55 incredibly annoying things that happen that everyone can relate to
Many of us are lucky enough to live a fairly privileged life with food, clothing, a home, and an education. And lots of us have a lot more than that. Being so well off, we can sometimes forget what it’s like to not have everything the way we like it.
And most of us have our own personal quirks. The pet peeves that drive us nuts. Things that downright annoy us.
And since the internet is where people like to go to complain, a trend started. People started posting about the things that mildly annoy them. And their examples will either have you rolling on the floor or saying “Oh my God, yes.”
Here Are 55 Posts About Things That Annoy People That Are All Too Relatable:
1) Can I Borrow Your Earbuds?
I think this goes beyond “annoying.” I would probably have a full out rage fit is someone handed me headphones back covered in ear wax. That is just straight up gnarly.
2) Make One False Move
And it’s over. You’ll be fixing your one slight mistake for the next 45 minutes. Why Microsoft Word… whyyyyyy?
3) The Lift ‘n’ Peel Lie
Lift ‘n’ Peel… lies. All lies. More like lift and still have to puncture.
4) Everything About Job Searches
Making a resume, writing cover letters, and sending them into the black abyss of the internet. Everything about looking for a new job is annoying. But the worst is having to do it twice.
Putting in a little bit more effort just isn’t UPS’ thing. My Fed Ex guy is a superhero and will open my lightweight porch door and slide my package through. But, it’s too much for UPS to handle. Apparently they are incapable of little things like opening a door or ringing the doorbell.
6) Pinterest Is Shiesty
Pinteresto is shiesty. Can’t they let us live. I’m just looking for ideas on how to decorate a rainbow colored vintage kitchen… geez.
7) The Uninvited Guests
This poor couple. They went out of their way to make sure they had no uninvited guests at their wedding. Now this woman in her bright blue suit is in their wedding pictures.
8) The Plug Hog
The battle of the giant plug. We’ve all been there. WHY do they make plugs like this.
9) The CVS of Shame
I mean, I get it. Imagine how many people steal condoms because they are too embarrased to bring them to the register. Or because they are pretty expensive. Still though… they can’t just announce the aisle by number?
10) The Double Spot Stealer
It’s one thing to think that your car is so fancy that you’re entitled to two parking spaces. And it’s another thing to take a handicap space when you’re not handicap. But this guy is taking up not one, but two handicap parking spaces. He probably just pulled over to grab some fries without realizing what he was doing but… come on!
11) Key Magic
You know how they say fairies or brownies come and play tricks on people. This is one of those tricks. How… does… it… happen?
12) Graffitti in the Wrong Places
Graffitti has it’s place. For example, ugly places that need color. But historical sites are already beauitful, so no graffitti needed.
13) People Who Don’t Get Jokes
You know what annoys me sometimes. People who don’t get jokes. This guy doesn’t get the joke.
14) Clean Up After Yourself
Some people make a mess of a place. Which is fine. But clean up after yourself.
15) Impatiently Waiting
Someone needs to tell this guy that standing like that won’t make the car wash go any faster. Also that he’s being rude. And that the internet is going to make fun of him.
16) Educational Scams
This would personally infuriate me. You could bind this? FOR $275? Rude.
17) Awkward Step
There must be a reason these stairs are made this way. But until we know that reason, we’ll find them annoying. Very annoying.
18) The Phallic Sweatshirt
Is that your sweatshirt or are you just happy to see me? This has happened to all of us. And when it does happen, it’s annoying.
19) Misplaced Seating
This venue clearly didn’t plant their handicap seating section too well. Hopefully they’ll see this and do a little better if they can. I hope this guy got his money back.
20) Tell Me Something I Don’t Know
Do you think this guy looks like the guy from “Ratatouille”? Yeah, he knows. People tell him every… damn… day.
21) How? When? Why?
We don’t know how it happened or where it came from. All we know is that it hurts like hell. And itches. Why does it itch???
22) Stop Exploiting Grandpa
Let the guy 98 and leave him alone. This guy doesn’t care about the internet. And now likes equal respect… good Lord.
23) Piece By Piece
I can’t wash my hands with two tiny pieces of paper towel. So why does the paper towel dispenser fight me? Every time?
24) Piss On The Seat
If I wanted to clean up other people’s piss, I’d have kids. No one wants to clean up a stranger’s pee. Especially if they’re not getting paid for it.
25) Long Ass CVS Receipts
This guy bought one thing. But he left with a dog-length receipt. I hope he can at least use the coupons.
26) The Waiting Game
No one likes to play the waiting game. Especially at the doctor’s office. But this is just ridiculous.
27) Really Though?
This person couldn’t take the three seconds to make sure they were taking a decent photo? Cameras nowadays show you what you’re looking at. It’s really not that hard.
