60 Funny Life Hacks From Sly People

Most people go through life doing things the same way. Sometimes, that’s because they learned from their parents. Other times, it’s the result of trial and error. If that sounds familiar, you’ll love these 60 life hacks. Not only will you save a lot of time but also money and energy.

1. Don’t be embarrassed

Some life hacks are so unconventional that they seem a little odd. Or in this case, really odd. But with a plunger, you’ll have a more convenient and relaxing day at the beach.

Imgur Source: Imgur

2. Take advantage of apps

Today, most restaurants, especially those that serve fast food, have a mobile app. As this person discovered, using one saved them 30 percent off their meal. Hopefully, they didn’t reduce the delivery guy’s tip.

Twitter@ilove_harry_st Source: Twitter@ilove_harry_st

3. The benefits of repurposing

You can find all kinds of sauces in disposable containers. But did you know that by washing them out, they serve an entirely different purpose? In this case, a juice box for this sweet kid.

Twitter@souceunavida Source: Twitter@souceunavida

4. What’s with all the plungers?

Well, as this girl shows, they’re multifunctional. The next time you have to take a crowded subway, instead of fighting over a seat or standing without any support, try this. Just ignore the stares.

Imgur Source: Imgur

5. Rude yet brilliant

Especially when going on a blind date, you never know how things will go. From the looks of it, this guy’s date was rather boring. So, he watched football on his cell phone hidden carefully in his hat while the woman talked about all her past relationships.

Twitter@JonLiveseyDS Source: Twitter@JonLiveseyDS

6. It’s not cheating…

…just a genius way to make sure you get what you want when ordering food in a foreign country. This individual traveled to Japan. But first, they created a journal of the menu items they like best.

Reddit/6minuterule Source: Reddit/6minuterule

7. An innovative way to eat watermelon

A lot of people love watermelon but those seeds are a real pain. If you like this fruit but don’t want to spit the seeds on the ground or in your trashcan if at work, do what this person did. That’s super clever.

Imgur/PhamTung04 Source: Imgur/PhamTung04

8. No more being late for your job

No one wants to show up for work or school late. But not everyone is a morning person. As this individual points out, there’s a way to prevent that from happening. Simply stop eating after 6:00 p.m.

Pikabu Source: Pikabu

9. Save your wine bottles and your plants

If you plan to go on vacation for a week but don’t have anyone to water your plants…no problem. Just rinse out empty wine bottles, fill them with water, and then place them in the planter upside down. Such a great idea.

Reddit Source: Reddit

10. Who needs a sleep mask when you have long hair

When taking a long flight, a lot of people try to nap. But without a sleep mask, it’s difficult. Well, this woman came up with a great solution using her long hair. For those with short hair, sorry, you’re out of luck.

Twitter@raveaso Source: Twitter@raveaso

11. No more unpleasant surprises

Few things more annoying than getting up in the morning to have a bowl of cereal only to discover that someone left the milk jug almost empty. This is an excellent way to stop that. Now, if everyone will follow the instructions, life will be so much easier.

Reddit/JiveMonkey Source: Reddit/JiveMonkey

12. Simple and amazing

When running plastic containers through the dishwasher, you always want to put them on the top shelf. That way, they don’t melt. But they do overturn, leaving you with containers full of water. Placing a dishrack on top of them to prevent them from flipping solves the problem.

Reddit/thecatunderthebed Source: Reddit/thecatunderthebed

13. Very strange indeed

Remember, we said that not all of these life hacks are conventional, including this one. We suppose if you happen to have a bell pepper handy and you don’t want to dirty any dishes, this would work just fine. Just realize your tea might taste slightly different.

Reddit Source: Reddit

14. No helper needed

If you enjoy crocheting or knitting, you understand it’s sometimes better if you have a helper. But without one, just slip on a pair of crocs. Now, you can create anything you want without any assistance.

Facebook/LadyRayCrochet Source: Facebook/LadyRayCrochet

15. You’ll never oversleep again

Are you one of those people who presses the snooze button on your alarm clock multiple times in the morning? Just tape thumbtacks upside on the button. It’ll only take one time to learn.

