50 reasons why you should never order a prom dress online

Prom. Such an important event.

Girls spend a lot of time dreaming of and then preparing for the day. And next to who will be her date, the most important ingredient is what she will wear.

Gone are the days where you were limited to what was sold in brick and mortar stores. Now the world is your catalog, and your options are limitless. But those options may come at an unexpected cost.

You might knock those brick and mortar stores, but at least you and I have tangible evidence of what we’re spending our money on. We can examine the quality and even try something on, and we can have it fitted.

Here are 50 examples of people who were stunned—and not in a good way, more like they’d been tasered—when they received their dresses.

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1. Not quite there

From the waist down this dress is passable. Passable. It’s too big and kind of just hangs from the bodice. And the bra inserts? Well, they are just a joke.

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2. The color is right

Did she order sleeves? Because I see sleeves. Did she send in her measurements? Because that’s got as much shape as a paper bag. Will she be able to walk? So many questions.

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3. Hmm

I like to give credit where do. After seeing some of the abominations people have received, this isn’t too bad. The seamstress clearly has some skills. Big fail on the bra inserts though. In so many ways.

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4. Yep, stunned!

I bet these places have a no return policy as well, right? You give your money to some website run by people on the other side of the world, who probably have questionable English language skills, and they send you crap. Because this is crap.

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5. Challenged

I’m sure there are challenges when someone plus sized orders a garment that was likely created with a slimmer fit in mind. But this goes far beyond that. It doesn’t even look like the same dress.

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6. Too long?

Too big? Too droopy? I would really, really, love to see what kind of mess they made of the back of the dress. I bet she has butt crack showing!

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7. Not hideous

Far too big, but not hideous. The flounce at the bottom is all wrong too. The good news? She could eat a huge meal and not worry about busting—pun intended—out of her dress. Anywhere.

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8. Almost

I’d say this one is the best yet. The fit seems perfect, and while it doesn’t have the train the original has, it’s done quite well. But those bra inserts seem to be above the paygrade of these online sellers.

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9. It’s hard not knowing

If I order an off the shoulder dress, that’s what I expect. Did this woman customize her order and ask for this? We really don’t know. Regardless, while the workmanship appears good, the dress is too big.

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10. How?

Let me say I sew. I have sewed most my life. I don’t even understand how you can do what has been done to this dress. You cannot do this without noticing what’s happening.

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11. Call an ambulance

First, that looks like she’s being strangled by her dress. Secondly, was the underskirt added because the slit was made too high? Or was that by request and design. It’s not a bad replica, but it’s still a fail.

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12. Well…

I think part of the problem is she is too short in the waist for this dress. Or something. The dress is well constructed, but it is not working on her body. This is the kind of thing that might be fixed when you pin in alterations while wearing the dress.

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13. Too big

It kind of just hangs on her body. She could probably get it fixed by someone who knew what they were doing. And they would start with the stupid bra inserts.

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14. I’m confused

I’ve stared at it a bit, trying to figure out what I’m seeing. Is it way too small for her? Is that her bra I see hanging out the side? What is going on here?

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15. Get your money back

Clearly, that is not the dress you ordered. At all. I want to know what the back looks like. Is it heart shaped like it should be, or is it rounded too?

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16. Toilet paper?

Or maybe gauze? Whatever that fabric is it’s nothing like the original. If I can find one positive thing to say however, this dress doesn’t have the terrible bra inserts.

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17. Ah, no

And what is that? Shoe laces? I’m sure the real dress has some sort of boning but I don’t get the sense of that in the terrible knock off.

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18. A for effort?

Maybe. But this still gets and F for fail. While the overall design is similar, the dress is way too big and that’s some cheap, tacky, fabric.

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19. Well…

It fits. Sort of. But the positives stop there. The bodice is a mess and the beadwork doesn’t look similar at all.

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20. Hmm

We really don’t get the chance to see what the original dress looked like here. What you’re seeing is the dress that arrived vs the same dress that she altered. Frankly, I don’t think the dress she bought is bad. It’s pretty much a classic LBD. Maybe she wasn’t going for classic.

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21. Nothing alike

Well, they are both blue. But these dresses look nothing alike. And that band around the waist. Where did that come from?

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22. What happened?

I’m not sure what’s going on here. This looks like a mini dress and a bolt of fabric. Was she supposed to finish it herself?

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23. Her eyes!

I think the psycho, devil eyes pretty much explain how she feels about this dress, don’t you? However, this bodice fits properly and there are no bra inserts!

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24. Hahaha

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a slit that looks like that. All nice and round. It just makes that dumpy dress look worse.