28) Get This Guy Outta Here
How on Earth did this guy think that it would be OK to bring a laptop into the movie theater. I mean, there must be a very good reason he is doing this. I can’t believe that he could just be doing it because he wanted to bring his laptop.
29) Keep It Moving
Imagine how many people must have come to their door for them to go buy a sign and place it outside their home. Hopefully people will be able to get the idea and stop coming by. These poor people!
30) Thanks For The Heads Up
Ewwwwwwww. I mean this is just nasty. It’s nice for the people to leave a note and let the next person know.
31) Woes of an Usher
This is what annoys movie theater ushers. How did they even manage to do that? Did someone throw the bag up in the air then rapidly tear apart the bag and dump it on the floor?
32) Feature Showing of Isle of the Dogs and Peppa Pig
This mom probably just wanted to get out of the damn house for the day. This woman should have at least moved to the back of the theater or a seat where there were less people. And bring a pair of headphones. At least the screen is small.
33) Zipper Fails
Nothing is more annoying when than when your zipper fails. Especially when it’s on something like an expensive coat or luggage. I mean, who has a spare piece of luggage for when this happens and you need to travel.
34) Everything About The Healthcare Industry
Everything about the healthcare industry is annoying. This poor person was feeling down and unwell. This bill can’t be helping that.
35) Unsafe Driving
With all the technology out there today, there is a lot of distracted driving going on. Distracted driving is very dangerous. Do you thid, it’s best to give people gentle reminders of these dangers. It’s likely to be more effective in getting people to change their driving behavior.
36) Pouring Fails
It’s so annoying when liquids don’t want to cooperate. Like when your water slides down the side of the glass. It makes such a mess.
37) Savage Tearing
This can be such a pet peeve. When people savagely open things and don’t take the time to properly open things. This just makes it harder to remove the food and keep it fresh.
38) Store Bought Murder
Honestly, someone needs to call PETA. This is just inhumane. If you can’t take care of fish, don’t sell it in your stores. Look how filthy this tank is.
39) Don’t Let Them In
If you know people are driving slow and causing traffic and leaving large gaps in between cars, then good for these people who cut their way into that space. They might be helping traffic flow. But some people think they’re entitled to cut people off when there’s bumper to bumper traffic. Don’t let these people in!
40) The Subway Pistachio Guy
Wowwwwwwwwwwww. This guy has noooo regard and doesn’t give a single f*ck. I wonder what made him to get to this point in his life.
41) The Tape Wars
Everyone has had a battle with a tape roll at least once in their life. We try to pull the tape up and it splits. Rendering the roll useless but we still keep trying for the next 5 minutes because we need tape.
42) Vending Machine Logic
So, logic would tell us that buying another vending machine item would knock down the items that got stuck in the machine. That didn’t happen here. The Universe must really not want thing guy to eat a Twix right now.
43) Stop Infringing On My Privacy
This very long list could likely be condensed in a easy to understand language within a few paragraphs. But that’s not what data theft companies do. God only knows what’ we’re signing.
44) False Advertising
“Tear here,” they said. “It will open the bag” they said. They lied.
45) When Your Zipper Eats Your Purse
Sometimes our zippers assault our clothing. Here we have a zipper eating a purse. It’s fixable but still very annoying.
46) Thanks Captain Obvious
Sometimes our mailboxes get full. If you have Microsoft Outlooks they’ll send you email remindres. Every damn day.
47) Advanced Parking Fail
Solutions? It looks like you actually meant fails. These guys are supposed to provide solutions. Taking up two spaces doesn’t seem very efficient.
48) Apple Fails
Apple products cost hundreds and thousands of dollars. They are at the top of their game when it comes to technology. So why can’t they make chords that don’t break so easily? Why do you have to buy adapaters for your $3,000 computer to fit standard plugs. Answer = $
49) Uncooperative Bed Sheets
No matter how we tug and tuck, some of us have those sheets that don’t want to cooperate. We wake up to realize we’re sleeping on the bare mattress. It’s never fun.
50) People Who Don’t Peel Stickers
But why though? Do they think it will protect their purchase for longer? It won’t.
51) Reusing Joke
Jokes are funny the first time. Maybe the second time. Not usually after the third time.
52) Inconsistent Sizes
What size are you? It’s hard to find out since clothing sizes can be so inconsistent. This picture is the perfect example.
53) An OCD Person’s Nightmare
This would drive me nuts. There’s no way that someone could be so careless. This has to have been done on purpose or by someone who just DGAF.
54) Don’t Disrespect Pizza
How dare you. How dare you disrespect pizza this way? What did pizza ever do to you?
55) Highlighter Discrimination
What do these people have against the color purple. I mean, yellow is probably most commonly used. But won’t those people just buy a pack of yellow?
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