65 Clothing Disasters People Didn’t Notice Until It Was Too Late

Not everyone keeps up with the latest fashion trends, but we can all generally agree on which styles have missed the mark by a long shot. And guess what, ugly clothing is never in style!

As these 65 hilarious, creepy, and utterly tasteless clothing disasters show, if you wear unicorn sweaters with obvious male parts or leggings with sloths poking out the crotch, you WILL get a lot of awkward stares from strangers!

So, the next time you put on an outfit, make sure you look at it from every possible angle before you head out the door.

1) “TrollX Fabric Designer”

Congratulations, Miss! It looks like you’re having a boy…


“At first I thought it was a random patch of woven yarn for ventilation purposes.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

2) “Wife: “All our customers were so cheery today! They all smiled!” – and then I saw her shirt…”

And now everyone on the Internet is smiling, too! What a great way to get everyone in a happy mood.


“I didn’t even realize right away that there was a second image, and just went, “Boobs suggesting that I smile and bribing me with…boobs? That’s fair.” and smiled.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

3) “Walmart? I think you meant “Fist Bump”…”

Dang! That’s pretty hardcore. Looks like someone forgot to check the Urban Dictionary before that went to print.

Reddit Source: Reddit

4) “Maybe not the best idea to have a red flower down there.”

Well, the good news is that if she ever finds herself in a public bathroom stall with an empty toilet paper roll, she has a good backup. Oh wait, I think that already happened…


“First this had to be approved by the creative director; a prototype would be made to be worn by a model; they would have to order thousands of them; they’d have to make a deal with a store to carry it; finally a consumer would have to try it on, look at their ass in the mirror and still decide it’s a good idea to wear this dress in public. At any point in this process, did anyone decide to rethink the color, or even placement?”

Reddit Source: Reddit

5) “Two flamingos, one vagina.”

At least women now have a choice when it comes to their favorite crotch animal mascot. Which look do you prefer, camel toe or flamingo neck?


“Brilliant…until you see your mom wearing them.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

6) “When pub staff T

-shirts go wrong.”

I think it would be really hard for anyone to keep calm in those circumstances. But, I suppose that’s what all that ale is for!

Reddit Source: Reddit

7) “I couldn’t stop giggling at her new “flower” dress.”

Well, this dress certainly makes it easier to try “anale” on for size. It even comes with a visual instruction manual.


“If you dress up as a bee, you could make a really funny sex tape.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

8) “Thanks for the advice…”

Finally, affirmations for real life! As an anxious person, I totally approve of this message.

Reddit Source: Reddit

9) “So my name is Brodie Jonas Dean, my grandma found this shirt for me thinking it was a great coincidence. Thanks grandma.”

Don’t be shy now, Gam Gam knows. She’s totally pranking you!


“Is your grandmother being interrogated by the cops behind you?”

Reddit Source: Reddit

10) “Couldn’t work out why I was getting so many odd looks while shopping this afternoon….. Then Got home & noticed Will Ferrell peeking out of my Cardigan.”

Hey mister, your Willy is poking out and he looks really excited to see me! Maybe you should that little elf back on the shelf before he gets too naughty.

Reddit Source: Reddit

11) Their faces, though!

Are they camel jockeys? Because those camel toes are clear winners in the race to become the ugliest team jerseys ever!

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

12) “When you see it, you cannot unsee it.”

News flash: that’s a pretty ballsy thing for a newscaster to wear on live TV! Ok, now back to you, Dick.


“V-neck? Nah, D-necks are where it’s at.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

13) Peek-a-boo!

Forget D-necks, #slothcrotch leggings where it’s at! It’s a great icebreaker, though. Imagine all the people who will want to take a closer look because it’s so cute.

Facebook/Lula Bloopers Source: Facebook/Lula Bloopers

14) “My new shirt is Metal AF”

It’s the perfect shirt for headbanging Celine Demon fans. My heart will go on…beating even after you rip it out with your bare hands and feed it to your dog!


“How metal is it? So metal it sinks when it crashes into an iceberg.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

15) “The design on this guys shirt makes him look like he is walking around with a massive wedgie.”

Granted, tucking his shirt in was certainly a poor choice. But, more concerning was his decision to buy it in the first place!


