50 people who got a lesson from karma the hard way

Karma, as they say, is a bitch. Especially when you’ve done something oh so very wrong and find yourself on the receiving end of karmic justice!

But, sometimes karma can be quite funny and sneaky in her ways. But, for the 50 people on this list who were dished out instant karma, karma for the most part was swift, brutal, and very underhanded. Which is exactly how we like it!

1) Innocent bunny ear shenanigans

This is an example of karma being very playful. Since the girl meant no harm in giving her friend bunny ears, no harm came to her when those bunny ears bit back! It’s all just fun and games in karma-land.


“Literally the most instant of all instant karmas. You can’t get faster than light.”


“Or the absence of it.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

2) “Karma: Friend’s car after a hit and run”

Hit and run? No problem when you have the other guy’s license plate! This is how karma doles out true justice!


“Sweet, Sweet justice. Get’ m boys!”

Reddit Source: Reddit

3) There’s a reason you aren’t allowed to park on this beach…

Sometimes you might get a little bit jealous when you see someone else park on the beach and you don’t get to. But, this shows you exactly why you should always pay attention to the posted “no parking” signs!


“More like slow approaching karma.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

4) All for the love of cigarettes!

This random hitchhiker bummed a smoke from the kind man who picked him up. But, after the hitchhiker pocketed the entire pack of cigs and tried to make a quick getaway, he accidentally left his backpack behind.


“Do the right thing and return the bag. The guy probably is in a place in life most of us can’t even fathom, although that’s no right to steal from anyone, just let it go and be the bigger man. At the end of the day, you picked up a random hitchhiker and you got a couple dart’s jacked, consider it a win and move on.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

5) “Well someone at my work is gonna have a shit time.”

That’s not just a random expletive, either! It turns out the peanut butter ice cream bars that a coworker stole will make them need to take multiple bathroom breaks. They were actually laxatives for a dog that needed to be kept frozen!

Reddit Source: Reddit

6) “Police in Turkey try to stop Pride parade with water cannons, accidentally creates rainbows”

Yasssss, fluffy rainbows is where it’s at! Remember boys and girls, when you try and don’t succeed, it’s because karma thought you were being a d-bag.

Reddit Source: Reddit

7) Karma wins again

Don’t ever try to rush karma. Because when push comes to shove, you probably won’t come out the winner!

Twitter/Matt Buckland Source: Twitter/Matt Buckland

8) Karma hates cheeky little thieves

Even animals who are up to no good can get a taste of instant karma. This kitty thought it’d be cool to steal a snack, but karma stepped in to teach him a lesson!

YouTube/Waggle TV Source: YouTube/Waggle TV

9) “Karma’s a bitch, local nightclub has the laugh laugh over stupid patron!”

Silly girl. You can’t get drunk off of grenadine any more than you can get high off of candy cigarettes. Thanks for the laughs, karma!


“In her defense, grenadine is delicious.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

10) “So I was driving to the gym, and some asshat t-bones my car and drives off… BUT HE FORGOT THIS.”

Looks like karma has developed a love affair with hit and run drivers! This is the second license plate she’s left behind.


“Dope, I knew someone who was driving drunk hit a fence left the area, next day cops came knocking at his door with his license plate…”

Facebook/Rex Borova Source: Facebook/Rex Borova

11) “You aren’t special for reading The Great Gatsby…”

Anyone remember this line from The Great Gatsby?

“Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.”

Yeah, neither did the original poster! Karma caught him in the act of being a poser and gave him a duly deserved face palm moment!

Reddit Source: Reddit

12) “These idiots tried to knock me off my kayak and laughed. This is what they were up to when I got back to the beach..karma is a bitch!”

Karma is actually quite lovely to people who do good things. But if you’re going to act like a bad boy, then that’s what karma will dish out in return.

Reddit Source: Reddit

13) “Saw Karma in action on my Facebook today.”

Boy, this taxi driver is pissed off that his ride ditched him without paying the fair. But, that’s okay, she left her phone behind and he’s now holding it hostage. Karma helps good people win the day yet again!


“Was she trying the unethical life hack for reducing cab fares?”


“One of the few times I could hear an accent in text.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

14) “10 days ago someone broke into my car and stole some random stuff.”

It didn’t take very long for karma to positively ID Robert Kevin Thomas as the thief! Plus, it looks like both karma and the cops have dealt with him before.


“Then I dropped my debit card under my seat and found the guys wallet last night. Turned it over to the cops and it turns out he had done this before.”

Imgur Source: Imgur

15) “Someone parked in my designated parking space and received a different kind of karma.”

Want to take up someone else’s parking spot? Feel free to do it, but when karma’s looking over your shoulder, there’s always a price to pay.

Reddit Source: Reddit

16) “Brand new Jaguar driver believes he’s too important to sit in traffic. Insta-karma smackdown.”

Well now. That’s a concrete example of karma doing some of her finest work!


“I can hear him talking to his insurance rep now… “I don’t know what happened. I mean there I was, just sitting in traffic, minding my own business and all of the sudden they just started pouring concrete all around me!'”

