50 funny photos captured at Disneyland

Disney is known as the happiest place on Earth, and we all agree that it is quite a joyful place to be, especially for kids and families. However, it seems that Disney is not all about fun and magic as there are also unusual, weird, and hilarious sights that were captured on camera and shared online!

Here are 50 funny photos that will give you a better glimpse of the other side of Disney.


1. This threatening shirt and Minnie Mouse’s reaction

This is quite a funny encounter between Minnie Mouse and a man whose shirt says “deadmau5”, pertaining to a musician. It is definitely an inappropriate shirt to wear in a place like Disneyland, especially since the main characters are mice!

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

2. What are you looking at, Chip and Dale?


This photo of mascots for Chip, Dale and Clarice may seem normal at first, until you see the direction to where their eyes are looking \. It’s probably just the way their mascot heads are placed, and this photo means no harm. But still, it is quite funny!

Ranker Source: Ranker

3. Finding your own kind

This image of Donald Duck looking so happy to see little ducklings is just so adorable! Although, we are not quite sure if he is really happy to see them or was he just shooing them away?

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

4. All for his little princess

Dads just can’t say no to their little princesses. So, when this kid dressed up as a mermaid, her father went on and wore a merman costume with a matching crown!

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

5. Photobombed!

This could have been a perfect shot had the man in glasses not walked past the lovely couple in the worst of times! He sure knew he had to get out of the way, but it was too late because the photo was already captured. Let’s just hope there was another picture taken to remember this special moment by.

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

6. Another chipmunk caught in the act

Are we just imagining things or is this chipmunk mascot really looking intently at one of the women’s breasts? The picture does not lie, you chipmunk!

Ranker Source: Ranker

7. The Beast played them

Just as the picture was taken, the Beast playfully hid the kids’ faces using his huge paws! We’re sure the kids found this photo funny, just as we did!

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

8. Don’t move or Andy’s gonna know you’re alive!

Toy Story is all about toys who are secretly alive. These mascots of Woody and Jessie lying limp on the ground is reminiscent of the way they acted in the movie whenever Andy was around.

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

9. This awkward pose

Of course, we know that the little girl did not mean to touch the mascot’s crotch area. And it’s not like the man inside the costume can feel it because the material of his clothing looks so thick! It’s still hilarious though, and we can’t help but laugh.

Ranker Source: Ranker

10. Not always fun and laughter

Apparently, the people wearing costumes as Disney characters are not always good. In some incidents, Disneyland employees were caught by the authorities even when they are still in character! We just hope these scenes did not lessen the fun that was experienced by the kids who saw the unfortunate incidents.

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

11. The kids find their parents’ acts gross

Most kids feel grossed out whenever they see their parents being overly sweet to each other. This photo is one of those times, and the childrens faces say it all!

Ranker Source: Ranker

12. Will you marry me, Gaston?

Although Gaston is quite the hunk, he is still a villain whom we all love to hate. However, this guy doesn’t feel the same way and even wants to marry the narcissistic character!

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

13. He looks so happy!

This kid’s face is what Disneyland is all about. Just look at his wide smile! He’s definitely happy to be where he was when the photo with Tinker Bell was taken.

Ranker Source: Ranker

14. This couple who felt the need to explain the “D”

Families with kids are the usual guests at Disneyland. So, when this couple went there by themselves, they must have felt the need to explain to people why they decided to go there. Just look at the back of their matching tops and you will see it’s clearly all about the “D” for them.

Ranker Source: Ranker

15. She’s not amused.

This woman is totally bad-ass for not breaking a sweat or her expression when her Splash Mountain ride plummeted down. I used to think it was impossible to keep a straight face on this kind of amusement ride, but when I saw this woman, I now believe that it is actually possible!

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

16. This man’s hat

Not counting his cigarette, this man looks pretty ridiculous in his get up. This man just screams tourist.

Ranker Source: Ranker

17. Handstand or twerk? You decide.

Some people love to get attention, even if it means looking like a fool. Apparently, this woman cannot do a handstand and ended up embarrassing herself. That or she was trying to twerk.

Ranker Source: Ranker

18. The tired toddler who just wants to go home

Sometimes, no amount of planning can make your Disneyland tour a perfect day, especially if you have a toddler who loves to throw tantrums. The kids’ parents in this picture probably just let their kid be and decided to enjoy themselves instead of getting worked up by their kid throwing a fit.

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

19. Embarrassing Daddy

It’s not always the kids who get to have a great time in Disneyland! This Dad was so happy to be in Disneyland that he even took a picture with Snow White. He was not embarrassed by it at all!

Definithing Source: Definithing

20. This amazing photo idea

Disneyland is filled with places where guests can take marvelous pictures. This man found a spot where he could create an unusual but amazing photo idea. I’m sure nobody thought of doing this before he did!

Definithing Source: Definithing

21. Freshening up while plummeting towards the Earth

Disneyland’s Splash Mountain ride is known for taking the most hilarious pictures of people as their ride falls. This group decided to take it a step further by making their shot a series of scenes about freshening up!

Definithing Source: Definithing

22. Even villains need a break

This photo of Darth Vader is such a priceless image! Who said villains can’t have fun? Darth Vader may be a bad character, but he also needs to take a break from all of his evil plans!

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

23. Making fish faces


This guy got Ariel in human form to do fish faces with him. It’s a quirky request, but not something that you would expect from an adult.

Definithing Source: Definithing

24. This funny family picture

That’s one way of taking a picture with Aladdin’s lamp, that’s for sure! This family certainly knows how to have fun.

