50 People Who Take Laziness Very Seriously

While we have all been guitly of showing lazy tendencies, some people take it to the next level. Many of us may try to be “Kobe” and throw our trash into the trashcan, but that’s nothing compared to these legends. These people are so lazy, that even Homer Simpson would be appalled.

hiddenvalley Source: hiddenvalley

1) DST At It’s Finest

You can still acknowledge Daylight Savings Time without resetting your clocks. Do what this person did and write the difference on a piece of paper below. Nine o’ clock it is!

MadFruit Source: MadFruit

2) Who’s Walking Who?

This makes you a little sad for the dog. Walking your best friend should be a pleasant experience you love to do in order to bond with them. Looks like this owner was a little too tired to bond.

Best Walking She Reviews Source: Best Walking She Reviews

3) Seems Safe

Please don’t try this at home. We don’t know if this girl’s floor is wet or if she’s just tired of standing. Whatever it is, it’s a bad idea. But sitting while cooking, now that, is something to think about.

Kashamalsha Source: Kashamalsha

4) One Expensive Box

Why pay $100 for a computer chair if you’re just going to use the box? That’s something you could ahve found for free. That logic is exactly why teenage boys make the decisions that they do.

Reddit Source: Reddit

5) Glad We Didn’t Say Banana?

How lazy does one have to be to buy peeled oranges? That’s pretty bad because oranges are one of the easiest fruits to peel. Now if it were kiwis or watermelon, we might understand.

Imgur Source: Imgur

6) Let’s Not Picture This

We do not want to know how this is used. But we are still curious. Is it really that much work to stand and do your business? How long can it really take? You want to sit, go to the throne room.

Pikabu Source: Pikabu

7) Actually More Work

Has anyone ever tried to drink out of a straw this long? It’s terribly difficult. It takes a lot of breath and a lot of strength. But if that’s better than holding a drink, more power to you.

Taringa Source: Taringa

8) Who’s a Good Boy?

This is a good idea for two reasons. First of all, most people will feel bad once they read that orange sign and tell themselves that they are one of the special people who put their trash in the right can. And second of all, that orange can is still an option.

Pikabu Source: Pikabu

9) Ultimate Netflix Night

This kid has got it all figured out. He can watch his show while laying down. He looks super cozy with his blanket. Now who else is going to get a glass table this week?

Reddit Source: Reddit

10) Don’t Try This At Home

Never do this because it is super dangerous. Rubbing on the upholstery can make sparks and start a fire. This dude doesn’t know that. But you do. So don’t make the same mistake that he did.

11) Oof For That Car

It does take a bit of work on winter mornings to clean your car off. But it is well worth it. The weight of the snow itself poses a hazard. Then of course, there’s all those blind spots!

12) No Stranger Things Tonight

This girlfriend asked her boyfriend to watch the bread. A few mintues later, she went to watch tv and realized it was screen mirroring the oven. That’s quite the innovative trick!

Pikabu Source: Pikabu

13) Just One More Second of Work

It really wouldn’t have been more work to take the tube off the holder. Throw it in the floor if you’re too lazy to take it to the trash! But this, this is definitely next level stuff.

Picpost Source: Picpost

14) Eye See What You Did There

That’s a lot of eyes in those potatoes. Someone said they forgot about them in their lazy susan. Well, it looks like it was Lazy Susan who said this. She probably just wanted to get her cheese puffs and move on.

Reddit Source: Reddit

15) She’s Figured Life Out

The funniest thing about this is that it’s not a rolling chair. So it makes us wonder if it’s really that convenient to carry the chair to the fridge to find something to eat.

Whisper Source: Whisper

16) Next up: Hannah

No one really blames whoever did this. If you already have the banner for Anna, why not reuse it for Brianna? It saves time and money, plus, it gives each of them a special birthday.

Pikabu Source: Pikabu

17) What a Hassle

Okay, imagine doing this with a military man standing in front of you. Eek! How long can it really take to wait for two orders in front of you. Besides, you’re going to have to stand up and mvoe the chair as the line moves.

18) Crop Circle, Much?

This is genius if you can get it to mow an even pattern. Otherwise, the government is going to be knocking on your door asking how those crop circles appeared on your lawn.

Pinterest Source: Pinterest

19) Teamwork

Is two people doing a bit of work better than one person doing a normal load of work? Ask these brothers. They thought taking the four wheeler for a trip around the yard was the way to go.

Taringa Source: Taringa

20) New Trend

This isn’t a bad idea. Since everyone is invloved, no one gets the short end of the stick. Instead of waiting in line, just put your shoes in place of you. No standing, no arguing, no cutting.

Taringa Source: Taringa

21) It’s an Old Picture

This one can get you at first. This old security guard put a cutout of a security guard at his post, hoping to fool those around him while he took a nap. That’s the smartest thing that any worker can do.

22) Cat to the Rescue

When this kid is feeling lazy, he uses a laser pointer to get the cat to shut the light off for him. It seems ridiculous until you find out that it really works. Then you just might try it yourself.

Reddit Source: Reddit

23) Those are Good Names

You have to admit that those are good names. Very princess-like indeed. I think that this kid actually thought that he was supposed to name the shapes pretty names rather than tell what they were.

Twitter Source: Twitter

24) Josh Loves His Mom

Most kids feel like responding like this. These kids at this camp were required to write a letter home after the first week. If they didn’t, they didn’t get to go to the mess hall. This kid beat the system with his lazy letter home.

