70+ People That Are Easily Having a Far Worse Day Than You

Having the worst day ever isn’t always about that gray, overcast sky, or waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that can ruin a good mood.

For example, when ex-boyfriends steal your toilet while you’re sleeping, or you find out you’ve been hit by a gang of porch thieves overnight, that’s when you might start to feel a little bit rough around the edges.

Thankfully for you, these 75 people having the worst day ever might give you a new outlook on life. After all, there’s nothing like laughing about other people’s misery to make you feel better about your own!

1) This guy dyed his hair, and realized too late that he was actually allergic to hair dye.

If a hair dye allergy makes you look like Justin Bieber, more guys should jump on this! I’m not sure what that actually says about Justin, though, since looking like him means you have a really huge forehead!

Twitter/Stina Jornvik Source: Twitter/Stina Jornvik

2) “Maybe a bit too much rain.”

Just another lazy, rainy day at home. You know, the kind day that starts with rising flood waters and ends with lots of tears.

Reddit Source: Reddit

3) Her wig flew off during the engagement party photoshoot.

This bride-to-be took it all in good stride when her wig flew off her head after her partner twirled her around during a photoshoot. She could have turned into a bridezilla, but instead she just laughed her bald little head off!

The Aniboweis Source: The Aniboweis

4) “Hail damage to moon roof.”

This cool car chandelier is actually pretty impressive. It makes me kind of wish a hailstorm would pelt my car’s moon roof!

Reddit Source: Reddit

5) “Star Wars disappointment.”

This is the moment when you realize your Sith name is actually more like your BDSM name. And it’s definitely a very dark place.

Reddit Source: Reddit

6) This little birdie left quite an impression.

Ever have one of those days that remind you just how much life sucks? Well, it probably doesn’t compare to this:

“A bird flew in my window, sh*t on my laptop, and decided to die right in front of me. How’s your day going?”

Reddit Source: Reddit

7) To have a porch… or not.

Having a porch is nice. Thieves in Detroit think having your porch is nice, too. That’s why you’re supposed to chain it up at night!

Reddit Source: Reddit

8) “Facebook…”

If you’re looking for a reason to love Facebook, here you go. Gary’s felt all the love on his birthday.

Reddit Source: Reddit

9) “Wholesome, but still…”

You spend all day thinking about your boo, and then decide to pop in on them after work. Then this happens!

Reddit Source: Reddit

10) “Nothing but trouble.

Some people’s kids actually pay money to have personalized plates like this. Too bad the D wasn’t a T, then you could be eating Twix 24/7.

Reddit Source: Reddit

11) You know life hates you when it steals all your pride.

Okay, there’s exposure, and then there’s EXPOSURE! This unfortunate skier got hit with both when a failed chair lift left him danging upside down, totally exposed to the cold.

The Smoking Gun Source: The Smoking Gun

12) “Wife asked me to check if the chickens laid any eggs. I’m gonna say no.”

We’re not the only ones who have the worst day ever. Imagine being a happy little chicken, warming up your eggs, and then this comes slithering into your life.

Reddit Source: Reddit

13) “Forget the excuse of your dog eating your homework. My dog ate my PhD.”

Dog ate your homework? Nah, this smarty-pants doggo prefers to munch on doctorate degrees. It does bring new meaning to PhD though: pretty hungry dog!

Twitter/Karen Jones Source: Twitter/Karen Jones

14) “Might need glasses…”

The good news is that he doesn’t have to read his eye doctor reminder with his fingers. The bad news is that he’s probably going to end up wearing Coke bottle glasses!

Reddit Source: Reddit

15) “That’s why you shouldn’t wear jeans with holes on sunny days.”

This is why you should listen to your mom when she tells you not to wear ripped jeans. Maybe now she’ll listen.

Reddit Source: Reddit

16) “New skelton found in Pompeii: this guy was running from the eruption, when a 300kg boulder hit him right in the face.”

As if running away from an exploding volcano isn’t bad enough! Well, at least he’s proven that bad luck is a timeless classic.

Reddit Source: Reddit


Actually, it’s not even his worst day. He still has to face his family every day, which makes his embarrassment even worse.

“I was with my mom and my brother was watching porn upstairs and he accidentally put it on airplay on the Apple TV.”

