55 simple yet clever ideas that should be in use everywhere

Have you ever seen a great idea and wondered “why don’t we have that everywhere?” From simple tweaks that make outdoor activities more inclusive to tricks that make everything from parking correctly to driving safely easier, these ideas will have you wanting these items in your hometown.

There’s something to please everyone, from germophobes, pet lovers, and grocery shoppers, to people on bad dates or who want to be left along while shopping. These 55 ideas are meant to keep us safe, save us time, and even make cooking, cleaning, and riding the elevator easier.

How many do you think should be more popular and readily available?

1. Safe exchange zone

If you’ve purchased something online and don’t want to give out your address (or go to a stranger’s home), this “safe zone” gives people the opportunity to exchange goods out in public in order to stay safe. It’s run by the police department and, presumably, well-lit and monitored closely.

durnJurta via reddit Source: durnJurta via reddit

2. Candle of respect

No one likes being at the vet, but it’s especially hard if you’re saying goodbye to your beloved pet. This simple candle gives other pet owners in the office the sign to be quiet and respectful so those in mourning can have some peace and respect.

trojanknight via reddit Source: trojanknight via reddit

3. Toilets for germaphobes

This public toilet in Mexico doesn’t require you to flush by hand, but instead has a foot pedal. Sometimes even the self-flusher doesn’t work so it’s nice to have an option where you don’t have to touch anything.

BradleyC5922 via reddit Source: BradleyC5922 via reddit

4. Stay inside the lines

Do you ever wonder how people manage to park so poorly? This isn’t going to guarantee that people will have more respect for parking space, but these wall lines give drivers some idea of whether they are parking properly.

Krzyygamin via reddit Source: Krzyygamin via reddit

5. Stall-in-use lights

This Atlanta airport bathroom has lights over the stalls that tell you if it’s occupied. There’s nothing more annoying than standing in line for the bathroom and wondering if the people in front of you are really paying attention to whether or not all the stalls are in use.

katewhiteshark via reddit Source: katewhiteshark via reddit

6. Safe crossing for the elderly

In Singapore, elderly pedestrians can tap their identity card to get extra time (from 3-13 seconds) to get across the street. It’s a great way to keep people safe without holding up traffic for too long.

MickyNek via reddit Source: MickyNek via reddit

7. Never get lost in the supermarket

This Swedish grocery store has a map on every cart so shoppers never have to wander around and guess which aisle they’re looking for.

caspii2 via reddit Source: caspii2 via reddit

8. Solo shopping signal

This shop, located in Dubai, allows you to shop uninterrupted without having to chase away pushy salespeople. Just pick up the color-coded basket when you come in and design your own shopping experience.

noideawhatsupp via reddit Source: noideawhatsupp via reddit

9. Bad date savior

If you’re on a bad date and things are getting weird, this bar allows you to extricate yourself without too much fuss by simply asking for a specific bartender.

Rachel G. via Fourquare Source: Rachel G. via Fourquare

10. Card for independent kids

Remember the days when you could go out and play or ride your bike without helicopter parents thinking that you’re lost or neglected? This genius card allows kids to respectfully ask adults to lay off the judgement. And with a place for a phone number, if something does go wrong, it doubles as an ID card.

jordan460 via reddit Source: jordan460 via reddit

11. Save the bananas

This grocery store sells overripe bananas at a discount in bags with a banana bread recipe on the back. A great way to avoid wasting good food and get some tasty bread out of it!

WholesomeSwissCheese via reddit Source: WholesomeSwissCheese via reddit

12. Pharmacy vending machine

Colleges are installing CVS vending machine full of medicine and hygiene products so no one has to make a late-night run. Safe and convenient!

CommandLionInterface via reddit Source: CommandLionInterface via reddit

13. Dual-purpose laundromat

It often feels like such a waste of time to wait around at the laundromat while your clothes wash and dry. Now you can kill two birds with one stone and work out while you wait. They aren’t always the most fun activities, but think of how accomplished you’ll feel afterward!

IGiveSmallTips via reddit Source: IGiveSmallTips via reddit

14. A water fountain for all

The design of this water fountain lets the water flow down so dogs can drink from it too! Now everyone can stay hydrated while out on a walk or a day in the park.

rubenmleon via reddit Source: rubenmleon via reddit

15. Domestic abuse reporting

This is a clever and discreet way for women to report abuse or trouble without having to draw attention to themselves if they’re in the presence of their abusers.

theryanfight via reddit Source: theryanfight via reddit

16. Fence bench

This fence bends into a bench in certain places. The only downside is that there’s water underneath, so you definitely want to make sure your phone or wallet don’t fall out of your pocket while sitting there. Still, it’s a great way to create some extra urban seating!

