50 Outrageous People Found Shopping At Walmart We Couldn’t Make Up If We Tried

Shopping at Walmart generally isn’t all that exciting.
Maybe that’s why some people seem to go out of their way to liven it up a little (or a little too much).

We’ve seen some strange, crazy, and downright bizarre clothing and behaviors at Walmart over the years.

Here are some of our favorites:

#1 “Luke, I am your father”

When the coronavirus pandemic started, most people weren’t prepared. However, they still needed to go shopping at Walmart. Here was one solution.

People of Walmart Source: People of Walmart

#2 Polly wants to shop

Spotting animals at Walmart isn’t all that rare. There are a lot of service animals out there. There is also this parrot. At least he seems well behaved.


Sheyla2 via Reddit Source: Sheyla2 via Reddit

#3 All dressed up with nowhere to go

Sometimes, you think you have put together the perfect outfit and just need to show it off. Sometimes, you would be wrong.


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#4 Taking a break

As kids, many of us have climbed into the cart when our parents were shopping. Some of us forgot to grow out of the habit.


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#5 Stocking up

When you need to stay safe but still need to stock up, what do you do? Bring your own storage container, of course.


People of Walmart Source: People of Walmart

#6 Waiting it out

When this man’s wife went into Walmart, he had other plans. He made himself comfortable outside. Good thinking!


the_crude_dust_gale via Reddit Source: the_crude_dust_gale via Reddit

#7 50 items or less

That moment when you’re taking selfies of yourself bringing an entire cart full of food through the 10 items of less checkout. Oops.


throwRA73746 via Reddit Source: throwRA73746 via Reddit

#8 Pimpin’

Who said a trip to Walmart couldn’t be done in style? Not this guy. He’s creating his own brand.


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#9 All for show

Some people buy masks and toilet paper because they worry about COVID-19. Some just do it for show. We wonder which category this guy is in….


People of Walmart Source: People of Walmart

#10 Service cat

This cat seems very determined to guard his human. The human, however, can’t even seem to focus on the task at hand – shopping.


BiloxiD via Reddit Source: BiloxiD via Reddit

#11 A little help

Finding an employee can be a pain. Why not just lift up a family member to reach something instead?


Reddit Source: Reddit

#12 Proper attire

From what we have learned, dressing a little strange is a requirement for going to Walmart. This guy is ready.


Gilded_12 via Reddit Source: Gilded_12 via Reddit

#13 Lord of Walmart

This person was spotted near the entrance. We’re not sure what he is doing exactly. Maybe he’s keeping Walmart safe from dragons?


Darth_Sprectre_Lair via Reddit Source: Darth_Sprectre_Lair via Reddit

#14 Towel poncho

It’s easy to miss at first because of the way it blends in with the outfit so seamlessly. However, that is clearly a towel.


Drunken-Historian via Reddit Source: Drunken-Historian via Reddit

#15 Traffic cone

It is rumored that inanimate objects cannot catch the coronavirus. We think she is safe.


People of Walmart Source: People of Walmart

#16 Do not place over head

We know plastic blocks the virus. We get it, really, we do. But suffocating is not recommended.


thebobz2 via Reddit Source: thebobz2 via Reddit

#17 Classic Walmart

When it comes to “no shoes, no shirt, no service” – we have a question. Do overalls count as a shirt?


babychicken97 via Reddit Source: babychicken97 via Reddit

#18 A quick nap

Waiting for someone to finish shopping can get boring. Here’s how to fix that.


Wackyy Source: Wackyy

#19 Fishing, Walmart style

Are you too far away from a lake or pond? Do you miss fishing? This guy at Walmart has the answer.


Wackyy Source: Wackyy

#20 This person is Cereal-ous about shopping

Here’s some more DIY coronavirus protection. Do you think it will save him?


People of Walmart Source: People of Walmart

#21 NASA

What do you do when you need toilet paper, but there are germs everywhere? It’s finally time to dust off the old spacesuit!


sanstime via Reddit Source: sanstime via Reddit

#22 A carriage for two

Sharing is caring. Right? Right??


