55 people who are having a worse day than you

We can’t have good days all the time. At some point, we all experience bad days and find it hard to see the silver lining. But, let’s admit it, we instantly feel better when we see someone is having a worse day than us, right?

The following 55 posts definitely show that some folks really get the worst end of the stick and seeing them fail so hard will make you feel less bad about how your day is going so far. So, cheer up and read on!

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

1. Dinner disaster

Just when you think that your day is about to end nicely, this disaster happens while preparing dinner for the family. The woman was totally defeated but her cat seems to be enjoying the food spill!

Awesome Jelly Source: Awesome Jelly

2. Stuck with nothing

The person who posted this just wanted to grab something to eat and get back quickly to whatever they were doing. However, fate just didn’t let them get what they want. The poor person just wanted a sandwich!

Awesome Jelly Source: Awesome Jelly

3. Megan looks good in yellow, though.

Working at a hardware stores can have hazards. Apparently, one of them is the possibility of a paint shower. At least, we all know now that Megan looks great in yellow.

needmorexanax Source: needmorexanax

4. She’s one mad pup.

This dog doesn’t look at all pleased with what happened to her food. Let’s just hope that making her food into the shape of a heart will do the trick.

Awesome Jelly Source: Awesome Jelly

5. That’s just unfortunate.

This guy just wanted to get something to drink. Apparently, even his prosthetic arm couldn’t help him at all.

Reddit Source: Reddit

6. What a lucky shot! Or is it, really?

If not for this picture, I never would have guessed that seagulls even liked ice cream! It’s certainly a lucky shot, but the person eating the frozen treat is not having their best day at all.

Awesome Jelly Source: Awesome Jelly

7. At least the pizza is still up for grabs.

I’m not sure what to make out of this, though. Was the pizza cutter too sharp or was the cutting board too weak?

Reddit Source: Reddit

8. That’s one big fail!

If you think you missed the point of the discussion in class today, you probably will feel better after seeing this huge fail. Tipping a massive satellite which costs $135 million to fix isn’t exactly a small problem. Let’s just say even the best of minds can mess things up sometimes.

Rocketry Forum Source: Rocketry Forum

9. As if one fail was not enough, the parking officer had to make them two!

Imagine going out of work just to find out that your car was crashed into and was pushed out of place. What’s even worse is that you see a parking ticket just because your poor car went out of line. It’s a good thing the person who crashed into the car left their contact information or else, this situation would be a triple fail!

Reddit Source: Reddit

10. In a split second, the world turned darker for this guy.

In the blink of an eye, this person’s amazing feeling was turned completely upside down. His entire frozen treat fell on the ground! At least, he can still munch on the cone.

Awesome Jelly Source: Awesome Jelly

11. Poor tortoise!

No one knows how long this poor tortoise has been trying to roll himself over. Or, who knows? Maybe he was sleeping and just decided to wait for his owner to arrive. He certainly looks chill to me.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

12. What an unfortunate play of words

What happened to this guy was like the universe telling him that he is one unlucky person. Even his car is now literally “lame”!

Reddit Source: Reddit

13. When you’re so near yet so far to your destination.

Due to a rock fall, the 20 mile drive highway has become 11 times farther which means another five hours of driving just to reach something that seems so near! How to see the silver lining in this misfortune? Just pretend you’re going out for a road trip and bring friends with you!

Reddit Source: Reddit

14. Now, that is one domesticated animal.

Four cows were found to have stayed in a newly-built Montana house even before the owners went there to reside. The animals had been living in the house for a month before they were even found out. They surely made the house a fitting living space for themselves, at least.

Imgur Source: Imgur

15. Guess, it’s called a “bullet” for that reason

The guy was just making a healthy drink with his ever-reliable Nutri-bullet when the unexpected happened. Now his nutri-bullet is stuck to the ceiling and his healthy drink is splattered all over his kitchen wall.

