50+ hilarious statements that every mom can relate to
Being a mom is hard! Taking care of the family, putting up with complaining kids, and still trying to have a life of their own… It’s no doubt that, while mothers usually say it’s worth it, doing their job is damn hard.
But what better way to lighten up their workload than with some comic relief? Moms deal with so many things and there’s so many hilarious mom memes and parenting memes on the internet that perfectly describe their life.
Mother’s Day may have recently passed, but we still need to appreciate them every day. Let’s show them our appreciation by making them laugh with these 50+ funny memes found on social media!
Your kids are going to do things they shouldn’t. It helps if you married someone with a sense of humor.
Did your kid draw all over the wall? No problem. Frame it! It’s art now. Lol!
If it looks stupid but it works, it ain’t stupid
Moms do what they gotta do. They have it all figured out.
Me waiting for my kid to finish their story
As if all the physical labor wasn’t hard enough, moms also gotta listen to their kid.
Omg, do you have to poop?
Me pretending to help my kid look for a toy I threw out weeks ago
You can’t be a bad mom and just tell them you threw it out, that would break their heart!
“Do that thing I like…”
It’s not what you think. It’s bubble bath and wine time.
Kids with Grandma and Grandpa
Angels with their grandparents, little monsters with their momma!
When you hear non-parents…
“I’ll never do that when I have children.” Yeah, okay!
My kids pretty much all the time
Mom! Mom! Mom! MOOOOOOOM!
What if I told you…
Your dad also knows how to pour a glass of milk.
Moms after the baby sleeps through the night for the first time
When my mother-in-law judges my parenting
Just remind her that she did THIS.
Me on my way to run boring errands…
But without the kids.
Trying to take a bath
It’s never going to be an easy, no-mess task with children.
When you and your baby are tired of each other’s bullsh*t
When you find the one milk carton at the grocery store…
Because hunting for later expiration dates is the biggest thrill.
When you planned to do stuff after your kids went to sleep
But they just took way too long and now you don’t wanna do NOTHIN’!
Skipping laundry for one weekend
And having it look like this…
How my kid smiles for expensive school photos
Yeah, you’re not wasting mommy’s money or anything…
When your kid makes a friend at the park
It’s nice for them, but now you’re stuck talking to the parents.
Before kids…
…And after kids.
To the person who taught my kid the Baby Shark song
I’mma go Liam Neeson on you.
At the doctor’s office
You don’t want your kid to touch anything but they touch… everything.
Invisible to everyone, except mom.
Alone time?
You think you can relax while drinking your morning coffee?
Think again.
When your kids say “you never buy me anything”
Umm, how about supporting your entire lifestyle?
When you finally get a moment to yourself
And suddenly everyone starts bangin’ on the door like it’s a drug bust.
Whenever I sit down…
My kids do this.
When you try to have an adult conversation in private
Good luck getting some actual privacy!
What stress? I’m fine.
When your kid tells you a story
For like, 6 hours.
Me and my husband after birth
Vs. the royal family after birth.
When my mother-in-law gives me parenting advice
This is what my face looks like.
“Nobody ever helps me in the house”
Every mother has definitely said that at LEAST once.
When someone without kids says…
“Toddlers that behave like assholes are the result of bad parenting.”
Greedy kids
Stealing your food like…
When the house is finally clean…
Don’t get too used to it.
Trying to seduce your husband after the kids go to bed
It ain’t easy.
When you try to throw out your kid’s artwork
They never fail to find it.
When the whole family wants to hang out
And you’re just trying to take a shower.
When you give your toddler the wrong colored plate
It’s basically the end of the world.
When a new mom friend visits your house for the first time
Fellow moms will understand your pain.
When your kid makes you a Mother’s Day present
And then actually expects you to wear it… In public.
*Me on Mother’s Day*
“I want to thank me.”
Trying to get your toddler’s legs into pajames
No one said it was easy.
Texting another mom like…
She gets it.
When you ask your kid to hold your hand and walk next to you
They will, but it won’t be easy.
When my kid threatens not to talk to me
Go ahead — make my day.
When your kid trips over the toy that you asked them to pick up a hundred times
Honestly, karma.
Motherhood is being the snack holder for children
No matter how good you look
Never make eye contact with a kid about to fall asleep
They will sense it and NOT FALL ASLEEP.
When your kids refuse to eat
Go ahead and starve then!
When you have to pretend you’re not taking pictures
Just to get decent pictures.
When your kids are in sports
But you hate talking to parents.
All moms deserve a good laugh! We hope you enjoyed this collection of the best mom memes.
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
Source: Bored Panda