50 Times Kids’ Completely Innocent Gestures Looked Totally Wrong To Adults

Kids can be so funny when it comes to drawing, saying, or doing things that are completely innocent, but seem very naughty to our dirty minds.

When they make ceramic taco fish that look suspiciously like lady parts or run around waving the “golden ticket” condom wrapper they picked up off the floor, it’s hard not to spit out your coffee!

Perspective, of course, is everything.

So, when you look at these 50 different times that kids did something that could be considered NSF, remember that they’ve done nothing wrong. We’re the ones who have our minds in the gutter!

1) “I found my son sitting like this today.”

I think your son has probably worn those boots a few times before. The cocky look on his face says it’s his favorite outfit!

Reddit Source: Reddit

2) “Yum”

Well, you can’t really blame the kid for this one, he’s only doing what comes natural. It must be feeding time!


“Sure, when he does it it’s cute. When I do it everyone’s all ‘that’s not a mannequin, pervert!'”

Reddit Source: Reddit

3) “My girlfriends 6 year old son started screaming “I found the golden ticket!!” Repeatedly as he ran up to her holding this.”

Well, hopefully it originally belonged to you. Otherwise, it looks like some other dude might be getting golden ticket access to your girlfriend!

Reddit Source: Reddit

4) “My 8 week old son always stares at my boobs after I get out of the shower. This was his expression this morning.”

Do you ever have one of those days when you feel like you own the world? If you’re wearing this tracksuit, and it’s all yours.


“Somebody photoshop a gold chain and chest hair on this baby!”

Reddit Source: Reddit

5) “So my daughter made pancakes and experienced a stray splatter.. :)”

Is that what they’re calling it these days? A stray splatter? This might be your daughter’s clever way of telling you there’s a baby pancake on the way.

Imgur Source: Imgur

6) “My little brother wanted to be a dinosaur for Halloween. I think he’s doing it right.”

I guess it’s only wrong if he starts whacking people with it. That might not go over very well.


“Everyone that clicked on this is on the FBI watch list now.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

7) “My nephew made an “egg tower” to take to school for Easter.”

Well, you gotta hand it to your nephew for having a lot of balls. That glue though! It looks so…sticky.


“To be that boys teacher. Do you know how many times we have to step outside to gather our wits when we see this stuff?!”

Imgur Source: Imgur

8) “My sister is quite the speller.”

I really don’t think the house wants you to do that. It looks appropriately haunted at the thought!

Twitter/jessie_gaudard Source: Twitter/jessie_gaudard

9) “At Disney, daughter said ‘Mom take a picture of me giving Rafiki a kiss.'”

Hey, look at the bright side! Your daughter is getting a head start on both college and Corporate America. She’s a total natural at this!


“We literally thought “oh, she’s gonna hug him or something….no biggie….” nope…I wanted to crawl into a hole and die.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

10) “Best accidental photobomb ever.”

Perhaps the special on the kids menu that day was a wiener dog. He just got a little bit too excited and reached for the wrong one!


“Ah, the traditional greeting of small children and animals to adult men: shot to the unit.”

Imgur Source: Imgur

11) When I grow up I want to be just like mommy!

Here’s a classic example of how looks can be deceiving. Mom isn’t an exotic dancer – her daughter was drawing her selling the last shovel at Home Depot during a blizzard.

Imgur Source: Imgur

12) “My friends daughter drew him a “giraffe” in school today… What do you guys think?”

I think the giraffe might be coming down with something. He probably forgot to wash his hands after meeting some new safari friends.

“I think that should go up on their fridge and never come down until after she’s graduated from high school and out of the house.”

13) “My friend’s kid got princess boob at every meet and greet.”

The day that every Disney princess got felt up will go down in infamy. It’s the day these women started to regret their childhood dream of wanting to be a princess when they grew up.

Reddit Source: Reddit

14) “She doesn’t understand why she can’t bring her jump rope to school tomorrow…”

Looks like someone at Walmart messed up! That was supposed to go on display next to the Fifty Shades of Grey book section.

When mom was asked why she bought this jump rope in the first place, she replied:

“It didn’t look bad from the front and honestly, I wasn’t really paying that much attention. Until we got home and my husband asked why she had a penis jump rope.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

15) “Found this old photo of my little brother.”