Twitter/@YasBeyonce Source: Twitter/@YasBeyonce

18) “We got caught in the rain. My dog DESPISES the rain.”

Even puppies have bad days. He really liked having the top down, until the rain ruined all his fun.

Reddit Source: Reddit

19) “Elyse brought home a new kitty today! Gavin Hoefs recorded them bonding on the way home!”

What started out as love at first sight turned into a really crappy breakup. Maybe mom should have warned her to stay away from these little poop factories!

Facebook/Becky Hoefs Source: Facebook/Becky Hoefs

20) “A surprise… but an unwelcome one, to be sure.”

It looks like the Whomping Willow from Harry Potter leaned a bit too far when it tried to whack that car! Lucky for the car, it made a clean escape.

Reddit Source: Reddit

21) Well… that sucks.

How does this even happen? On another note, this would make a great advertisement for that bike, even with its frilly pink handlebars and rims.

Reddit Source: Reddit

22) “A crow stole 100 bucks from these guys.”

Looks like a fair exchange to me. Steal money, get bombarded with offers of free bananas. It’s called commerce.

Reddit Source: Reddit

23) “Turns out that my irrational childhood fear wasn’t so irrational after all.”

Even escalator’s have bad days. This one barely missed catching some tasty toes!


“People laughed at me for jumping the last few feet at the end of an escalator. Who’s laughing now?”

Reddit Source: Reddit

24) “I split up with my boyfriend yesterday. I fell asleep while he was packing and he stole my toilet.”

Her ex was a plumber, so that explains the technical side of this. But, just what level of crazy do you have to be to take off with a toilet?

Reddit Source: Reddit

25) “I’m a beginner beekeeper and I am told that a sting to the face is a rite of passage..So I have that going for me..which is nice.”

It may look like this pretty girl is winking at you. But she’s just in the throes of a massive allergy attack.

Imgur Source: Imgur

26) “Red-eye flight Seattle to NY and I don’t know these kids. That’s my seat in the middle :(“

Sorry, no sleeping will be allowed on this red-eye. You’ll be too busy dealing with screaming matches and breaches of personal space.

Reddit Source: Reddit

27) “I don’t need a full face helmet, Karen.”

If your goal is break the world record for the number of bugs that you can eat in one sitting, then no, you don’t need a helmet. Just lick your lips and be happy your face wasn’t eaten alive.

Reddit Source: Reddit

28) “Romanian court tells man he is not alive.”

63-year-old Constantine Reliu couldn’t appeal his own death because the statute of limitations had already come and gone. Guess he’ll just stay dead, then.


29) This modelling gig was probably a mistake.

Hindsight may be 20/20, but, the Internet is like the ghost of Christmas Past. It will haunt you until the day you’re buried!

MeMe Source: MeMe

30) “This person dropped their phone in a bike chain while riding.”

Wow, he managed to wreck his phone and bike in one fell swoop. But, the good news is that no one will want to steal either one!

Reddit Source: Reddit

31) “Ouch, that must’ve hurt.”

After a mysterious stranger got into a fight with this pole, a lot of yelling and hair pulling went down. Unfortunately, she didn’t walk away unscathed.

Reddit Source: Reddit

32) “To get the ball down.”

Nothing to see here, folks! It’s just a Quidditch mishap. All wizards involved are reported to be a-okay!

Reddit Source: Reddit

33) They handed him crayons when he sat down to dinner with his fiancee.

It’s bad enough when people totally misunderstand you. It’s even worse when they hand you a box of crayons and pat you on the head.

Wales Online Source: Wales Online

34) “He will wake up to a haunting realization.”

The loss of perfectly good slices of New York pizza is a great one indeed. On a lighter note, at least pizza rat wasn’t around to gobble up what’s left of this guy’s dinner!

Reddit Source: Reddit

35) “The day I learned I was allergic to bees while working as a beekeeper in Italy.”

The thing about bee stings is that you don’t know you’re allergic until you that one time you actually have an allergic reaction. It’s nature’s way having a joke at our expense.

Reddit Source: Reddit

36) “My best friend’s husband had an axe fly through his windshield yesterday while driving on the highway.”

Well, he still has his smiling face, so there’s that. Even better, he doesn’t remember a thing about the terrifying ordeal!


“Update: it apparently hit him in the head and knocked him unconscious. He has no recollection of what happened.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

37) “Oh boy here we go…..”