Reddit Source: Reddit

17) Instant karma

Karma is quite the comedian. This kid got donkey-ear bombed when he was up to no good!


“Sure made an ass out of him.”


“I’m gonna pin a tail on your comment.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

18) “Having to deal with LA’s ridiculous parking enforcement daily, this was a welcome sight.”

For everyone one of us that has ever received a parking ticket that we didn’t deserve, this is what sweet justice looks and tastes like! In karma-land, no one is above the law.


“My old roommate who is a police officer loves writing tickets, especially when it’s parking enforcement or mall security vehicles who park illegally. So yes, sometimes they are fake but more often than not you will find some officers love writing tickets for people who think they are above the laws they enforce (parking wise anyway).”

Reddit Source: Reddit

19) Look out, bird!

Karma’s got a little something for you, birdie boy. I don’t even want to know how this happened, but it’s payback for all the times birds have pooped onto our cars, heads, and sidewalks!

Imgur Source: Imgur

20) “Trucks are taking over the icy roads”

Self burn or karmic destiny? Well, when we’re talking karma, she’s the one that always holds the winning hand.


“4×4, good to help you go. Not good to help you stop or turn. You need good winter tires for that.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

21) “Marina, SF, today – dude tries to get around a line of stopped cars and drives right into fresh cement. Oops, fail.”

What is it with guys who drive expensive sports cars and their d-bag behavior? Whatever it is, karma doesn’t like it and treats them accordingly.

@Jim Santos:

“NBC Today Show, Yahoo News, SFist, The Sun, and maybe some others? Crazy how people instantly recognize the immense selfishness that went into this poor decision.”

Facebook/Jim Santos Source: Facebook/Jim Santos

22) Karma hates cheaters.

Here’s another hilarious example of karma at its finest. It’s a little bit hard to read, but the classified ad that this guy posted says:

“I lost my wedding ring in the silver star. Took it off for a lap dance haven’t seen it since…. Twas a comfort fit ring 18k white gold GULP.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

23) “Tweeting while driving with your knees”

If that sounds like a really bad idea, you’re right. So karma taught this numbnuts a lesson in totality!

“My car is totaled everything is ruined. If you can’t drive with your knee and do something else with your hands at the same time, you ain’t shit.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

24) This shoplifter was trying to run from karma…

…and she obviously failed! Even her partner in crime didn’t stop to help after she ran straight into the revolving doors and fell flat on her back!


“TBH the person running into the window is me trying to attempt having a normal life.”

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

25) “This guy parked illegally in our lot. I left him a note that simply reads: Karma.”

If you had any doubts before, this should be proof enough that illegal parking karma is real! Think about that the next time you decide to stiff a parking meter or park on private property.

Imgur Source: Imgur

26) “No 1 of the #Top5 Greatest Cases of Karma: Wits Campus Control Clamping a Police Car.”

It doesn’t matter who you think you are or what logos are emblazoned all over your car. If it’s parked illegally on this campus, the parking police are going to give you a ticket!

Twitter/Voice of Wits 88.1 FM Source: Twitter/Voice of Wits 88.1 FM

27) “Hit and Run jerk left bumper with plates at scene. Instant karma?”

What is it with these hit and run drivers? Either their bumpers are made of crap, or karma really has it in for inept drivers and their cars!


“I knew there had to be a reason for some places to have plates on the front and back of their cars.”

Imgur Source: Imgur

28) Toe fungus karma

There’s karma for just about everything under the sun, but toe fungus karma will give its recipient one nasty little surprise. Who wears a total stranger’s used boots, anyways?


“Well now everybody knows that the guy in Apt. 4D has a foot fungus.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

29) “I wonder how long until they realize their mistake”

Maybe if we didn’t honk our horns every time we get pissed off, people wouldn’t be so averse to paying attention to them. But, flipping off someone in retaliation for hoking at you won’t earn you any karma points!


“I saw a video that was similar to this, only the guy flipping the other guy off had left a phone AND a tablet/iPad on top of his car. The phone had first fallen off & onto the road & the guy on the motorbike picked it up & drove up to the guy in the car (only to be given the finger). When he got close enough, the car-guy saw the phone in his hand & stopped so he could get it back. Motorbike-guy was still pissed off, though; tossed the phone through the window, lifted the tablet/iPad off the roof (cue the car-guy’s dismayed look) & let it drop onto the road before roaring off. That’s a double dose of karma, for sure. LOL.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

30) Oops, that got out of hand very quickly!

After Cliff made a threat against the president’s life by tweeting “100 retweets imma kill the President,” karma was instant and swift.

Within minutes, he sent another tweet that said “there’s cops outside my house” before finally realizing that he was screwed.

“I’m dead ass going to jail.”

In case you didn’t know, making a threat against the President’s life is a federal offense.

Imgur Source: Imgur

31) “Parking Jerk who Paid the Price”

Hey, if all the rest of us have to park within the lines, then this guy can’t get away with not doing it! Karma, do your thing.


