70+ neighbors who keep the neighborhood interesting just by being their weird selves

While each of us is able to make our own house a home, our neighborhood helps to make our homes feel connected. That’s because of the neighbors that make up our neighborhoods. Neighbors bring out the best of humanity.

Unlike friends, we don’t choose our neighbors. And unlike family, our neighbors can come from completely different walks of life. But still, our neighbors can become like our family and friends.


Having happy neighbors shows that humanity is capable of getting along with others and that we share a common goal of making our communities happy and safe places. But sometimes we have neighbors who make the neighborhood extra… well let’s just say “special.” At the very least these neighbors make sure the neighborhood isn’t boring.

Here are 75 neighbors who make the neighborhood more interesting:

IGotBoredAtMyFamilysChristmasParty Source: IGotBoredAtMyFamilysChristmasParty

1) Cat Convo

Here we have a neighbor that loves his cat. So much so that he has full blown coversations with his cat. And he doesn’t care who knows it.

tommeetucker Source: tommeetucker

2) Cat Child Support


This is how good neighbors solve problems. They come together to find a solution. The solution here was cat child support via food donations.

chasingadalia Source: chasingadalia

3) Fire Wood Car

Screw the gas companies. This neighbor isn’t giving them a single cent. He built a car that runs on fire wood.

operson Source: operson

4) Narnia

This neighbor left their sprinklers on overnight. The tempteratures ended up dipping below freezing. Now the neighborhood looks like a wintery scene from the land of Narnia.

avtec Source: avtec

5) Nutella Party

These neighbors threw a massive house party. You’d think that their recycling bins would be filled with beer and liquors bottles. Nope. They were filled with Nutella jars. What the hell went down at that party?

KlobbLoblaw Source: KlobbLoblaw

6) The Banana Boy

Meet Carter. He knocked on his neighbor’s door and asked if he could have a banana. He got one, then he walked away.

Theone211 Source: Theone211

7) The Kinky Neighbors

These neighbors were throwing out their old headboard. Looks like they forgot to take something off of it. Now the whole neighborhood knows how kinky they are… good for them.

bnasty22 Source: bnasty22

8) Jokes and Jokes and Jokes and Jokes

This person lives next door to a fire department and police department that are right next to each other. So they get to witness a lot of pranks. Such as this police doughnut trap.

EnemyInMe Source: EnemyInMe

9) Guys Balcony vs. Girls Balcony

Can you tell which balcony belongs to two guys and which one belongs to two girls? I bet you can. The girls decorated.

Ecclessis Source: Ecclessis

10) The Mystery Machine

This neighborhood has a mystery machine. Does that mean that it also has a quirky group of friends who like to solve mysteries? Maybe it just means that there’s a lot of doobie smoking in the neighborhood.


tekeella Source: tekeella

11) Naked Neighbors

These neighbors were tired of looking at their naked neighbors. So they left this very polite note. That must of been embarrasing to find out.

ekoorb12 Source: ekoorb12

12) When Your Neighbors Are Aliens

These people have neighbors that are out of this world. Literally. They have aliens and a flying saucer in their front yard.

AustySpamonty Source: AustySpamonty

13) The Smoking Cat


This cat loves his smokes. But his humans are trying to get him to quit. So, the neighbors are trying not to drop their butts.

louisxxx Source: louisxxx

14) Penis Tree

This is a neighbor that really loves their trees. They’ve trimmed this one with care. Apparently they like their trees phallic shaped.

Demented_Alchemy Source: Demented_Alchemy

15) Never Ever

These people don’t want you to park in front of their garage. Like never ever. Ever ever never ever.

IGotBoredAtMyFamilysChristmasParty Source: IGotBoredAtMyFamilysChristmasParty

16) Watermelon Meeting

It’s 3 a.m. And this person’s neighbor is having a meeting. A meeting with watermelons.

PotatoWiFi Source: PotatoWiFi

17) Drunken Elephant

These people have quite the unique neighborhood. That’s because their neighbor has a giant pink elephant in their yard. And he’s drinking a martini.

imgursotouchyfeely Source: imgursotouchyfeely


This neighbor must really hate dandelions. His letter is in all caps. Good thing his neighbor came up with an excellent solution.

PoopThoughts Source: PoopThoughts

19) Jacuzzis

Here we have two neighbors. And their two jacuzzis. The one on the right is a DIY job.

RuJacuzzinMe Source: RuJacuzzinMe

20) This Face

Dogs make the best neighbors. They are silly. Always good for a laugh.

katyourmom Source: katyourmom

21) Deliver the Package

UPS won’t deliver your package sometimes if they don’t think you’re home. And that can be frustrating. Especially if you are home.

Brock26 Source: Brock26

22) Walking the Pets

These neighbors are just out walking their pets. Those pets just happen to be birds. Yes, that’s a woman with a bird cage backpack.