Reddit Source: Reddit

25) Peep Toe Polish

It really isn’t that difficult to paint those tiny toes, but why do it if they aren’t going to show? People will think that all ten toes are painted when all you had to do was get four of them done!

26) Must Be A Volunteer

This fireman doesn’t seem to think this is an emergency, now does he? If there’s one thing that a fireman shouldn’t be it’s lazy. That, and afraid of fire. Probably would have been more effective to throw that waterbottle on it!

Watson.ch Source: Watson.ch

27) Frulse

It’s true that most kids have tried at least one trick similar to this. Is that a true or false answer written here? It’s up to the teacher to decide and she decided that it wasn’t good enough. Better luck next time.

28) Baby’s First Christmas May Be Gone

This wife wasn’t sure if the way her husband packed the tree for next year was genius or lazy. We have to agree. While it does make things easier for next year, it also chances losing your favorite ornaments.

Reddit Source: Reddit

29) It Still Works

Yeah, so, using the doorstopper box as a doorstopper can make sense. Except, why buy a doorstopper if you’re not going to actually use it? Does it matter if it works?

mmo-champion Source: mmo-champion

30) Better Than Iron Man

A class of students were required to pick a Marvel character to portay in their resume and cover letter. This student decided to pick Groot, the character who only has one line.

Reddit Source: Reddit

31) Last Seconds of Freedom

Is it really lazy if you’re going to 24 Hour Fitness anyway? Look at all those people choosing to use the escalator rather than the stairs. That’s a lot of lazy gym goers. Think they’ll stick with it?

Slideshare Source: Slideshare

32) Lazy Bling Bling

At least this lazy shopper is shopping in style. He’s using his gold hoverboard to make walking through the store a breeze. They should install these in all carts from now on.

Imgur Source: Imgur

33) You Should See the Car

Maybe they couldn’t afford a tree or maybe they waited until the last minute, but somehow, this family ended up with a car freshener hanging on a back scratcher. IT’s the thought that counts.

34) Don’t Choke

This is pretty smart. When you’re relaxing by the pool, it’s okay to be lazy. So grab a straw and stick it through your lawn chair because this is a trend waiting to happen.

Reddit Source: Reddit

35) What if He’s Hired?

On one hand, this is genius. You don’t hjave to buy a suit for your job photo. But you know, once you get started, they are going to want you to buy one to wear every day.

Reddit Source: Reddit

36) Dogs are People Too

This may not exactly be a person, but he thinks he is. While he’s not allowed to eat on the couch, he can sit on the couch without his food. This smart canine knows how to work the system and let laziness win.

los40 Source: los40

37) Daddy Needs a Drink

When left at home with the kids, dads can get a little crazy. They care about two things: whatever is easy and whatever is fun. This dad accomplished both when he came up with this.

Pinterest Source: Pinterest

38) You Had One Job

That doesn’t look like a big tree but someone thought it was too much work to move it. That line will confuse any driver now. You can just see them rubbing their eyes as they approach.

Reddit Source: Reddit

39) Hi There, Name

This was probably an accident but still. Someone again had one job and they failed miserably. The directions are right there! Now everyone will forever call this woman Mrs. Font Type.

Pikabu Source: Pikabu

40) Two by Two

What if you were a cartoonist and you hated drawing eyes? Oh yeah, just give all of your animals the same eyes! Easy fix. No one will ever notice? Except for the kid who was scarred by that elephant.

Reddit Source: Reddit

41) It Came Like This

You know those tiny boxes of cereal? Those are every lazy person’s dream. The only thing that would make them better is if they came with milk. Oh wait, look at what this lazy dude did.

Giorna Lettismo Source: Giorna Lettismo

42) Someone Needs a Trash Can

This would give anyone anxiety. Just imagine the ants gathered in that room. Not to mention, someone has a serious addiction to Coke that they should be worried about.

YouTube Source: YouTube

43) Play Outside

This kid’s mom told him it was too nice of a day to play computer games inside. So, he went outside and played instead. No wonder his mom didn’t scold him, this was way too smart!

Imgur Source: Imgur

44) Dress Code Success

When this school asked students to wear uniforms and this kid didn’t have a belt, he didn’t go out and buy one. Instead, he made one out of paper and drew on it with a marker.

Reddit Source: Reddit

45) More Or Less Work?

Isn’t it faster to walk up five steps than to take the escalator? This is more of a lazy mindset than an actual lazy body because those thinking logically will take those stairs in one or two steps.

46) Not Exactly Faster

Is this genius or is this ridiculous? Can we go with both? Cooking ramen in a coffee pot is one of those dorm room hacks every college student should know about.

Liveabout Source: Liveabout

47) Dual Keyboards

How lazy do you have to be to not sit up and use your keyboard on your laptop. I hope this lady has a bad back because otherwise, that’s pretty darn lazy. Buying an extra keyboard, of all things!

Imgur Source: Imgur

48) What A Gentleman

The world is becoming one of equality, but that doesn’t mean that men should no longer help women out. Though gender aside, imagine seeing somone struggling like this and not putting down the umbrella and giving them a hand.

YouTube Source: YouTube

49) Dishes: Done

How funny. That is, until you actually need to use dishes. Until then, enjoy the laugh because whenever the wife finds out, she is not going to be happy.

Twitter Source: Twitter

50) Cheapest Shoes You’ll Find

You can find these shoes in any teen’s room or any dumpster in the city! Although I imagine this picture being one of those, “mom’s home and we have to carry in groceries now,” situations.

Pinterest Source: Pinterest

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Sources: brightside.me, boredpanda