Twitter Source: Twitter

16. When your food mocks you and you can’t do anything about it

Sometimes, vending machines can be evil devices out to deprive you of sanity when you only want to grab something to eat. And sometimes, just sometimes, even the food that you can’t get a hold of ends up taunting you as well!

Reddit Source: Reddit

17. When your dog is stronger than you are

Actually, there is nothing wrong with your dog having fun and chasing things around. But if you walk around with a really strong pup, you better make sure that you are the stronger force or else, you’ll end up like this guy. His dog literally dragged him!

Imgur Source: Imgur

18. When you regret being too curious

As they say, curiosity killed the cat. In this case, curiosity gave this man a prickly situation when he tried to put his head into a tree hole and ended up being pricked by its needles! His regret is absolutely written all over his face.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

19. Being a coast guard is no child’s play.

Being aware and prepared in case of disasters or emergencies involving water is very important. That’s probably why some member of the coast guard decided to give students training and awareness seminars. However, one student trainee seemed to miss the point and had fun playing with the water hose. Unfortunately, another member of the coast guard was unlucky enough tto be hosed down with the high pressured water right in the face!

Reddit Source: Reddit

20. What can you say about your selfie now?

One man wished that he could someday take a picture with a bird right by his shoulder. Now that he got one, I wonder if he thought it came out the way he wanted. Let’s just say this guy’s still lucky that the bird did not go for his eyeball.

Awesome Jelly Source: Awesome Jelly

21. When you’re just trying to cook dinner but fate won’t let you.

At last, dinner time has arrived and everyone in the family is expecting to have a yummy veggie casserole. However, fate seems to have other plans for this person and fate decided that Chinese take-out would probably be best for that night’s dinner.

Awesome Jelly Source: Awesome Jelly

22. He almost made it as “Dad goals” but ended up as a “Dad fail”

Parents are always after having a great time with their kids. This Dad was attempting to make his daughter’s day even more fun. However, his computation was a bit inaccurate and his daughter ended up falling on her face. That’s OK, Dad. At least she landed on something soft.

Awesome Jelly Source: Awesome Jelly

23. The poor cat didn’t make it to the kitty litter box

This Redditor’s cat was trained to poop only in her litter box. However, the toilet door was left closed overnight so the poor kitty had no option but to poop somewhere else. We can definitely tell that the kitty was a good pet because even though he didn’t make it to the litter box, he saw the litter bag outside, spilled the litter and pooped on it.

Reddit Source: Reddit

24. The golden ticket that has expired

Now, this is something you wouldn’t wish on anyone. This Redditor shared that this past year his father opened a soap that he bought back in 2016 from a charity and found that he actually won a grand prize! His father is a huge soccer fan so finding this golden ticket ages after the game must have really stressed him out.

Reddit Source: Reddit

25. Now her tire cover has finally made sense

When this woman bought that tire cover, she probably thought it would never be turned upside-down. Unfortunatly, it turned out that she would someday flip over to expose her funny tire cover when she tumbled on the snowy road and landed on her vehicle’s roof.

Imgur Source: Imgur

26. Definitely the ultimate fail

This kind of fail is something that totally boggles one’s mind. There was nobody in the parking lot with her and the person who took the photo was considerably far. And yet, there she was, pulling her hair out because of the huge fail she found herself in.

Awesome Jelly Source: Awesome Jelly

27. Yummy? Nope.

Sometimes, things are not what they seem to be. Just like this delicious looking chocolate-flavored miniature cake that the person taking the snap thought was part of the company perks. It turned out that when something smells and looks like chocolate, it does not necessarily mean that it is!

Awesome Jelly Source: Awesome Jelly

28. Must have been a really strong wind

Wow, this photo of a trampoline on top of a tall tree is quite unbelievable. The wind must have been really, really strong to whisk a fairly heavy trampoline to that height. And if there’s one thing to be thankful for in this incredible happening, it is the fact that there were no kids when it happened.