23) Barrels of Lube

This person looked outside to see large barrels on their neighbor’s lawn. Large barrels that say “Anal Lube.” What would one do with all that lube?

[imgsrc caption="churfam92" link="https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/6ryqqo/come_home_from_work_one_day_and_seen_these_two/"]

hamdangled Source: hamdangled

24) Trash Panda

Here we have a little trash panda. He decided that he was going to hang around all day. He’s chilling in the gutters.

c-root Source: c-root

25) Head Wrap

This guy likes to wear a head wrap. It just so happens to be his dog. This is how they introduce themselves.

argonian Source: argonian

26) Neighborly Love

This guy’s neighbor really loves him. So much so that he freezes one snowball each year and saves it so he can throw it at him in July. But this year, he is going to be prepared for his neighbor’s July snowball fest.

RendeRiot Source: RendeRiot

27) The Reasonable Neighbor

This has to be the most reasonable neighborly letter I’ve ever seen. Most people just complain and never say anything and keep it in until they hate or resent their neighbors. At least this person is actively trying to problem solve in a civilized manner.


28) Microwave Mailbox

This neighbor wanted a unique mailbox. He also wanted to recycle. So, now he has a microwave mailbox.

Ophthalnurse Source: Ophthalnurse

29) The Casual Dog

This dog was just having a causal chill day. He was enjoying some fresh air. While sitting upright on the bench.

seethroughdinosaur Source: seethroughdinosaur

30) Naked Barbie Yard

This neighbor decided to decorate their yard. With naked Barbies. Naked Barbies on stilts.

woundedstork Source: woundedstork

31) No

This neighbor had enough. He has just one answer for you. And the answer is “NO.”

lapresdmididufaune Source: lapresdmididufaune

32) Neighbor See, Neighbor Do

This neighbor put tape on her garbage can to cover up a crack. Their 92-year-old neighbor thought they were labelling their bins with their unit numbers. So she labelled her bin with a “7.”

Your_Local_Engineer Source: Your_Local_Engineer

33) Rock Security System

These neighbors have a DIY security system. It’s a threatening looking picture of The Rock. Thieves beware.

poldridge Source: poldridge

34) Filming A Movie

This neighbor did say he was going to be filming a movie in his house. The neighborhood just didn’t think it would be that kind of movie. Way to let the whole neighborhood know.

Revircs Source: Revircs

35) Godzilla Security

This neighbor also has a DIY security system. Except this one is outside of the house. It’s a giant Godzilla statue.

SidewalkFlavoredSoda Source: SidewalkFlavoredSoda

36) On the Fence

This dog is on the fence. Not figuratively… literally. He just likes to hang out on the fence like this.

NoLongerThatGuy Source: NoLongerThatGuy

37) Jello Shot Bribe

The neighbors were throwing a big shindig. They didn’t want anyone calling the shots. So, they bribed their neighbors with Jello shots.

kels9413 Source: kels9413

38) Communication Via WiFi

These neighbors are communicating via WiFi. Apparently someone has a window in the bathroom. And they don’t seem to care.

wahday Source: wahday

39) All Year Round Halloween

This family really likes their Halloween decorations. So much so that they never take them down. They just decorate the skeltons for each holiday.

Point21Gigawatts Source: Point21Gigawatts

40) Tractor Enthusiast Neighbor

This neighbor loves tractors. So, he decked his out with Pokémon. Now he takes the kids around the neighborhood to catch Pokémon and visit Pokéstops.

Zephon_Asianne Source: Zephon_Asianne

41) Hot Mess Neighbor


This neighbor likes to drink. A lot. And this is what happens when he does.

NugNug86 Source: NugNug86

42) Creepy Doll House


This neighbor wants to scare passersby. So he leaves this weird doll in the window. It works every time.

Reddit Source: Reddit

43) Humpin’

Grandma got a new stag statute. The neighbor’s alpaca really took to it. They are now romantic together.


44) Pirate Ship Balcony

These neighbors have a big imagination. They turned their balcony into a pirate ship. And it looks just like one.


45) Unwelcoming Mat

These neighbors really know how to welcome guests. This doormat says it all. “Oh shit, not you again!”

Fleecebeaver Source: Fleecebeaver

46) Holy Cow

This is a cool birthday prank. Someone cowed their lawn. Happy birthday Jonathan!

LCS9492 Source: LCS9492

47) Doing 40 Way Big

This person is turning 40 way big. Their whole neighborhood knows they are turning 40. This is pretty hilarious.

camrell25 Source: camrell25

48) Keep It Quiet

These neighbors don’t want their neighbor to stop having sex. They encorage it in fact. They just want them to keep it quiet.

