60+ hilarious quarantine signs that are worth taking a second look

There’s no denying it…the COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on people’s lives. Not only is being in quarantine tough but things are even harder for individuals suffering from the coronavirus. We all know that people handle a crisis in different ways.

Some individuals struggle with anxiety and depression while others rely on humor. For those in the latter category, it’s not that they don’t take the pandemic seriously, just that funny things help them cope.

These 63 quarantine signs aren’t to mock something this serious but to hopefully, put a smile on people’s faces. If you need a good chuckle, these might do the trick.

1. He might be onto something

You know, whoever made this sign has a good point. If you think about all the disaster movies made, a lot of them do begin like this. That’s both funny and frightening.

Reddit/Milky Chast Source: Reddit/Milky Chast

2. Turning the tables

Usually, it’s humans who get rid of pets during difficult times. But in this case, it seems as though the owners are the problem. These dogs are tired of having their lives disrupted so their humans have to go.

Reddit/Chaosphile Source: Reddit/Chaosphile

3. Well, that’s one way to say it

Since being polite wasn’t working, this person decided to take a different approach. If that doesn’t get the message across…nothing will. Back off.

Reddit/Matt CHRIST3NS3N Source: Reddit/Matt CHRIST3NS3N

4. A little computer humor

With no patch available, this individual suggested canceling 2020 altogether. We suppose that’s one way to get rid of the virus. But we’re not so sure it’s a good idea.

Reddit/dangwah Source: Reddit/dangwah

5. Priceless…

When this woman ran out of beer, she took drastic action. Not only did people see her sign but in response, Coors sent her 150 cans the following day. I’m thinking of holding up a sign that says “I need more money.” Hey, it never hurts to try.

Twitter@Darren_Rovell Source: Twitter@Darren_Rovell

6. At least he’s honest

Sure, he might’ve needed personal space because of the coronavirus. But no, he’s just not a very nice person and he’s not afraid to admit it. Be glad you don’t work for this guy.

Imgur/captaincaayeman Source: Imgur/captaincaayeman

7. A little strange

We’ve seen signs telling people to leave pets and skateboards outside but gloves? Would’nt you think they’d want people to wear gloves? We don’t get it.

Imgur/geniusgza1 Source: Imgur/geniusgza1

8. She’s probably among good company

It appears one wife has had enough of being quarantined with her husband. So, she came up with a perfect solution. Depending on the man, it could be a good bargain…then again, maybe not.

Reddit/furrygreencurry Source: Reddit/furrygreencurry

9. Boredom at its best

Since people can’t go out to get a haircut, they’re taking matters in their own hands. This, on the other hand, isn’t about necessity but boredom. For this person’s sake, let’s hope they lift the quarantine ban soon.

Reddit/DiscordDonut Source: Reddit/DiscordDonut

10. Turnabout is fair play

After surgery, animals often have to wear the “cone of shame” to prevent them from pulling the stitches out. While this might be a little overboard, it’s for their own good.

Reddit/steenlys Source: Reddit/steenlys

11. ROFL

This is genius. If there’s a sign that’ll make you smile, this might be one of the best. It’s nice to see a church with a good sense of humor.

Reddit/BlueWoof Source: Reddit/BlueWoof

12. Ouch

One person saw this sign on their neighbor’s lawn. This is poetic but true. Maybe the individual who wrote this is trying to politely send a message to a specific person.

Reddit/MistressDrey Source: Reddit/MistressDrey

13. Subtle yet loud

What a great play on words. This movie is for people who love going to the theater but hate large crowds.

Reddit/jgibs2850 Source: Reddit/jgibs2850

14. What a bummer

For this kid and others celebrating birthdays during the pandemic, this is how it is. But we have a feeling he had fun doing this and probably got a lot of honks or other sh*t.

Reddit/yourpantsaretoobig Source: Reddit/yourpantsaretoobig

15. There’s some truth to this

If you shop at CVS, then you know their receipts are super long. There have been a lot of running jokes about it but this sign takes the cake.

Reddit/BaconPancake62 Source: Reddit/BaconPancake62

16. Good and bad

It’s sad this church had to cancel services but good that God is still working. While funny, this sign also spreads a little hope.

Instagram/winklereli Source: Instagram/winklereli

17. Oh, come on…

…it hasn’t been that long. Or has it? With the days all running together, maybe we’ve been on lockdown longer than we think.

Reddit/djak Source: Reddit/djak

18. Day 15

Do you remember the man who put a sign on his lawn about body odor. Well, this was his day 15 quarantine sign. Why doesn’t he just buy a better pair of socks. He can order them online.

