After almost 50 years, a blinded elephant experiences freedom for the first time

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Everyone knows that elephants are incredibly intelligent animals. Sadly, some people don’t care and exploit them anyway.

Karma’s long life has been incredibly difficult. She was born in captivity, with cruel owners who would abuse her as much as they could.

Nera20_20/Instagram Source: Nera20_20/Instagram

The owners put Karma to work as a begging elephant. Begging elephants are used in India, Thailand and a few other countries. In this role, Karma would walk through the streets of Hamirpur, India, with her owners bullwhipping her as she begged passersby for money.

When she was very young, Karma had a thirst for freedom.

She would try to stop begging and escape.

The elephant’s owners soon put a stop to that in an incredibly cruel way. They blinded her.

Sunita_cosmos/Instagram Source: Sunita_cosmos/Instagram

From that moment onward, Karma had no choice but to comply with her owners. They used the bullwhip on her much more often, using it to direct her around the streets as she begged people for coins. She would have to do this even if the ground was blazing hot, even if hailstones were showering down.

At the end of every day, Karma was confined to a small concrete cell, with no other elephants to socialize with.

Otmane Ahmed/Facebook Source: Otmane Ahmed/Facebook

She was also badly underfed, and she was always weak as a result.

Sadly, Karma endured this terrible life for almost 50 years. But eventually, after so much suffering, her life would get better.

Wildlife SOS managed to free her from her captors. They took her to their sanctuary.

Wildlife SOS/YouTube Source: Wildlife SOS/YouTube

When she took her first steps off of the truck that had brought her to the sanctuary, she was timid. Of course, the poor blind elephant had no way of knowing that she was safe at last. She was expecting to be bullwhipped at any second.

The rescue organization gave Karma a full medical examination.

The elephant was suffering from an intense bull whip injury behind her right ear. She also had kidney and liver problems, due to her terrible nutrition. The rescuers hoped that Karma would get healthier over the coming days.

Over the next few days, Karma was still terrified. She had no concept of a life without pain.

She expected to suffer at any second. But slowly, thanks to her keeper, she started to realize that she had a happy new life at last.

Soon, the keeper introduced Karma to some of the other elephants in the sanctuary. For the first time in her life, Karma was able to socialize with her own kind.

Amazingly, she soon made friends with two of the residents of the sanctuary. Kalpana and Holly took Karma under their trunks and helped ber become comfortable in her new home.

The three elephants spend most of their time together in the sanctuary, going on walks, eating together and bathing in the pool.

Thanks to the friendship of the elephants and support of the rescuers, Karma soon gained strength and became incredibly happy. She would always be physically and mentally scarred from a half-century of abuse. But she was able to live well thanks to companionship, care and compassion.

Karma gets better and better every day. She has almost been at the sanctuary for six months. The team members are amazed at the speed of her transformation.

Hopefully, Karma still has many joyful years ahead of her. She could live another 20 years. She deserves to spend her remaining years in comfort and peace.

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Source: Wildlife SOS, Wildlife SOS, Action for Elephants UK