Autocorrect is the bane of every man’s existence. But, what about all the poor Abby’s out there?

“As an Abby, the reverse would happen and I didn’t know if boys were flirting with me or actually meant to call me Abby.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

38) Oops.

Well, at least there’s footsteps. That means at least one set of feet made it out alive. The only question is, how many went in?

Reddit Source: Reddit

39) “I can see my neighbor take a sh** every day.”

It’s kind of a toss-up as to which person is having the worst day ever. Both of them have a room with a view, but it’s probably not what either of them was hoping for.

Reddit Source: Reddit

40) “At least it didn’t get on her shirt.”

Well yeah, there’s that. But she’s also walking around with a seismograph on her neck that no one has bothered to tell her about.

P.S. – if you want to see something you can’t unsee, check out the face coming out of the right side of her head.

Reddit Source: Reddit

41) Oh crap…

Wait, is that a flying saucer? No…it’s just the brella part of his umbrella.

Reddit Source: Reddit

42) Who’s a thirsty boy?

Note to self: never start a conference call with, “Hey there thirsty boy, look what daddy has for you today!” Either that, or just don’t talk to the urinal like it’s your friend.

Twitter/@bea_ker Source: Twitter/@bea_ker

43) “I mean, what are the odds…”

Looks to me like the odds are 100 percent in favor of having two flat tires. The real cray thing about this is that both flats happened on the front, passenger-side tire.

Reddit Source: Reddit

44) Good Ol’ Abe Lincoln

Find a penny, pick it up! But, next time it might be a good idea to wait until summer is over.

45) He left his Halloween decorations on the porch…

This is why you should sort your Halloween decorations before you go to bed. That body bag may come back to haunt you!

“Woke up this morning to 6 cops, a fire truck, and an ambulance at my door because a passing car was concerned about the one Halloween decoration I neglected to take down.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

46) “I had a rough day yesterday, you guys.”

She had to be evacuated because of wildfires, but that wasn’t even the worst of it. It was the buzzing noise coming from her car that finally tipped her over the edge.

“They have built nests in every crevice of my car. Everything is on fire and my car is full of bees!”

Reddit Source: Reddit

47) “Accidentally spilled coffee grounds on the floor…and all over my child.”

Looks like she vaporized her own kid! Nice cover story, though.

Reddit Source: Reddit

48) “So I put a sticky trap down and then forgot about it for a few months. I’m terrified of my house now.”

You’re not the only one terrified! That’s a lot of casualties for a single sheet of sticky trap.

Reddit Source: Reddit

49) “My cat just bit the corner of my MacBook. FML”

That’s some pretty expensive cat food, my friend. Next time pay attention when he meows that he’s hungry.

Reddit Source: Reddit

50) There goes my package…

Ever wonder why sometimes your packages never arrive? This is why.

“My friend got notice that his package was delayed, then sent me this on his drive home saying ‘so that’s what happened.'”

Reddit Source: Reddit

51) “Rough day on the course”

A day on the golf course isn’t always as relaxing as it sounds. Geese can be so savage when they don’t get a hole-in-one!

Reddit Source: Reddit

52) “These assholes told me it was a sweater party.”

Even celebrities have bad days! Take actor Ryan Reynolds for example. He was Christmas sweater pranked by his buddies Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhall.

Twitter/Ryan Reynolds Source: Twitter/Ryan Reynolds

53) “Damned if you do, damned if you don’t…”

I’ll take damned if I don’t, thank you. That big spider can have all the toilet paper he wants. I would be so out of there!

Reddit Source: Reddit

54) “This is why you should never use your PC as a candle holder.”

Well, the thought never occurred. But, now that you mentioned it, yeah, it’s a pretty dumb idea!

Reddit Source: Reddit

55) “If anyone is wondering how my Monday went….”

Dude, eczema looks really good on you! In case you were wondering, this is how this guy’s Monday went down:

“#notblood, notacrimescene, #workflow, eyesstillhurt, #spraypaint, #mondays, #worstdayever.”

Instagram/Steven Walker Source: Instagram/Steven Walker

56) “I work in an office and they told people to dress up. I’m the only one dressed up….”

Costume, what costume? Just act normal and convince people that there’s something in their coffee.

