50 of the most awful pictures taken by real estate agents

When you’re trying to get rid of a piece of real estate, you try to make your listing look as good as possible. Some people will even “stage their home.” That means cleaning up, taking all your junk out, and making the space look empty or minimally styled so people can envision what it would look like when their stuff inhabits the space.

Well, that’s what you’re supposed to do. It just isn’t always the case. Some realtors or property owners really don’t give AF.

They slap together horrible photos and post them without caring whether or not the photos are attractive. You’d almost think that they don’t want these properties to sell. At least that’s what the folks behind the Terrible Real Estate Photographs blog found.

Here are 50 of the most awful photos taken by real estate agents:

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1) Both

Would you like a bathroom? Or a storage room? You can’t have both here. Choose wisely.

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2) Mow the Pool

I’ve never seen a pool that you need to mow before. I wonder what would happen if you jumped in that water. You would probably come out with a third arm.

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3) Bear

It would have been so easy to just get rid of that bear. They could have put it at their feet while taking the picture, then put it back. This room would have looked pristine. Now, this room just looks creepy.

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4) Su My Coc

Is this supposed to be a puzzle? How are you not focused on figuring out what that spray paint says? They couldn’t have thrown a quick coat of paint on that? Is someone supposed to just move in with the wall like that?

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5) Hiding

Does this house have a ghost? Is that a silhouette painted on the wall? Or is that a child that comes with the apartment?

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6) Piss

Is that piss on the floor? Wow, this is one disgusting room. It looks like a pig sty.

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7) The Leg

This looks like it was posted accidentally. Like someone was messing around when their partner was trying to take the photo. Then they accidentally posted this joke photo thinking it was the do-over.

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs

8) Death Trap

Are you looking to rent a death trap? Then this apartment is for you. Scary bicycle included.

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs

9) Dizzy

This photo is dizzying. There’s A LOT going on. Including that random plastic tarp.

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10) Murder Scene

I mean, there’s only one thing that could have possibly happened here. And that one thing is murder. What the hell else could that be?

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11) Gym Ball

Why is this enormous black ball in this photo? They couldn’t have placed it on the side of the bed. Or behind them. Apparently that would require too much effort.

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs

12) Stairway To

This household decided to make use of its’ staircase landing. They turned it into a bathroom. That’s something you’ve probably never seen before.

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs

13) The Lawn

I mean, this isn’t the worst real estate photo I’ve seen. Maybe they wanted people to get a feel for what it would look like if their family was playing in the yard. What the heck are these kids doing though?

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs

14) Fire

Is this apartment prone to catching fire or something? What’s with all the extinguishers? This is alarming.

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs

15) Art

This is just kind of hilarious. I mean the room looks nicer with the painting. But then you get a closer look at it and…

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16) Doors on Doors

This house has doors on door. It kind of looks like an advent calendar. What the heck is going on here?

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17) Haunted

Why on Earth would you post this photo? Do you want people to think their house is going to be haunted? Because you can’t get this image out of your head.

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18) Cozy Toilet

Who doesn’t want to cozy up next to a toilet? Well, no one. This bathroom would have looked quite grand if they just moved that chair and rug.

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs

19) Tape Penis

Is that a tape penis? Yup, that’s a tape penis. With a line of splooge coming out of it. How attractive!

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs

20) Patterns

There’s a whole lot of pattern going on here. I kind of like it. But it is a bit much.

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs

21) Party Mess

This space isn’t even that bad. It’s just a mess. It doubles as a party room and lawn tool storage.

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs

22) Stability

Whoever lives in this house is going to have to redo the porch. The only reason it’s still standing is because it’s being held up by a refrigerator. Unless they find refrigerators to be trusty foundations.

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs

23) Roomless Room

Is there even a room in there? I can’t see one. There must be, right?

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs

24) Wild Pool

Someone here was really angry. That or having a really good time. You’re either super happy or super mad when you’re throwing furniture in the pool.

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photos Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photos

25) Bear

This room is quite nice. Just a bit cluttered. That bear rug gotta go.

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs

26) Wiccian Ritual Space

Looking for a place to hold your Wiccian rituals? Well, this place is for you. Otherwise, you’ll need a really big rug.

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photos Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photos

27) Indoor Outdoor Room

This is an indoor/outdoor room. It’s indoors but is holding things that belong outdoors. Not sure why though.

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28) Sad Fan

Why is this fan so sad? It looks like it just gave up on life. Poor thing.

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs

29) Dog Closet

Every home should come with a dog closet. A closet that you open and dogs come out of. This house is a gem.

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs

30) Infinity House

Now this is just too much. I would just be confused and overwhelmed every time I stepped into this bathroom. It’s cool, but it’s too much.

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31) Close

They were so close. This room was very close to being really nice and normal. But then they left their limbless naked dolls up and well…

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32) Bent Over

They couldn’t just take that picture down for a few minutes? Just to take a picture. No one wants to see that.

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs

33) The Winner

Folks, we have a winner. It’s the all time worst/laziest real esate photo of all time. Yes, that is a massive pile of shit on the floor.

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34) Inflatable Penis

This inflatable penis adds a certain ambiance to the room. It really would be a pity if it was taken out of the room. Now, I know why they left it in there.

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs

35) Thighs

Those are some nice thighs. I almost wouldn’t be able to visualize the room properly without them. Thank God they are there.

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs

36) The Table Room

This is the table room. It has a table in it. And only a table in it.

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs

37) Marie Antoinette and A Pirate Monkey

Now this room is fabulous. It might not be for everyone. But it’s fabulous.

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photos Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photos

38) Everywhere

Just looking at this photo is freaking me out. I wouldn’t want to be within 10 feet of this room, let alone in it. Neither did the real estate agent. It’s just real upsetting.

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39) Viney

There’s a lot of green going on in this room. The curtains, rug, and furniture is more than enough. They should get rid of all those fake plants though.

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs

40) Pumping Iron

This the perfect room for someone who likes to pump iron. In front of iron. Iron suits and pumping iron go hand in hand.

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs

41) Bernard

Bernard was trying to get out of the way of the picture. He didn’t do a very good job. Why is he creepily starring at the camera?

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42) Heavenly

This room is beautiful and tacky at the same time. Is that a giant crystal bowling pin? Why though?

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs

43) All the Toilets

Why have one toilet when you can have all the toilets? I mean, where do you even start. So many toilets, so little time.

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photos Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photos

44) Arm Wrestle

I find the red and yellow McDonald’s colors highly offensive. Far more offensive than the Satan vs. Jesus arm wrestle. Jesus is obviously going to win, why bother putting the mural up?

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs

45) Just Leave It

As the Terrible Real Estage Agent Photographs Facebook page explains, these people thought it would be easier to sell their house then do all that laundry. They just left it and bounced. Left it in the hamper and everything.

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs

46) Privacy

Most people like privacy. And this backyard is super private. it’s even got a really tall wall.

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs

47) Living Room Garage

This is a multifunctional room. It serves as a living room and a garage. At least you can keep an eye on your car and make sure no one is stealing it.

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs

48) The White Room

Now, this is my kind of tacky. All white and silver… I love it. That Buddah head is so pretty!

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs

49) Belly Nipple

Lots of vintage bathrooms have this pink tile and a mermaid theme. But I’ve never seen a boob that grows out from under your arm. And I’ve never seen a belly with a nipple on it. Is that a microphone in her hand?

50) Sex Play

What are these stuffed animals up to? They are in compromising positions. They could have just been taken off of the table.

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Source: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs Facebook/ terriblerealestateagentphotos.com/ Bored Panda
