50 Hysterical Texts From Parents That Prove Why We Love Them
Parents — we love them dearly, but some aren’t gifted when it comes to technology. Parent texting gaffes, fails, and naivetes have spawned websites like When Parents Text, Why Did I Teach My Mom to Text, and so many more. Whether they can’t get the grasp of autocorrect, don’t understand the concept of emojis, or are just delivering some well-placed zingers, these parents’ texts have landed them in the Texting Hall of Fame.
We’ve all received terrible texts from our parents. Maybe they have no grasp of punctuation. Maybe they love their emojis a little bit too much. Or maybe they just text you at six in the morning to tell you all their random thoughts of the day.
No matter what, parents have kept us laughing ever since they learned to text. But bear in mind that the next time you poke fun at them for their texting skills: they taught you how to eat with a fork and use a toilet. So maybe you shouldn’t be quite so quick to judge.
Yes, parents are definitely challenged when it comes to technology. And we love them anyway. But we’re still going to laugh at them.
1. Call Ashton Kutcher, because that is a burn.
This mom is out to prove her child wrong, and boy, she does not hold back. Luckily, this ultimate mom burn was saved via text to share for years. Let’s shut down the internet because this mom just won it.
2. Close, but not quite.
The internet, especially when it comes to text speak, can be a raunchy place. Fortunately for our parents’ innocence, most of these phrases are disguised as acronyms or emojis. Let’s just let them keep thinking they know what this means.
3. Just stop changing the World Wide Web already!
This mom certainly thinks highly of her child. In particular, she wants to know what changing the Google logo is all about. She apparently hasn’t grasped the idea of the internet yet. But her child makes a very good point about the car.
4. I’d give anything to read the conversation with the sister.
It’s sure going to be awkward when she contacts the sister and starts to wonder why all of her children are blowing her off. Hopefully, there’s a third sibling there to straighten things out or she finally catches up to what everyone is trying to tell her.
5. Paniconthesmartphone
Here’s the thing that makes this so funny: phone keyboards are set up the same way as traditional keyboards. If this mom has ever seen a computer or heck, even a typewriter, she should know how to put in a space!
6. Moms are ruthless.
Yes, it was cruel, but it was also incredibly clever. Moms everywhere should file this away for when their teenage offspring start ignoring their attempts to reach them. Is it possible to patent a texting trick? Because if so, this lady would be a millionaire.
7. Just stop while you’re ahead.
This poor woman derailed a good chunk of her day trying to send a nice picture to her child. After three attempts where she got one picture of her finger after another, they decided to just have mercy on her already.
8. What kind of ice cream is she eating?
Sometimes, parents try to guess what emojis mean, and they’re often wrong … with hilarious results. This mom apparently thought the heart symbol was a double-scooped ice cream cone, leading to total confusion. Let’s hope she never tries texting in emoticons ever again.
9. But she’s not technically wrong.
This mom has single-handedly turned the “it phrase” of 2012 into something a bit more ominous. But … she does have a point. So, kudos to her for advocating safe driving and being up to date on what kids are saying.
10. Guessing that yes, Elizabeth did something to her phone.
There are texting and emoji fails and straight-up silly things that parents say. Then there is Elizabeth, who changed the autocorrect on her mother’s phone with hilarious results. I guess we’ll never know what she was trying to say.
11. Why yes, there is.
I’m not sure what on Earth Andy’s mom did to her phone, but she’s absolutely right — things are not as they should be. Thankfully, Andy is on his way to save the day. Hopefully, he managed to undo whatever setting she changed on her keyboard.
12. Almost there.
This mom has the concept of hashtags down, but some things are lacking in practice. If she ever manages to get on Twitter, she may well make the hashtag #conversationwithson go viral. Until then, her son gets to be on the receiving end of all of her practice attempts.
