Mature mom and her 31-year-old daughter conceive sisters weeks apart from each other

Kelsi Pierce and her husband Kyle had always dreamed of having kids, but due to infertility issues, it just wasn’t going to happen.

So her 53-year-old superhero mom came to the rescue and offered to carry her own granddaughter!

Kelsi and Kyle tried to have a baby for three long years with IVF treatments, but the lining of her uterus was too thin to support life.

When it became apparent that she would never be able to get pregnant, their doctor gave them a choice: either adopt or find a surrogate.

The couple really wanted to raise a biological child, but with Kyle’s Army salary, they just didn’t have an extra $100k lying around to pursue either of those options.

Flickr - Marco Verch Professional Photographer Source: Flickr - Marco Verch Professional Photographer

Kelsi was absolutely gutted, explaining to Good Morning America how they were already in over their head with debt.

“We had already poured more than our savings and gone into debt incredibly just for what we had done before, so it wasn’t an option. It was a very depressing time.”

The couple did have a puppy they absolutely adored, but yeah – it’s just not the same.

Then to her surprise, Kelsi’s mom, Lisa Rutherford, offered up her womb as a free alternative.

At 53, most people would assume that her baby-making days were long behind her, but Lisa was strong and healthy and still had plenty of push left in her!

The embryo loved its new environment and stuck around like super glue, and a week after it was implanted Lisa was already pregnant.

Flickr - Courtney Barrett Source: Flickr - Courtney Barrett

Then came the other wild news.

Shortly after giving up on the fertility meds, giving up on the IVF doctor, and giving up on the chance of ever carrying anything other than a food belly, Kelsi also got pregnant!

“I never thought I’d ever get to say these words but, I’M PREGNANT!! People always say “It’s when you stop trying…” but literally this was supposed to be impossible! My doctors still can’t figure out how this happened.”

So you know those jokes about “brother from another mother?” Well, this one is about the sisters, only it’s actually true!

“I used to take pregnancy tests every month and it was just one of those things where, by habit, I took a pregnancy test.”

Kelsi was about to toss the test in the trash because that’s what she always did, but then she noticed there were two lines instead of one.

As amazing as this story is, they were blessed with even more good times ahead.

Kelsi and her mom got to share something that most mothers and daughters don’t usually get to bond over – matching baby bumps!

36 weeks into her pregnancy, Lisa needed to have an emergency C-section, but everything turned out fine and the family welcomed sweet little Everly into the world. Exactly 7 weeks and 3 days later, Kelsi gave birth to Everly’s sister, Ava.

This is certainly going to be a confusing “birds and the bees” story when the girls get old enough to learn about it.

Maybe they should just stick with the one about the stork. By that time, Amazon will have flying robots dropping packages out of the sky, so it’ll actually be more plausible.

Watch the video below to learn more about this double-miracle delivery.

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Source: Good Morning America, People, Kelsi Pierce
