55 Most Cringe-Worthy Moments Shared On The Internet

From oversensitive responses to messages meant to be private, we’ve found some of the most cringe-worthy moments on the Internet.
It’s clear from these 55 photos, texts, and posts that people either need to chill WAY out or be much more aware of their situations.
See if you can read these without feeling downright embarrassed for humanity.
1. Long time no see
Wow, that’s next level awkward. How close can you be to someone if you don’t know they died?

2. Stop, ok, I’m sorry
This guy absolutely got that response that was coming to him. It’s actually kind of nice to see someone back off immediately. Maybe that’ll teach him a lesson.

3. That’s gonna be a table for 1
Just a hunch, but we don’t think this is a good way to invite people to spend time with you. We also don’t think this self-professed “good guy” gets what it really means to be a good guy.

4. Just throw out your phone
Is it just us or do you wonder how old a person is if they “got boobs” over the last 4 years and some creeper is already pointing that out over text?

5. I remember now
Nice to add that final touch at the end. And yes, Adrie, you do sound weird.

6. King of the friend zone
No wonder shorter men tend to be angrier. When you carry someone around on your shoulders all night only to have them make out with another guy, you know you’ve been friend-zoned.

7. It’s a no from me, dawg
Wow, poor Sean really poured his heart out before getting a pretty cold rejection. We cringe for you, man!

8. Is that clear?
This person sounds like a real treat to date. It’s a total mystery as to why they’re still single.

9. Oops, I guess your face just looks like that
When you think someone has used the Faceswap tool but really that’s just their face. We’re guessing the Washingtons Capitals’ social media manager got in trouble for this post.

10. How not to break up with people
Well, if you have to break up with multiple people at the same time, maybe it is efficient to do it all at once. But then your screen cap ends up on Reddit.

11. It’s a virgin
You gotta love a kid that doesn’t know that the word virgin also applies to cocktails. Seriously, Nick, clean up your thoughts!

12. Presidential shove
Ok, putting politics aside, this is the most upvoted photo on the whole /cringepics subreddit for good reason. Let’s all agree we’d be cringing over ANY president shovings aside world leaders to take center stage. Don’t think it’s that bad? Here’s the video. Make sure you watch until he fixes his jacket. Yikes.

13. Then “you are” kind of a jerk
Since when did contractions become a tool of the lazy and ignorant? This is the height of taking yourself too seriously!

14. Please let this be fake
Is it too much to hope that it was a clueless assistant who posted this to Mia Farrow’s Twitter account? If you look closely under the time, you can see that the search term used to find a photo of her own daughter was “Mia Farrow and her black children.” I mean, don’t you just have a photo on your phone somewhere?

15. Yes, you struck out
Taking a hint seems to be a lost skill. We don’t blame this deliverywoman for listing him as “Creeper” on her phone. Just let a woman do her job and get on with her day!

16. At least the dog can’t be offended
Guess someone needed to do a bit more research before they shared their advice to groom this dog.

17. In a relationship with no one
Facebook should definitely keep around the rule that both people have to agree they’re in a relationship together before one person can post about it. Otherwise, you end up with creepy and cringe-worthy moments like this!

18. Unrequited love
Professing love over Facebook to someone you really don’t know is a special kind of clueless.

19. Creepy story, bro
No, just no. If you want to roleplay in a message, at least make sure you have a willing participant.

20. Try not to post crimes online
At least it makes a nice screencap to send to the police for solicitation.

21. Poor Rhianna
Can’t a girl take a vacation from the paparazzi in peace? Can you imagine trying to relax on a beach only to find this crowd behind you?

22. Rhianna truly can’t catch a break
Ok, we get that celebrities make lots of money off of their faces, but does that really give people the right to get up close and snap a pic when they’re just trying to live their lives? The worst part is this guy still posted this photo instead of feeling creepy about it!