“This shirt is a bully deflector. No ones going to mess with him on the course, he has clearly been fucked with enough.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

16) Seems totally appropriate.

Mission accomplished! Looks like this crappy t-shirt scores one for the team in the beer league hall of fame!

@Shari H:

“I work in wastewater treatment, my staff needs these shirts.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

17) “And Santa says: Help! I can’t get out!”

Oops, looks like Santa took a wrong turn and went up the wrong chimney. But, he must be in a pretty good mood because it looks like he’s giving high fives!

Facebook/Lula Bloopers Source: Facebook/Lula Bloopers

18) “Thought I brought the cutest little PJ set from Ann Summers until I looked closer at the pattern.”

This is so adorable! But, only if you’re farsighted or into crappy old romance novels.

@Johanna Krapf:

“I ordered something from Ann Summers via Asos, never heard of the brand before. Until now I did not know it was a sex shop.”

Twitter/fxck_chrissy Source: Twitter/fxck_chrissy

19) “I guess someone said #Fuckit on their last day of work.”

Wow, kid’s clothing has really changed over the years! We didn’t have hairy diaper pins poking fun at dirty minds on our sweaters.


“Is this made by Ann Summers? Starting her customer base a tad early I think.”

Instagram/kal.el.80 Source: Instagram/kal.el.80

20) “Best employee shirt”

In case you weren’t aware, pho is pronounced like “fuh” in English. That’s why this Pho King restaurant has the most brilliant name ever!


“I would love to see a pho joint with a sign near the register that said pho queu.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

21) “My mom has been wearing this summer dress for years and no one noticed the pattern until now….”

Look at the figure of the naked woman beneath the top green flower. Then you’ll be able to see all the other ones, too! I bet one of those naughty Disney animators is probably behind this sneaky pattern.

Reddit Source: Reddit

22) “Mum bought me a shirt from her overseas trip. She wasn’t wearing her glasses.”

Fake boobs and underwhelming ding-a-lings. What else is new in the world of hieroglyphic porn?


“You’re no longer too sexy for your shirt.”


“10/10 would wear to a nice date and see if anyone notices.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

23) Spain’s new shirt looks like it got dirty while fighting bottles of mustard and ketchup.

It’s kind of hard to tell which wiener lost this round. With shirts like these, the entire team is the loser.


“Now that’s a sport I’d play. Competitive condiment combat!”

Reddit Source: Reddit

24) “Kitten socks”

The derpiness here is so real. It went from pretty kitty to outstretched meh kitty in seconds flat!

Reddit Source: Reddit

25) “Bad fashion or bad timing?”

I think she’s just trying to make a fashion statement. PERIOD!

Imgur Source: Imgur

26) “We’re the graduating class of Peninsula High this year. They told me I could make the t-shirts. Look what just arrived.”

Even though this was obviously intentional, it’s still a fail. Everyone knows that a white pen15 isn’t the biggest one around.

Reddit Source: Reddit

27) “Don’t. Believing in yourself. Quit.”

Agreed. It’s so much easier to just quit. It leaves you with more time for important life goals, like chilling with Netflix!

Reddit Source: Reddit

28) “My friend’s shirt has the image file name on it.”

It’s called artistic license! He probably didn’t want to print it without crediting it to the appropriate source.


“Why doesn’t your friend have shoulders?”


“I thought it was on a cardboard cutout in a store.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

29) “How the hell do you wear this?”

I think it’s an unfinished DIY sewing project. You’re supposed to sew the sleeves shut, and then you’ll have the world’s deepest pockets!


“Just imagine trying to fish out your keys. Is it under my beer or under my soda?”

Reddit Source: Reddit

30) “It’s two hours before the big Christmas party and I just noticed a detail on my sweater.”

Just make unnecessarily long prolonged eye contact with anyone who tries to give you any crap. That’s the best way to deter those unicorn wang haters!

Reddit Source: Reddit

31) These are burgers people. Just burgers!

But dang, these leggings are really packing some meat. There’s no question about “where’s the beef” on this one!


“I saw it and thought tacos. I know it is burgers and still think tacos. Tacos, tacos everywhere.”

