55 People Who Learned Karma Has Its Own Timing

We’ve all had one of those days where nothing seems to go right. That’s what happened to these people. Their unlucky moments were all caught on camera, and now, they are sharing them with the world.

Some of them are downright scary, while others are simply hilarious screw-ups. However, the one unifying factor is that when things went wrong, their first impulse was to pull out a camera and photograph the incident. We thank them for their sacrifice.

Seriously, it makes us feel much better just looking at what happened to them. No matter how bad your day is going, at least you aren’t the person who got bit by an opossum while trying to get the mail out of the mailbox, right?

pwrdwd Source: pwrdwd

1. Selfie Fail

This is what it looks like when taking a selfie goes wrong. The friend was supposed to be in the picture too. Unfortunately, he managed to fall off the back of the rock halfway through the shot.

zukachimoto Source: zukachimoto

2. Unexpected Veggie Burger

There is nothing more frustrating than when someone messes up your order at the drive-through. Normally, they just forgot the ketchup or something. However, imagine bringing your lunch home only to find the entire burger missing. That’s what happened to this unlucky guy.

Sasquatchfl Source: Sasquatchfl

3. Dangerous Shot

There isn’t any room for error with this basketball hoop. If you miss the shot, you’ll hit a giant bee’s nest. It makes the game much more exciting for the players.

Prostoilogin Source: Prostoilogin

4. Surprise Pup

Even something as simple as taking a photo requires a little luck. Especially if you have a pet in the family. You never know when someone is going to accidentally photobomb you and ruin the image.

jaspermarie Source: jaspermarie

5. Challenging Milk Carton

Whoever created this milk carton made a big error. The spout and the seal are on separate sides. How is anyone supposed to pour the milk out without spilling it?

niggabethus Source: niggabethus

6. Dodging Bricks

The chimney on this roof has seen better days. Slowly but surely, the bricks are coming loose and slipping towards the edge. The pedestrians below are going to be in for a rude awakening when they begin to fall.

Karteneya Source: Karteneya

7. Close Encounters

The sign said: “Do Not Feed The Animals”. However, this kid didn’t listen. He learned a very valuable lesson that day about the dangers of getting too close to wildlife.

al666in Source: al666in

8. Crooked Hooks

All of the hooks in this school were hung up in the wrong direction. We understand that the person responsible was doing their best. However, in this case, their best just wasn’t good enough.

massam091 Source: massam091

9. Papery Snack

This defective ice cream cone had an extra wrapper on the inside of the cone. It proved to be very difficult to eat around. As the ice cream melted, the paper simply turned to mush.

DeathByDoritos913 Source: DeathByDoritos913

10. Photography Skills

We often see professional photos on Instagram and think, “Oh, we could do that too”. However, some professional photos are easier to reproduce than others. That’s what this attempted hair toss photo proves.

VaclavHavel Source: VaclavHavel

11. Wrong Numbers

The man bought this brand new calculator at a Russian bizarre. He didn’t pay much attention to it until he got home. Upon closer inspection, he noticed a big problem. The buttons were all put on in an incorrect order!

alysiahilam Source: alysiahilam

12. Bad Directions

Most of the time, Google Maps is very reliable. However, there is always the potential that it will fail on you at the worst possible moment. For example, it could say to make a U-turn at a busy intersection where no U-turns are allowed.

sanchower Source: sanchower

13. Boring Party

It looks like the two-year-old really regrets choosing a science theme for his birthday party. Could he be any less excited? The sleepy expression on his face says everything that needs to be said.

Furkensturf Source: Furkensturf

14. Weak Foundation

This definitely seems like a giant disaster waiting to happen. The tires have supported the house up until this point. However, it’s anyone’s guess as to how long they will stay in place.

Imgur Source: Imgur

15. Shattered Screen

This is how the woman’s new computer monitor arrived in the mail. Sadly, it was already cracked. Hopefully, the return process goes smoothly. Although somehow, we expect that it won’t…

SwagosaurusRekts Source: SwagosaurusRekts

16. Accidental Swim

The dog thought that she would test out the water. Just a paw couldn’t hurt, right? However, she soon learned that the edge of the pool was more slippery than she expected.

GallowBoob Source: GallowBoob

17. Bridging The Gap

It appears as though the builders of this bridge miscalculated a bit. They didn’t realize their mistake until it was way too late though. The workers can be seen looking at the blueprints in total confusion.