13. Oh, okay.
You know how sometimes you mishear someone and say “What” but they just keep repeating themselves over and over again at the exact same volume and with the same inflection? This is the text version of that. I guess we’ll never know the true meaning of moonocababa.
14. Just thought I’d ask.
That’s eight “In a meeting” texts right there, so you would think that asking if Dad’s in a meeting would make sense. Apparently, that’s a nonsensical question that should never have been asked. Yeah, I’m confused, too.
15. That moth has a sick sense of humor.
Moths don’t scare everybody, but apparently, this person has a fear of them. Unfortunately, they also have a father who has no problem exploiting their phobias for a good old dad joke. He’s sick, isn’t he?
16. Now I’m thinking about ducks in jackets.
I can’t decide which of these is my favorite, and I desperately want to know what she was really trying to say. Whatever, it was apparently very hard to text. It wasn’t worth trying a fourth time.
17. Say it one more time.
This dad not only thinks that “dinner” is at 1:15 in the morning but he’s also willing to take the time to lightly fry some fish fillets at that hour of the night. At least he’s willing to share, which is nice. Who wouldn’t be down for lightly-fried fish fillets, regardless of the time?
18. Guessing this mom isn’t familiar with autocorrect.
This mom has no time to get context or ask any follow-up questions. She’s ready to lay down the law, and she doesn’t care about that pesky autocorrect — she wants you to know where she stands on the subject!
19. Plans were made.
Oh look, it’s every teenager’s nightmare. Although it’s nice that this dad was so upfront on the topic, we really didn’t need that much detail. What happened to, “Mom and I are having a romantic evening” or just a sock on the door handle?
20. Think about it, dad.
I really want to know how long it took for this dad to realize his mistake. I’m really hoping he heard the text buzz right beside him and had an epiphany. But something tells me he spent quite a while wondering about an answer.
21. Surprise!
You’ve heard of text breakups – now get ready for: “sharing life-changing news in the worst possible way.” Hopefully, he’ll invite the kid along to Disney to make up for this unfortunate autocorrect gaffe. We can only imagine what his poor kid was going through while they waited for a response.
22. Deep thoughts from dad.
Not only does this dad have an uncanny knowledge of the members of One Direction, but he has also thought long and hard about each of their futures. Don’t let him fool you; he’s definitely going to buy Inzayn when it comes out.
23. Mother-child bonding.
This is a text no one wants to get from their mom, especially at shortly past 10 in the morning. Does she mean like, going out to a club or full-out standing on a street corner? The world will never know.
24. He’s trying.
This dad really wants to be in on these internet jokes but he doesn’t quite get them yet. Don’t worry, every comedian gets off to a shaky start. One day the world will love his “takeout box on the passenger seat” routine.
25. He saw his opportunity and took it.
Have you ever set yourself up for the perfect dad joke? This dad’s kid was just trying to make pleasant small talk about getting together, presumably for the holidays. Unfortunately, they walked right into a joke that belongs in the Dad Hall of Fame.
26. Everyone’s saying obvious things!
Some people overshare when they have a few too many drinks. Others get overly affectionate. This dad combines them all by saying things that are painfully obvious. We know, Dad. We all know.
27. One dad joke too many.
Okay, to be fair, this kid walked straight into that second dad joke. This dad is unrelenting. No, he won’t stop to have a normal conversation, thank you very much. Instead, he’ll annoy his offspring via text.
28. Nope, can’t say that I have.
I need the backstory to this text. Has this ever come up before or is it completely spontaneous? Is Jadaveius a family name? Why is it even funnier if this conversation is happening at 7:30 in the morning?
29. This mom is stone cold.
This mom doesn’t mince any words when it comes to what she thinks about her child’s plans. Some parents simply warn their kids to avoid from wild nights out but not this one. Any child of hers should be out partying!
30. At least everyone’s okay.
This person has no idea how to translate these word salad texts from their dad, and neither do we. But the good news is that he’s okay. We’ll figure out that whole shoe situation another time.
