55 proud tattoo owners who posted a pic of new tattoo only to be hilariously called out for mistake

There are people who will do everything just to look cool. Some opt to wear highly fashionable clothes while others try to get body piercings to show off their awesomeness. Meanwhile, there are also folks who resort to tattoos to showcase how cool they are.

Thinking of getting a tat yourself? I think you need to take a good look at these 55 epic tattoo fails before you even get one. Let’s see if you’ll still want a tattoo after seeing these!

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1. Inspiring

Although this is quite an epic tattoo fail, it’s still fitting to call it inspiring. Why? It totally inspires you to NOT get a tattoo after seeing it!

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2. What a “beauty” for someone who’s only been tattooing for two weeks

While some people really have the talent when it comes to body art, some just don’t know that they can be anything but tattoo artists! This unfirtunate Redditor just tried out a friend’s recommendation only to find out that he has absolutely made the wrong decision!

Imgur Source: Imgur

3. This unfortunate Japanese tattoo

It’s a great idea to have a tattoo that shows your love for God. But, oing it in a foreign language may not be the best way! This man unfortunately mistook “idiot foreigner” for “God Almighty”. It was such an epic tattoo fail!

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4. He realized it too late

This would have been a really creative tattoo idea had it not been for the glaring mistake that was Super Mario’s left hand! Or was it the right hand?

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5. Yeah, the “systsem” totally sucks!

When it comes to quote tattoos, we must really be careful with what we want to write on our skin simply because the tat is going to be permanent! This guy probably wanted to let everyone know of his opinion and inked his foot with it. It’s just sad that he misspelled it real bad!

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6. Expectation versus Reality

This tattoo was supposed to be a 3D version of Fawkes but ended up like the chaeacter was gazing from behind jalousy windows! What misfortune this really is!

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7. This dog-lover’s tattoo fail

I can’t decide whether to cry or laugh when I saw this disconcerting tattoo! Had I not seen it in real life, I wouldn’t believe it if anyone told me they’d do something like this!

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8. “Patients” is a virtue

Here is another misspelled tattoo that could have meant something more. It’s important that you and your tattoo artist are on the same page before letting them ink your skin for ever!

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9. Someone’s proud of their tattoo!

This Redditor could not help but notice a friend in Facebook that was totally proud of this tattoo. The tattoo seemed to be inspired by Marilyn Monroe, except that this version has inhuman feet and an alien-looking face!

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10. This is simply unbelievable.

ΩThis guy is simply stunned with what his tattoo turned out to be. He even had a hard time getting hold of the artist only to end up with this ugly tattoo! Unbelievable.

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11. The final straw

This guy who only wants to be a better tattoo artist finally decided it’s time to find another teacher when he had the misfortune of getting this dreadful tattoo! It’s a good thing he only did it in one arm, though.

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12. This Hulk tattoo

This guy’s tat looked like it was supposed to be a Hulk tattoo but was unfinished. When he seeked another artist’s help in completing it, this happened to be the unbelievable result. The tattoo looks like an Asian green monster!

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13. This wolf tattoo

Wolves are amazing choices for tattoos. They look powerful and really magical. It’s just unlucky when this fellow did not get the powerful wolf figure when he got a tattoo. Instead, he got this stray-looking blue monster up in his arm.

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14. It was supposed to be touching

It’s quite admirable when siblings show how much they value each other, especially if it’s done by permanently inking it on the skin! But, remember that it is also important to check your tattoo’s grammar before deciding to do it, or else you’ll end up like this person.

Imgur Source: Imgur

15. This anchor that refused to sink

How many times do people want to be reminded that anchors are supposed to sink? This tattoo just makes absolutely no sense!

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16. Something’s wrong here

If these are supposed to be matching tattoos, then let me be the first to say that there’s something seriously wrong here. The pieces just don’t fit!

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17. Bradley, the dolphin

It’s good that the person who had this tattoo made seem to really love it. We just hope everyone else who sees it feels the same way.

Imgur Source: Imgur

18. Bad tattoo formatting

If you prefer to have a quotation for your tattoo, you must always remember that your tattoo needs to be propely formatted or else you may end up having the same kind of situation as this person! Spacing and font are definitely important, you know.

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19. Nailed it!