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25. Complete fail

You’ll notice she’s wearing something under that dress. If she wore it as is, she would have her boobs hanging out the side. I’m sure some dress code police at the from would have a problem with it!

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26. Blurry

Well, the fuzzy pic doesn’t help things. However, I think that if that dress were taken and refitted, she might just get away with it. Or maybe not.

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27. Oh, yes

This looks exactly alike. And made for someone who has a bust about three times bigger than hers. I wonder if she’s able to put her arms down, of if the dress makes it difficult.

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28. Another A for effort

It looks miles to long, but maybe she’s planning on wearing sky high heels. Frankly, while the fit is terrible, overall this isn’t anywhere near the worst we’ve seen.

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29. First, why?

Why would you order a dress that basically see through for prom? And then have a problem that it’s see through? And too big, of course. Which in this case, is probably a good thing.

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30. Déjà vu

I’m pretty sure we’ve seen the dress already. At least the original. Here’s another replica that looks nothing alike.

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31. Honestly

Do the women hired to sew these dresses not have to pass some sort of tests that indicate they can indeed sew? Because this is terrible. Terrible fabric and terrible sewing.

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32. Hard to say

Other than the fact that the floral design is extremely different, it’s hard to say how bad this knock off is. But I think we can safely assume it’s pretty bad.

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33. Stunning

Stunningly bad, that is. And the socks don’t help. Nor does the way it sort of just hangs on her. And is it just me, or does it look like there is extra fabric bunched up just above her butt?

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34. Hard to tell

Which one is worse? Because personally, I think both of them are fairly ugly. But at least the dress on the mannequin fits her better.

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35. Not flattering

It’s hard to find clothes that look right on boxy bodies. You need to have a waist if you want to wear this style. This looks bad, and I don’t think all the blame can be placed on the seamstress.

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36. Hmmm

Someone who knows what they are doing may be able to make this work. It needs to be taken is a few inches in several places. It’s not going to look like a million bucks, but it would do for prom. In my opinion.

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37. Ahh

Either she has no boobs or the dress is made for someone with boobs far bigger than hers. Which makes the whole front of the dress sag.

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38. So bad

The original is so beautiful with the beadwork across the bust. The knock off looks like she’s wearing a giant disco ball. Actually, two giant disco balls!

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39. Horrible

I wouldn’t even wear that as a nightgown. How could someone even ship a dress looking like that.

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40. Not even close

That looks like a giant tongue on her back. And I can’t be sure, but that sheer fabric isn’t looking to sheer to me. It just looks like tan colored material.

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41. What is sparkling?

There is some embellishment on the original. Look at those gorgeous silver or diamond cuffs. But that’s it. What’s up with the material on the knock off? Or is that a dirty mirror? Regardless the cuffs are completely wrong, and so is the fabric.

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42. Something is missing

The original has some lovely embroidery from the top to thigh level. While the knock off isn’t a bad looking dress, it is nothing similar. Especially all that tulle from the waist down.

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43. Horrible

Why are all these dresses miles too long? I realize she might be barefoot, but even still, that is far too long. Not that that is the real problem with this dress, of course.

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44. Maybe

Maybe is you squeeze your eyes mostly closed and squint, you might think this dress is the same. Now open your eyes. The top half looks like armor draped in some tulle.

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45. Horrifying

Let’s not address that the original is butt ugly—at least in my opinion. Clearly, someone loved it enough to request a dress made in its image. Unfortunately, the outcome is unbelievably worse than the original.

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46. Where to start?

I mean why? Most people like to dance at prom. I would be afraid to move to much in that dress. And all the problems with it can’t be blamed on the seamstress. Am I right?

The Sun Source: The Sun

47. How?

How is this even allowed? Aren’t there some kind of laws around defrauding online shoppers? Even if they are stupid enough to think they can get a replica of a designer dress that likely costs thousands of dollars for a few hundred bucks? Or less?

The Sun Source: The Sun

48. Cheeky

The fabric is clearly wrong. Something is going on at the waist where is seems to be bunching up. But that’s not the biggest problem, is it? Unless she isn’t concerned about her exposed butt.

The Sun Source: The Sun

49. Oh, yes

That looks exactly the same, doesn’t it? Especially that lovely spill of roses that falls down the front of the dress. That has somehow become some giant brown thing that seems to be randomly placed around her hip.

The Sun Source: The Sun

50. An explosion

I was going to say an explosion of color. But this abomination just needs to be blown up. Or set on fire. I bet the horrible, cheap fabric would burn fast and hot.

The Sun Source: The Sun

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Source: Bored Panda
