50 Warning Signs That Are Downright Funny

Warning signs divulge crucial information necessary to keep you safe. However, not all warning signs are made equally. Some are better worded than others — these ones are a mix of informative and absolutely hilarious.

For starters, we have the no trespassing sign that put an extra emphasis on exactly what would happen if you trespassed — they would shoot you, and if you survived, they would shoot you again.


It’s pretty crazy, but that’s just one of the ridiculous warning signs we’ve gathered to share with you today. By the end of this list, you’ll likely be both shocked and amused by the frankness exhibited in the messages.

Yank In Australia Source: Yank In Australia

1. Weird Cat


The dog on the property is pretty scary. How about the cat though? It turns out, he is just as intimidating but in a different way.

Get_Win Source: Get_Win

2. Aggressive Pigeons

The worst that can happen in most cities is that the pigeons will steal your french fries or harass you for bread crumbs. However, these pigeons are more aggressive than most. They might even take your finger off.

Leo Reynolds Source: Leo Reynolds

3. Free Ride

Shoplifting at this store comes with an additional bonus. If they catch you, you’ll receive a ride in a police car free of charge. Who will be the next lucky winner?

that_shits_cray Source: that_shits_cray

4. Exit First

People get so absorbed in smartphones and social media these days. Hopefully, in an emergency situation, your phone won’t be a distraction. Just in case though, this sign reminds you to stay focused on what’s really important.

vivian Source: vivian

5. Unattended Drinks

Everyone knows that you aren’t supposed to leave drinks unattended at a party. Someone could put something in it or worse… the cat could get ahold of it. Cats love getting in trouble.

ink36.com Source: ink36.com

6. No Laughing

The natives don’t take kindly to being laughed at. That’s what this sign conveys. If you are a tourist in the area, it’s best to just be polite and move along.

Isai76 Source: Isai76

7. Injury Prevention

There are multiple rules you should follow if you want to avoid injury. However, the number one rule is to respect the man with the wrench. If you don’t, he can make your day much worse.

Imgur Source: Imgur

8. Aircraft Flight Patterns

The funniest part about this sign is not the message, it’s the fact that the top of it is bent over. It appears as though one of the low flying aircraft had a slight collision. It totally proves the sign’s point.

drumsonfire.tumblr.com Source: drumsonfire.tumblr.com

9. Children Hunting Regulations

It makes sense to slow down when you are driving and there are children playing around. Although, the secondary sign kind of changes the meaning of the original. It makes it less politically correct and much funnier.

juanjoli Source: juanjoli

10. Pipe Warning

It looks like everyone completely ignored the sign telling people not to play on the pipe. It was put there for a good reason, but you can’t stop people from being people. They’ll do what they want.

LokiGirl Source: LokiGirl

11. Pooping Prevention

This sign is warning people that there is 24-hour surveillance on the property. However, the best part is why the sign was placed there. It turns out, there was a reoccurring pooping incident.

Imgur Source: Imgur

12. Hungry Animals

The biggest risk at this wildlife preserve is being eaten by the animals. Although, no one really cares about the safety of the people. They are simply looking out for the animals’ best interests.

tenioman Source: tenioman

13. Skin Tone Chart

The beaches in Singapore are much different than what people in the United States are used too. For starters, the sun is a whole lot stronger. It isn’t the Jersey Shore, folks.

Nsulbu Source: Nsulbu

14. Ninja Exit

Emergency exit signs are an important part of keeping a building safe. As long as you follow them, you should be able to escape in case of a fire or other problem. You have to be careful though. Some exit signs are specific to certain professions.

Pinterest Source: Pinterest

15. Unmarked Holes

There are multiple ways to fall into deep shafts. This sign covers three common possibilities. Really, as long as you are aware of your surroundings, you should be fine.

FlyinRoo Source: FlyinRoo

16. Nosy Neighbors

This sign was found next to the windows at an Italian hotel. It warned guests to close the curtains to block the neighbor’s view. They are always watching.

Diogenes_of_Oenoanda Source: Diogenes_of_Oenoanda

17. Overgrown Road

When they say that the road isn’t maintained, they aren’t kidding. As far as we can tell, there isn’t even a road. It just looks like a bunch of grass.

Rachel Hanes Source: Rachel Hanes

18. Tiger Safety

Tigers are deadly animals. It’s a good idea to stay far away from their pens. After all, they basically see you as meat.

alh0 Source: alh0

19. Occasional Guard Dog

You don’t want to risk trespassing in this yard. There is a guard dog. Sure, he isn’t always patrolling the yard, but you never know when he’ll be out and about.

Paul Smith Source: Paul Smith

20. Unattended Children Reward

Maybe the free puppy is worth it, but as most parents know, children have enough energy all on their own.

shareitsfunny/twitter Source: shareitsfunny/twitter

21. Do Not Enter

There is no real reason why you should not enter. In fact, if you want to enter, go for it. There is no one stopping you.

Ljaxx22 Source: Ljaxx22

22. Sharp Fence

You wouldn’t think they would need a sign to warn people not to sit on this fence. After all, the prongs on top look extremely sharp. Although, we’ve seen people do dumber things before…

flutberf Source: flutberf

23. China Road Sign

This is a goofy way to warn people about a big hole in the ground. It’s pretty hilarious. If you fall into the hole, you might end up in China.