This person only wanted to have a specific tattoo design. However, he ended up having a poor version of it! I mean, the birds are there and it’s black, but other than those, there was nothing else that resembled the design inspiration.

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20. What is this?

Some tattoos are straightforward while some are meant to be mysterious. However, there can be some that are downright bizarre, just like this one. What could this possibly mean?

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21. Brutally honest comments!

Having a tattoo is something that is worth sharing on social media. But, when it’s not too pretty, expect some backlash and harsh commentaries! The comments on this post are simply brutal, if you’d ask me.

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22. Proud of her drawing

Some tattoos are highly personalized and are based on the person’s own design. That’s fine if you’re a pretty good artist but if the design is quite awful, it would be better to just leave the drawing part to your tattoo artist. It’s good that this person loved her own drawing and was proud enough to show it off, though it doesn’t look too pretty at all.

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23. Thank you, roommate!

This person was so thankful because he got the tattoo he wanted courtesy of his roommate. Everything looks good except for the fact that he should’ve written “omnia” which means “all” instead of “omina” which means “omens”. Now his tattoo basically says “love conquers omens”!

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24. This misspelled tattoo

A slight misspelling won’t do any harm. But, if we’re talking about tattoos, misspelled words are a big No-No! Next time, just make sure your tattoo artist knows how to spell right.

Imgur Source: Imgur

25. What is it again?

Now, here is another confusing tattoo that will leave you perplexed. The person who had it done loves it but the comments on his social media post don’t agree with him, big time!

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26. Something’s missing

Again, tattoos inspired from quotes always require even more caution. Grammar and spelling are quite important so you better make sure that your tattoo artist knows these things before you agree to be inked!

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27. Harsh comments

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28. “Lucky of my life”

This could have been a really cute tattoo had it not been for the obvious mistake in grammar. The unicorn is cute, but the words are not so wonderful at all.

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29. This Bon Jovi fan’s tattoo

Bon Jovi is definitely an iconic name in the music industry and there are a lot who wants to show their appreciation of him through gatting a tattoo. It’s just unfortunate that this person’s tattoo artist doesn’t seem to know who Bon Jovi is at all.

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30. It only takes one letter to make it right, and yet…

One letter can absolutely ruin a tattoo that could have been a really inspiring. Here’s a concrete example of what I’m talking about.

Imgur Source: Imgur

31. How embarrassing!

This person corrected her tattoo and used “then” instead of “than”. She claimed afterwards that she loves it even more now that it’s technically incorrect! That is quite embarrassing but at least, she owned her mistake!

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32. Fallen angel

This person who always post about religious things gets a tattoo of a fallen angel. He gets roasted after sharing his new tattoo on social media. It seems like he does not know that Lucifer is the fallen angel and this tattoo totally contradicts his religious image!

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33. Wrong date

Some people resort to tattoos in remembering their lost loved ones and there is nothing wrong with that. Just make sure you get the right data or else, you will end up like this girl who tattooed the wrong date for her grandpa’s death anniversary.

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34. Check this out!

It’s hard to miss this guy’s excitement for his new tattoo. He’s totally loving the ink on his skin! But he seemed to miss the fact that the design isn’t quite as lovely as he thought it to be and people commenting on his post are quick to tell him that!

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35. Bad grammar

Apart from the fact that the handwriting on this tattoo is not done well, the grammar is also quite unfortunate! It is important to find a tattoo artist who knows how to spell and write right, folks.

Imgur Source: Imgur

36. Turkey sandwich

Having a tattoo written in a foreign language can be really cool. But remember, you need to make sure that you are not writing any funny stuff on your skin because you will regret it forever! This guy finally discovered that his friend’s Chinese tattoo actually means “turkey sandwich”. This is one epic tattoo fail!

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37. Guess what this is!

This person’s tattoo was supposed to be a galaxy but look at what she got instead! It looks like a big puddle of colorful worm-like things and it’s not pretty at all.

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38. What’s this supposed to be?

This may seem like a case of chest freckles at first, but the truth is that it’s a tattoo gone wrong! The design was supposed to be inspired by stars but now, it only looks like someone sprinkled gray sand on this woman’s skin.

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39. Is that me and my friend?