Wackyy via Pinterest Source: Wackyy via Pinterest

#23 Free ride

Walking around Walmart can get tiring. This is not the solution.


#24 We don’t want to know

We’re hoping this was done on a dare. What’s your guess?


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#25 In any weather

They are fully protected. The Rona won’t be raining on their parade.


People of Walmart Source: People of Walmart

#26 Just kidding

Did you know that a baby goat is called a kid? Maybe there was some confusion when they bought the carrier. “For smaller kids” might not have meant what they thought it meant.


teresapaitsel via Reddit Source: teresapaitsel via Reddit

#27 Well

We’re not sure exactly how this shirt works. We’re not sure they know either.


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#28 Watch your back

The thing about pictures taken in Walmart is that they are almost always of people’s backs. Don’t just look at your front before heading for Walmart. Check the back too, or you might end up going viral.


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#29 Partying it up at Walmart

People stop at Walmart on their way to and from all sorts of events. Who wants to guess where they were headed?


The Funny Source: The Funny

#30 Use your noodle

This man does not need nor want the coronavirus. He knows how to do social distancing.


People of Walmart Source: People of Walmart

#31 No parking

This woman goes to Walmart regularly but does not trust anyone enough to park her bike outside. At least it doesn’t take up more space than a cart of two.


FinalTimeOut via Reddit Source: FinalTimeOut via Reddit

#32 Your friendly Walmart greeter

We don’t know what’s going on in this picture. We’re not sure we want to know. Just stay on the good side of the greeter.


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#33 Nap time

Shopping can be exhausting. Always wear your pajamas and be prepared for a quick nap.


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#34 Walmart style

She just wanted to get her hair done. Now, she’s viral. Watch what you wear!


The Funny Source: The Funny

#35 Max protection

DIY masks come in a variety of materials. Most of us at least hide those materials between two layers of cloth. Most of us…


#36 Blue man

We have to wonder if there are people who shop at Walmart just to be seen. Were they anticipating the paparazzi?


BetterCallGasol3316 Source: BetterCallGasol3316

#37 Walmart ready

A butt crack has, unfortunately, become the unwanted symbol of Walmart. Now, it might be working its way up to the employees.


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#38 Which way to the elf world?

You meet many people at Walmart. Some of them may be able to help you pass to other realms.


The Funny Source: The Funny

#39 We don’t know

Is she dancing? Is she stretching? Is she shopping with her toes? So many questions – so few answers.


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#40 Because it’s Walmart

We don’t know why belts fail the moment one enters Walmart. We’re pretty sure most Walmart stores actually sell belts. It’s a phenomenon that cannot be explained.


People of Walmart Source: People of Walmart

#41 Along for the ride

Kids will be kids. This one, however, has dreams of becoming a mop.


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#42 Special day

There has to be a backstory to this. Maybe they met in the produce aisle.


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#43 Ready for battle

You’re ready for anything. Where do you go? To return something at Walmart, of course.


The Funny Source: The Funny

#44 So comfortable

The sofa and table were just sitting there. What did they expect was going to happen?


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#45 Summer

Are you ready for summer? He is.


WesleyBrandon via Reddit Source: WesleyBrandon via Reddit

#46 Is this a virus thing?

We hope it’s a virus thing. Still, putting a bag over your child’s head is generally considered bad parenting.


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#47 Done!

There are times when we simply have had enough of Walmart. This kid knows.


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#48 Along for the ride

Well, mom gets to use it, so why can’t they? Right?


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#49 Wrong color

We’re going to assume he decided he didn’t look good in pink. Why else would he now be looking at the black shorts?


Faxo via Pinterest Source: Faxo via Pinterest

#50 Quite a tail

That must have taken a while to grow. Maybe a few lifetimes?


kruvacio via Reddit Source: kruvacio via Reddit

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