LLCenter via reddit Source: LLCenter via reddit

17. Car wash soap cannon

Make the car wash even more fun by getting out and playing with this soap launcher that lets you sud up your car like a game.

Micool31 via reddit Source: Micool31 via reddit

18. Toepener

Germaphobes, rejoice! This restaurant has installed a device that lets people open the door without encountering the germs on the doorknob.

happysunbear via reddit Source: happysunbear via reddit

19. No running in the hallway

If you don’t want people running down the halls, this optical illusion is one way to give them pause.

20. Accessible beach

Whether you’re in a wheelchair or pushing a stroller, the beach can be off limits to anything on wheels. But this town had the great idea of installing a mat on the beach to make it easier for everyone to access.

canadianvintage via reddit Source: canadianvintage via reddit

21. Color blind viewer

The Tennessee Department of Tourist Development and Tennessee State Parks have installed viewfinders for color blind guests at five state park locations.

mildlyinteresting via reddit Source: mildlyinteresting via reddit

22. Classroom mirror

When the teacher does a demonstration at their desk, it’s hard to see what exactly is going on. This classroom has a mirror above so all the students can see exactly what’s happening.

AlexsDoritos via reddit Source: AlexsDoritos via reddit

23. Shower temperature reader

Don’t you hate standing outside the shower waiting for the water to be perfect? It’s especially problematic when you’re in a hotel and there’s no telling how hot the water will get (or how long it will take to heat up). But this gadget allows you to see exactly what the temperature is before you step in!

mojojj31 via reddit Source: mojojj31 via reddit

24. Bike stand with air pump

Not only are public bike stands a great way to keep bikes off the street and avoid them being tied to random trees, this one even has a free air pump attached so your wheels will be in top shape as you’re getting around town sustainably.

cremecitron via reddit Source: cremecitron via reddit

25. Temporary dog shelter

These stalls are available outside of a Copenhagen supermarket for anyone who needs a safe place for their dog while they shop.

Flixen01 via reddit Source: Flixen01 via reddit

26. Stop lights you can actually see

These traffic lights in Ukraine make sure all drivers can see the color of the light by illuminating the the entire structure. And it looks pretty too!

reddit Source: reddit

27. Pedal power

Create your own energy to charge your phone with these public charging stations. In order to get your power, you need to make it yourself by getting some exercise at the same time.

youyouxue via reddit Source: youyouxue via reddit

28. Floor plan

This hotel has the fire evacuation plans at ground level so you can see them if smoke has filled the hallways and you’ve had to hit the deck.

cawclot via reddit Source: cawclot via reddit

29. Listing ingredients and uses

This soap label lists the purpose of each ingredient. What a great way to make people more knowledgable about what goes into their products. It’s also a great way to keep companies honest about whether or not extra ingredients are really necessary.

silevram via reddit Source: silevram via reddit

30. Pizza menu

Did you ever order a pizza and think “is that really what I ordered”? Well, wonder no more because this pizzeria in Prague, Czech Republic has a menu that shows you what each pizza will look like before you order it.

31. Temptation-free zone

This is the perfect solution if you have kids constantly asking for candy in line at the grocery store or simply want to avoid temptation yourself.

KrazoaSpirit via reddit Source: KrazoaSpirit via reddit

32. Nap cabins in airports

Anyone who has flown across the world AND had a long layover knows that you’ll do just about anything to get some peace and quiet during your trip. That’s why more airports are installing mini-hotels that charge by the hour as well as these nap cabins that allow you to catch a little sleep or simply get away from the hustle and bustle of other travelers.

SchaarMax via reddit Source: SchaarMax via reddit

33. Chair notch for your bag

Sometimes you don’t want to throw your bag on the floor, so you hook it onto the back of your chair only to have it end up falling anyway. These brilliant chairs have a little notch cut into the back so you don’t have to worry about your bag sliding off.

HOSSY95 via reddit Source: HOSSY95 via reddit

34. Inclusive fun

This playground swing allows those in wheelchairs to have some fun too. It’s always nice when all children get to play.

Kittenblack via reddit Source: Kittenblack via reddit

35. Countdown lights

These street lights in Rwanda let drivers know just how long they have to wait until the light changes. No more sitting there wondering how long you’re going to be stuck at a red light!

Xited via reddit Source: Xited via reddit

36. Drink test coasters

It’s sad that we need something like this to stay safe, but being able to test your drink for drugs can help save lifes and prevent assaults. These unique coasters change color if an illicit substance is found in your drink.

Akalade via reddit Source: Akalade via reddit

37. Wash and flush

While it may hold up the line a bit, it certainly saves space to have the sink directly above the urinal.

