50 Single People Explain Why They’re Single And The Responses Are Hilariously Relatable

It can be really hard to find a person to date. Some of us get lucky and marry our high school sweethearts or even meet our future spouse in college, but it doesn’t happen that way for everyone. Some people are happy to be single for a long time while some don’t know if they ever want to fall in love.

Finding someone is complicated because dating is complicated. It can be so awkward trying to figure out how to get to know a potential mate. Do you go to a nice restaurant, see a movie, or just hang out?

How do you even meet people? Some people enjoy online dating while others absolutely hate it. Once you start, you then have to weed out the weirdos. There’s nothing worse than sitting down on a date with someone who seems nice, but who actually turns out to be crazy — or even worse, creepy.

With all the challenges of dating, it’s no wonder a lot of people are single. Jimmy Fallon took to Twitter to ask individuals to share why they weren’t in a relationship. The answers ranged from the shocking to the hilarious.

1. No time for cat people

It’s one thing not to like dogs — after all, some people don’t feel comfortable around them. It’s another thing to insult your date’s dog. That’s just rude.

Twitter/JesseeWorsty Source: Twitter/JesseeWorsty

2. Nope, made it weird

Don’t assume anyone is trying to hold your hand unless you’re really, really sure that’s their intention. In fact, maybe you should confirm before you try. It could save you from situations like, well, this.

Twitter/Donn'tLarfatMen Source: Twitter/Donn'tLarfatMen

3. Allergies, am I right?

This might just be someone’s worst nightmare. There’s no recovering from this, and I’m betting there was no second attempt at a kiss. Just go home, dude.

Twitter/RickyR3rd Source: Twitter/RickyR3rd

4. A simple “Thank you” would suffice

This is a pretty weird reaction to getting a flower. Just imagine you give a girl a flower, you hope that she really likes it, and then she does this.

Twitter/GrampaBerty Source: Twitter/GrampaBerty

5. Hydration IS important

That would be a cute, awkward line on its own, but the moan made it really weird. But he’s not wrong — make sure you drink enough water, everyone!

Twitter/ZFelds Source: Twitter/ZFelds

6. I definitely remember what you look like

Blind dates are awkward because you go in, well, completely blind. Maybe she was able to spin it as being so invested in the conversation that she wasn’t paying attention to what he looked like?

Twitter/Tidewoddergirl Source: Twitter/Tidewoddergirl

7. Do I smell Ocean Breeze?

Remember the Febreze commercials where they’d bring blindfolded people to garbage dumps and ask them what they smelled? Here’s hoping the guy’s apartment at least smelled okay.

Twitter/Sweaty_Betty Source: Twitter/Sweaty_Betty

8. It’s the third

This person clearly had one thing on their mind and there’s no way to hide that now. The only solution is to walk away and never speak to that individual again.

Twitter/ShiRobison Source: Twitter/ShiRobison

9. I missed the punchline

This could be kind of endearing, assuming that they manage to get the punchline out. Everyone loves a comedian, but who’s going to know how funny you are if they can’t understand you?

Twitter/JustinKWelch Source: Twitter/JustinKWelch

10. And they look smashing

Honestly, if anyone thinks this is a reason to rule someone out as a potential significant other, they’re not worth your time. Those pajamas are adorable and so is she (and the dog).

Twitter/Nicole_Rassch Source: Twitter/Nicole_Rassch

11. Annoying, but not wrong

Sure, no one likes a grammar Nazi, but you know who they like even less? People who have terrible grammar and spelling. The difference between your and you’re isn’t that hard.

Twitter/JayKayex Source: Twitter/JayKayex

12. This is called a niche interest

We all have our hobbies and interests and some of them aren’t exactly relatable for everyone. But this one probably goes beyond the realm of normal unique hobbies. But to each their own.

Twitter/Fishywa Source: Twitter/Fishywa

13. Maybe she was a pirate

There’s nothing like panicking when someone cute approaches you. All he had to do was say hi, but instead, his brain freaked out and decided this was a more interesting response. To be fair, it was.

Twitter/JimmyFallon Source: Twitter/JimmyFallon

14. They make a good point

Some people are single because they just haven’t found the right person yet. Others are single by choice, like this person, who decided that for now, food is more important than love.

Twitter/DreamChaser717 Source: Twitter/DreamChaser717

15. A handshake is as good as a hug

Many people just aren’t good at accepting compliments. We should all make it our goal to just say “thank you.” It might save us from lots of potentially awkward situations.