Awesome Jelly Source: Awesome Jelly

29. An incredibly bad day at work

When a person is too stressed, walking around them is like tiptoeing on egg shells because the slightest amount of commotion makes them annoyed. However, these men are literally walking on egg shells at work not because they have someone to consider, but because they literally broke the eggs that they were supposed to keep from breaking! Can you imagine the smell in that room full of broken eggs?

Awesome Jelly Source: Awesome Jelly

30. Attack of the snowplow

Looking at the huge gash in this vehicle, one would think that a wild animal did the act. However, this damage only happened when the car got “nicked” by a passing snow plow! It turns out motorists should not only care about the slippery road but the passing snow plows as well.

Reddit Source: Reddit

31. Mosquito attack

Looking at this woman with lots of mosquitoes on her can totally give you chills. How can she even stay calm while those little bloodsuckers cling to her? Apparently, this lady is in Siberia during summer and mosquitoes are everywhere!

Instagram Source: Instagram

32. When you did your best but it still wasn’t enough

This man wanted to block the sun so he pulled his visor down. However, it seems like the best solution to his problem was not even enough to solve it.

Reddit Source: Reddit

33. He only wanted a new hairstyle and this is what he got.

This guy only wanted to make his bangs straight so he requested the barber to edge his hair up a bit. What the barber did appalled the guy when he saw that he cut his hair all the way beyond his widow’s peak!

Reddit Source: Reddit

34. Who throws a sink out, anyway?

The owner of this car had the worst surprise ever when he woke up one morning only to see his car with a sink on its backside. Who throws a sink out in the middle of the night?

Reddit Source: Reddit

35. What a sad turn of events for this little girl

After a lot of persuasion and “pretty please”, this young girl finally got her Mom to get her a cat. Sadly, she could never own one as she turned out to be allergic! Aw, poor child.

Reddit Source: Reddit

36. When fate shuts you up real quick

This person’s day started really well. But, only a few moments later, his day went from best to worst, as if fate was telling him not to get his hopes up too soon.

Awesome Jelly Source: Awesome Jelly

37. One of our worst nightmares

Some people have nightmares when they dream of themselves falling from high places while other people’s bad dreams consist of things caving in over them. This Redditor experienced the latter except that it wasn’t a dream at all! That must have been a really scary ordeal.

Reddit Source: Reddit

38. One small crash was what it took to confirm just how much make-up she uses

Make-up is a big industry these days. People are into showcasing themselves better and make-up is a useful tool in accentuating a person’s inherent beauty. Some people are so into make-up that putting a thin layer of foundation seems never enough, just like this Redditor’s passenger whose thick make-up can be seen when her face was left outlined on the back of the driver’s seat.

Reddit Source: Reddit

39. The barber totally followed the man instructions up to the very little details

This man wanted his haircut to look the same as the guy starring in the video he was watching. When he showed the paused video for the barber’s reference, he did not expect to see a “play” icon on both sides of his head! It turned out that the paused video had a “Play” icon placed on the side of his model’s head and the barber thought it was part of the hairstyle!

Weibo Source: Weibo

40. Guess you’re going to take the bus to work today.

This is exactly why it is important to be updated whenever a road work is scheduled in your area. The owner of this stuck car either forgot about the memo or simply ignored it. Either way, had he known that a road project was going to be in place that day, he would have moved his car somewhere else.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

41. When you feel like it is finally your turn and you get royally disappointed

The person who took this snap was probably feeling excited when he saw the number before him and got majorly crushed when the number next to his appeared on screen! Why would they skip a number, though?

Awesome Jelly Source: Awesome Jelly

42. They must have put a little thought into this pre-nuptial photo

This couple took a really romantic shot of the two of them as they share a sweet kiss in front of their friends and family. We just wish they put more thought on the initials they placed in front of the lovely couple because honestly, it made the photo look hilarious rather than romantic. It’s certainly something we can never un-see once seen!