31. The more you know.
This text appears to have been completely out of the blue, not a part of an earlier conversation. That makes you wonder what was going through this mom’s mind. At least her random texts are educational, I guess?
32. When will you understand that he doesn’t?
This dad is not messing around when it comes to GIFs. He doesn’t like them, he doesn’t understand them, and he doesn’t want to receive them. Why don’t you get it already and just stop with this internet tomfoolery?
33. Thinking birthday thoughts.
There’s nothing like a birthday. You spend time with family, celebrate life, and look forward to the coming year. Of course, if you’re this mom, you also send texts of your existential crisis to your kids. So uh, happy birthday, mom, I guess.
34. Dad is gravely concerned.
This dad is very serious about looking out for his child. They’re still single and he doesn’t like it. Of course, he heard that all the young kids are on Tinder these days. He thinks it sounds like a great way to meet someone and settle down.
35. Just in case you were thinking about it.
Moms hear stories of disaster and in their minds, automatically link them to their kids. No, her child wasn’t anywhere close to New York City and probably never displayed the slightest interest in entering a pancake-eating competition, but you can never be too careful.
36. Good life advice.
Your parents have been through all the stages of life that you’re going through. So, it’s always wise to listen to their advice. Some parents say “Be yourself,” while others say “Don’t be afraid to take a chance.” This mother’s advice is a little more straightforward.
37. It’s this mom’s turn to use the Google.
This mom’s text is so innocent. She doesn’t want to take up any hard-working Google executive’s time by googling information about Harry Potter. Mom, if you’re reading this, the answer to your question is Neville Longbottom and he was played by Matthew Lewis, who, yes, is very attractive.
38. Hurtful but helpful advice.
Have you ever heard the saying that the message is all in the delivery? This mom doesn’t have any time for things like “sensitivity” or “empathy.” Her delivery is spontaneous, blunt, and yes, it DID hurt my feelings now that you ask.
39. A bit ominous there.
I literally can’t think of a context in which this wouldn’t be alarming. Was she thinking out loud? Trying to Google something? Every option is more terrifying than the last, and yes, you should call the police and tell them your mother might be a serial killer.
40. Emoji overload.
We’ve all beared witness to emoji overload from some parent or adult. And while it does make a text thread pretty looking is it at all relevant to the conversation at hand?
41. AndyIdon’tknowhowtospace.
Lets hope mom just misplaced her glasses that day. Thankfully, she figured it out.
42. Let me hit you with a text overload.
This mom seems to have had a lot on her plate for the day and just wanted to vent it all out. We all know those back to back texters that never stop hitting us with news.
43. I feel like I’m forgetting something, but what is it?
Don’t take it personal, mom still loves you she just had a couple of other more important things on her mind, like dinner.
44. Trust me mom. Your texts are fine.
I don’t mean to be captain obvious here, but trust me mom your handheld device is working just fine.
45. Solitare anyone?
Mom I’ll help you relearn solitare but this is not a texting conversation. Pick up the phone and call me.
46. Mom, where are you?
Well I think mom loves you. She just had a couple of other more important things on her mind, like dinner…
47. I still don’t know where uncle Bill lives.
Happy for you mom but I really do need uncle Bill’s address.
48. Just trying to stay hip!
This mom wants to stay relevant and her way of doing it is adorable. Texting is hip, right? All the cool kids are doing it.
49. The all caps freak out text.
Why does every mom expect a lighting speed response back? And if you don’t respond quick enough prepare yourself for a freak out text.
50. Is there a text prank Hall of Fame?
Yes, mom, it was a virus that changed your autocorrect to the entire Gettysburg Address – an extremely patriotic virus that infects phones for no reason at all. It’s probably because you opened an unmarked email. There’s no way one of your children messed with your phone.
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Source: Bored Panda, Bored Panda, Just Something, Why Did I Teach My Mom To Text, Buzzfeed, Buzzfeed