooking can be overwhelming. So there might come a year when you’ll forget there was a chicken in the oven.

polyester_girl Source: polyester_girl

22. Christmas Toy vs Dog’s Water Bowl

This is what happens when you get a present you can’t handle. Luckily, rice fixes such stuff.

AudsOrEvens Source: AudsOrEvens

23. Advent Calendar

This was supposed to be an advent calendar for the 24 days of Christmas. To save time, the dog explored it within minutes as its owner was pumping gas.

Trair Source: Trair

24. No More Real Trees

This guy hasn’t been allowed to get a real tree in the house since that incident. Well, we can’t blame his wife.

stehigs321 Source: stehigs321

25. Kind Of Messy

When you think you can handle all the decoration at once and life proves you wrong. Good luck with the cleaning up!

Ronald Van Schaik Source: Ronald Van Schaik

26. Doggo Hates Christmas

This is what happens when your dog hates the Christmas decorations and not only does he take down the tree, but he eats his bed too.

SirMumbleBee Source: SirMumbleBee

27. Uh… Thanks, Mom!

Does this even count as a Christmas present? The guy must be depressed after that.

Blizzardscissors Source: Blizzardscissors

28. Once again

The shattered glass top happened again. Please make sure cold surfaces don’t touch very hot ones. Thankfully the guy didn’t suffer any injuries, but he missed the ham!

coreyfoxlandscaping Source: coreyfoxlandscaping

29. Left A Trace

Or more than that. Anyway, this is apparently what you have to deal with when you get a real tree for Christmas.

vintage4you Source: vintage4you

30. Ouch!

We bet a eucalyptus branch wasn’t what they were wishing for.In any case, that’s what they got- and we’re wondering if a koala came with it, too!

Arkenzie Source: Arkenzie

31. Bummer

When you’ve spent time and effort to put up all these lights and then find out none of them works. Oops! Not cool!

rms518 Source: rms518

32. Oh, no!

How would you feel if your Christmas present ended up like this? Certainly frustrated.

magalz Source: magalz

33. Waffles

When your Christmas waffles don’t turn out exactly the way you want them. Still, it’s the thought that counts, right?

proscriptus Source: proscriptus

34. Ew!

You know your colleagues are weirdos when this comes with your secret pal gift. Yes, these are live roaches. Gross.

amandal0514 Source: amandal0514

35. Use Bubble Wrap

This girl’s present came in like this. Apparently someone hasn’t heard of bubble wrap before.

squanchy_91 Source: squanchy_91

36. Good Morning

A couple came home to this in the morning. Who knows what kind of force did this to the Christmas tree?

FinneganTheGoldenGod Source: FinneganTheGoldenGod

37. Another Broken Oven

Here’s another instance of a broken oven. Let’s hope they made up for it somehow.

bjerkhof Source: bjerkhof

38. Extra Security

When your Christmas gift comes with some extra security measures. Well, it can happen to anyone!

lxzander Source: lxzander

39. Wait, What?

Some kids from the neighborhood decided to set this guy’s boat on fire. Yes, that’s right. Some things are just inexplicable.

Pedantichrist Source: Pedantichrist

40. Kids Will Be Kids

Sometimes there doesn’t have to be an explanation for damage happening in a house with kids. Just like what happened with this pretty Christmas tree.

Squacknog Source: Squacknog

41. Well, That S*cks!

Isn’t it a shame when you get a flat tire during the Christmas holidays and there’s nowhere open to fix it?

matty111222 Source: matty111222

42. Unstable

This beautiful 10-foot tall tree fell over. Now they know they need to anchor it on the sides too.

SharkFinProgramming Source: SharkFinProgramming

43. Snow Sad

This was supposed to be a cute litte snowman. Instead, it’s a sad, white version of… the squirrel from Ice Age?

hips.hearstapps.com Source: hips.hearstapps.com

44. Festive Tray

This was supposed to be an easy-to-make candy serving tray, but it ended up being a total melted mess.

hips.hearstapps.com Source: hips.hearstapps.com

45. Thumbprint Cookies

Well, they might be a bit messy and quite shapeless, but we bet they’re still delicious!

hips.hearstapps.com Source: hips.hearstapps.com

46. DIY Ornaments

Well, for starters, when the instructions say you should use clear glass ornaments, it must be for a reason. Then it’s the design…

hips.hearstapps.com Source: hips.hearstapps.com

47. Splatter

No, this is not a crime scene. These were supposed to be frozen colorful snowballs, but apparently there was some significant food coloring spilling.

hips.hearstapps.com Source: hips.hearstapps.com

48. Elf On The Floor

The elf on the shelf was supposed to take a ride on kitty’s back. Well, the cat had a better idea!

hips.hearstapps.com Source: hips.hearstapps.com

49. Choco-mess

As you can’t see, these are bite sized Rudolph chocolate snacks. Let’s say food decoration might not be this home cook’s strenght.

hips.hearstapps.com Source: hips.hearstapps.com

50. Gingerbread Home-less

This is a not-so-successful take on the gingerbread house. Well, at least they tried!

hips.hearstapps.com Source: hips.hearstapps.com

We hope these fails gave you an idea of what to avoid this Christmas or at least made you smile.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: BuzzFeed, Bored Panda, Good Housekeeping