Awesome Jelly Source: Awesome Jelly

43. Keep your flash off

Getting a photo of someone without their permission is definitely rude and disrespectful. But, if you have the nerve to take a secret photo of a hot guy in your establishment, you could at least check if your flash is on or else be prepared to be embarrassed.

Awesome Jelly Source: Awesome Jelly

44. It is definitely a humiliating scenario

Some people who are over their normal body weight do not see that they are beyond what is healthy and that they should start making better eating habits and a healthier lifestyle. However, if the humiliation gets too much such as this guy needing a scan experienced, maybe it’s enough to open their eyes to the fact that they badly need to change.

Twitter Source: Twitter

45. You need to even out your tan

Getting a tan is tremendously difficult. Too much heat can cause sunburns and too little sunlight does not change the skin color at all. This guy, on the other hand, seemed to forget the concept of tanning altogether when he exposed only his upper body to the sun and forgot to sunbathe his lower body as well!

Reddit Source: Reddit

46. Going through this door to reach the bedroom is not an easy task

If going through this scenario before reaching your bedroom does not scare you, then let me congratulate you. For the rest of us, this doorway is something out of a nightmare.

Reddit Source: Reddit

47. I wonder how the owner of this passport handled the situation

Losing your passport minutes before your flight is a scary thought that runs in everyone else’s mind as they prepare to go abroad the night before. It’s the reason why we prepare really carefully especially when it comes to having the necessary documents we need when it comes to traveling. The person who found the passport and boarding pass saw that the plane flew a couple of hours earlier. We can’t help but wonder what happened to the owner or the passport now.

Reddit Source: Reddit

48. A marriage proposal gone wrong

It’s such a sweet thing to see couples finally deciding to tie the knot through epic proposals that will be talked about within the family for ages. However, this couple’s proposal did not turn out to be an epic success but rather the opposite when the guy accidentally dropped the ring into a Gopher hole.

Reddit Source: Reddit

49. Poop cleaner

Roomba is a device that roams around the house on its own, cleaning the floor as it passes. This device ended up being the cause of dirt–and smell–within this Redditor’s home when the Roomba ran over the guy’s puppy’s poo and proceeded to “cleaning” the rest of the house!

Reddit Source: Reddit

50. Another Roomba fiasco

Now, don’t get me wrong. Roombas are useful, really. Until the machine runs over dog poo and ends up bringing the disgusting matter wherever it goes within the house.

Awesome Jelly Source: Awesome Jelly

51. This is why the TV should be mounted on the wall

This is quite self-explanatory, really. If you don’t want your TV ending up like this, better start mounting it on the wall right now.

Awesome Jelly Source: Awesome Jelly

52. This is totally embarrassing!

We always hear weird stories about people getting their heads stuck between things. Apparently, this young lady thought she could pull her head out from between the steel pillars but unfortunately, she was mistaken.

Awesome Jelly Source: Awesome Jelly

53. A sneak peek of their life together

This guy participated in a wedding as one of the groomsmen and joined the men in an epic jump shot that ripped his pants! Luckily, his wife was there to save the day. Guess he’s not so unlucky after all.

Reddit Source: Reddit

54. It pays to know the right things about your car

Car maintenance is no joking matter. One wrong move can not only endanger your car, but your life as well. This woman thought that she was helping her car get a clean system when she poured windshield cleaner liquid in her pipes instead of oil. Look what it did to her vehicle and you be the judge if it really got cleaned.

Imgur Source: Imgur

55. Social media vs. Reality

It’s fascinating how people can create a totally different image in social media from who they are in real life. Most of the time, what we see isn’t really what we are gonna get.

Twitter Source: Twitter

Just like in the last slide, what we see on social media is not really what we get in real life so we must always know the difference. And like in everyday living, failure is not always what it seems to be. Most of the time, we are just focused on the things we fail at that we sometimes forget to see the silver lining in whatever we do.

The next time you have a bad day, you can always go back to these 55 scenarios and thank the heavens that you are actually doing better than you think.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Bored Panda, Awesome Jelly
