60 Outrageous T-Shirt Fails You Won’t Believe Are Real

Everyone loves a good t-shirt. Especially ones with funny or interesting sayings. These shirts allow us to express ourselves.
And these kinds of t-shirts are loved all over the world. You’ll often see other countries trying to replicate American sayings on t-shirts. It just doesn’t always work out well.
You’ll often find horribly awful errors on these t-shirts. And they… are… hilarious! But not to worry, the U.S. has some pretty awful ones too. These t-shirt makers failed so hard it’s difficult to believe they’re actually real.
Here Are 60 Outragoeus T-Shirt Fails You Won’t Believe Are Real:

1) Baby Burn
There are just so many things here. Not actually sure what they are going for. But I sure do “lin” it.

2) Giving No F*cks
Can we give this woman an award for least f*cks given. Because she doesn’t give any. Not a single one.

3) Stop… Just Stop
Sorry, but I just don’t feel comfortable with this being on a shirt for children. Also, it’s kind of cruel. His mask would prevent him from eating ice cream anyway.

4) Making Children Hateful
This is inappropriate on so many levels. Not only does this shirt encourage fat shaming but it is also teaching children to be hateful. It’s the worst.

5) She Gettin’ It
Either this woman is a proud nymphomaniac or something got lost in translation. We’re just not sure. But it’s defintely going to bother me to think about.

6) Are You Though?
This lady is… what it says on her shirt. And she doesn’t care who knows. I would love to know what the rest of this shirt says.

7) When Little Kids Flip You Off
It’s not everyday you have a little kid flipping you off with their clothing. Apparently, the schools in her country are pretty leinient. It would likely go against most school dress codes in the U.S.

8) Penis Head
This shirt is only a fail depending on your perspective. I personally think it’s hilarious and clever. It’s really the shape of this guy’s head that makes this shirt work so well.

9) Crap Your Hands
Crap your hand everybody. Everybody crap your hands. Then profusely wash them before you use a ton of hand sanitizer.

10) Wrestling Shirt Gone Wrong
This was a wrestling shirt. Made for high schoolers. It’s obvious these folks didn’t think twice before printing these up.

11) ???
Ummm… not sure what’s happening here. Someone with an Australian hat? Who is also wearing a tooth?

12) Clueless Kid
Here’s another kid who likely has no idea what his shirt says. His parents probably didn’t either. The only one who seems to know what’s going on is that shocked looking lady in the background. At least they got the “Too” and the “To” correct.

13) What She’s All About
The best part about this girl being oblivious to what her shirt says is the period at the end. It leaves the viewer knowing that anal is what this girl is ALL about. PERIOD.

14) Backwards
This shirt is backwards in several ways. First of all, the print is on the back. The words are also backwards.

15) And?
What the hell is this guy getting at? What kind of statement is he trying to make? It’s likely that we’ll never know… and neither will he.

16) Fart, Sexy, Style
This is by far my favorite. She got it all. Farts, sexiniess, and style.

17) Uterus Care
Whose uterus are we talking about here? Hers? Yours? Mine? This is confusing.

18) Sniffing Glue
There a lot of things that won’t keep families togehter. And yes, sniffing glue is probably one of them. But it’s not like anyone thought it would. Unless maybe you were this guy.

19) Horrifying
This one is pretty horrifying and probably the biggest fail on this list as of yet. This poor innocent girl just wanted a shirt with a cute little deer on it and some butterflies. That that is NOT what she got.

20) Milkebebe
This girl’s face is all of our faces when we look at this shirt. You can’t even begin to understand what they were going for. And what the hell is that creature on the bottom?

21) So Future
Techically this kid is correct. He’s only a little bit off. He should swap at the “so” for a “the” and he’d be all good.

22) Get a Load of This Whore
Tell us something we don’t know Susan. It’s not like it’s a secret. You don’t have to wear it on your shirt.

23) She’s Doing It Wrong
When you fake sickness to get out of class, you’re supposed to be slick about it. Your supposed to pull a fast one. Not plaster it across your back.

24) Hamburger Friend
Hamburger’s are my friend too. But that ain’t a hamburger. Those are French fries. And that is not how you spell hamburger.

25) Triangle Hipsters
Apparently triangles are a hipster thing. So hipster. And triangles are also Texas State?

26) Music and Magazines
Who the hell is making these t-shirts? Are they just making up total nonsense? Or was something lost in translation?

27) Study For a Sexy Face
We know that intelligence is sexy. And studying helps to become intelligent. So… I guess this makes sense?