Facebook/Lula Bloopers Source: Facebook/Lula Bloopers

32) These leggings are sponsored by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America.

This is your anus. This is your anus on LSD drugs. Any questions?


“I’ve heard of “tripping b*lls”, but never “tripping butts” until now!”

Facebook/Lula Bloopers Source: Facebook/Lula Bloopers

33) “College of Veterinary Medicine, choose your fonts wisely.”

Oops, whoever designed the font probably found themselves in a really “sticky” situation! I wonderered how they handled it?


“Attend Texas A&M and can confirm this is not a joke.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

34) Geez, Nike’s ad campaign has really gone downhill.

Go on, JUST DO IT ✔. Just hang yourself! You can find the latest suicide Nike trainers are now in stores.

Reddit Source: Reddit

35) Not really, you cheeky limeys!

I guess our friends across the pond still can’t get over the fact that we won! Maybe it’s time to invite them over for another tea party, just so they know there’s no hard feelings.

36) “This hoodie’s design makes me führious.”

Yeah, but when it goes on sale for nein neinty nein, it’ll really start flying off the shelves! Plus, it looks like it’ll go great with some black boots.


“Mein Kampfy boots?”

37) Jesus Christ!

This onesie is wrong on so many levels. Heather is going to be really backed up if she has to wait until Christmas! Plus, there’s also the creepy implications with this.

@Jackaroonio says:

“More like don’t open til 18.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

38) “They said it was custom; they said I would never have a shirt fit like this…”

Hey, there’s nothing wrong with the Slenderman look! Look on the bright side, you don’t ever have to worry about touching icky shopping carts with your bare hands.


“Can’t do them for false advertising, none of us have ever seen a shirt like that.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

39) “My 90-year-old Grandmother got me a “Hawaiian Print T-Shirt” for Christmas…”

Your 90-year-old nana would have been in her 30’s in the 60’s. That cheeky hippy knew exactly what she was doing!


“Hawaii is in the top four states for pot production. Print is correct.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

40) “My sister was the first to notice what the print on my new shirt was, during dinner at a fancy restaurant and the celebration of my grandfathers 90th birthday! Laughs were had.”

Oh yay. More sexy kama sutra instructional shirts. What ever happened to good old kittens?


“Cats or sex? I mean I kind of like both.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

41) “That awkward moment when your shirt is supposed to say Canada.”

Oh but that look on her face! She’s totally feeling it. She knows she’s wearing a stupid shirt says Canada, eh.

Reddit Source: Reddit

42) That tongue though!

Methinks that Chinese factory workers are having a good laugh at our expense.

Let’s look at all the possible character combinations that could have happened here: a plane aimed right at the crotch, droplets of pee coming out of the va-jay-jay, a monkey laughing right over the mound, a palm tree ding-dong, birthing Kim Kardashian’s butt, and fire crotch.

Pinterest Source: Pinterest

43) “Pretty good fakes”

Come on people, this is a very serious topic. Mobility is a big problem for a lot of folks!


“Guys, he can’t walk without them. They’re walking aids.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

44) Nope, not even close…at least not yet.

They’re just thinking ahead. In another 50 years, Chinese cryptocurrency will make them the next big superpower, and they’ll own every country on the planet.


“I suddenly envision an entire clothing line called, “Stupid”. Historical figures, land masses, dates and events… all improperly identified with confidence. I’m going to be a millionaire, because Stupid sells.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

45) You what?

I Miami. You Miami. We all Miami! Except for this Yankee loser.


“I NY.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

46) “And what exactly happens at grandpas??”

Nooooo! Grandpa secrets are wrong on so many levels. Especially when he wants you to keep those special grandpa tickles to yourself.


“Grandpa’s is a chain of Paintball arenas/parks. In context it works.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

47) RIP America

Well, it looks like the redcoats finally got their way. The eagle has finally landed..in its cold, hard grave. Let’s look back at what happened in 1991:


“Street Fighter II released.”


“Gulf war, fall of USSR.”


“LA cops did a number on Rodney King.”


“The last vestige of 80s pop culture died.”


“Freddie Mercury died.”


“The damn millennials, that’s what.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

48) “They didn’t really think this design through on my brother’s wrestling shirt…”

My thoughts exactly! Depending on who’s on top, you might want it to last longer than 3 seconds.