Imgur Source: Imgur

18. Trapped Mail

“Yes! My package finally arrived! I can’t wait to take it home and see what’s inside!” exclaimed the man. Unfortunately, it was just slightly too big. It was unable to be removed from the mailbox without breaking it.

DieMensch-Maschine Source: DieMensch-Maschine

19. Long Flight

This is what it looks like when an entire fraternity takes over a plane. Can you spot which passenger doesn’t belong to the fraternity? We’ll give you a hint: it’s the only person not smiling.

Cliggaveli Source: Cliggaveli

20. Stuffed Bagel

When you ask for a Sausage McMuffin on a bagel, you have to be very clear as to what you mean. Specifically, you want the bagel to replace the English Muffin. Otherwise, you might end up with a Sausage McMuffin sandwiched inside a bagel as this surprised customer did.

Ialwaysupvotecapybaras Source: Ialwaysupvotecapybaras

21. Tire Problems

It isn’t just any flat tire. The wrench penetrated not only the tire but also the rim! Unsurprisingly, it was reported to have made a very loud bang when it happened.

deboto Source: deboto

22. Fairy Tale Relationship

Minnie Mouse doesn’t appear to be too happy about what Mickey is up to next to her. She sulks in the corner as Mickey makes out with another girl. Her blank expression makes her look so defeated.

supercoincidence Source: supercoincidence

23. Handicap Spot

The person had one job, and sadly, they failed miserably. They painted the handicap symbol on the parking space upside-down… or is it inside-out? Really, it’s hard to tell. All we know is that it is definitely not correct.

bahaki Source: bahaki

24. Grooming Nightmare

She thought she was just going out for a fun afternoon drive. Imagine the cat’s surprise when she found out where they were really going. Things really took a turn for the worst.

Ryu1Rikotsu Source: Ryu1Rikotsu

25. Petting Zoo

The boy started by holding the bunny and everything went fine. Since it went so well, he thought he was ready for the baby alligator afterward. Boy, was he wrong!

adelicious Source: adelicious

26. Wall Seat

Some of the seats in this movie theater are located underneath a big wall. You would have to be missing your head to sit in one of them. Whoever designed the theater really didn’t think things through.

flashgnash Source: flashgnash

27. Surprising Break

This fancy sink completely shattered on Monday morning before the person had to go to work. The entire bowl of the sink disappeared into the cabinet below. The only thing left still standing was the drain.

QueenAnneBoleynTudor Source: QueenAnneBoleynTudor

28. Bouncing Around

Bouncy houses can be a lot of fun. However, you have to be very careful. If not, you could end up taking a big tumble as this little guy did.

JoyousTongueFlower Source: JoyousTongueFlower

29. Elevator Trouble

Trying to navigate this elevator is super confusing. It’s a really unlucky break for the people who need to use it. Not only do all of the buttons start with one-hundred-fifteens, but all of the other numbers are also in random orders.

Reboota Source: Reboota

30. Game Over

First, the basketball got wedged between the rim and the backboard. However, it wasn’t a problem. They had the broom to use to get the ball unstuck… at least, that was the plan.

istarxh Source: istarxh

31. Amateur Painter

The wine and painting class is mostly attended by moms. However, one day a man decided to show up to the class and test out his skills. You can definitely tell he’s not a regular! He thought it would be easier.

thunderousNaysayer Source: thunderousNaysayer

32. Careless Packing

All of the boxes were clearly labeled. The only thing the driver had to do was read. We can only hope that the contents weren’t too damaged when they got home and finally realized the mistake.

Bee274 Source: Bee274

33. Dishwashing Issue

We’re not sure how it’s possible for a fork to get stuck like this in the dishwashing tray. However, if it can happen, it will happen. Isn’t that how the old saying goes?

Fr0st_L0cked Source: Fr0st_L0cked

34. Happy Holidays

The dad got upset with the kids when they weren’t behaving for the family Christmas photo. Unfortunately, that just made things much worse. The end result wasn’t exactly as merry as they all had hoped.

bdun774 Source: bdun774

35. New Office

The person who got this office assigned to them is pretty unlucky. Not only is the 102B sign crooked, but the entire door is also upside-down. In order to look through the window, you would have to crawl.

