50 People Living In 3010 While The Rest Of Us Are In 2021

It’s almost 2020 and most of us are keeping up pretty well. But there are some people who are living in 3020! These people are so intelligent, innovative, and amazing that we hardly have words to describe them. So stand back and say “awe” at their awesomeness. Time for a trip to the future.

PootieTang_ Source: PootieTang_

1) Next-Level Watering

This dude might as well be Rube Goldberg because his contraption looks impossible. Who knew Shell employees could be this ingenious?

Reddit Source: Reddit

2) The Best Cheat Sheet

Please don’t try this because I assure you, cheating is never the best option. However, if you are going to cheat, you might as well do it in style.

Twitter Source: Twitter

3) Oh My Breakfast

Have you ever seen a better first meal of the day? This has to be the best way to cook an egg. Eggs are good on pizza right?

Reddit Source: Reddit

4) A Hair Past a Freckle

Okay, maybe this isn’t exactly future-worthy, but it sure is funny. I mean, it is the closest we’ve ever come to an invisible watch.

Imgur Source: Imgur

5) Enjoying the View

While most of us may not approve, we can agree that this is what the future looks like. We won’t be enjoying real-life views, but rather, virtual ones.

Reddit Source: Reddit

6) Everyone Loves That Garlic Bread

Who else hates standing by the oven and waiting for your food? Everyone, that’s right. This kid decided that it was a thing of the past when he Face-timed his oven.

Imgur Source: Imgur

7) TMI

This is entirely too much information, but it really is a good thought. No one wants to be the guy in the bathroom at work stinking the place up. Well, wearing shoes no one recognizes is the perfect solution.

Pinterest Source: Pinterest

8) Coolest Cop Ever

This just might be the coolest cop anyone has ever seen. Do you know how fast someone trained on jumping stilts can run? Really fast!

Reddit Source: Reddit

9) Oh No You Don’t

Oh snap! Someone was caught red-handed. Whenever people started using Snapchat to track their friends, we knew we were living in the future.

Twitter Source: Twitter

10) No More Dirty Dishes

This is so smart, we’re going to start wondering why we even bother buying dish washing detergent. Now we will all be buying up plastic wrap instead.

Twitter Source: Twitter

11) I’ll Do It Myself

If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. This dog knows that firsthand because he just can’t get a good walk anymore. In the future, y’all know we going to be seeing dogs taking over the world, right?

Twitter Source: Twitter

12) Ew! Leave It Alone

No one touches a dirty diaper that isn’t their kid’s unless they are a good Samaritan. And if a good Samaritan picked up your stuff, then they would definitely return your stuff to you.

Reddit Source: Reddit

13) Who Needs a Moped?

This kid here knows how to ride a board. Why use your legs when you can just leaf blow yourself to your friend’s house?

Reddit Source: Reddit

14) Tricky Mama

Why have we never thought of this? Kids hate taking medicine, but love juice boxes. So the best thing to do is make them think their medicine is a juice box!

Reddit Source: Reddit

15) Spam Much?

This genius decided to ensure he didn’t get tricked into accepting spam. So he would tell companies that his name was the name of the company they were posing as. This is definitely not Shutterfly.

Reddit Source: Reddit

16) Dog to the Rescue

When this girl asked her mom to bring her charger to her, she found out that her mother was smarter than she knew. She sent the dog just like this!

Twitter Source: Twitter

17) Need An 8×8?

Sometimes, you need to make a small casserole but only have a 9×12. Someone found out that using foil to make boundaries works perfectly.

Reddit Source: Reddit

18) Double Decker Microwave

Have two plates that need heated but want them done at the same time? Someone found out the ways of the future and stacked them with a microwave-safe cup!

19) Bucket to Them

It’s nearly impossible to fill a bucket from the sink. But what about when you need to mop? Someone found a way to lead the water right into the bucket with nothing but a dustpan.

Reddit Source: Reddit

20) Cut the Cord, Or Don’t

Tired of your cord getting all torn up? Well, in the future, they’ll all be covered in springs to protect them without weighing them down.

Reddit Source: Reddit

21) Stop Unplugging the TV

Who hasn’t had this problem? In the future, it will be a thing of the past because all AC adapters will be labeled at the end.

Reddit Source: Reddit

22) Epi-Power Spike

It’s a sad world that has us pay just to survive. I’m talking about insulin, and yes Epi-pens. Is this tip breaking the system to make life easier on those with life-threatening allergies?

Reddit Source: Reddit

23) Brella Boy

What a funny little guy! Isn’t he just adorable? It’s no fun to play outside in the rain when you have to carry an umbrella. Thankfully, he has figure it all out!

Reddit Source: Reddit

24) I Can See It

This is the most realistic future we’ve seen. These people are FaceTiming each other with double FaceTime robots.

