50 of the funniest tinder profiles that’ll make you do a double-take

Social media and the internet allow us the opportunity to share our thoughts and ideas with other people. We’re all interconnected today in ways we couldn’t imagine just ten or twenty years ago.

Things, like dating on social media or finding a partner via internet chat rooms, aren’t anything new as they’ve been a part of our lives for some time now. On the other hand, it’s pretty hard to stand out from the mass and attract attention so people will do some strange stuff just to make themselves visible in the online world.


You’ve probably heard of the Tinder app and all the dating possibilities it offers so you’ll also know how hard it can be to attract attention with your profile. These folks have come up with some very creative Tinder bios which make them stand out from the rest.

We’ve handpicked 50 of the funniest and most creative Tinder profile bios that prove everyone can channel their creativity to find dates using just a bit of imagination and good humor.


1. (Don’t f**k) with the police

They say girls like men in uniform and those who don’t will certainly change their mind when they see this guy’s profile. You don’t get the chance to date a cop every day.


2. Never trust a genie

Tinder’s so important that there are people who would sell their soul just to get some help with their photos and bios. A help from supernatural forces comes at a price, of course. Jessie learned that the hard way.

Imgur Source: Imgur

3. Is there a doctor in the house?

Everyone who watched Scrubs and Grey’s Anatomy knows how smart and sexy doctors in hospitals are. Even though she’s at the beginning of her medical career, her skills are already breathtaking.

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4. One comma changes everything

We rarely pay attention to commas in a text but sometimes a single comma can make a huge difference. The bio is not only funny but brave as well. It takes a special kind of attitude to be able to speak about your disability in the way this girl did.

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5. Be careful with nude pictures

There’s a popular belief that anything on the internet stays on the internet forever. No one knows whether it’s true or not but apparently it’s not just the internet. A nude picture of Rose drawn on the Titatic still made its way to our TV screen almost a century later. If you’re wise you should listen to Kiana and never send any nude pictures.

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6. Nobody’s perfect

Imperfections are everywhere around us and if it were otherwise, it would be a very boring world. Lauren may not be 100 percent perfect but the pros certainly outweigh the cons listed in her profile. Don’t you agree?

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7. The sand in my tires

Who doesn’t enjoy long walks on the beach like John? Even things such as physical disability shouldn’t prevent us from doing something we truly love. We can learn a lot from John’s example.

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8. Mike Tyson is a good kisser

Not being able to say your partner’s name properly on your first date would be a major embarassment. Kethmi has found a simple and elegant solution to that problem so her future dates don’t have to be afraid they’ll say her name wrong.

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9. Granddad knows best

When your granddad intervenes to save your love life, you know the situation must be pretty bad. Let’s hope he’s better at dating than she is.

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10. Dating for newbies

Meeting new people is a risky endeavour because you can always get disappointed – or robbed in your sleep. Same goes for relationships so this guy’s attitude is no surprise.

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11. Polo

Whoever thought of that ‘Marco Polo’ name has ruined this guy’s life, as well as the lives of all the people named Marco. Including the author of this article himself. I feel for you, brother.

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12. Hide your pets

Listing the pros and cons in your bio could ruin the mystery of dating, but that’s just our opinion. Alex was pretty honest and that’s awesome, except the part about stealing your pets, that is.

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13. A perfect smile

A good sense of humor can help us maintain a positive outlook on life, despite the difficulties we may face. We can only applaud this girl’s amazing sense of humor.

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14. A match made in heaven

Wordplay does have some pretty awkward consequences at times. No matter what, let’s hope Tess and Tickle will live happily ever after they finally find each other.

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15. Amanda vs random dog

It looks like Amanda found one of the most important things in life: balance. She has to stop staring at dogs on the street, though. No one likes being stared at, it’s creepy.

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16. It’s never late to find your soulmate

It’s heartwarming to see how modern dating apps can help make the lives of our old folks happier. Kudos to this man’s granddaughter for making an effort to find someone special for her granddad.

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17. Whitening

Most of us already know not to trust TV commercials, especially those about toothpastes and detergents. On the other hand, some people have unrealistic expectations from the product they’re buying. Ricky is one of them.

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18. ‘Not everyone is everyone’s type’

Jills sure has a lot to say about love and relationships and almost everything she’s saying makes perfect sense. No app should be able to destroy our feeling of self-worth. As Jill said, we’re rooting for you.

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19. A romantic with knives

‘I’m good with knives’ was the first thing she said to her slightly confused date as they strolled along the beach. It didn’t exactly go as planned so Amelie decided to adopt a new strategy. It really sounds more romantic like this, doesn’t it?

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20. Love doesn’t care about age

You needn’t be afraid of getting old if you have loving grandchildren to take care of you and find dates for you on Tinder. We hope Judy found someone special to share her love with.

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21. Smart people only

At the first glance it’s hard to figure out what’s going on in this bio but that was her intention in the first place. The binary code in the description, if put in binary translator, will be converted to a YouTube link. It’s likely her way of filtering out not so bright candidates.

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22. Pros & cons

This is a good way to attract a date on Tinder: short, factual, and brutally honest. All that you have to do is to weight the pros and cons. All the cons she listed can be lived with, in case you desperately want a free Netflix account.

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23. Based on a true story

Let’s face it, there are many people who lie in their Tinder bios. Most of us like to lie a little about our age but people can invent some pretty weird things to impress potential dates. Like getting hit by a truck and surviving to tell the story. This girl didn’t have to lie. Perfect evidence that real life can be weirder than any fantasy.