Twitter/sivtopia Source: Twitter/sivtopia

16. You sonofa…

Some people are single but really deserve to be in a great relationship. Then there’s this person, who needs to shape up before they’re ready for anything long-term. What kind of sicko does this?

Twitter/fragolas Source: Twitter/fragolas

17. Yeah, about that…

You might want to brush up on appropriate first date questions before heading out the door. Questions like this one could lead to some uncomfortable situations, so stick to “What are your hobbies?” and “Do you have any pets?”

Twitter/BelleoBabble Source: Twitter/BelleoBabble

18. That’s quite something

This is one of those things that would drive some people away while attracting others. Is it weird or a life-changing invention? I guess that’s up to each of us to decide.

Twitter/Ninjamandi1221 Source: Twitter/Ninjamandi1221

19. Safety first

Most people can safely hold hands with their date while driving, but this person wasn’t having any of it. Way to shoot your date down in the name of keeping those hands at 10 and 2!

Twitter/macmanwaring Source: Twitter/macmanwaring

20. But did you eat it?

Whether we admit it or not, we’ve all found food in that’s landed awkwardly on ourselves. But the real question is whether you ate the ramen noodle or not — that’s the real measure of your personality.

Twitter/thistallawkgirl Source: Twitter/thistallawkgirl

21. Alternative response: “Thank you”

A lot of these submissions are people failing to recognize or respond to pick-up lines because they feel uncomfortable receiving compliments. In this guy’s defense, sweaters are really nice and warm.

Twitter/MarkKellerWEEU Source: Twitter/MarkKellerWEEU

22. A new definition of “cat lady”

Some people really love their pets, but not everyone loves them enough to dedicate an Instagram account to them. But the right kind of person will help you take pictures of your kitty.

Twitter/Andwejigglelike Source: Twitter/Andwejigglelike

23. Yes, you should probably do that

If you have a strong family history of certain diseases like dementia, you may have to come to terms with the fact that they could affect you as you age. But that’s probably a long-term relationship topic of discussion, not a first date discussion.

Twitter/Slyklei Source: Twitter/Slyklei

24. Details, details

This is a straight “I see what you did there” moment. They had us for a second there but then flipped the script on themselves in the best way possible.

Twitter/NotRickPhang Source: Twitter/NotRickPhang

25. Someone date this nerd immediately

You call this awkward – I call it adorable. I hope this person finds a fellow Harry Potter nerd who’ll make endless puns with them and dress their pets up in the Hogwarts House colors of their choice.

Twitter/RizzoGHPR98 Source: Twitter/RizzoGHPR98

26. Son, we’re kicking you out

In today’s economy, there are plenty of young people forced to live with their parents because they just can’t find affordable housing. This might have been a red flag 10 years ago, but these days? It’s pretty normal.

Twitter/TrustedTexan Source: Twitter/TrustedTexan

27. Self-sabotage is the worst

This is one of those situations that makes you feel happy and resentful at the same time. On one hand, yay, you set people up! On the other hand, why did you ever sabotage yourself like that?

Twitter/djoberticulum Source: Twitter/djoberticulum

28. That might be a little unnerving unless they’re down for it

Look, date the right person and they’ll understand that everyone loves to eat — men love to eat, women love to eat. Tell them to buckle down and metaphorically eat their way to your heart.

Twitter/MadelineElyse Source: Twitter/MadelineElyse

29. It’s a reasonable assumption

Women legitimately do have a lot to fear when it comes to meeting strange men. It’s just one of many things that makes dating hard. It’s not fun wondering whether the date will end in triumph, disaster, or death.

Twitter/LaurenHopkins96 Source: Twitter/LaurenHopkins96

30. The countdown begins

There’s nothing technically wrong with this, but it does sound a little ominous. It kind of puts a lot of pressure on what’s supposed to be a fun and innocent hang-out, doesn’t it?

Twitter/courtney_fromm Source: Twitter/courtney_fromm

31. Ugh, do I have to?

If you want to be in a relationship, you have to date. That means leaving your comfort zone and talking to people. For some individuals, this is a nightmarish prospect. Can’t we all just stay at home and watch Netflix?

Twitter/TheLastChild73 Source: Twitter/TheLastChild73

32. Wait, no

Wait, what I’m trying to say is that you’re hot. I took a sweet moment and made it weird by implying that your mom is a MILF. You know what, I’ll just see myself out…

Twitter/KatyOombroski Source: Twitter/KatyOombroski

33. Accepting compliments is hard

Say it with me, class: when someone compliments you, all you have to do is say, “Thank you! That’s so nice!” There’s no need to shake hands, hug, do a dance, hold up finger guns, or do anything else.