Reddit/Wuslus Source: Reddit/Wuslus

16. It’s not stupid if it works

There are a couple of benefits to this. For one thing, you wouldn’t have to move when you get thirsty. But also, keeping your beverage positioned like this will help it stay cold longer.

Imgur Source: Imgur

17. Attention cat owners

What’s the difference between pellet cat litter and pellet fuel used for wood-burning fireplaces? The answer…nothing. Well, there is one difference. Pellet fuel costs about 75 percent less expensive and it’s available at most hardware and home improvement stores.

Pikabu Source: Pikabu

18. Happy New Year’s again

Considering little kids go to bed well before midnight on New Year’s Eve, they miss out on all the fun. If your child feels left out, save a ball drop show from the previous year, and then they can watch it whenever they want.

Reddit/BMFC Source: Reddit/BMFC

19. Diving in the ocean

We’re not talking about scuba diving but actual diving like you’d do off a board into a swimming pool. Unfortunately, the ocean doesn’t have diving boards. Or do they? Well, in this case, they do.

Imgur Source: Imgur

20. Functional sand art

While some people use sand to create beautiful art, these individuals used it to make something functional. With a little bit of time and effort, they ended up with a cool place to relax on the beach. It even has a firepit.

Pikabu Source: Pikabu

21. This is how to organize a freezer

Have you ever tossed out frozen fruits or vegetables due to freezer burn? Stacking packages on top of each other makes it nearly impossible to see what you have. But with large binder clips, that’ll never be a problem again.

Reddit/Roxanne712 Source: Reddit/Roxanne712

22. Grease burns aren’t fun

But when cooking eggs, chicken, and other fried foods, they’re inevitable. As this person shows, by cutting off the bottom of a plastic bottle and then placing it over your hand…no more grease burns. And you can use it multiple times.

Twitter@Danielcandia Source: Twitter@Danielcandia

23. Crib tie holder

That’s right, this individual took an old crib his neighbor was tossing out and with a little modification, turned it into a one-of-a-kind tie holder. Now, he can see all his ties in one glance. And this prevents his ties from getting wrinkled.

Reddit/robinbiro Source: Reddit/robinbiro

24. Clean windshield

As windshield wipers age, it’s common for them to leave a streak behind every time they’re used. If you’ve ever had that happen, you know how annoying it is. For anyone on a budget who deals with this problem, consider using a sponge.

Imgur Source: Imgur

25. Child protection at its best

Once kids start to walk, they get into everything, including bathroom items. That’s when parents have to start using various child safety products. For razors, make a small hole large enough in the side of a childproof medicine bottle to fit the handle.

Reddit/3d1h1d3 Source: Reddit/3d1h1d3

26. Oh, so sneaky

Let’s be honest…some classes are downright boring. This is especially true for students who already know the material. This guy used a mannequin arm that looks like its taking notes while he uses his real arm to watch videos on his phone. While we don’t recommend this, it’s still pretty awesome.

Imgur Source: Imgur

27. Missing puzzle piece

You buy a puzzle at a local thrift store but after putting it together, you discover one piece is missing. How are you going to frame it now? If that ever happens to you, take a photo of something that enhances the puzzle and tape it to the back.

Reddit/boyinawell Source: Reddit/boyinawell

28. Battling with a pomegranate

Those sweet, juicy seeds inside a pomegranate are so delicious. But getting to them is a major challenge. This man shared a video that shows how to cut one quickly and easily.

Imgur Source: Imgur

29. When you need to improvise

The soap dispenser is all out. But you have a new bottle of pump soap. Okay, this might not be pretty but it works.

Imgur Source: Imgur

30. No more stealing

When you can’t even have a cookie laying out at home or work without someone stealing it, you know things are bad. With this uniquely shaped cookie cutter, you won’t have to worry about that. After all, who wants your germs?