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24. Save me from mom

Everyone knows what a downer is when you have to bring your mom to costume parties, or any party for that matter. Showing desperation, on the other hand, may not be the ideal way to attract dates but who are we to judge.

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25. Not my ‘type’

If only more people would stop searching for the ‘type’ and made an effort to get to know others better, the world be a much happier place. Finding a date is not about finding the right ‘type’, if there’s such a thing in the first place. It’s about learning about your partner and accepting them for they are. Keep trying, Ajrrun, there’s someone special waiting for you out there.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

26. No pressure

We’re all under a lot of pressure on our first date because we’re afraid to do something wrong or end up looking silly. After this experience, Ron won’t have to deal with that kind of pressure anymore. It can only get better for him from this point on.

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27. Badass ex

Everyone’s different when it comes to dealing with their ex. Some of us are cool when we mee them, some of us choose fake smiles and pretend to be cool. Not Katherine though, she made it quite clear to David that it’s not going to happen.

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28. Don’t mess with my coffee

Some people can be pretty passionate about coffee to the point of breaking up with their girlfriend just because she likes a different type of coffee. We can’t help but wonder whether the picture is a message to his ex. If so, it’s pretty scary.

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29. I was hungry

Having dinner with your boyfriend is overrated. This way you don’t have to share your favourite meal with anyone.

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30. Brutal honesty

If you were having second thoughts about being honest in your Tinder profile, this should rid you of all doubts. We all feel so much better if we’re totally open about even the most questionable of our habits. Just make sure you don’t share a toothbrush with a Tinder date and you’ll be fine.

Imgur Source: Imgur

31. It’s not weird… it’s… interesting

A cutout is still less weird than a life size doll of Danny Devito. That would have been really awkward. It’s okay as long as she doesn’t make others say hello to Danny.

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32. An act of kindness

Wow Juwon, that was so noble of you. You don’t see people going out of their way helping random strangers whose card was declined at a store. God will make it up to Juwon for his effort, one day.

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33. Handyman services

There are so many advantages to dating a handyman. He could fix your leaky pipes and do all kinds of small repairs you’ve been to lazy to do on your own. We sense this guy’s going to be popular with the ladies.

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34. 5-star reviews aren’t always reliable

The thing with online reviews is – pretty much anyone can write what they want. Same goes for Tinder reviews. One can’t help but wonder whether Griff eventually caved in and wrote that review.

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35. That’s the right attitude

Everyone who knows something about dating is aware of the fact that you have to tailor your message to the audience if you want to be successful. Blaice has put it to practice in the best way possible.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

36. A walk on the beach with a twist

Acid can do some strange things to our minds to the point we all become like Rose from Two and a Half Men. At least it was good while it lasted.

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37. A mysterious gal

Is there someone out there who doesn’t like excitement in a relationship? Well, if there is, this Tinder profile is definitively not for them. That’s one awesome way to grab your date’s interest, Ashley.

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38. Gratitude

“Oh, I’ve got a whole new attitude.A lifetime subscription to gratitude.” These memorable verses by SpongeBob reminds of the importance of gratitude in our lives. Emelly has that attitude of gratitude which represents a neccesarry ingredient for happiness. Swap the ‘E’ in her name with an ‘S’ and all reasons for gratitude suddenly disappear.

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39. Single moms are cool

Okay, let’s be honest, this profile bio has everything. A good sense of humor – check. Badass attitude – check. A healthy dose of sarcasm – check. Loves to drink beer – check. What more can a guy ask from a girl?

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

40. A dog with a PTSD

A wise man once said: dogs have dreams and can contemplate the meaning of life just like us humans do. If you have a dog as thoughtful as Sarah’s, she’s the right match for you.

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41. A stand up guy

It’s been said before but we’ll repeat it again: facing life’s challenges with a smile on your lips is a huge quality. Girls, what are you waiting for?

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42. A brief presentation

If there was an award for the most original Tinder bio, this girl would win it without a doubt. The question is, did she really need to go to so much trouble to create her bio? Probably not but the end result is all that counts.

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43. A stand out profile

Those are very notable achievements for someone who’s only 23. There’s no need to shower with waterproof earbuds and you’ll have an endless supply of instant noodles.

Instagram Source: Instagram

44. ‘First date ideas’

Dating an adrenalin junkie has its advantages, one of them is that you’ll never be bored or skip your daily workout. Invading Poland could led to some pretty unexpected and unwanted results, though.

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45. Always carry a spare umbrella with you

Nobody knows what happened to this couple. They may have attempted to imitate Fred Astaire and his famous song ‘Singing in the Rain’. Now we know it had a wet ending.

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46. No one plays Despacito on my watch

More than two years after its release some people still want to listen to Despacito. Enough is enough, Despacito needs to become history.

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47. An inspiring bio

Mandy’s pretty open about her shortcomings. Now when it’s all out in the open, she can find a like-minded individual who’ll know how to appreciate both the good and the bad things.

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48. Helda’s secret

What you don’t know can’t hurt you. People should just stop pestering Helda with annoying questions.

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49. I love you, my deer

It’s never easy to find someone you hold deer but when you do you should tell everyone. We can already hear the wedding bells.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

50. A NotSee

You’d have to be blind and not see how beautiful she is. Well, despite that, don’t call a blind German NotSee, they might get offended.

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