28) Poor Choice of Font
This was a serious failure of attention to detail. This is a shirt for the College of Veterinary Medicine. They made a VERY poor choice when selecting the font for this shirt.

29) Irony or Idiocy?
We’re not sure if this t-shirt is trying to be ironic. Is it an intentional joke? Or just an egregious error?

30) Asia
Again… we’re not sure if this is for real or not. This is clearly not Asia, it’s Africa. They either are trying to be funny or really don’t know their geography.

31) Suicidal Flirting
So is that how you get a murderer’s attention? You flirt with them and tell them they’re cute? Who knew!

32) You’re What Too?
So, she’s definitely not blonde. Does that mean that she’s not perfect too. Probably not because none of us are.

33) The Underwear Shirt
Here we have a case of a terrible design. This white stripe looks like this dude tucked his shirt into his tighty-whities.

34) You’re Not A Duck
This is an apology in the form of a shirt. The wearer is apologizing for accusing his little friend of being a duck. He made the comment in haste.

35) When You’re Serious About Candy
This person doesn’t joke when it comes to their candy. They are serious about it. Especially when it comes to peanut butter chocolate bars.

36) The Guy With Premenstural Tension
First… what the hell is premenstural tension? Leave it to a man to make up something about women that doesn’t even exist. Is he throwing up some kind of gang sign?

37) Mamma’s Flapjacks
What’d you say about my mamma’s flapjacks? Smooth troopers? There’s so many wonderfully ridiculous things about this shirt.

38) Don’t Touch!
While this shirt attracts a lot of attention, at the end of the day what I guess what she’s trying to say is you can look but you can’t touch.

39) Found of Walks
The person who buys this shirt is just so found of walks. Their heart is filled with the lovetoxic. Whatever that is.

40) AFS Jeep
Honestly, I don’t even know where to start here. Is this supposed to be a promotional shirt for Jeeps. Your what follows the views?

41) Massachubatts
Ya know, I’ve always wanted to visit Massachubatts. I heard Massachubatts is lovely. Especially this time of year.

42) It’s the Flower Aroma Tour
If there was a flower aroma tour, I’d want to go on it. But I don’t think that’s actually a thing. This shirt would have been really pretty if it wasn’t for the nonsense writing.

43) Smile With a Favorite Hat
I always smile when I’m wearing my favorite hat. Apparently this works at anytime. Sure….
44) Smile For Beer
Yes, she’s super cute and adorable but when you read her shirt you have to do a double take. I feel ya on that one!

45) No Words
I just have no words for this one. I have no idea what the hell is going on here. Who, what, where, when or why? Mostly WHYYYYYY?

46) How Do I Make You Look?
Want to stand next to me? Ok. Now I have a question for you. “Do i make you look fat?”

47) Almost Famous
It doesn’t take a genius to find out why. One look and we can all almost instantly guess why.

48) Beard Your Sexy
I want to beard your sexy. In the worst way. You don’t even know.

49) Slide To Unlock
Speaks for itself. And there’s no passcode needed.

50) Ohh Noooo!
This is painfully horrendous. This is just so so wrong. I can’t!

51) Baet Simpson
You know Baet Simpson. He’s one of the most beloved characters on TV. And of course we all know his catch phrase “Don’t a box new.”

52) More Dwarf Bravery
What’s with all this dwarf bravery? I’m sure those with dwarfism are very brave indeed. But I don’t think that’s what these shirts are about.

53) Mickey Mouth
He’s the world’s most beloved body part in the world. Mickey Mouth. I wonder if Mickey Mouth has his own theme park too?

54) What’s So F*ck Then
What’s so f*ck then? You got me dude. I have no idea. I just work here.

55) Sh*t Mama
There’s one thing I always wanted to be. And that’s a shit mama. And I know I can be.

56) The Baby Wore the Clown
I kinda need this shirt. I want to wear it around the mall. Just to be weird and freak people out.

57) Make Your Move
Times running out. Looks like someone isn’t so serious about their boyfriend afterall.

58) What Keeps Couples Together
They say couples make a good match when they have a lot of things in common. When they have the same likes and interests. Well, now we know what this couple bonds over.

59) Life Goals… Become Door!
It’s what every little kid dreams of. It’s one of the loftiest of life goals. To become door.

60) What Do They Think F*ck Means?
I wonder what they think f*ck means in this country? Maybe they just aren’t offended by curse words. Either way, this kid don’t give a f*ck.

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