60 Selfie Fails Where People Really Should Have Checked The Background First

We are all guilty of a selfie every once in a while. But most of the time, they are at least semi-tasteful. These people, on the other hand, forgot to check their background and gives us a hilarious reminder that sometimes doing things for ourselves isn’t always a good thing.

tomorrowshangover Source: tomorrowshangover

1) Look to the Future

This dude took a selfie with what he calls his “future self” or who he will be in 20 years. That’s only a little embarrassing and a lot entertaining. I think this one is a win because this dude is hilarious.

Reddit Source: Reddit

2) That’ll Be Mine

This girl thought she’d take a cute selfie with her ice cream. After all, it is a once in a lifetime experience for McDonald’s ice cream machine to be working. I wonder how long it took her to realize her dog loved her food more than her.

Reddit Source: Reddit

3) Best She Didn’t See

There are perverts in every corner of the world. This one was caught looking at this girl in a mirror and it’s all on camera now. This is a shameful selfie but who is really the one who should feel bad about it?

Reddit Source: Reddit

4) Too Young for This

While this young girl is taking a selfie of herself, her Dad in the background is adding an extra vibe we are pretty certain she wasn’t going for.

Reddit Source: Reddit

5) Stick to the Bedroom

If you’re feeling cute, go ahead and take that selfie. But it’s best if you do so in the safety of your own bedroom and not the bathroom. It never turns out well in the bathroom, especially when you’re on the pot.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

6) There are Three

It’s true, there are three people in this picture. The most obvious is the girl in front of the camera. Then you have the girl in the very back doing who knows what to the wall. And lastly, the boy asleep on the floor…yeah, spooky.

Reddit Source: Reddit

7) What Did I Tell You?

This mom does not approve of her daughter’s selfies. Especially when she hikes her dress up just so. I have a feeling that seconds later, she had her phone confiscated.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

8) Who’s the star of the photo?

Was this on purpose? We do not know. What we do know is that the effect is the same either way. He took a picture with a horse’s “you know what” in the background.

Reddit Source: Reddit

9) Party On

These guys were at a party when they found this lone phone without an owner. Turns out, the owner found his phone eventually and posted the pictures of the strange men online.

Blogger Auto Pilot Source: Blogger Auto Pilot

10) Caught Me Slippin’

This lady says that her “bae” caught her “slippin” and took this picture. For one, no, no he didn’t. You can see the tablet in the background.

Imgur Source: Imgur

11) Not Okay

This is not okay. The only thing okay abut this is that these girls caught a perp in the act. Hopefully, they did the right thing and either confronted him or the girl that he was taking a picture of.

Reddit Source: Reddit

12) I’m Swole, Nana

This isn’t embarrassing unless you don’t hide what happened. Everyone would be fine with you saying your Nana took your pictures after gym. But if you try to hide that fact…that’s where you go wrong.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

13) Hello, Friend

This girl just did herself a disservice. She’s trying to take a cute picture of herself and ended up getting one of her friend who is eating a corndog and chilling on the computer. Who is the real winner here?

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

14) Can’t Stop Looking

It’s actually impossible to see this girl in the mess that she is living in. She claims that she got a new dress and just has to go out and wear it. But she really should stay home and clean her house. Yes, that’s a hamster or guinea pig.

Twitter Source: Twitter

15) Fight Stance, Baby

This is much more embarassing for this dude than it is his girl. She is carrying his child, taking his scrubby pictures, and smiling the entire time! This dude…is trying to be cool like he did this all himself.

Reddit Source: Reddit

16) Excuse Me, Young Sir

You can tell that this older gentleman is flabbergasted. These young people have no boundaries. Most of us can agree that taking pictures in a public restroom should be off limits.

Tumblr Source: Tumblr

17) Brother?

There’s a really good chance this is a brother in the background. Yes, they are both in the bathroom but it’s her fault for taking a bathroom selfie and not locking the door.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

18) Up To Here

This is what Australian police are like. They’ve had enough of your horseplay and this cop isn’t afraid to show it. Perhaps it’s all in good fun though. If only we could all come together like this.

Reddit Source: Reddit

19) Again?

Again with the public restroom? How many times do we have to say enough is enough? This guy actually took a picture of himself while using the urinal. It doesn’t take that long! You can wait!

Reddit Source: Reddit

20) Another Not So Happy Mom

Another teenage daughter, another disappointed mother. You can tell by the look on her face that this mom isn’t pleased.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

21) Message in a Cannon

This is one time when it isn’t the picture taker’s fault what is going on in the background. But once you see it, you can’t stop staring. Yep, that is a person, perhaps a child, being shoved into a cannon.

Reddit Source: Reddit

22) Twitter Famous

This Twitter is quite popular as it shows us the craziest selfies you’ll find. This one in particular tells an amazing story of a man who met a squirrel. This squirrel wasn’t too fond of him, needless to say.

Twitter Source: Twitter

23) Better Than Most

Most bathroom selfies, that is. If you don’t have another person or mirror behind you, then I think it’s a win at this point. Plus, he does look really nice in his suit. And he has a cat!

Reddit Source: Reddit

24) Everyone Has Them

Can we just stop pretending that we don’t all have a pair of “granny panties” and move on? Thank you! Although I must say that most of us wouldn’t let them be in the background of our hair selfie.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

25) Staged or Raged?

Probably both. This spider may have been fake and it may have been placed tehre by the picture taker. If so, there’s a good chance her sister is no longer speaking to her.

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26) Help Me, Mama

While she’s trying to capture a cute selfie, looks like a little one in the background might be in need of assistance.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

27) He Does Know Her

This one is okay because this couple and their dog climbed a mountain together. At the top, they each took a selfie. Funny enough someone caught both selfies at once! Oh yeah, and that doggo is a handsome young man.

