50 posts that prove humans aren’t the smartest species around

Have you ever posted something on social media that you aren’t proud of? We’re sure everyone has their not-so-bright moments when it comes to posting on social media. The posts you’re about to see take it on a whole different level of cringeworthiness, though.

The internet gives people a lot of freedom, which includes the freedom to post literally whatever’s on our minds at a given moment but the problem is that people often share their less than brilliant ideas and we all the internet never forgets.

In case you’re embarrassed by something you posted on social media when you see this list, it will make even the most bizarre of your post look benign in comparison. Brace yourself, for you’re about to see the list of 50 social media posts that will make you cringe.

Reddit Source: Reddit

He lives…

This video attracted attention back in January for the wrong reasons. This guy was attempting to clickbait Kobe Bryant’s death. The video has been taken down but was subsequently re-uploaded. After claiming he has found Kobe’s number on the Dark Web after much searching, this YouTuber was pretending to call Kobe at 3 am in the morning and a voice on the phone can be heard answering. It’s both super cringe, as well as morbid – not to mention incredibly disrespectful and insensitive.

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A nice way to make yourself look both dumb and cringeworthy

Making fun of someone because of how they look is pretty low. Some people apparently have nothing better to do on Twitter than ridiculing folks who’re actually making a real contribution to society. It’s pretty sad, don’t you think?

Reddit Source: Reddit

The word ‘cringe’ just got a whole new meaning

It’s pretty disturbing to know that something created for children has been hijacked by devoted and cringeworthy adult fans who have nothing better to do than create bizarre porn based on ‘My Little Pony’. Not only it’s cringeworthy but gross as hell.

Reddit Source: Reddit

The magic of Twitter

When I was just a little girl, I asked my mother what will I be… and she told me I will be a star in a Netflix series! Now it’s all up to you Twitter!

Reddit Source: Reddit

Lucky bot!

Who would’ve thought that you don’t even need to be human to earn good money on Reddit!

589,250 coins roughly translates to $3288.02 CAN (I used Canadian prices) or $2506.15 USD, or 2357 upvotes. Or 22 years and 219 days of Reddit premium (in golds), enough to last until 2042.

Reddit Source: Reddit

That’s embarrassing

Here’s what happens when you want to show off on Twitter – you get exposed and end up looking silly. We can’t say that it wasn’t deserved, can we?

Reddit Source: Reddit

So classy of you Disney!

This tweet sparked backlash and Disney backtracked after it met with protest by fans who also made fun of Disney as a result. Whatever the case, this Tweet was a major blunder on the company’s part.

Reddit Source: Reddit

Christmas disappointment

Sounds like this guy was really let down by his family and it ruined Christmas for him. The problem is… he’s 22. At least he has the next Christmas to look forward to!

Reddit Source: Reddit

A little harsh, don’t you think?

Invoking Anne Frank, in this case, comes out as a little bizarre, to put it mildly. There’ll always be people who love to put others down – especially on the internet.

Reddit Source: Reddit

A little desperate, yet effective

This had the desired effect but came at the cost of looking desperate and cringeworthy. Is there something that folks on Reddit aren’t prepared to do in order to get attention?

Reddit Source: Reddit


Whoever made this obviously had a lot of free time on their hands. Not that it explains the why behind all of this and it’s likely to remain a mystery.

Reddit Source: Reddit

Cringeworthy hypocrisy

It always feels bad when you get judged by others because of your looks, so the least we can do is to show others the same understanding we expect from them. When you’re being a hypocrite on social media as this woman, you’re likely to get exposed.

Reddit Source: Reddit

Relatable indeed

Being a billionaire is a burden that most of us mortals can’t even imagine how difficult it is to bear. If you were a billionaire and your siblings teased you because of it, you’d surely have a really hard time. Very relatable indeed!

Reddit Source: Reddit

Recycling 101

We all know that recycling is good for the planet so there’s no reason why actors shouldn’t be recycled as well. Saves time, money, and effort. Way to go Buzzfeed!

Reddit Source: Reddit

Christmas surprise

Who doesn’t remember the Wham! duo evergreen hit “Last Christmas’, which we think could easily apply to the couples who’re brave enough to follow this little piece of advice. Here’s one of the reasons why we shouldn’t take the mainstream media seriously.

Reddit Source: Reddit

Could this be any more bizarre?

Using Google to find the picture of her daughter wasn’t the weirdest thing with this one. Take a closer look at the search bar above the photo of Mia’s daughter and you’ll see something truly cringeworthy. We can’t even.

Reddit Source: Reddit

Buzzfeed style news

While this sort of ‘news’ may be appealing to the female audience, the fact still remains that crotch bulges make incredibly cringeworthy news. They won’t be getting a gold medal for this one, that’s sure.

Reddit Source: Reddit

A flashy welcome

That’s one sure way to grab everyone’s attention in a restaurant! Any publicity is good publicity, right?

Reddit Source: Reddit

Sad but correct

Nobody can say he wasn’t right. Gone are the times when one could simply walk into the cinema, see the movie and then quietly collect their impressions, nowadays the people on social media can easily end up ruining a perfectly good movie for us.

Reddit Source: Reddit

“Rather be single and homeless than paying half rent”

That backfired very quickly. What else are husbands for if not for paying rent?

Reddit Source: Reddit

Cringe time

Now is the time to cringe! Whoever thought of this one probably experienced some major dating issues. We guess it’s time for them to consider relocatting to Asia.

Reddit Source: Reddit

It’s written in the stars

When you’re in a need for your daily dose of cringe, considering visiting the BuzzFeed website. Unless you’re a straight man, that is. If that’s the case it’s better you give BuzzFeed a wide berth.