Poor kid. No one should ever have to pick up the pieces of someone else’s purchasing mistake. That’s what Amazon’s return policy is for.


“And in that moment, he realized that the only woman who had ever loved him had been torn from his life forever.”

Imgur Source: Imgur

16) “My little sister (6) drew a picture of a shark on my dad’s head.”

Would your dad’s name happen to be Dick? At least your sister still has a future as a tattoo artist for drunk tourists.

Reddit Source: Reddit

17) This little piggy went to the market…

Looks like this hungry little tot is getting ahead of himself! That’s not bacon…yet.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

18) Wait, that’s not a bracelet!

This sweet little girl doesn’t even know how naughty this is. Her aunty’s boyfriend left his penis ring on the beside table, and she thought it was a cute bracelet!

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

19) I think we know what kind of doctor she wants to be when she grows up.

This is why parents need to teach their kids to keep their fingers out of their mouths. You never know what kind of germs they’ll pick up!

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

20) “My nephew got away from me at the thrift store today. I found him like this.”

Just look at the smug smile on his face! I think the statue might be enjoying herself, too.

Reddit Source: Reddit

21) My son found my “fishing rods”

So, what’s the little guy trying to catch? Snapper? Clams? Wait, I know – tuna!


“Just be glad he wasn’t going through the garbage looking for more fishing rods. Might have attracted a shark.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

22) “My friend’s nephew made this birdhouse at camp…”

This birdhouse looks kind of sad and desperate in that natural sunlight. I bet it’ll attract all sorts of crazy birds if you put it inside the men’s bathroom stall.

@John L:

“This is priceless, and should be kept around for the days when your nephew reaches that “Mother you’re embarrassing me” stage.”

Imgur Source: Imgur

23) It’s my cat, Cosmo!

I really hope that’s another cat in the picture. Or you might need to start monitoring which websites your daughter visits.


“The other kindergarten kids drew rainbows, my 5 year old daughter drew this…”

Reddit Source: Reddit

24) “Kids drawing of a volcano.”

Seems legit. It looks exactly like something that’s getting ready to explode! Even puffy white clouds at the tip, I mean top, looks realistic.

Reddit Source: Reddit

25) It’s obviously a lighthouse.

I don’t know how kindergarten teachers manage to get through their day with a straight face. I’d be laughing all day at innocent innuendo’s like this!


“I worked a kindergarten graduation service a couple of years ago where the kids drew their own programs. I had to save this one, obviously it’s a lighthouse.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

26) “My uncle’s a firefighter. One of the kids they rescued drew up a thank you note…”

I think this is why women love firefighters so much. They’re big and strong, and won’t hesitate to whip out their gear whenever you’re in a hot mess!

Reddit Source: Reddit

27) “My 5 year old came running out of school waving this around this last year. He said it was a rocket.”

I think the rocket might have already been launched. There’s some explosive jet fuel dribbling on its outer shaft.

Facebook/Alannah Abbott Source: Facebook/Alannah Abbott

28) “So called “taco fish” art project my daughter brought home.”

This is even more hilarious given that both taco and fish are slang for lady bits! And that red color on the lips? Spot on!

Imgur Source: Imgur

29) “We went to a family day out at the local and there were face painters there.”

The kid wanted an elephant, and he got exactly what he asked for. But, the artist must have been a little hard of hearing and they drew the elephant’s junk instead of its trunk.

Facebook/Elaine Bruce Source: Facebook/Elaine Bruce

30) “And one night while we were listening to old school rap he drew two turn tables. I was just glad he didn’t draw a microphone too.”

Hopefully when he grows up he doesn’t try to twist his girlfriend’s records like a DJ. Or he’ll find himself singing all by himself with his microphone.

Amy Aucoin Source: Amy Aucoin

31) “My 4-year-old’s biscuit making! Nobody ate it, it just didn’t seem right.”

Too bad no one wanted to touch this one with a 3-inch pole! It would have made a great family photo if someone actually ate it.

Facebook/Shelly Rouse Source: Facebook/Shelly Rouse

32) “My 9 year old sister came out of her room and said that she made “cotton candy” out of balloons..”

Well, this puts me off eating cotton candy from the state fair ever again. But, “cotton candy” certainly gives “taco fish” a run for the money when it comes to the worst lady bits nicknames!