“Last December (CRAZY shopping time) I came across an asshat taking 2 spots in a busy grocery store aisle, and I eased my car in about 2” away from his to fit in. He actually came out while I was parking & yelled at me – “Hey! I park like that so no one parks next to me!” I was going to tell him to park way in the back of the lot if he didn’t want anyone to park near him, but some random dude walking by pipes in, “No, you park that way because you’re an asshole.” I’m glad one of us had the proper response.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

32) “And that is why you don’t leave your dog in your car.”

The owner of both this car and the dog got exactly what they d=what was coming to them: smelly, poopy revenge! If it was a hot day out, then the smell is going to be twice as bad, and deservedly so.


“Good for you, dog! I hope you saved some for the driver’s seat, though.”


“Looks like this dog does give a shit.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

33) “Revenge of the garbage men”

Karma says: don’t park in front of the dumpsters. The garbage men will get you, and they have a really trashy sense of humor!

Reddit Source: Reddit

34) Thieves hate her, but karma loves her!

After this cyclist had her bike stolen, she tracked it down on Craigslist. So, she did what any smart gal would do. She met with the thief/seller and stole her own bike back!

Imgur Source: Imgur

35) Karma doesn’t jive with hipster business.

When a group of hipsters were behaving very obnoxiously at a coffee shop, the guy sitting next to them tapped into the power of karma to teach the a lesson. As the would-be entrepreneurs loudly mulled over possible website names, this guy went online and bought everyone single one of those domain names!

Reddit Source: Reddit

36) Just another day in karma-land.

This is why you’re not supposed to park in front of a fire hydrant! Do you think the firemen have to flip a coin to see who gets to bust out the windows?

Imgur Source: Imgur

37) She’s the meanest mama in Wyoming!

And as this poor kid soon realized, a pissed off mom is nothing more than karma in disguise. As evidenced by this for sale ad that mom took out in the paper, karma really hates drunk drivers.


“Its good to show kids (especially nowadays) that there are consequences for bad decision making and poor judgment. Tough love, but a lot of credit to a parent who sticks to their guns and doesn’t try and be their kids best friend.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

38) “This guy was parked in front of the shopping cart stall”

This is what happens when you’re the guy that parks in front of the shopping cart stall. If you’re not going to play by the rules and park in a non-parking spot, then you deserve to be surrounded by a lynch mob of carts.


“Used to work as a cart guy at a Sam’s Club…. this happens more often than it should.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

39) “Not quite instant, but still satisfying.”

Karma took her sweet time, but it still came for this luggage thief. They forgot to remove the original owner’s address tag, so all of the thief’s belongings were delivered by the airline to the bag’s rightful owner!

Reddit Source: Reddit

40) “Friend posted this on facebook. Package thief has no idea what he stole.”

So you want to be a thief? Karma has a perfect gift for that! You just never know what might be hiding in those Amazon packages you steal off someone else’s doorstep.

Imgur Source: Imgur

41) “Baby momma drama? Instant Karma’s gotchu fam”

When baby momma tried to stir up the pot in front of baby daddy’s home, karma called the cops! Next time don’t get caught with drugs in your car.

Imgur Source: Imgur

42) “Guy parks his car right in front of firefighting depot”

I think there’s a reason you’re not supposed to park there. If you can’t figure out what that reason is, karma will show up and lead the way.

Imgur Source: Imgur

43) Karma for litterbugs is brutal!

This may very well be one of the best cases of instant karma ever witnessed. A guy who was eating a sandwich at a touristy spot couldn’t be bothered to throw the sandwich in the trash can, so he proceeded to chuck it off the cliff. Unfortunately for him, he tossed with the hand that was holding his phone.

Reddit Source: Reddit

44) Sometimes, karma gives you an instant slap in the face.

Or in this case, she used a door to slam into this guy’s nose. Remember, so long as karma is around, patience is a virtue.

Reddit Source: Reddit

45) Karma is a pedestrian affair

If you’re going to nearly run over a pedestrian, look both ways before you do. You never know when karma is going to put an unmarked police cruiser right behind you!


“As a pedestrian who uses the crosswalk correctly and yet has this happen to me everyday, this brings a glistening tear of justice to my eye.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

46) Karma gave this guy an instant driving lesson

Hitting the gas pedal so you’ll barely miss a pedestrian is not the proper way to drive. Naturally, karma decided that this guy doesn’t deserve to drive and took his front bumper away.

Reddit Source: Reddit

47) Karma has aggressive moves, too!

This woman and her sister weren’t the best of friends when they were growing up. So, one day when her older sis shoved her aside to be the first to get off the bus, she was greeted with instant payback.


“50 years later and that just made some random guy over the Internet smile too.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

48) Not even little girls are immune from karma’s instant justice

A group of girls made fun of these two sisters when their umbrellas flipped inside out as they were walking in the rain. Moments later, the girls who were laughing at the two sisters found themselves soaked to the bone.

Reddit Source: Reddit

49) Karma has every cop’s number on speed dial

Where’s a cop when you need one? Oh wait, there he is, giving the d-bag driver who shoved you off the road a ticket.

Reddit Source: Reddit

50) Karma is an 8o-year-old man

Purse snatchers beware! Karma doesn’t mess around when you steal from elderly ladies.


“God this is perfect. Members of the AARP unite.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

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Source: Bored Panda, 22 Words