Twitter/MaddieBogard Source: Twitter/MaddieBogard

34. But that’s kind of impressive

Is this really a turn-off, or is it actually kind of impressive? I’m going to go with impressive, but it also means you’d need to order two thin-crust pizzas so your date would have one, too.

Twitter/MattGregory Source: Twitter/MattGregory

35. Well, stop doing that

Some people have a natural knack for matchmaking, which is great for them! Unfortunately for this lady, she does it to the people that she likes, which never turns out well for her.

Twitter/brickhousee11 Source: Twitter/brickhousee11

36. That’ll do it

Everybody has to do it, but honestly, it can make a budding relationship turn awkward fast. You have to pretend it never happened, but you both know it did. The only option is never to speak again.

Twitter/brookogeis567 Source: Twitter/brookogeis567

37. Time to delete Facebook

Most people these days engage in a bit of casual Facebook-stalking before a date with someone they don’t know well. But this is everyone’s worst nightmare, especially when you know he got a notification about it.

Twitter/jessicabrewer Source: Twitter/jessicabrewer

38. How to literally beat people away

The right person would probably find this endearing, but it’s still rough to strike up a conversation with someone cute if you’re getting hit in the solar plexus.

Twitter/QueenMemeDealer Source: Twitter/QueenMemeDealer

39. Okay, but that’s disgusting

She doesn’t explicitly say this is the reason why she and her ex broke up, but it’s not out of the realm of possibility. Seriously, if you’re licking Dorito dust off your chips and then leaving wet tidbits on the table, you might have brought it on yourself.


40. How long were they in the car?

It’s bad enough to get sick on any date, but it’s disastrous when it happens on a blind date. Maybe the date didn’t call this poster back or perhaps they decided to stay out of the dating scene for a while. I know I would!

Twitter/ValMiller11 Source: Twitter/ValMiller11

41. It’s so hard to find a good cat stroller these days

When you say “cats”, just how many are we talking here? Because two cats in a hot pink stroller would be adorable. Eight of them in a stroller is…too many cats.

Twitter/ShellyMccutcha1 Source: Twitter/ShellyMccutcha1

42. Yeah, that’s not what she meant

It seems as though this person had something completely different come to mind with the words “bunny suit.” Sorry to disappoint you, but the bunny ears get in the way.

Twitter/Teeny_Turner Source: Twitter/Teeny_Turner

43. Ack! No! Why?

There’s no explanation or clarification for why this person does this. Either they think it’s funny to make everyone around them uncomfortable or they don’t realize how weird it is.

Twitter/abby_lampe Source: Twitter/abby_lampe

44. Oh, is that it?

Sometimes questions like “Why are you single?” complicate answers about trying to find the right person and being in the right place in life. But for this guy, things are pretty straightforward.

Twitter/JeremyWalz4WI Source: Twitter/JeremyWalz4WI

45. In her defense, that pick-up line is…

…not the greatest. Everyone felt uncomfortable in this scenario: the boy, the girl, the pickup line. Basically, that relationship was doomed before it even began.

Twitter/_ambrotype Source: Twitter/_ambrotype

46. Well, that’s SUPER ANNOYING

Look, I’m glad this person has a great talent they enjoy. But for goodness’ sake, keep it to yourself. None of us want to talk while the movie is playing — especially if you’re guessing spoilers the whole time.

Twitter/CeCeDel1201 Source: Twitter/CeCeDel1201

47. It went downhill almost immediately

There’s no telling why this person had such a violent reaction to the spelling of their date’s name, but suffice it to say, it probably wasn’t received well. Wherever Sarah with an H is these days, she has a heck of a story about her terrible date.

Twitter/LaughAtMeNow Source: Twitter/LaughAtMeNow

48. Is this a deal-breaker?

When you’re sick, you don’t care how you look. Stuff those tissues up your nose and find yourself a significant other who’ll cuddle up and feed you chicken soup.

Twitter/SierraPaes Source: Twitter/SierraPaes

49. Fair point

When you’re in love with someone, you’ll put up with a lot to be with them — or at least find a solution. But one thing is true — SO MANY MEN SNORE.

Twitter/WILDWEST72 Source: Twitter/WILDWEST72

50. So now I’m dating a golden retriever

One of the things we all have to come to terms with as we grow older is the simple fact that a lot of people stink. Golden Retrievers are pretty great.

Twitter/thesmalltowner Source: Twitter/thesmalltowner

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Source: Twitter, Bored Panda
