7-year-girl loses tooth and makes a face mask for the Tooth Fairy to leave under her pillow

Did the tooth fairy visit you as a kid? We bet you must have made a fair sum of money from exchanging placing your teeth under your pillow.

How nice of the tooth fairy to go through all the trouble of squeezing through your pillows just to slip some money under there too.

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Now that the covid-19 pandemic is here, don’t you worry about the tooth fairy’s safety? Surely she must be at high risk since she’s getting way closer than 6-feet just to collect your teeth. In fact, she’s already getting up close with your mouth where all those germs and the virus could potentially reside.

It ain’t much but it’s honest work

Furthermore, the number of visits the tooth fairy has to make every day means she could carry pathogens and all kinds of stuff from one kid’s mouth to the other. Surely some precautions are in order?

If you’re concerned with this, then you’ll find comfort knowing you’re not the only one. 7-year old Evolette is making the tooth fairy’s safety her utmost priority.

After all, if we want to flatten the curve, we should get magic creatures to participate too

Kayla, her mother, explains her reaction perfectly in her Facebook post.

Kayla Westhouse/Facebook Source: Kayla Westhouse/Facebook

“This pandemic season has been filled with moments of “whep, never thought I would be doing this…”

She even had a short exchange with her daughter, and it looks like her daughter thought long and hard about this, because she had her answers prepared

Kayla Westhouse/Facebook Source: Kayla Westhouse/Facebook

“While I tried to explain the tooth fairy can’t get coronavirus, Evolette followed up with “how do you know?” And “let’s be safe, if she doesn’t need it she will just leave it behind and let us know in a note”

Kayla Westhouse/Facebook Source: Kayla Westhouse/Facebook

To be fair to Evolette, the Tooth fairy probably didn’t have to worry about this being a problem either until now. She even makes several points that are hard to argue with

Kayla Westhouse/Facebook Source: Kayla Westhouse/Facebook

– “She has to enter my 6ft bubble to get the tooth from under my pillow”
-“This tooth has been in my mouth, where all the germs are”
– “What if she comes to my house, and then goes to another kids house? Then that kid has MY germs too.”
– “What else do you have to do tonight…?”

Kayla Westhouse/Facebook Source: Kayla Westhouse/Facebook

And yes, it’s amazing that a 7-year old who believes in the tooth fairy still understands these things. Any grown-ups who don’t want to wear masks or practice social distancing don’t have an excuse anymore

With her 7-year old’s sound argument and points that were really hard to argue with, Kayla conceded and got to work on the tiny face mask. We’re sure she tried to get the dimensions just right for the tooth fairy’s face.

Kayla Westhouse/Facebook Source: Kayla Westhouse/Facebook

It was her 178th face mask (we presume Kayla was making these for a lot of people!), and now she can tell children to rest easy as she gave the tooth fairy a face mask to help with their job. Great going, Kayla!

Evolette wrote a letter to the tooth fairy too, wishing them safety as she left the mask for her. She then woke up to find a response letter from the tooth fairy herself! The tooth fairy wrote back to let Evolette know how much she appreciated her concern and help.

Kayla Westhouse/Facebook Source: Kayla Westhouse/Facebook

How wonderful it must be to have helped a front-liner worker like the tooth fairy. Sarcasm aside, what amazing parenting from Evolette’s mom and dad!

Now the tooth fairy can get to work and not worry too much, even when getting up close to kids’ mouths

And it’s notable how not even the tooth fairy is exempted from face masks and social distancing. The threat of the new Coronavirus is very real, and no one should feel specially exempted from taking precautionary measures!

Above all, this isn’t just about you as an individual. It’s the amount of people you could exponentially infect should you become a carrier! So be a smart person. Wear a mask, wash your hands, and listen to the experts to help protect the people who matter just as much as you.

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Source: [Kayla Westhouse/Facebook]