“Not sure who the clown is that taught her that, but I predict a visit from the authorities…”

Imgur Source: Imgur

33) “So, my son won this fishing trophy…”

Well, this looks totally fishy! Until you look at it from a different angle(r), of course.

Imgur Source: Imgur

34) When Donald Duck goes wrong

This girl was being totally innocent. But, I’m pretty sure the pervert who made this ride wasn’t!

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

35) “Neighbor kid getting a little too handsy with my daughter…”

It would be fun to see them re-create this photo in 20 years. The reaction will probably be exactly the same, except her hand will be slapping his face!


“Yeah, I reached second base before kindergarten. Get at me.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

36) “What a lovely drawing dear.”

It’s not this kid’s fault that scissors happen to look like something else. It’s obvious that those of us with dirty minds need to have innocent things like this explained to us.


“Haha “scissors.” That totally looks like a banana and two oranges.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

37) A drawing of a happy horse family

Dad looks really happy! Maybe that’s because he’s about to take mom outside for a nice horseback ride.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

38) “This is my daughter Billie’s drawing of a fox running away from an alien!”

There are so many unanswered questions here. Like, what did the fox say when the alien turned into a gimp?

Facebook/Gemma Laws Source: Facebook/Gemma Laws

39) “My kid’s drawing about her first day of kindergarten: her teacher. It’s pretty accurate.”

If those aren’t giant earrings, then the teacher’s cosmetic surgeon must have gotten carried away with the boob lift. Either way, being so top-heavy is going to hurt her neck!


“I’m going to need a picture of the teacher to confirm.”


“For science.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

40) It’s a word, look it up!

When is this coming to the Apple store? I see that it’s already on sale on Amazon.

@Amanda Goodwin:

“My son started prep this year , while doing puzzles he started trying to make words . He puts this one together and asked me what word he made ? …..Ummmm”

Facebook/Amanda Goodwin Source: Facebook/Amanda Goodwin

41) “My daughter a few years back.
‘Mum, look at my icecream!!!'”

I looks delicious, but it’s missing the whipped cream on top. Your daughter will love/hate you for this when she gets older!

Facebook/Cathy Taylor Source: Facebook/Cathy Taylor

42) “My little sister is an artist.”

I think your little sister might be a little bit confused. You’re supposed to squirt ketchup and mustard on wieners. It’s white frosting that goes on top of sugar cookies.

Imgur Source: Imgur

43) “Came home to find out my little sister was creative.”

Is this Korean for something? I’ve always been jealous of kids that can pick up a second language just like that!

Imgur Source: Imgur

44) “So I took my son, age 2.5, to an art gallery today.”

The good news is, your kid will grow up to appreciate art. The bad news? He’s going to want lunch every time he passes by an art gallery.

@John L:

“Why are people so surprised when the little ones go to the lunch-box as the first thing? Not only that, but it sticks around for the rest of their lives.”

Imgur Source: Imgur

45) “Found my daughter’s Barbie’s like this. Should I be concerned??? LOL”

Well, I guess that confirms it. Ken isn’t as gay as we always thought he was! That cross-eyed expression though…

Twitter/Shannalee Source: Twitter/Shannalee

46) It’s a tortoise

Wow, that’s some snapper he’s got there! But, the smirk on his face says he knew exactly what he was doing.

“Dante Dauz:

“This kid is old enough to know he made a penis igloo.”

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

47) That’s not how you play peek-a-boo.

He saw cleavage and thought it was time for a snack! Maybe if he goes around to the front he’ll get this anatomy lesson right.

@Rachel Smith:

“I used to do this, not because I actually wanted to see it, but because I wanted to know if they did that part.”

Bored Source: Bored

48) “At what point should you tell someone that their kid is drawing questionable art…?”

Never! At no point should anyone ever have to explain what this is. Unless the kid happens to be double jointed…


“When the penis meets the mouth, it is time.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

49) It’s a field of mushrooms.

Yep, totally looks like mushrooms to me! But, when Katie and Danielle look back at this when they’re older, they’re going to spit out their coffee when they realize these butterflies look like cotton candy and taco fish.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

50) It’s a duck, and then some.

Do you remember playing “Duck Duck Goose” when you were little? Yeah, the version kids are playing these days is a little bit different.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

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Source: Bored Panda, Bored Panda