Imgur Source: Imgur

49) Air Ambulance

These neighbors are big fans. They love the show Firefly. They bought the air ambulance from the show.

ineptech Source: ineptech

50) Mile Long Bottlecap Rope

This rope is a mile long. It’s made from bottlecaps. And it’s sitting in this person’s yard.

chazzwazzle Source: chazzwazzle

51) Nightmare Tree

This neighbor decided that they wanted to give their other neighbors nightmares. That’s why they put this overly happy fake tree in their yard. That tree has crazy eyes.

DrFearsGirl Source: DrFearsGirl

52) Naughty Gnome

Want to freak our your neighbors but don’t have a creepy plastic tree or doll in the window? How about a perverted gnome? Force your neighbors to stare at gnome dong when they are enjoying the outdoors. They will definitely be freaked out.

Blackse7en Source: Blackse7en

53) Ducks

The ducks have taken over. That’s because this neighbor feeds them. This guys lawn is mostly made up of ducks.

Angelpanik Source: Angelpanik

54) The Trimmer

This neighbor really enjoys trimming his bushes. I can’t help to wonder if this phallic shape is on purpose or by accident. Hmmmmm….

Systray Source: Systray

55) Fallout Guy

This neighbor wasn’t sure if he woke up in a post-apocolyptic future. Or if his neighbor just had a creature from the game Fallout. It was just a giant robot guy.

ricochet511 Source: ricochet511

56) Jet Decoration

Some neighbors decorate their yard with statues. Some might have fancy lawn ornaments. This neighbor has a jet in his yard.

QuinstonChurchill Source: QuinstonChurchill

57) Avoiding the Inevitable

This guy is avoiding the inevitable. The fact that he got this girl pregnant with twins. Yes, those are pickles hanging from the door.

black_umbrella Source: black_umbrella

58) Jason Passengers

This neighbor needs some extra protection when he travels. That’s why he always keeps a Jason mask in his car. For any thieves or carjackers that are afraid of movie monsters.

weaponess Source: weaponess

59) Diaper Turtle

This person’s neighbor has a turtle. A turtle that wears diapers. He must not be potty trained.

CoacHum Source: CoacHum

60) The Bounce House

These neighbors got a bounce house. It’s 32 degress out. And they don’t have kids.

JimmyBags Source: JimmyBags

61) Jesus Serves

This neighbor doesn’t do Christmas presents. She does New Years Day presents. This is what she got her neighbor as a New Years Day present.

cbrinxy Source: cbrinxy

62) Garage Thale

This neighbor is having a garage thale. There’s going to be thuper thavings. It’s located in Thunderbird Thurcle.

msredhead Source: msredhead

63) New Planter

This neighbor got a new planter for their yard. It’s a toilet. They just put plants in it.

Krickette Source: Krickette

64) Fake Tree

This neighbor wanted to keep their greenery interesting. So they planted a fake tree. In the front of their yard… yup.

Slidersawesome Source: Slidersawesome

65) Teenage Boy in the Neighborhood

This is how you know that you have a teenage boy living next door to you. Their WiFi network looks like a penis. Or someone crying happy tears.

redditconfusesmeso Source: redditconfusesmeso

66) Manequin

These people like to decorate their roof. They decorate it with a manequin. At least she’s wearing clothes now. She used to be wearing lingerie.

miss_fitz06 Source: miss_fitz06

67) The Oversharing Neighbor


This neighbor likes to overshare. They don’t mind if you know their business. In fact, they want you to know.

imperialmoose Source: imperialmoose

68) Lightswitch

This person’s neighbor really likes lightswitches. They have a painting of a lightswitch. And it’s located over their lightswitch.

saladlord Source: saladlord

69) Pimp My Ride

This neighbor wanted to pimp his ride. So he glued some solar lights to his car. Real pimp.

mcdandyandy Source: mcdandyandy

70) Christmas Decorations

I have NO idea what’s going on here. Is that supposed to be Jesus? It’s a manger inside of a manger?

Arismendez Source: Arismendez

71) Leaving Presents

These two neighbors are friends. So, one neighbor decided he would leave his neighbor a present and shovel some of his snow. He made a nice shape though.

psych0matt Source: psych0matt

72) Lousie Belcher

This person’s neighbor looks like a cartoon charater. She looks like Louise Belcher. From Bob’s Burgers.

1000one000 Source: 1000one000

73) Toss A Mug

This was outside their neighbors gate. I could see disposable cups tossed like this. But these are perfectly good mugs.

peaceundivided Source: peaceundivided

74) Ball Player

Here we have a baseball player living next door. Not really, its a cardboard cutout. This neighbor thinks he’s hilarious.

corman135 Source: corman135

75) Look Bob!

This neighbor must be in the middle of a feud with another neighbor. Rather than painting his entire fence he decided to be passive aggressive. I’m guessing Bob didn’t like the new paint job.

aquabird Source: aquabird

76) Hard At Work

This neighbor was hard at work in the yard. Not sure what they were doing. But they must have been hard at work.

Gerritmp Source: Gerritmp

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Source: Bored Panda