Reddit Source: Reddit

57) “I bet Kevin was wondering why people were giving him strange looks at work yesterday.”

Ever have one of those days when you open up the morning paper and see that you’ve been erroneously named and shamed as a sex offender? Yeah, that’s pretty rough.

Reddit Source: Reddit

58) “My apple broke the apple cutter and now I have a weapon.”

I vote best day ever on this one! It’s both a martial arts weapon and a portable snack!

Reddit Source: Reddit

59) “My trip to Mount Rushmore last year.”

I see a lot of gray heads, but none of them are Presidential. At least he’s not sad about the foggy view.

Reddit Source: Reddit

60) “This is what happens when you forget to put the ice tray back in the freezer.”

Wow, who knew! Guess now you have to throw a party so you can use up all that ice.

Reddit Source: Reddit

61) Thanks, Pam!

When disaster strikes, your greasy friend Pam has your back. And the entire kitchen shelf!

“We had too much on our shelf and in our cupboard, so it broke and made a huge mess. But it could have been worse if we didn’t have Pam!”

Imgur Source: Imgur

62) “My friend went to his room to sleep last night and found rodent prints.”

Rodent prints? Is that what people are calling ornery raccoons these days? Either way, it’s probably time to get a cat.

Reddit Source: Reddit

63) “Been going for 4 hours and I need to present my masters thesis in 7 minutes.”

Any day that Windows decides to an inconvenient update is the worst day ever! And “75% complete” means that Microsoft is going to hold your laptop hostage for at least another 4 hours.

Reddit Source: Reddit

64) Bird brain? I think not.

Birds are a lot smarter than you might think. They certainly know how to correctly identify that one d-bag from the crowd!

“I thought I should also show you the shameless perpetrators as I caught them red handed while going to the supermarket today.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

65) Giraffe’s are so adorable!

Correction. This poor giraffe wasn’t so adorable after the owner of the car rolled up the window and glass exploded all over his face.

YouTube Source: YouTube

66) “Worst game of hide and seek ever.”

Let the stealth spider have it. You don’t need teeth as much as you do your life.

Reddit Source: Reddit

67) Good luck, mate!

Oh how nice! The guy who banged up your car left you a love letter.

Reddit Source: Reddit

68) “Windows has encountered a problem with turkey.exe”

Possible fix: early Thanksgiving dinner. Instructions: preheat oven and invite family over for turkey legs!

Reddit Source: Reddit

69) “That time I modelled for a clip art company at 16 and ended up on dildo batteries.”

Wow, so…that’s very specific. I didn’t know batteries came with their own lineup of naughty models.


“I’m 90% sure we used your picture in my editing class! So it’s not JUST dildo batteries!”


“Omg I truly can never escape these pics!”

Reddit Source: Reddit

70) “Tenants called today to tell me the toilet wouldn’t flush, plumber turned up to this.”

They don’t need a plumber, they need an exorcist! Next time, don’t call forth the demons by leaving candles on the back of the toilet.

Reddit Source: Reddit

71) “I still can’t believe my cat ran away so my mom let the other cat out to find him and they both ran away.”

Thanks for nothing, mom. Now you owe her two cats!

Twitter/@__zoha Source: Twitter/@__zoha

72) A perfect advert for sunscreen.

Maybe time time you should consider wearing some sunscreen with your bare naked skin. It might help with that painful second-degree sunburn thing.

“This is what happens when you go on a bike ride when it’s 100 degrees outside without the proper sunscreen.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

73) When you want to look cool, but it’s cold out.

Well, there’s also the fact that the McD’s sweater isn’t all that cool to begin with. Zip up the jacket, and you might have a winner!

Twitter/Adam Moussa Source: Twitter/Adam Moussa

74) Thought he was in middle of a gangland war, but it was just a part of a plane falling from the sky.

“It was a hit-and-run, Officer. I saw the plane take off at 500 miles per hour!”

“Driving to work near Dulles Airport and a part fell off a plane smashed my back window. I freaked out because i thought someone was shooting at me. Guy behind me saw something fall from sky.”

Reddit Source: Reddit

75) Eh, not so much.

That’s why it says he’s “probably” the proudest driver in the world. It gives him some leeway for off days like this when he’s sampling the cargo.

Reddit Source: Reddit

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Source: Bored Panda, Bored Panda