Twitter Source: Twitter

25) Saves So Much Room

There are so many reasons this is a good idea. First of all, it frees up a lot of space. And on top of that, it makes everything so easy to find.

Reddit Source: Reddit

26) Don’t Change

What a great idea! Trapping your keys and change so they don’t jangle and drag you down while you’re running or at the gym.

Reddit Source: Reddit

27) Ice, Ice Baby

Did you know you can get ice at McDonald’s? Someone did and it’s something that we’ll all be doing in the future. As in…tomorrow.

Reddit Source: Reddit

28) That’s How You Use a Snorkel

This dad bought a snorkel just so he could lay down in the pool and nap. Now that’s innovative technology at its finest.

Twitter Source: Twitter

29) The Future From the Past

Honestly, this note from the 1980s tells us that we are on the right track. The year 2020 can literally do everything on this list. So what about 3020?

Reddit Source: Reddit

30) Who Needs Nail Salons?

Most dogs hate clipping their nails. But when they are hanging from a comfy leather bag where they can see their favorite human, things sure are a lot easier.

Twitter Source: Twitter

31) We’re Out of Bowls

This makes eating while gaming much easier because when you need a bite, all you gotta do is shove your face in your hood.

Reddit Source: Reddit

32) The Cutest K-9 Unit

This good boy is ready for action as Robocop’s newest companion. In the future, we pray we see pups like this. Just keep them off the front lines.

Reddit Source: Reddit

33) Best Hair Salon

What are you supposed to do while the hair stylist does your hair for an hour? Now there’s an answer because all you want is your phone anyway.

YouTube Source: YouTube

34) Nighty Night

I don’t think that’s what this is for, but let’s go with it. That way you can get a good day’s sleep, shield your eyes from the light, and keep your head up!

Imgur Source: Imgur

35) You Go Boy

Who said you couldn’t exercise while working? Though looking at that adorable pup, we’re pretty sure that this guy isn’t working.

Reddit Source: Reddit

36) Church Boy Gone Technical

This may be the most sacrilegious thing we’ve ever seen before. He hollowed out a Bible just so he could sneak and look at IG in church.

Twitter Source: Twitter

37) What are Those For?

Oh! Now that makes sense. Cutting out holes in all your hats seem like an awesome idea now. But please, give it a few decades and you’ll be able to buy them.

Reddit Source: Reddit

38) Split Screen Solution

No more looking at each other’s screens now. These boys found the best way to solve their problem by splitting the screen in more than one way.

Twitter Source: Twitter

39) Sriracha 3000

It’s easy to get out of control when it comes to hot sauce. But in the future, you know we’ll see Spray Sriracha for when you just want an even spritz.

Yummy Creepy or Cute Source: Yummy Creepy or Cute

40) That’s What Bananas are For

It’s a snack, it’s a bananarang, it’s better than a pop socket. Who needs them when you already have these lying around?

Reddit Source: Reddit

41) Monster Cleaner

It may not be the cheapest option but soon enough they’ll start using energy drinks to clean! This man demonstrates how to clean anything with a Monster instead of brake cleaner.

Mirror Source: Mirror

42) Yay! Happy New Year

All you gotta do is wait until it’s dark and kids have no idea what time it is. These parents have obviously been living ahead of their time for decades.

Ebaums World Source: Ebaums World

43) Better Than Snorkel Man

Now this is smart. You know when your make-up is super on point but then you decide to rinse off a bit? Here’s the solution here! Got any goggles?

Laurla Urr Draws Source: Laurla Urr Draws

44) The Future of Newscasting

We all know that YouTube is becoming more popular than prime-time TV, so why wouldn’t selfie newscasting be more popular than the standard?

Reddit Source: Reddit

45) Grilled Cheese Yes!

This may just be the best way to make grilled cheese we’ve ever seen. Why get a pan dirty when you can just toast it?

Twitter Source: Twitter

46) What a Profile!

Now that’s how you set a profile picture. This takes quite a bit of skill to get just right and looks so amazing, it’s almost confusing. Way to go, William.

Facebook Source: Facebook

47) Mom, I Want a Pool

Say no more because this mom knows how to make her kid happy. Turn your deck into a pool in no time with nothing but a tarp and a hose.

Reddit Source: Reddit

48) This Pen is Blue

Imagine having just enough red paint to write red on your door. Not an ideal situation but it kind of works, now doesn’t it?

Ebaums World Source: Ebaums World

49) Abort, Abort

This is the way to do it. It’s illegal, so don’t do it. But come on, that’s about the most futuristic plan that the news has shown us. Wait, does it being on the news mean he got caught?

Ebaums World Source: Ebaums World

50) WYD Fam?

We all know Lowe’s when we see it, but if he would have cropped the image, we all would have been fooled. Pretty soon, you’ll be seeing people do this all over social media.

Ebaums World Source: Ebaums World

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Source: Brightside.me, Bored Panda