7 things men really want from their partner but usually don’t ask for

Men have needs – no matter how secure or confident they project themselves to be.

But some of these needs are not easy to articulate or can be too awkward to bring up. Asking outright might also lead to packaged answers that may not be reflective of actions.

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In this list, dating and relationship coach Mat Boggs walks us through 7 things that men want but may have difficulties asking for.


1. He wants you to be happy

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As wise men always say “A happy wife is a happy life.” As much of a clichĂ© that one sounds, there’s a ring of truth to that nugget of wisdom. For a partner, your happiness is a reflection of their affection.

Partners don’t ask this outright, and for good reason. The question can sound a bit awkward and may force their partner to say things they want to hear. Instead, express your happiness in the relationship during the most mundane and the most special of times. Telling your partner “I’m so happy with you.” without being prompted goes a long way.

2. He wants you to be interested in his interests

YouTube Screenshot - Mat Boggs Source: YouTube Screenshot - Mat Boggs

Our interests are a reflection of ourselves, whether we like it or not. And as partners, your passions would trickle into your relationship one way or the other. Being interested in your partner’s interest can also provide a safe space for him to level off his ideas and opinions when it feels unsafe for him to vent outside of it.

You don’t need to like everything that they like. After all, you’re also a human being with a different set of interests. You can start by engaging him in passions where you intersect or be genuinely curious about his hobby that you weren’t exposed to.

3. He wants you to initiate sex

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Men have always been viewed as animals with a ravenous hunger for the sack session, but that doesn’t mean they have to initiate all the time. Their partners taking initiative is a good way to spice things up especially when they see you as wanting as they are.

Asking for some sexy time is also a good indicator if needs are being met. If the non-initiation is coming from dissatisfaction, you can open a safe conversation where you can discuss what works and what doesn’t in terms of physical intimacy.

4. He wants to be praised and acknowledged

YouTube Screenshot - Mat Boggs Source: YouTube Screenshot - Mat Boggs

Even the most secure person will seek validation, and the one that your partner will seek out the most is yours. But remember, acknowledging and praising is not the same as feeding their ego or coddling their insecurities. These are things they should deal with on their own. But every now and then, a compliment wouldn’t hurt.

Say they’re really good at cooking if they are. Or that they smell good and dress well if your partner likes dressing up. It doesn’t need to be grand. It just needs to be sincere.

5. Encourage him to spend time on his own

YouTube Screenshot - Mat Boggs Source: YouTube Screenshot - Mat Boggs

Your man and you are two different human beings with different sets of spheres. You don’t need to treat each other as your “everything”, which means you should be able to function within your separate boundaries.

You have a night out with friends? Tell him it’s okay if he wants to spend the night with his friends too. A relationship that respects independence will help you foster a dynamic that’s not constrictive or restrictive.

6. He wants you to have confidence in him

YouTube Screenshot - Mat Boggs Source: YouTube Screenshot - Mat Boggs

This goes both ways, but the bottom line is: Have confidence in each other’s skills. This comes from the littlest things like opening a jar or letting him build that IKEA table. And it also comes in bigger ways like trusting him on important tasks and big decisions.

Some of us might micro-manage a bit too much, but remember that relationships are built on trust. And that includes the trust that he can accomplish things on his own.

7. Like you, he also wants to feel respected

YouTube Screenshot - Mat Boggs Source: YouTube Screenshot - Mat Boggs

Aren’t we all? Respect is one of the most important foundations of a relationship – and for good reason. The whole concept is ambiguous in its scope but it’s palpable because it’s also a reflection of how you treat each other on a daily basis.

It can come up as respecting each other’s opinions and boundaries, teaching without being condescending, listening without judging, and trusting each other’s capabilities.

YouTube Screenshot - Mat Boggs Source: YouTube Screenshot - Mat Boggs

There you have it, 7 things that your man wants but won’t ask for. Remember that your partner is a human being, and as a human, we have needs whether it’s emotional, physical, and mental. We hope that this short list can help you foster a more loving relationship and build a healthier dynamic.

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Source: YouTube – Mat Boggs, Instagram – @mathewboggs, Pexels
