50 Prom Fails That Are Too Funny Not To Laugh About

For some people, high school prom is the highlight of their school years. For others though, it’s a total nightmare. Jimmy Fallon asked Twitter users for their worst prom stories, and the Internet delivered. These 50 former students would love to forget their prom failures, but unfortunately, that’s just not going to happen.

Their hilarious memories from that night are recorded in the archives of Twitter forever now. From dads who completely embarrassed their daughters by wearing costumes to students with very bad tastes in music, this list is full of people making bad decisions. At least they can look back and laugh about their failures now though.

jimmyfallon Source: jimmyfallon

1. Embarrassing Booger

If you are the prom king, all eyes are on you. The whole school will be watching you and your date. For this reason, you better be very careful that you don’t have any personal hygiene issues going on.

Grantman2k Source: Grantman2k

2. Adult Gifts

It’s customary that schools give the students attending prom some sort of small gift. Normally, it’s a bracelet or sticker with the prom slogan on it. This school had something else in mind though.

JDK811 Source: JDK811

3. Costume Surprise

It’s always awkward introducing your date to your parents. However, some parents go out of their way to make things even worse. For example, this dad who decided to get all dressed up for the occasion.

JennaRainey14 Source: JennaRainey14

4. Broken Zipper

If your dress won’t zip up, it’s going to create some problems. That’s what this woman found out. Luckily, one of her friends was able to deliver a new outfit to her.

AndreaJ36434846 Source: AndreaJ36434846

5. Green Dress

Proms often have a photo booth with a green screen behind it so you can take cool pictures with your friends. Unfortunately, that means that you can’t wear green. If you do, your image might be somewhat see-through.

ktbolller Source: ktbolller

6. Sprained Ankle

It’s important to be in good health when you go to prom. That way you can enjoy yourself to the fullest extent. Don’t be like this guy who injured himself a few days prior to the event.

OrangeChuck Source: OrangeChuck

7. Classy Shoes

A lot of women wear high heels to prom. It’s all about being fancy and looking amazing. Although, others choose to go with shoes that are a little less formal…

RachelPinsky Source: RachelPinsky

8. Pouring Rain

When it’s raining out, it’s easy to make mistakes. You might get into the car in a real hurry and catch your dress in the door in the process. In addition, you might not even realize it.

rikstelling Source: rikstelling

9. Passed Out

Make sure to hydrate beforehand. It will keep you from getting light-headed and dizzy. This woman forgot to and it ended with her having to lay down during the pre-prom photoshoot.

stephicwilliams Source: stephicwilliams

10. Important Questions

Some people don’t even know what prom is. That’s what this Tweet proves. Just because they are unaware of what prom is doesn’t mean that they won’t go with you though.

sleepy_kaylie Source: sleepy_kaylie

11. Prom Fire

Occasionally, bad things happen at prom that are completely out of your control. Things like fires. If your venue catches flame, it’s definitely not good.

imsarahhanscom Source: imsarahhanscom

12. Moving Violation

Meeting your date’s parents can be really nerve-wracking. Especially if your date’s dad is a cop. Even more so if he previously wrote you a ticket for reckless driving.

kristoph_errr Source: kristoph_errr

13. Wrecked Car

When you are going to pick up your prom date, there is pretty much only one rule — don’t wreck your car. If you do, it could throw a big wrench into your plans. You’ll likely be arriving a little late.

HockeyRenegade Source: HockeyRenegade

14. Date Mixup

There are several different methods for asking out a prom date. Some do it in person, some do it through text message, and others over the school intercom. Although, if you use the intercom, it can create some confusion…

MasonSnyder07 Source: MasonSnyder07

15. Stylish Principals

Oftentimes, the school principals make an appearance at prom. It’s important for them to show their support for their students. These two principals have a funny way of showing they care though.

judydaniell Source: judydaniell

16. Forgotten Ticket

If you forget your ticket, it’s going to create an issue. It’s especially true if the ticket is locked inside your house and you don’t have a key on you. You might have to break in to get it.

emmalovescrocs Source: emmalovescrocs

17. New Hairstyle

When doing your hair, it’s best to play it safe. Don’t do anything too crazy. Otherwise, you could find that you look back and regret it one day.

onedankmom Source: onedankmom

18. Pregnancy Illusion

The woman in this photo isn’t actually pregnant. No prom babies were made that day. It just looks that way!

_FletcherNelson Source: _FletcherNelson

19. Famous Photos

There are a lot of prom photos that are best kept between you and your friends. They are way too scandalous for public viewing. If they get out, it could be disastrous.

ryebiscuit Source: ryebiscuit

20. Spiked Punch

If you spike the punch with alcohol, you could get in serious trouble. That doesn’t stop students from doing it anyway though. It’s practically a prom rite of passage.

MasonSnyder07 Source: MasonSnyder07

21. Making Babies

For many couples, prom night ends in the bedroom. It’s a night that both people will remember for the rest of their lives. Especially if no protection was used.

Jay____Dee Source: Jay____Dee

22. Future Wedding

This couple got mistaken for a bride and groom. We can see how it happened. The woman was wearing a beautiful flowing white dress.

l_moore_12 Source: l_moore_12

23. Poop Problems

Watch where you step. That’s the lesson we learned from this Tweet. If you are walking around outdoors and aren’t paying attention, you could end up getting poop on you.

alannasummers_ Source: alannasummers_

24. Dancing Injury

Dancing is supposed to be fun. However, it’s not fun if you dislocate your knee. You have to be very cautious with what sort of dance moves you perform.

renpaigee Source: renpaigee

25. Designated Driver

You should never drive drunk. It’s just not worth it. If you are going to drink, it’s important to always have a sober driver in mind who you can call if necessary.