People get pictures that will be the inspiration of their tattoo design and artists are supposed to create life-like images on their skin. These kinds of tattoos really require the best of artists and if you don’t choose well, you might end up having your face distorted, just like this person’s tattoo of her and her friend!

Imgur Source: Imgur

40. Chicken Noodle Soup

Here’s another fail involving a tattoo written in a foreign language. It does not hurt to do some research before deciding to ink your skin permanently. Choose your words well or you’ll just be like this lady who unknowingly got a tattoo saying “chicken noodle soup” on her back!

Imgur Source: Imgur

41. Brutal comments alert!

You gotta expect that not everyone on social media will love your tattoo. Comments on this post are absolutely brutal but who can blame them? That’s one ugly tattoo, man.

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42. “Your Nane”

What have we been saying about spelling on tattoos? They should always be on point! Again, just make sure your tattoo artist knows how to spell. You could end up with a really weird tattoo forever if you’re not careful enough.

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43. This unspeakable tattoo

If Marilyn Monroe ever saw this tattoo, I bet she would have gone ballistic! It’s such a shame to see this poor image of her. It totally left me speechless when I first laid eyes on it!

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44. Tattooed on her forehead

Why this girl decided to put a tattoo on her forehead is totally beyond me. And just to let people now that you’re a vegan without having to say a word does not seem like a good enough reason to ink it on your forehead forever!

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45. Almost got it

I really don’t have anything against having a huge compass inked on your back because taht’s your tattoo and you can use any design you want. But, please, can you make sure that you have the directions drawn right? You almost got it right!

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46. Pikachu on crack?

Pikachu is definitely cute and it’s understandable that people would want thi character to be their tattoo inspiration. But, this is definitely not the Pikachu we all know! It looks like Pikachu, but on crack!

Imgur Source: Imgur

47. This Angelina Jolie inspired tattoo

Celebrities can be tattoo inspiration, too. This person must have loved Angelina Jolie that he decided to ink her face on his skin. It’s just too bad that he chose the wrong person for the job.

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48. A tattoo of your newborn

You can also make use of family member’s photos as the inspiration for yoyr tattoo. Some new parents find the need to ink their newborn’s image on their skin and that’s absolutely fine! However, this tattoo job has gone from wonderful to dreadful because they chose the wrong person to do the inking.

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49. A tattoo of her mom

Here’s another terrible tattoo fail that will surely haunt you. It was supposed to be his Mom’s picture, but the result looks like someone from a horror film!

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50. Another case of “expectation versus reality”

When it comes to getting a tattoo, you can never expect too much or you’ll end up being totally disappointed. But, no matter how you lower down your expectations, the reality is just too hard to bear after all.

Imgur Source: Imgur

51. This man’s new tattoo

Technically, this man’s tattoo is quite dope! I’m just not sure if he did the right thing when it comes to the positioning. I bet people are having a hard time looking him in the eye now. Who could ignore the bird on his forehead?

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52. What could possibly have led to this?

We get that it’s a photo of a child’s face but what is that thing hanging from his mouth? Is it totally weird that I see a sock? What could possibly have led to this design anyway?

Instagram Source: Instagram

53. Oh, wow.

Remember that moment when your friend got so excited over something and when you finally see what he’s talking about, you’re surprised to discover that it isn’t as fabulous as he described? This is one of those moments, and if you happen to be the person who listened to this guy gushing about his new tat for half an hour, would you be able to hold your true reactions in? I don’t think I can!

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54. I’m speechless

The danger in using actual pictures of your loved one as your tattoo inspiration is that they may not look ezactly as you would like them to be. That is why it is highly important that you choose the right artist for the job! If you don’t, you might end up like this guy whose sons look totally creepy when they got their pictures inked on their father’s skin!

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55. What even is this?

Yes, i see the tiger. And, yes, I also see a flower. But a tiger head coming out of a flower is definitely not a combination that we see everyday! Some people are just so weird and we have no words for them anymore!

Reddit Source: Reddit

Wow, that was quite a long list of weird tattoos that absolutely exemplify the look of failure. We definitely hope that after seeing this list and you still plan on getting a tattoo yourself, you’ll be more wary of what could happen if you are not careful enough. Good luck on your next tattoo!

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Source: Bored Panda, Reddit