Reddit Source: Reddit


We can almost feel this guy’s embarrassment though in all honesty, he really brought it on himself. Twitter is a dangerous tool, use it wisely!

Reddit Source: Reddit


Some anger management therapy might help but the most effective form of therapy is to simply abstain from watching too many Disney animated movies. Movie villains give us unrealistic expectations.

Reddit Source: Reddit

“Putting reddit before your pets health”

Some people really shouldn’t own pets. Cats aren’t toys which you can use to increase your Reddit karma but living, breathing beings.

Reddit Source: Reddit

“This man really out here wearing a hentai sweatshirt in the Vatican City”

It’s all fine until the Pope walks in on him. As a matter of fact, the thing we find weirder than the sweatshirt he’s wearing is his starting at his phone instead of taking his time to look around one of the world’s most fascinating buildings.

Reddit Source: Reddit

The Intern

If this is the future of NASA we can be certain there won’t be any man missions to Mars at least until the next century. The internship screening process really failed big time here.

Reddit Source: Reddit

Disturbing on so many levels

Is this really worth commenting at this point? The guy who commented on this unfortunate post pretty much explained it so we’ll just leave it at that.

Reddit Source: Reddit

No comment’s necessary

They say stupidity doesn’t hurt but what we’re witnessing here is making us question the validity of that statement. If there’s ever an award for the world’s stupidest stunt, this one would be among the top candidates.

Reddit Source: Reddit

“Cringe post followed by a funny”

If she’s smart she’ll follow the advice from the comment section. It looks like it’s the best piece of advice she’ll ever get.

Reddit Source: Reddit


Seeing this Tweet makes us wonder what kind of crazy ideas the game devs have to put up with on a daily basis. Come to think of it, we definitively don’t want to know!

Reddit Source: Reddit

Beware of the white robots!

More black robots could be the solution, although, as the commenter below pointed out, that solution comes with serious issues of its own. Owning a black robot would definitively get you in trouble!

Reddit Source: Reddit

“Domino’s or sex?”

Who needs sex when you can have pizza? The latter won’t want you to cuddle or call her in the morning.

Reddit Source: Reddit

“It hurts to know that this was me three years ago.”

Self-deprecating is truly a rare sight these days, especially on social media. This guy deserves a salute for his courage.

Reddit Source: Reddit


When you see one of these videos has almost 40k views of YouTube you begin to wonder what kind of a world do we live in. He obviously got it all wrong, the Joker is not the scary girl from the movie ‘The Ring’ who shows up at your house to murder you if you watch the movie. He should get his act together ASAP.

Reddit Source: Reddit

“Splish, splash”

Seriously BuzzFeed? Can we even visit the BuzzFeed website and not get creeped out, at least once? As it is, it seems to be asking for too much.

Reddit Source: Reddit

What a brilliant idea!

Why let a good idea go to waste? If you anime and hygiene company people are reading this, you know what to do next!

Reddit Source: Reddit

An unfortunate misunderstanding

Also, did anyone notice her profile name is literally ‘Aryan State’ though we’re sure it’s also another unfortunate coincidence. Oh yeah, and the Swastika is totally not Nazi either!

Reddit Source: Reddit

“This aged like milk…”

Many of us feel pretty embarrassed when we look at our yearbook page. Let’s hope he didn’t mention Jerry Sandusky and Harvey Weinstein as his favorite coach and Hollywood producer respectively.

Reddit Source: Reddit

“Accidentally uploading a picture of yourself on your catfish page”

Now this is just creepy. Anything we could say would be creepy as well so we’ll just let you draw your own conclusions.

Reddit Source: Reddit

“When your mom accidentally shares erotica in the family chat”

Now let’s be serious… mommy has needs and we all know it. On a different note, mom’s cat really looks adorable and almost makes this whole otherwise delicate situation kind of cute.

Reddit Source: Reddit

“Baby nut is the most desperate thing I’ve seen a company do”

Perhaps now is the time to seriously reconsider the company’s whole marketing strategy. Cringe is not usually something that turns people into buyers.

Reddit Source: Reddit

Philosophy for beginners

Whoever thinks this to be silly is obviously uneducated, or outright malicious. Thousands of years from now, Jaden will be recognized as one of the greatest philosophers of all time, there can be no doubt about it! The likes of Plato and Aristotle would be proud!

Reddit Source: Reddit

‘A’ is for Audacity

A lesson to all of you wronged students out there is not to be afraid to stand up to your professors if you’re right and they are wrong! However, be sure to show up to class first.

Reddit Source: Reddit


Just to be clear, there’s nothing wrong about trying to heal the wounds from the past or coming to terms with the things your ancestors have done, but we still wonder whether this is the proper way to achieve it. The fact it’s been done in the name of a good cause doesn’t make the act itself any less cringeworthy.

Reddit Source: Reddit

“Snapchat promoting cheating culture”

Nobody wants to be cheated on and this fact can hardly be disputed, no matter what. Do we want our kids and young adults to grow up thinking that cheating isn’t actually bad?

Reddit Source: Reddit

No kidding

Yeah that most definitively looks like rain! Comics can be weird sometimes.

Reddit Source: Reddit

One boyfriend too many

Certainly sounds like she has a lot of work to do at the end of every day. Zinnia’s advice is definitively the way to go if you have more than three boyfriends!

Reddit Source: Reddit

Vegan humor

We would’ve been very worried if we didn’t know that the subreddit this post came from was not run by self-deprecating vegans who appreciated satire, even if it was at their own expense. Be that as it may, this post is still scary!

Reddit Source: Reddit

Is a comment even necessary?

We can only hope this to be satirical and if it isn’t we can at least pretend it is. Not cool at all.

Reddit Source: Reddit