Oddity Mall Source: Oddity Mall

31. Shaded sandbox

Kids love to play in the sandbox. But that means being exposed to the elements, whether sun or rain. All you need is a tent and some sand. Now, your child can play for hours.

Pikabu Source: Pikabu

32. Some call it lazy, we call it innovative

When attending a concert, everyone wants the first front rows. But for some events, the means standing shoulder-to-shoulder with strangers. This guy came up with the idea of using his selfie stick to capture the action up close while still being able to relax.

Imgur Source: Imgur

33. The coolest at-home science project

For people who live in hot climates, sleeping is often miserable. Even a fan doesn’t always help. But by placing a pair of pants over the fan to work as a funnel, everyone sleeps comfortably.

Pikabu Source: Pikabu

34. That’ll save time

When a wife asked her husband to store the Christmas tree in the basement, he did. But it was only the following year when she discovered how he did it. Rather than feel annoyed, this woman should be happy considering all the time she’ll save on decorating.

Reddit/342636_stephy_a Source: Reddit/342636_stephy_a

35. Just frame it…

…and call it a new form of art. That’s what this family did when things around the house got damaged. Not only do they frame things like this, they also add a small plaque so everyone knows the history.

Imgur Source: Imgur

36. Forget the cheese

If you have a dog that doesn’t like taking medicine, forget about wrapping pills in cheese. Instead, pull this sneaky act. Dogs are smart…sometimes.

Pikabu Source: Pikabu

37. No way

Now, here’s a life hack worth knowing about. Like most people, you’ve probably had your fair share of times when you needed batteries but they were the wrong size. Using enough pennies to make a firm connection? Who knew?

Reddit/GinShapedAnomaly Source: Reddit/GinShapedAnomaly

38. Mirror replacement

Just so you know, it can cost anywhere between $200 and $400 to replace the side mirror on a car. That’s a lot of money. If you’re on a budget but have a broken mirror, you could do what this individual did. Use a handheld one.

Imgur Source: Imgur

39. Make every day better

Especially during this pandemic, a lot of people work high-stress jobs. If you’re one of them, consider what this woman did. Choose your idol and post a large photo of him or her where you can see it as often as you want.

Reddit/MadHardHatter Source: Reddit/MadHardHatter

40. Put your iron away

There’s not a single thing that’s fun about ironing. But sometimes, you need a shirt or blouse pressed. Just boil some water on the stove and hang the item from the cabinet handle. In about 10 minutes, your clothes will be wrinkle-free.

Reddit/lilcheap2 Source: Reddit/lilcheap2

41. Keeping it cool

For anyone who spends a great deal of time on their laptop, they know it gets hot even with an internal fan. As you can imagine, that’s not good for a computer. Sure, they could pay for an expensive device or do this at no charge.

Imgur Source: Imgur

42. M&M magic

Do you know what’s better than M&Ms? It’s M&Ms that you’ve microwaved for 30 seconds. The result, chocolate candy that’s crunchy on the outside and gooey on the inside.

Twitter@KimKardashian Source: Twitter@KimKardashian

43. For diehard grillers

Yes, this looks completely crazy. But if you’re one of those people who grills throughout the year…rain or shine…you’ll love this. You can cook all your favorite foods without getting wet.

Imgur Source: Imgur

44. The easy way to stack dishes

After having people over for dinner or perhaps following a big holiday meal, you end up with several bowls or plates of leftovers. Now, you have to find room in the refrigerator for all of them. Simply place crisscrossed chopsticks on top of one bowl or plate, followed by stacking more.

Reddit/thriftyaf Source: Reddit/thriftyaf

45. A do-it-yourself swimming pool (sort of)

If you have a balcony that’s seldom used, you could create a personal swimming pool. Now, before doing this, always make sure the balcony can accommodate the weight of the water. Otherwise, this could be disastrous, especially if you live higher than the first floor.

Imgur/alssst Source: Imgur/alssst

46. Avoid extra trips

A lot of people love ketchup on their French fries. But the small containers used at fast-food restaurants don’t hold enough, which means making several trips to get more. For this hack, grab a soda lid, turn it upside down, and get all the ketchup you want.