“I’m 100% sure they did. And whoever had to approve it was probably clueless as to what it meant.Source: former high school teacher at a school where a number of teachers thought I was making shit up or speaking french by using the word innuendo.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

49) Run, Jesus, Run!!

For the love of all that is holy! Why you got to be bow huntin’ Jesus, man?


“Sometimes you gotta combine your passions into a single t-shirt. I, for one, think he “nailed” it.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

50) “My wife’s new dress has a total of two pockets, and this is one of them.”

It’s like one of those travel belts where you put all your valuables. Except this one makes it really easy for thieves!

@Krista Leary:

“Scuse me, could you grab my wallet for me?”

Reddit Source: Reddit

51) “This Irma is amazing and outlines all the right features.”

Boobs, belly button, and crotch. Yep, all the things a woman looks for in a girly dress!

Facebook/Lula Bloopers Source: Facebook/Lula Bloopers

52) “Walmart never fails to fail.”

Okay, I admit it. I didn’t see the problem with this shirt at first. But, at least I’m not the only one!


“Trying to find a penis.”


“Oh my god. How could I be this dumb not to see it was actually a rhino?”

Reddit Source: Reddit

53) “Design fail or extremely honest novelty tank top?”

It’s quite philosophical when you think about it. Will I fart? If you do, stick to your guns, you wildheart!

Reddit Source: Reddit

54) “Look at this stuff, isn’t it neat?”

Looks like the folks at Disney are up to their usual naughty tricks. They’re tucking away hidden innuendo’s in their cartoons!

“Look at this trove, treasures untold! How many wonders can one cavern hold? Looking around here you think “sure, she’s got everything.”

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

55) “So they were giving out free Dr. Peppers…”

Kids these days are so greedy! Whatever happened to being satisfied with just one pop at a time?


“They must have no idea what DP means…or they know exactly what DP means. Either way, I dig it.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

56) Why cyclists should wear cups.

This outfit gives them a totally unfair advantage. You can already predict who the clear winner is going to be!

Reddit Source: Reddit

57) “The sleeves don’t zip off, they just zip.”

Maybe it’s a cold shoulder top for guys? But, zippers or not, that’s a really stupid shirt. It looks too girly for dudes.


“I feel like this is a shirt you’d find in the clearance section of Express or something that has like 4 orange stickers over the original price tag.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

58) “If you c*nt be a unicorn, be a mermoid.”

What does that mean, anyways? If you can’t be a horny white horse, be a robot half-woman/half-fish?


“If you can’t be something that doesn’t exist, be something else that doesn’t exist.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

59) “They missed the most essential part.”

Yeah, but we now live in a world where orange is the new black, 50 is the new 30, and round is the new v-neck! Oh, and we also live in this kind of world, too…

@Wiz Allred:

“It comes with a pair of scissors, cuz its a DIY world now…”

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

60) “I don’t know how I’m supposed to read this.”

Ugh, now my brain hurts. Can we just go back to the tasteless sex jokes?


“Whatever it says it’s provocative.”


“I had a seizure reading this.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

61) I love NY, Carifornia too!

I don’t think any the guys (or some gals) will care about the epic fail here. They’ll just zone in on the sparkly boobs.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

62) I’m really bugged out about this one.

As if we didn’t already have enough reasons to hate flies. Try to get this image out of your head!

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

63) “My coworker’s leopard print purse has a leopard asshole.”

Well, our ancestors used every part of the animal. Waste not, want not!


“I would mistake that as a spider out of the corner of my eye every fucking day. Would have mini heart attacks constantly.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

64) “The best goatse fashion statement you’ll see all day.”

If you don’t get the goetse pop culture reference, it’s probably best that you don’t. It was a shock website back in the very early days of the Internet. Suffice it to say, this is a much classier representation of what was depicted there.


“Mind the gap.”

@Neeraj Jha:

“She must be going to a Grand Opening.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

65) “Clearly not user tested.”

It’s supposed to say Saturday! But when you squeeze your boobs together for your Instagram fans, it makes you look like quite the big turd.

Reddit Source: Reddit

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Source: Bored Panda