CallMeTed__ Source: CallMeTed__

26. Celebrity Date

What if you don’t find a date? It’s every prom-goer’s worst nightmare. Although, there are some last-minute solutions that you can use in case of an emergency.

annafinger23 Source: annafinger23

27. Snake Bite

This unlucky man never even made it to prom. He had a run-in with a snake beforehand. The rattler ended up sending him to the hospital.

austinflem_ Source: austinflem_

28. Missing Fish

When the school announced that they were renting out the state aquarium as the prom venue, the students were really excited. Sadly, it wasn’t as cool as everyone thought it would be. The aquarium really messed up.

andreawinning Source: andreawinning

29. Prom Pose

It’s not easy to take a decent prom photo. What if you both have the same “good side”? It can create some challenges for the photographer.

GabEspinosaWX Source: GabEspinosaWX

30. Just Kidding

When asking a person to prom, you have to be careful how you word the message. You want it to be very clear that you are serious. Prom is stressful enough already without any additional misunderstandings.

bigheadbenny13 Source: bigheadbenny13

31. Spilled Food

If you are on a date, everyone knows that there are certain types of food that you aren’t supposed to order. Dishes like spaghetti are very dangerous. You also have to be really cautious with sauces.

Henry_Jaeger14 Source: Henry_Jaeger14

32. Accidental Exposure

If you think your prom was embarrassing, just check out what happened to this woman. She accidentally showed everyone a little more skin than she wanted to. It wasn’t a great moment for her.

Jessicas_Shk Source: Jessicas_Shk

33. Prom Queen

These students made a very progressive prom queen vote. However, the school administrators didn’t approve. Things were different back in 2003.

SparklesLowe Source: SparklesLowe

34. Purple Nurple

There is a smooth way to make your move and a not so smooth way. This man chose the not so smooth way. He didn’t get very far, but it wasn’t for a lack of trying.

LgAndMovingTorg Source: LgAndMovingTorg

35. Pink Crocs

Here we have another woman who rebelled against the norm of wearing heels to prom. She was very pleased with her decision, although, she did take a lot of criticism for it. Everyone laughed at her.

bubblymama29 Source: bubblymama29

36. Just Watching

Prom is a time to get away from parents and celebrate becoming young adults. Unfortunately, not all parents see it that way. Some of them still want to supervise their eighteen-year-olds.

mlblazez Source: mlblazez

37. Drunk Falls

It’s okay to drink before your prom. A lot of students do it, despite the laws surrounding drinking ages. However, you have to know your limits or you might stumble into some problems.

funbutlazy Source: funbutlazy

38. Wrong Address

If you want to reject someone, it’s best to do it politely. We wouldn’t want a repeat of what happened to this guy. A girl agreed to go to prom with him, but it wasn’t exactly as it seemed.

BrandonCason4 Source: BrandonCason4

39. Bad Prom Date

Part of being a good date is not being cheap. It also helps to talk a little bit during long car rides. Otherwise, your date won’t know what to think.

nataliepfowler Source: nataliepfowler

40. Dropped Items

There are some things that men just don’t understand. We are referring to things like sticky boob covers. What in the world are those?

2CsHall Source: 2CsHall

41. Failed Prom

When the best part of your prom is taking a picture with a piece of microwaveable food, you know it’s a bad night. That much is certain. There is literally no way to make it sound any less sad.

jennaliz132 Source: jennaliz132

42. Excessive Cocktails

When alcohol gets involved, anything can happen. That includes your date hooking up with your best friend. It could be worse though. The woman could have been sober while it was happening.

ewysweeney Source: ewysweeney

43. Getting Ditched

This unlucky man had two bad prom experiences. He just can’t win. Now that high school is over for him, we hope he has better luck in the dating world.

repsher_colton Source: repsher_colton

44. Alcohol Confidence

It’s understandable that a person might be a little nervous before prom. It’s pretty much the pinnacle of high school events. Although, some ways of calming down your nerves are better than others…

MelissaClement2 Source: MelissaClement2

45. Ripped Pants

Dancing and getting crazy at prom is all part of the fun. However, you need to make sure your clothes fit. If they don’t, it could cause some issues.

tomvidal12/ Source: tomvidal12/

46. Knock Out

If you want to remember prom, try not to get hit in the head during it. Being unconscious is a good way to miss the festivities. Although, when someone throws a beer can at you, what are you supposed to do?

KatuniaOB Source: KatuniaOB

47. Practical Jokes

Playing jokes is a fun way to spice things up on prom night. However, you should try not to embarrass your date too badly. This guy might have gone a bit overboard.

WendyMDutton Source: WendyMDutton

48. Upset Stomach

Getting sick is definitely not what you want to happen during your prom. If the food at the restaurant poisons you though, it’s out of your control. It’s just plain bad luck.

LFlor_08 Source: LFlor_08

49. Car Fanatic

If you want to be really cool, just match the color of your dress to the color of your date’s car. It will make for amazing photos. However, it will also make for a lot of cleaning up the next day.

Melissa39512900 Source: Melissa39512900

50. Grandma Diss

You know your dating life is looking bleak when even your grandma laughs at you about it. She means well though. It’s all in good fun.

5sosroze Source: 5sosroze

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Source: 22 Words

Source: Twitter