Reddit/doriangreat Source: Reddit/doriangreat

47. No more tangles

You know that hair clip your wife or girlfriend uses? Well, it does more than just keep her hair up. This is an excellent way to separate tiny cords and cables that notoriously become tangled.

Reddit/aboutstayyef Source: Reddit/aboutstayyef

48. Eliminate odors

While most people won’t admit it but it’s common for someone to wear a shirt once and then hang it back in the closet without washing it. If you do this, you can keep the shirt smelling fresh and clean by hanging a small bag of chalk on the hanger to absorb odors.

Instagram/byjillee Source: Instagram/byjillee

49. Too extreme?

Well, not for this woman. Since she didn’t have a meat tenderizer, she had to improvise. We suppose she could’ve tenderized the meat using only the fork. But that wouldn’t have been nearly as fun.

Reddit/QueenAnneBoleynTudor Source: Reddit/QueenAnneBoleynTudor

50. Preventing leaks

People who take road trips or go on camping adventures always have to come up with a way to prevent pump bottles from leaking. This simple hack solves the problem. Just wrap rubber bands around the base of the lid so the pump doesn’t move.

Reddit/ninefourteen Source: Reddit/ninefourteen

51. Large capacity washing

Do you need to make a huge batch of stew for a family gathering? One rinse cycle in the washing machine using warm water and the job’s done in less than half the time it would take to do it by hand. Hey, we don’t judge.

Pikabu Source: Pikabu

52. Parents love this idea

Have you ever noticed how frequently those ice packs you put in your kid’s lunch keep disappearing? Rather than spend good money to replace them, use a frozen sponge. It’ll stay cold for hours and cost you far less.

Twisted Sifter Source: Twisted Sifter

53. Vehicle-buying scam alert

This hack can save you a big headache. Only after buying a car did this person realize the previous owner had placed a piece of black tape over the “check engine” light. Not only should you have a certified mechanic look at any vehicle you’re interested in buying but also pay close attention to details.

Pikabu Source: Pikabu

54. A perfect way to serve condiments

Using an ordinary muffin tin, you can fill them with all kinds of condiments. This is great for something like “taco night.” And even better, you won’t have nearly as many dishes to wash.

Reddit/heinderhead Source: Reddit/heinderhead

55. Stop burning your fingers

Hardboiled eggs are delicious and they’re a great source of protein. Of course, you also need them to make egg salad. But getting them out of the hot water is a good way to burn your fingers. With a whisk, you can retrieve them easily.

Reddit/1234away Source: Reddit/1234away

56. Super quick cleanup

When guys shave over the sink, you know what happens. They leave behind a bunch of tiny hairs that are hard to clean. So, place a piece of plastic on the bottom of the sink and when your husband or boyfriend is done shaving, toss it out.

Reddit/vegan_ANIMAL Source: Reddit/vegan_ANIMAL

57. Another awesome repurposing hack

If you can get your hands on a broken front loader washing machine, you can repurpose the drum. After removing it, give it a fresh look with fireproof paint. Then, use it as a firepit. You’ll get a lot of compliments at your next outdoor gathering.

Reddit/Longfingerjack Source: Reddit/Longfingerjack

58. Keeping water cold

To ensure you always have cold water, empty a bottle into a glass. Then pour about a third of it back into the bottle. Place the bottle in the freezer on its side until frozen. Just before you head out, add the remaining water.

Reddit Source: Reddit

59. Hide cables in plain sight

Having multiple electronic devices means dealing with a lot of cables and cords. Instead of trying to stuff them somewhere, hide them in plain sight. For this, you can come up with a design that coordinates with your room’s décor.

Imgur/SendMeDogs Source: Imgur/SendMeDogs

60. A unique way to clean your bathtub

Even with regular scrubbing, it’s common for bathtubs to end up with soap scum that’s hard to remove. For this hack, you would attach a brush to the end of a handheld drill. With this, the drill does the work.

Pikabu Source: Pikabu

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