Reddit/JulesGirth Source: Reddit/JulesGirth

19. Really bad advice

So, this person might’ve thought it was funny to tell people to buy toilet paper but he didn’t think they’d do it. Here’s to hoping he’s one of those using old socks or newspapers.

Reddit/BrohemianWrapsody Source: Reddit/BrohemianWrapsody

20. Left out

For whatever reason, these parents left off the name of one of their kids. But hey, cute firefighters are always welcome…especially those that help puppies.

Reddit/AZGraybill12 Source: Reddit/AZGraybill12

21. That’s rough

Talk about a double whammy. Not only are these boys stuck at home but they have a strict dad. Oh wait, he’s the principal of their school. Come on, dad, give them a break

Facebook/Really Clean & Funny Memes Source: Facebook/Really Clean & Funny Memes

22. It’s only the beginning

This new mom will soon learn she’s not alone. With so many couples locked up together for weeks on end, there’s about to be an explosion of little ones. Cute baby.

Imgur/mags387 Source: Imgur/mags387

23. Cool idea

Just imagine being the next person to remodel this bathroom? We just have one question. What happens if it’s never remodeled? That’d be a big waste of a hilarious note.

Reddit/aarontminded Source: Reddit/aarontminded

24. This is great

The person who put up this sign made it clear that people need to stop hoarding. But we’re pretty sure they were talking about things like toilet paper…not animals.

Reddit/kjpoyner Source: Reddit/kjpoyner

25. Great advice

Although this sign is funny, it sure makes people pause. Yeah, being six feet under doesn’t sound like much fun.

Reddit/Dreamba Source: Reddit/Dreamba

26. The cure

This is excellent advice, so why didn’t anyone take a strip? That way, they could have a daily reminder of what they’re not supposed to do during the pandemic. After all, applying common sense requires too much effort.

Reddit/Rksta8 Source: Reddit/Rksta8

27. Don’t interrupt

This mom provided an answer to every question her kids might have so she could enjoy a little peace and quiet. Hey, even moms need alone time, especially during a quarantine.

Reddit/4musing Source: Reddit/4musing

28. Practice social distancing

For people who aren’t good at estimating depth for social distancing, this sign will help. If you think the adult Deinonychus example is a little off, just lie down beside one…you’ll see it’s exactly six feet.

Reddit/blinder1eighty2 Source: Reddit/blinder1eighty2

29. Nailed it

A lot of people say they feel like they’re in some kind of horror movie. Well, maybe they are…maybe we all are.

Reddit/cheesemoose Source: Reddit/cheesemoose

30. So poetic

This funny quarantine sign is nicely rhymed. At the same time, it sends out a strong message. The hearts are a nice touch.

Reddit/countryroots Source: Reddit/countryroots

31. Neighborhood humor

Every day, this guy holds up a new sign. One read, “Stop posting your workouts online” while another said, “We’re in this together.” And then there was this one. We’re with you, man.

Instagram/dudwithsign Source: Instagram/dudwithsign

32. TMI

It’s scary to think someone on the other side of this door is running around day after day wearing, well, we don’t know. It’s even scarier they’re using a sticky note they can easily change. How long will this continue?

Reddit/hoosiernamechecksout Source: Reddit/hoosiernamechecksout

33. Ha Ha

So, what makes this quarantine sign so funny? It’s outside of a gentleman’s club. Our question…what happens after April 30?

Reddit/jugbandfrog Source: Reddit/jugbandfrog

34. Why so blunt?

Okay, we get it, everyone needs to wash their hands but don’t be so rude about it. And don’t think for a second those cute colors help soften the message.

Reddit/tinrinca Source: Reddit/tinrinca

35. Good intensions

Even though this sign reminds people that Christ has risen, the ominous message that follows is a little disturbing, yet funny. We think they meant well.

Instagram/tginyc Source: Instagram/tginyc

36. Too many variants

Does it count if the kangaroo is laying down or kicking? Does this apply to a female or male? Does the length go all the way to the tip of the tail? Hey, these are important questions.

Twitter@Dutchie_66 Source: Twitter@Dutchie_66

37. So confusing

Which message on this sign does the person mean? We always thought Canadians were hospitable. It looks like we were wrong. Maybe they’re just having a stressful day.

Reddit/tractornucleareactor Source: Reddit/tractornucleareactor

38. Not six feet

There’s no way that’s six feet. It looks more than 15 or more. This individual might be taking social distancing to the extreme.

Reddit/redwolf1017 Source: Reddit/redwolf1017

39. Those look interesting

While most people have seen “Home Alone,” the other two don’t look familiar. Who knows? Maybe they’d worth seeing. The only problem — everyone’s stuck at home.

YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor Source: YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor

40. What a bargain

Usually, stares are at least $5. Question…do people get a refund if the guy blinks? And how do stares help people deal with a quarantine. Just curious.

Reddit/posterstock Source: Reddit/posterstock

41. Looking for a reaction

Seriously. This person must’ve been out of toilet paper for so long, they rented a sign to announce it. We hope somebody stepped up to help.

YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor Source: YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor

42. Party of one

At first, this sign looks promising. But then you realize this person is planning a party just for himself, at his house, and with his own beer. Hopefully, he’s a good conversationalist.

YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor Source: YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor

43. That should work

This is funny. But hey, at least this woman gave everyone behind her a warning. That was kind of her.

YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor Source: YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor

44. Looking to the future

This is great, a theater with an optimistic attitude. And, they’re letting everyone know the movie is exclusively for them. There’s just no name yet.

YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor Source: YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor

45. That’s good to know

Since a dry cough is one of the primary symptoms of the coronavirus, people become concerned when they hear someone hacking away. But as this smoke shop explains, sometimes, it’s just from puffing away too much.

YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor Source: YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor

46. Hysterical

We don’t know if this is the same man with the other yard signs but it’s super funny. Is anyone interested in a new vacuum…probably for a low price?

YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor Source: YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor

47. Did they really go there?

If you’ve been watching the “Tiger King” documentary, then you get this sign. While perhaps a little morbid…it’s still funny.

YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor Source: YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor

48. Socializing and social distancing

These two ladies did a great job keeping their distance from others. They just had more fun doing it than most. We’re just wondering — did the “we drink” refer to a sip or an entire beer?

YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor Source: YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor

49. Renovation project

During the coronavirus, people have to stay away. Once the pandemic is over, these homeowners can quickly remove the sign’s new addition. This is great.

YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor Source: YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor

50. Multitasking

It’s nice to know this congregation is doing both. Hopefully, the scientists are also praying. There’s no way they know more than the man upstairs.

Twitter@DatDamnDva Source: Twitter@DatDamnDva

51. *snicker*

You might find it a little disturbing that a church would put up a sign like this. But at the same time, you know you’re chuckling…at least when no one’s watching.

Twitter@SeeyabeU Source: Twitter@SeeyabeU

52. It’s scriptural

Hey, this message is in the scriptures so that means people should follow it. Although that book of the Bible doesn’t sound familiar.

Twitter@LAGilman Source: Twitter@LAGilman

53. Yuck

First, the thought of smelling another person’s fart is gross. Second, why are people farting in public? Third, if people can smell it, they’re not quarantined as they should be.

YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor Source: YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor

54. Finally…some help

Being at home all day with kids and trying to homeschool them can take a toll on even the best parents. Fortunately, this liquor store offers help.

YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor Source: YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor

55. Entertaining

For people ordering things online, the delivery person is often the only human they seen. So, why not have some interaction with them? Just pick your favorite show.

YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor Source: YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor

56. Desperation

Desperate times call for desperate measures. In this case, a business decided they’d accept toilet paper as payment. Okay, they’re just kidding…or are they?

YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor Source: YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor

57. That’s what we’re talking about

You’re driving down the road when you see a man dressed up in a banana suit inviting you to throw cake at him. Does it get any better than that? Are bananas supposed to be quarantined, too?

YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor Source: YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor

58. Countdown

It seems as though the person who put up this sign has had enough of 2020. They’re ready to move on. To encourage others who feel the same way, they’re doing their part.

YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor Source: YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor

59. The Pac Man house

This is a riot. Rather than putting a small sign in one window, this family went all out. If people get really bored and need to get out of the house, they can drive by this place.

YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor Source: YouTube Screenshot/Daily Humor

60. Safety first

Thank goodness people can go to church without worrying about getting sick. Oh, that’s right, no one’s going anywhere…at least not for a while. It’s still funny.

Instagram/bbelier Source: Instagram/bbelier

61. Well said

Sometimes, a blunt message is the most hilarious. This individual was spot on and we love it.

Imgur/grimmcheryl69 Source: Imgur/grimmcheryl69

62. Why not?

Maybe Costco is a little uptight right now. What’s wrong with returning toilet paper and sanitizer wipes? We don’t get it. And how did rice end up on the list?

Imgur/Vulspyr Source: Imgur/Vulspyr

63. For people still working

Yep…this sign explains it all. It’s bad enough having to work during the pandemic, let alone stand in a crowded elevator with coworkers. Simple solution…be quiet.

Imgur/grimmcheryl69 Source: Imgur/grimmcheryl69

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Source: Bored Panda, Bored Panda, YouTube