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

25. This image that shows what reality is all about


We all know that the mascots in Disneyland are just people wearing costumes. In this image, we get to see a glimpse of the real people behind the costumes and, sometimes, the image we get is not that pretty.

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

26. Royal tantrums

It is not unusual for kids to throw tantrums at the most unexpected moments. These two moms decided not to get swayed by the royal tantrums their kids threw at them and just went on to take a great picture!

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

27. That one friend who always ruins the moment

We all have that one goofy friend who does not know when to stop making funny faces! Even when you tell them to be serious, they still make the weirdest of expressions when the camera flash goes off.

Definithing Source: Definithing

28. And the winner is

This man definitely took the trophy in the coolest costume ever during the Walt Disney World race. His was not only huge, but it was also quite the eye-catcher, too!

Definithing Source: Definithing

29. Well played, Tigger!

Just as the photo was snapped, this Tigger mascot covered the kids’ faces and made this photo funnier. We’re sure the kids did not mind what Tigger did and just requested to get a picture with their faces showing.

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

30. Another Tigger moment

It looks like not all kids like Tigger that much. This little girl even went under the table just to get away from Tigger. Some kids are not really into mascots, so don’t feel too bad Tigger.

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

31. That look from Mickey Mouse


That’s quite a sultry look you have there, Mickey. Does Minnie know that you are outside, trying to catch some other girls’ attention?

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

32. We can’t really blame the kid, though


This mascot of the Queen of Hearts is not the prettiest around. We can see that kids are not really fond of her to the point that one of them even cried out loud because of pure terror!

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

33. Is this a scene from Mickey Mouse’s Fight Club?


As you can see, not even Mickey Mouse can get this kid to love a mascot. She even pushed and kicked just to get out of Mickey Mouse’s hold. We sure hope Mickey Mouse survived the little girl’s kick unfortunately directed towards the mascot’s crotch area.

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

34. Goofy kisses

It may appear like Goofy’s trying to gobble the kid down, but in reality, he’s just trying to give the child a kiss! If only his mouth wasn’t so big so he could give him a proper smooch.

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

35. What are you doing to my sister, Donald Duck?

Here is another case of a child going wild after seeing a mascot. Apparently, he thinks Donald Duck is about to eat his big sister, so he cries out to stop him.

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

36. Another huge Goofy kiss


Goofy’s kiss always covers the entire child’s face, making it look like he’s about to eat them! However, he’s just a sweet character who loves to show his affection for children.

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

37. Tigger strikes again!

Well, this looks dirty. Looks like Tigger had something else on his mind that day and it wasn’t PG at all.

Ranker Source: Ranker

38. No, Gaston!


Gaston is a narcissistic villain in Beauty and the Beast. Belle did not like him because he was cruel and based most of his judgments on appearances. Apparently, actual women don’t go for his looks as well.

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

39. The happiest place on Earth
or not?


They say that Disneyland is the happiest place on Earth. But, after looking at this family, I’m starting to think otherwise.

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

40. This unfortunate pose of mascots

This might be a regular parade, but because of Buzz and Woody’s unfortunate positions, the photo looked like a creepy shot not fit for a place like Disneyland. It might just be a case of getting a shot at the right moment.

Ranker Source: Ranker

41. Even horses can enjoy this ride

The beauty of going to Disneyland is that you are welcome to enjoy the place no matter what age you are. What we did not know was that even horses in hoodies are also allowed to ride! This is another amazing shot taken at the Splash Mountain ride, and the people just went all out to make it really memorable!

Reddit Source: Reddit

42. Not up for the job

The boys’ shirts say Princess Protection Agency, but they don’t look happy at all to serve the princess. Poor little guys stuck with a job he never wanted.

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

43. Gaze carefully at the “middle” child

This looks really funny, but it’s all just a case of the wrong pose taken at the wrong time. That or she really, really dislikes Ariel.

Ranker Source: Ranker

44. Not the right princess

There are quite a lot of Disney princesses that little girls choose from in deciding whom they want to idolize. Judging from this kid’s face, Aurora is not her favorite princess at all.

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

45. Men in Black : Splash Mountain edition

Here’s another highly creative way of getting yourself photographed as your ride falls down from the top of Splash Mountain. These men seem to love the color black and decided to wear their best black suits and bow ties on the Disney ride.

Dorkly Source: Dorkly

46. A proposal to last a lifetime

Disneyland is such a happy place that even men who want to propose to their girlfriends go to this place just to ask their hand in marriage. This Splash Mountain photo is so epic that we can’t help but hope that the girl said “yes” after this special moment!

Dorkly Source: Dorkly

47. Another proposal in Disneyland

Seeing a proposal in person is definitely a moment to remember. It’s a declaration of love that’s meant to last forever! The woman in green shirt got to witness the marriage proposal, and the shock on her face says it all!

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

48. Seeing your arch nemesis

This is another example of wearing the wrong shirt at the wrong time. Ariel did not think she’d ever cross paths with Ursula, but that was before this guy with this shirt arrived on the scene.

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

49. This is just so funny!

This is a whole new level of creativity that was displayed yet again on the Splash Mountain ride. Playing chess while your ride plummets down? Crazy, but amazing!

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

50. Behind Mickey’s back

Now, this is just scandalous! All the while, we thought Minnie and Mickey were unbreakable, and now, we see Goofy getting in the way? Well played, dog, well played.

Kiwi Report Source: Kiwi Report

There you have it! These 50 images from Disneyland are definitely hilarious. The next time you visit the parks, don’t forget to have fun and aim to bring fun memories and lots of hilarious photos with you.

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Source: Definithing, Ranker, Kiwi Report, Dorkly
