50 hilarious windshield notes left behind to call out horrible drivers

All of us have been faced with it. The jerk who has to take up 2 parking spots. The idiot that can’t seem to park at all. Let’s not forget the people that park illegally in handicap spots. And the list goes on.
How do you react? Do you swear under your breath—or not so under your breath—and then move on? Do you fantasize about smashing into their vehicles?
Check out these 50 creative notes that people have left as their reaction.

2. Don’t reproduce
Some people clearly suck at being a responsible human being. In case it’s genetic, here’s a little something to stop you from reproducing.

3. Always prepared
This note is obviously prepared in advance—maybe the creator has several on hand for when one is needed—or they prepared is for a specific incident. Either way, this is awesome!

4. Or is it madder?
This writer is slowly becoming unhinged as they write this note. But I like how they’re getting their point across as they derail into the uncertainties of grammar.

5. Oooh!
Someone overstepped—or over-parked—their boundaries. They parked in their neighbor’s spot and the neighbor responded with this not so threatening potato troop advance, and the threat of an entire produce army. LOL.

6. Ouch
Okay, at least they didn’t include a graphic. I think the note itself does a good job of making the point without the whole “picture that paints a 1000 words” deal.

7. Emergency parking
Maybe that sign in the back is just too vague. Because what’s an emergency to one may not be to another, right? So maybe the driver thought it was legit and are undeserving of this parking award.

8. Just a small fish
Manners please! No one likes to be squeezed in so tight the feel like they can’t move.

9. Classic Lumbergh
Everyone isn’t going to get that reference. Bill Lumbergh was from the movie office space, and that’s a pretty good drawing, as well as a very good repeat of the kind of thing he would say.

10. Small car, two spots
So many people are passive aggressive, aren’t they? But I guess just as many handle their aggression a little more directly. Anyway, someone has nearly reached their limit here.

11. Another way to say…
I wish you’d never been born. This is pretty clever. Pulling in today vs dad pulling out all those years ago. LOL.

12. Carly Rae? Is that you?
Someone knows the lyrics to Call Me Maybe. I guess maybe this is a new neighbor? Note off to a good start!

13. Artistic too!
I can’t draw, so I admire those who can. This person is clearly a Simpson’s fan if they can draw and quote Mr. Beardsley so well.

14. It’s missing something
The message is clear, but if you’re going to use poetry to convey it, I think you should do it properly. This poem just ends abruptly, without a final verse.

15. Game of Thrones
So the driver of this vehicle has a bumper sticker in his car. It’s a House Stark sigil. If you watch the show, you’ll get the reference. Very clever.

16. Oh Mickey, you’re so rude!
I don’t think I ever saw Mickey give anyone the finger, but I could be wrong. And we all know it’s hard to keep it together sometimes, especially if someone parks so close, we can’t get out of our car.

17. Someone is always watching
Don’t people know that? There are no secrets. If you do something like hit someone’s car, assuming you’re not in the country or some tiny town, there are camera’s everywhere. Or as least someone watching you IRL.

18. TMI
Why did the parking attendant feel it was necessary to share that? Is that a visual you need in your head every time you get in your car in the future? Or maybe the squirrels scratched up the paint job in their umm… excitement.

19. Just one spot
I really hate it when I see someone parked dead center on the line between two spots. As if they are the only one in the lot worried about door dings. Am I the only one who wants to accidently, on purpose, let my shopping cart roll into their side door? Oopsie!

20. It’s just not enough
Have you ever tried to get over your mad by thinking of something happy and sweet? Maybe something cute like a bunny? It doesn’t always work, does it?

21. A stern warning
Grumpy cat means business. Someone got away with stealing his spot once, but it will cost them the next time.

22. Simply brilliant!
Sometimes revenge is sweet. And in this case, while it’s going to be a third-party dishing out—or pooping out—the revenge, it will still be sweet. You can only hope the car was parked there all day in the hot baking sun. LOL.

23. Sincerely…
A politely worded threat. Does that make it easier to take? This was left on someone’s car who clearly didn’t pay attention to where they were parking.