Imgur Source: Imgur

36. Hammer Dent

It appears as though Thor is missing his hammer. We think we found it though. Do you think the car owner is aware of the hammer smashed into the side of his vehicle?

brohica Source: brohica

37. Intimidating Noises

The man asked if the dog was friendly and if he could take a picture with him. The answer was yes. However, halfway through the photo, the dog started loudly growling and everyone instantly noticed.

astronaut_monkey Source: astronaut_monkey

38. Long Yellow Things

The grocery store employee really dropped the ball on this one. He couldn’t remember the name for bananas, so instead, he decided to improvise. We’re sure that his bosses were very proud of his effort.

imtweakin24 Source: imtweakin24

39. Keyboard Delivery

The package had a “Do Not Bend” sign on it for a reason. Sadly, it still ended up getting bent. As you can see now, the new keyboard is not so new-looking anymore.

www2020 Source: www2020

40. Sun Bear

Obviously, the store owners have never heard of Pokemon before. If they had, they would know that this is not a Sun Bear, but in fact, it is a handsome-looking Pikachu. He is a lightning Pokemon.

SapphireFoxcore Source: SapphireFoxcore

41. Disappointing Cookies

The cookies are shown in the advertising image as having tons of jelly filling in every bite. The reality is not quite as good. Each one in this defective bag only has a tiny speck of the delicious filling.

virysD Source: virysD

42. Goofy Eyes

Not one of the dolls’ eyes were placed on correctly. The employee had three tries to get it right. Every time, they totally failed.

Stoplogic Source: Stoplogic

43. Key Puzzle

When he pulled the keys out of his pocket, they were all tangled up. It makes them kind of hard to use if they can’t be separated. Getting them to work is like solving a puzzle.

dericksucks Source: dericksucks

44. Wrong Way

This is what failing to put a shirt on a hanger correctly looks like. We’re not sure of the logic. It’s better than being tossed on the ground though.

mrbotmd Source: mrbotmd

45. Trouble Makers

This little girl sure looks like she is having fun, much to the dismay of her unlucky parents. They are going to have to go laptop shopping now. Electronics and water don’t really mix very well.

Poncecutor Source: Poncecutor

46. Baking Mess

The cake on the right certainly looks tasty. However, consistency is not the bakery’s strong point. The cake on the left looks pretty sad in comparison.

chernoodler Source: chernoodler

47. Trapped In

The first time the employees ever tried to open the emergency exit door was when the fire alarm was going off. No one had ever bothered to look behind the door before. It turns out, the fire escape was non-existent.

Bansaiii Source: Bansaiii

48. Crazy Eyes

This kid’s painting of Dora the Explorer is supposed to be happy and uplifting. Ultimately, it came out looking very scary. There was a small issue with the eyes…

BringSajuukToBear Source: BringSajuukToBear

49. Gator Crossing

After Hurricane Flo hit North Carolina, wild animals were running all over the place. Alligators were out and about roaming the streets like they owned the place. Drivers definitely didn’t have the right of way that day.

RoddieHoyle Source: RoddieHoyle

50. Skylight Delivery

When a box is labeled as “Do Not Crush”, the idea is to not crush the box. The homeowners will be in for a surprise when the delivery is made. Their new skylight is going to be damaged from the start.

Yuri_Ligotme Source: Yuri_Ligotme

51. Fake Lockout

Try and open this door and you will find yourself a bit confused. It opens inward due to an interior step. You could always try and crawl underneath it though if you were really desperate to get in and couldn’t figure it out.

CeasaR4TVMQI Source: CeasaR4TVMQI

52. Start Improvising

This is what it looks like when it’s your job to hang up a mirror, yet you aren’t provided with the proper equipment to do it. You have to make do with whatever you can find. Duct tape is your best friend.

Fngyo Source: Fngyo

53. Robbery Invitation

Let’s hope that they never have an emergency at this establishment. Their security cameras are both aimed at the corner. They certainly aren’t going to be catching any action on tape anytime soon.

ComboBadger Source: ComboBadger

54. Lost Glove

It looks like at least one Amazon worker was having a really bad day recently. They lost their glove and couldn’t figure out what happened to it. Little did they know, but it was in the mail on the way to a customer.

nickram81 Source: nickram81

55. Landscaping Gone Wrong

The fence was put in place to direct the tree’s growth. However, the tree had a better idea. It decided to avoid the fence entirely in a skillful sideways growth maneuver.

Reddit Source: Reddit

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