Reddit Source: Reddit

28) Another Fake Bae

Can you imagine posting that your boyfriend is sweet for trying to sneak naked pictures of you? The mirror in the background suggests otherwise.

Reddit Source: Reddit

29) Could You Leave?

Okay, let’s ignore the bathroom selfie aspect and focus on what matters. The invasion of privacy that this friend has crossed. I mean, either her friend is really struggling or she’s just getting up. Either way, that was almost a mess.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

30) Everyone Likes It

When a happy baby is involved, we can forgive a lot more. Even if it means that we don’t judge this dad for keeping a photo of this dog relieving himself on his daughter’s head.

Reddit Source: Reddit

31) Another Selfie Mom

This mom is letting her toddler get a drink out of the sink by himself while she takes a selfie.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

32) One…More…Bathroom Selfie

This mom is just trying to change her baby and these girls got a picture of it. I hope that they are just self-absorbed and didn’t notice because otherwise, that’s going too far.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

33) Three is a Crowd

This girl really was taking a safe, normal selfie (save the duck face) and it all went wrong. These dudes pulle dup beside her and ruined everything. Well, I guess traffic is another place you shouldn’t selfie.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

34) Can’t Escape The Mirror

Taking pictures like this for that special someone isn’t against the law, but she must have forgotten the mirror was also going to capture the young girl in the background.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

35) Inception

The story here is everything. This dude lost his phone at the club. When he found it, there was a picture of a picture of a woman drinking through a straw on it. Figure that one out.

Boredom Therapy Source: Boredom Therapy

36) He Wants In

Wait, there are two creatures in this photo? This is news to me because all I see is a demon dog who wants inside! He’s probably cute in the right angle, but isn’t everyone?

Reddit Source: Reddit

37) Is This an Ad?

This girl is pretty and the toilet looks expensive, but it does make for an unexpected selfie.

Ranker Source: Ranker

38) Amazon Reviews

This is why you should always make sure you take good pictures before leaving an Amazon review. For one, this dude is half-dressed in the background. Plus, his nudie art is showing.

Reddit Source: Reddit

39) Behind The Curtain

That creepy eye behind the curtain though.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

40) Why Though?

That is a urinal and it is not for standing in. There was literally no good reason for this to happen and yet it did.

Imgur Source: Imgur

41) Thanks, Dad

Dads embarrass us, it’s a fact. But this kid, looking spiffy in his suit, really had it given to him. His dad not only walks around in his underwear, but takes your picture in them too.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

42) Straight Out of Camera

Well, if nothing else, he is practicing his Photoshop skills as that body doesn’t likely actually belong to him.

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43) Hey, Girls

This Boxer was minding his own business on the bed when these girls showed up and tried to make a fool out of him. Well that isn’t going to happen, he is happy with his body just the way it is.

Reddit Source: Reddit

44) That’s Some Skill

This dude says he hates it when his girlfriend takes his picture. That may be so, but this is not one of those times. However, it may be staged and he’s really just showing off his skills.

Reddit Source: Reddit

45) Not So Happy Cat

This kid is not qualified to take a selfie, especially with a cat. That cat looks super uncomfortable.

Imgur Source: Imgur

46) Unsure Little Girl

It looks like the little girl in the background does not approve.

Imgur Source: Imgur

47) Hello!

Looks like he’s making sure who the real focus of the photo is going to be.

Twitter Source: Twitter

48) Takes a Minute

This boy may be the center of this picture but he isn’t the focus. Take a look in the top right. Yeah, someone wasn’t invited to the group photo and it shows. What is he doing? Hopefully, holding on to his last thread of dignity.

Reddit Source: Reddit

49) Luckiest Kid

This is the luckiest kid to ever take a selfie. He actually took one with the queen. No one will ever believe him…unless they see this photo.

Reddit Source: Reddit

50) It’s Two Dogs

At first, this looks like one dog, but you soon find out that it is not. It is two dogs and it will soon become two dogs and a whole litter of pups. That’s if things go well for the couple.

Reddit Source: Reddit

51) It’s a Bird!

This makes us think that this picture of Superman is actually a selfie and has been all along.

Reddit Source: Reddit

52) Close the Door

No one knows what is going on here. Is this dude opening the door to fan out the smell? It’s all a mystery and likely not the selfie they were going for.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

53) Something’s About To Happen

This boy is in for it. He must have done something and is now getting chased with a sandal. The poor kid knew what was coming but this girl…she did not. At least she’ll always have the memory.

Reddit Source: Reddit

54) Ken And Barbie

This is taking the selfie to a level that the lady in the background is questioning, right along with the rest of us.

Imgur Source: Imgur

55) Nobody Nose Why

Those nostrils . . . what timing for this selfie to take place.

Reddit Source: Reddit

56) Mr. Bell Himself

This dude is so cool! He’s taking a selfie with his phone just like all the young folks do. Only his looks way cooler because it’s an old rotary phone that many people would pay quite a bit for.

Twitter Source: Twitter

57) Not Safe

As you can see, she is not stuck in traffic but in fact driving, the refection in her sunglasses is telling the real story.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

58) No Shame

Actually pretty proud of this guy for not showing any shame after taking a picture with a Helly Kitty camera. Girls, if you’re wondering, his name is Jorge and he wants to be hardcore.

Reddit Source: Reddit

59) That’s Going to Hurt

Is this really embarrassing? I think it’s pretty cool but it also seems painful. The poor woman just wanted to take a picture with a camel.

Reddit Source: Reddit

60) Took Six Years

This girl said she had this on her fridge for six years before she realize what was hiding between them. Is it a brother? A sister? A passerby? The world may never know. Many will never even see!

Reddit Source: Reddit

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Source: Bored Panda