38. Ceiling fan ID

For some of us, it doesn’t matter how long you’ve had a ceiling fan, you still pull the wrong cord when you mean to turn on the light. Here’s a great solution that will help your guests out as well.

hammurabi1337 via reddit Source: hammurabi1337 via reddit

39. Parking space protection

While it doesn’t exactly look easy to navigate while getting out of your car, this garage in France has soft barriers between parking spaces to stop people scratching other cars.

tomoblob via reddit Source: tomoblob via reddit

40. Rubbish exchange

Get something back for your good deeds at this beach that allows you to grab a bucket, clean up the beach, and collect a free coffee when you’re done. You can get caffeinated AND have clean surroundings. It’s a win-win.

awkwardlondoner via reddit Source: awkwardlondoner via reddit

41. Rubix cube for the blind

This person adapted a Rubix Cube for the blind. We’re not sure that makes it any easier to solve, but it at least gives more people a chance to try.

Notafakeinterpreter via reddit Source: Notafakeinterpreter via reddit

42. Food-friendly benches

If you’ve ever tried to sit and grab a quick bite to eat on a park bench you know that it’s not the most elegant arrangement. You’re constantly trying to cover your clothes while hunched over with your food, not to mention trying to find a way to steady your drink without spilling it. These benches in Sweden are perfect for anyone grabbing a quick bite.

iBleeedorange via reddit Source: iBleeedorange via reddit

43. Shoe test area

This test area is in a shoe store that sells bendy and thin shoes and allows customers to see what it would feel like to walk on different types of surfaces – including Legos!

Fresh_Asuna via reddit Source: Fresh_Asuna via reddit

44. Bedside assistance

Don’t you hate putting your fitted sheet on halfway just to realize that you’ve done it sideways? This sheet gives you a heads up about which is the short side. For those of us with king sized beds, it can often be hard to tell.

oremornayr via reddit Source: oremornayr via reddit

45. Frost strip

No one likes when their cocktail gets warm too fast and the ice starts to melt, diluting the flavor. This bar has installed an ice strip to keep things cool.

Wolfos31 via reddit Source: Wolfos31 via reddit

46. 3-D printed cast

This cool 3-D cast can be worn in the shower and looks pretty cool too. As the technology becomes more widely available, hopefully it will become cheaper as well.

xventriloquist via reddit Source: xventriloquist via reddit

47. Cake pan check-out

Have you ever wanted to make a special cake but not invest in a cake pan you’re only going to use once? This library had the strange but pretty brilliant idea of renting out the cookware as they would a book!

flannelpancakes via reddit Source: flannelpancakes via reddit

48. Overlapping curtains

This hotel room curtain rod makes light-blocking curtains work so much butter. It’s designed to eliminate the gap in the middle that lets in the early morning sliver of light.

taharoto via reddit Source: taharoto via reddit

49. Long-distance call button

It might seem silly to put the elevator button so far from the door, but it could save you time since the doors will likely open the minute you walk up.

lukeallen1 via reddit Source: lukeallen1 via reddit

50. Double perforated bags

Don’t you hate getting grease or crumbs all over yourself when you’re reaching into the bottom of a chip bag for the last of your snack? I mean, you could pour them into a bowl, but this double perforated bag allows you to make a second opening farther down the bag instead.

tastydolphinbabes69 via reddit Source: tastydolphinbabes69 via reddit

51. Leftover box

Have you ever had leftover pizza and not had room for that whole big box in your fridge? Well, save yourself the extra wrapping and dishes if you have one of these nifty boxes that folds over to store leftovers without taking up too much space.

dark_forebodings_too via reddit Source: dark_forebodings_too via reddit

52. Tuxedo pizza box

Speaking of pizza boxes, this might not be a genius idea, but it certainly is amusing!

pwenski via reddit Source: pwenski via reddit

53. Hexagonal graph paper

Whether or not you ever took organic chemistry, you can see why this unique paper would make your homework a lot easier and more artistic (and maybe even fun). It’s also useful for anyone who plays board games and wants to map out their strategies.

woodruff42 via reddit Source: woodruff42 via reddit

54. Kick buttons

One final shout-out to the germaphobes. This elevator has regular buttons, but if you can’t help but think about how many people have put their fingers on them before you (especially during cold and flu season), you also have the option of kicking a button near the floor to get where you need to go.

CarrollPC via reddit Source: CarrollPC via reddit

55. Restaurant call button

There’s no substitute for good service, but when you’re not at a fancy restaurant or you’re somewhere busy, this is the next best thing. This button allows you to call over the waitstaff if you need help and even has a button that specifically alerts them that you’re ready for your check.

reddit Source: reddit

We’re pretty impressed by these innovations. Which ones are your favorite?

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Source: Bored Panda, Boredom Therapy,