23. The Internet is not your therapist
Not sure how many willing sperm donors she’s going to get with this tactic.

24. Christmas fetus
It’s one thing to be happy for your family when they’re welcoming a baby into the world, but it’s quite another to find a way to print out an enlarged version on the sonogram and put a Santa hat on it. That’s next-level cringe-worthy.

25. Not in the cute way
Wow, well if you ever wanted an honest review of how a date went, you can just put yourself in this woman’s shoes and walk right back on that wish.

26. Posers gonna pose
When you’re trying to look like a sensitive soul with a penchant for writing ballads to your online audience but then someone mentions you’re holding the guitar upside down, you should feel seriously embarrassed!

27. We’re gonna guess the answer is “not yet”
Wow, that’s cold. A loving message from mom or passive-aggressive rejection of the truth?

28. Yes, you’re scary
We can’t believe this guy is for real. But we think we know why women are scared away, and it’s not because of his “intellect.”

29. It’s all about me
Someone really is so vain (or perhaps insecure in this case), she thinks every Facebook post is about her.

30. We can’t be friends
This goes beyond “take a hint” to “take a strongly worded instruction to leave someone alone.” Why do people think this kind of persistence would win over anyone?

31. Keep your hands to yourself
We don’t care if you’re a man of God, there’s no need to get handsy. This was truly a cringe-worthy moment at Aretha Franklin’s funeral.

32. Not yay
Read between the lines, people.

33. You want beef?
There’s a big difference between a stranger asking if you “want beef” and your grandma offering to make you dinner. Reddit thinks this post might be fake and, honestly, we hope it is.

34. That’s the difference between people who don’t know what they’re talking about and everyone else
Don’t criticize anyone unless you truly know what you’re talking about. We just hope this moment gave Adam some perspective about what he posts online.

35. You’re still the worst
Ok, he might have been the worst boyfriend in the moment, but we think the alleged murderer might be the worst person, objectively speaking.

36. Have fun!
Some people take cluelessness to a whole new level.

37. Someone needs to learn politeness
We don’t think the recipient of this creepy, unsolicited message is the one who needs a lesson in politeness. Seriously, why do so many people think this is a good way to start a relationship?!

38. Wasn’t it a compliment?
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t when it comes to taking a compliment from this guy.

39. Guess he should have worried
Well, that’s awkward. Then again, that’s what happens when you friend everyone you’ve ever known on Facebook.

40. Smooth move
Gotta love when politicians try to act cool. It’s not really working out for Theresa May here. We’re loving the looks on everyone else’s faces though!

41. Get over it, Steve
Wow, way to get shot down when you’re trying to garner sympathy.

42. They don’t deserve to be missed
Wow, talk about a cold-hearted reply! Now we understand why this university student isn’t going to miss anyone from their hometown!

43. That’s not how autocorrect works
Nice try, kid, but we see what’s going on here.

44. Interesting follow-up
We’re hoping this friend just misread the message. Otherwise, they’ve got a really interesting way of trying to be supportive.

45. Someone save me, but not you
Guess this person can’t be that bored.

46. That’s cold, grandma
Time to teach grandma how to use the private messaging function.

47. You’re not special
Apparently you can read a book and not remember it all that well.

48. We’re not sure his brain is the problem
Apparently, emotional intelligence is not his strong suit.

49. Persistence is futile
Dude, take a hint. And then take a direct request.

50. Buy this and lose some weight
It takes a lot of nerve to try to sell someone something that won’t fit them and then tell them to diet until it does.

51. She’s *really* gone
Context is key. Maybe hold back on the encouragement unless you know more about the situation.

52. That escalated quickly
2 hours of silence really does get to some people. Time to get some chill.

53. You are the only one not invited
Well, at least this person knows where they stand in the friend group now.

54. How do you sleep at night?
We love this response to a creepy guy who can’t stand to have his phone call ignored for 5 minutes.

55. Back off, cousin
We’re pretty sure it’s unnecessary to be this protective of your boyfriend.

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Source: Reddit /cringepics