24. This took some time
How pissed do you have to be to take the time to do this? Diagram and all. This took some thought, some software, and a printer. Hopefully it helped.

25. Did Vistaprint have a deal?
So someone has business cards printed for the express purpose of handing them out to people who are challenged when it comes to parking? Would this count as a business expense?

26. ♥ Hate You!
First, I don’t know about where you live, but in my city, you don’t own the road in front of your house. The city owns the road. If you get home and there is a space to park, it’s yours. You are not allowed to save the space. With your garbage bins or anything else. How about where you live?

27. More artwork!
This artwork isn’t as refined as the other offerings you have seen so far. But then, the message isn’t that refined either. But clever!

28. Dislike!
I think you’ve been unfriended. And they didn’t even leave their name on their business card. Just a threat to key your ride.

29. I’d be mad too!
I’m not quite sure what all this means, but apparently someone parked on this guys’ privates? Yikes. How painful. How rude!

30. Wow
Seriously, who does stuff like this? Why even bother pretending that you’re taking responsibility. Who parents these people? Shake my head.

31. Everyone in the complex…
Is apparently an idiot. Someone left this on the windshield of an electric car. Not a hybrid—an electric car. Was it a joke of some sort? I don’t know!

32. Sorry dude!
That’s not much of an apology! And I’ve never hit someone’s car before, but don’t you actually leave some contact info, not something like this?

33. When Optimus speaks
If Optimus Prime were to show up and find fault with my parking, I think I would do my best to do better. Because he could crush me, you know?

34. #NeverDoThatAgain
You just don’t mess with some girls, you know? And this girl who calls herself a Mainer Chick” has no problem calling out other girls when they deserve it.

35. Could it be worse?
Have you ever watched someone try to park? Or back out of a parking spot? It can be painful to see, and the question about whether they drive better than they park is a valid one.

36. Someone isn’t worried about deforestation
Typically, notes are small and tucked under a wiper blade. Besides the actual statement they made, someone else was clearly making a statement with all of this paper.

37. Ouch
I’m sure the writer of this has nothing against Stevie Wonder or even blind people in general. But I guess the driver of this car must have seemed vision impaired.

38. Check for dents!
Cars aren’t made of solid metal like they used to be. If someone is vaulting and sliding over the car you parked in the way, there’s probably some damage

39. Small car stall?
I’ve never heard of such of thing. Parking spots are a standard size where I live. But those monster pickups are typically to big for them. So I get this person’s angst.

40. Oh, no! Not the ice cream!
That’s the first time I’ve heard an ice cream curse. May your ice cream melt for the rest of your life.

41. Spiderman?
Am I forgetting something? Was Spiderman some kind of parking authority? Regardless, bad parking seems to have become a cause for concern for humanity.

42. Um, wow
It’s extremely threatening, but am I the only one having a bit of a problem making sense of that note? “I will not look for you.” “I will look for you.” Which is it?

43. Succinct!
Just a few words. And some of those words aren’t even real words, but someone sure got their point across.

44. Another business card!
Is there some cottage industry I don’t know about that’s producing these cards to hand out? Because I need to get myself a handful of these!

45. No, no!
I don’t think it’s nice to make light of what was truly a disaster. This is pretty funny though.

46. Me. You. Issue.
Someone clearly needed some detailed instructions on how to park on the street. You wouldn’t think it would be too difficult, but I guess some people need diagrams.

47. Some people!
Honestly, this would make anyone crazy. Parking spots at a premium and some jerk feels it’s okay to take 4. Something accidentally, on purpose often happens to these cars!

48. Thoughtful
Here’s a nice change. Instead of the swearing and threatening, someone—a concerned someone—is perhaps offering to help? Maybe driving lessons are in this drivers’ future?

49. They don’t care
If you don’t care about the dent why do you care about some person watching you. If you believe that people eventually get what they deserve, justice will prevail someway, somehow.

50. I could but I won’t
Here’s another note that’s so different from most. No freaking out, just an explanation of the facts and a request not to do it again. Nice.

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Source:Bored Panda