Bierrr Source: Bierrr

24. Do Not Touch

There is nothing worse than dying, except maybe, dying painfully. It’s best avoided. As long as you listen to this sign though, you shouldn’t have any immediate problems.

pdmcmahon Source: pdmcmahon

25. Underwater Breathing

It seems self-explanatory, but apparently, some people need a sign to tell them not to breathe underwater. It’s one of the funniest pool warning signs that we’ve ever seen, but hey, if it stops someone from drowning, who are we to judge?

Funny Signs Source: Funny Signs

26. Brainless Machine

Machines aren’t intelligent creatures. They simply follow a set of instructions. If you cross their path, they won’t hesitate to injure you.

FAIL8 Source: FAIL8

27. Tree Sign

Most signs like this just say “Warning: Tree”, or something to that regard. However, this sign takes a slightly more comical approach. It’s definitely appreciated.

fjv006 Source: fjv006

28. Dog Judge

A truer statement has never been made. Dogs have a sixth sense for detecting bad people. They don’t need to understand human language to determine the quality of your character.

CuntDrakula Source: CuntDrakula

29. The Big Questions

Is there life after death? It’s one of the great unanswerable questions of mankind. Although, this property owner is willing to help you discover the truth.

coolmr17964 Source: coolmr17964

30. Beware Of Owner

At this house, it’s not the dog that you have to be afraid of. The owner is much more dangerous. At least, according to the sign on the front gate.

CuntDrakula Source: CuntDrakula

31. Trees Hurt

This caution sign was spotted at the Keystone ski resort in Colorado. It warns skiers to be careful when skiing near trees. It’s good advice. Hitting a tree doesn’t feel very good.

TheDoctorPhil Source: TheDoctorPhil

32. Fast Bull

This pasture is only crossable if you are very speedy. The reason being? The bull. Unless you are superhuman, there is a good chance he is faster than you.


33. Primitive Road

It says there are no warning signs on this back road. There is a sign warning that there are are no warning signs though. So, technically, there is one? We suppose…

mrsaturdaypants Source: mrsaturdaypants

34. Ghost Warning

This shows how the city of London handles ghost sighting reports. They don’t care about actually eliminating the ghosts. They just want to make sure that the ghosts are paying their metro tolls.

Reddit Source: Reddit

35. Beware Of?


We don’t even want to know what this warning sign used to say. Something very big took a giant bite out of it. It’s both spooky and hilarious.

CuntDrakula Source: CuntDrakula

36. Off-Leash Dogs

There are a lot of reasons to keep a dog on a leash. Mainly, it’s because they can bother other people, or more specifically, they can trip people.

BenNadel Source: BenNadel

37. Deck The Halls

Utah is a state with a great sense of humor. Their Christmas-themed road sign is pretty comical. It had everyone who drove past it cracking up.

JackTheScripter Source: JackTheScripter

38. Watch Your Step

Sometimes the best way to get a point across is to use a fun rhyme. That’s what this warning sign does. It’s a remix of a classic rhyme that we have all heard before.

rubydragooon666 Source: rubydragooon666

39. Death From The Ankles

Little dogs can be just as dangerous as the big dogs. That’s what this sign warns. When they bite you, they start at the ankles and work their way down.

CuntDrakula Source: CuntDrakula

40. Exhibit One

The sign marking this dangerous area is very explicit about how disobeying it could ruin your life. You will end up injured, in court, and you will most definitely lose. There is no doubt about it.

ThePoke Source: ThePoke

41. Cat Ahead

Warning, there is a cat playing with yarn at this residence. You wouldn’t want to run it over. Make sure to yield if you see it out in the street.

Chiptek Source: Chiptek

42. Troll Warning

This one is just as funny. It warns that there may be trolls crossing the road occasionally. It’s surprising. We always thought that trolls only hung out around bridges.

Chiptek Source: Chiptek

43. USA Conceived Kids

Plastic bags can be dangerous to kids. They pose a choking hazard. However, this one is only dangerous to kids made in the USA. Other countries’ kids aren’t at risk.

yahvittu Source: yahvittu

44. Turn Around Don’t Drown

Flooded areas are best avoided. This sign has a pretty funny way of stating that fact though. It uses an easy to remember rhyming scheme.

VB_CoachGinipro Source: VB_CoachGinipro

45. Parking Red Zone

We can’t imagine how expensive the ticket would be if you parked in this no-parking zone. It is located in New York City. It’s a place that isn’t known for being cheap.

SuperSophisticated Source: SuperSophisticated

46. Stand At Your Own Risk

This sign is both educational and instructive. It teaches people about birds’ bowel movements and instructs them to move out of the way. We would recommend that you heed the sign’s warning.

imgoingtodeletethisaccount Source: imgoingtodeletethisaccount

47. Coffee Required

Coffee lovers will definitely understand this warning sign. Without a morning cup of coffee, there is no telling what kind of emotional outbursts might happen. So many people rely on the hot beverage to function.

yourcoffeeguru Source: yourcoffeeguru

48. Trespassers Get Flamingoed

We aren’t entirely sure what this no trespassing sign means. Will they force you to dance the Flamenco with a bunch of flamingos? That’s what it seems to imply.

welcometoyouredoom Source: welcometoyouredoom

49. Risky Sport Centre

It’s common knowledge that participating in sports can lead to injury. It’s unclear why they felt the need to say that literally. Although, maybe the copious amounts barb wire has something to do with it…

Bidgee Source: Bidgee

50. Poor Judgment

Drinking and water sports don’t mix. Alcohol impairs your judgment and might lead to you doing things that you’ll regret later — things like kissing fish.

welcometoyouredoom Source: welcometoyouredoom

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