70 pics that show the incredible power of genetics

While resemblance among family members is not something new, it is still fascinating to see how much some people look like their parents or their kids or even to relatives who are from previous generations in the family tree! That’s how genetics work and it’s amazing.

And to add more proof to this claim, here are 70 photos of people that show the incredible power of genetics. Read on and see the uncanny work of nature!

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1. The same hair mark

This woman’s distinctive birthmark happens to be a streak of white hair along her hairline. Amazingly, her daughter inherited this unusual mark. Now, that’s one unique hereditary mark!

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2. Side-by-side

It’s hard to imagine the similarities between faces sometimes. But, when the comparison is done this way, the resemblance is definitely obvious!

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3. When nature decided to copy and paste

She copied her grandma’s style in this photo. Now, their carbon copy features are more prominent than ever!

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4. Even their hairs look alike!

I have no doubt that this woman is definitely her mother’s daughter. All of their features look the same, even their hairstyles!

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5. Their eyes are amazing

This photo was spotted at a clinic. Yes, it’s one thing to have heterochromatic eyes. But to have another person to have the same condition with the exact same look is downright fascinating.

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6. A hereditary gap

Now, this woman and the man in the painting are not much of look-alikes. But, their hereditary eyebrow gap is totally noticeable and it’s insane how this seemingly simple trait is passed onto generations!

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7. Mother and daughter

The photos were taken on the woman’s prom night while her Mom’s was on her wedding day. That hairstyle definitely looks great on both of them!

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8. A combination of genes

Someone got a thumb from each parent. Do you find this unbelievable? Just look at this photo and prepare to be amazed!

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9. Like father, definitely like son

From the eyes, down to the beard, this duo surely looks a lot like each other. They are father and son and we totally see their genes at work!

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10. Dad’s twin

It may be usual for Dads to look like their sons, but they can sometimes look like their daughters, too. Isn’t she a spitting image of her Daddy? Just ignore the facial hair, of course.

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11. Both beautiful in blue

These belles are mother and daughter and they are absolute doppelgangers of each other. The color blue suits them very beautifully!

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12. The same dimple!

This father and daughter duo has a matching part of their faces that give away their relation to each other, apart from the fact that they look alike. Yup, it’s the dimple on their foreheads!

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13. An inherited smile

Clearly, even smiles can be inherited. One proof is this dude and his grandfather, who shares the same grin as his.

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14. The same vibe

Definitely mother and daughter. They even have the same vibe!

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15. Look-alikes

Curly hair? check. Facial hair? check. That look in their eyes? Triple check!

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16. Identical smiles

Wow, they literally have the same face! Their smiles are matching, including the twinkle in their eyes!

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17. Grandma’s clone

It’s sad that they realized how much this woman and her Grandma look like each other after she has already passed. But, still, it must have been great for their family to still see their beloved Nana in her granddaughter.

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18. One and the same

Amazingly, this mother and daughter duo look like each other even when they are pregnant. By the way, this photo of her mother is when she was pregnant with her!

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19. A familiar smile

Sometimes, people need some proof to really see the resemblance between parent and child. He may look like his mom, but after seeing this photo of his Dad, people might just change their minds.

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20. Mom and I

This photo left me speechless. It’s not just because they have the same face or dress. They eve have the same body type!

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21. Just like Mom

People might think they only look alike because of their glasses.But, if you see past their spectacles, their matching noses and smile are dead giveaways of their connection!

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22. Daddy’s girl

We totally agree with this woman. Her smile is definitely a carbon copy of her father’s dimpled smile!

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23. Is he a reincarnation?

The old photo of his relative may be damaged, but we can still see the eerie likeness between him and the man in the picture. This actually makes us wonder if he’s really reincarnated or there might be some really strong genes behind all these.

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24. This uncanny resemblance

Here’s another evidence of strong genetics. A groom and his grandpa look so much alike and it’s totally uncanny!

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25. Same name, same face

It’s a wonder to see that someone from ages ago can actually look like someone from today’s generation because they passed on some really dominant genes. What’s even more incredible about these look-likes is that they even share the same name!

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26. Me and my Mom

What have you accomplished at your age and how much did your parent achieved when they were your age? This woman is contemplating on that as she looks at this comparison of her and her mother who totally resembles her.

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27. Duplicates

Her mom may not have bright red eyebrows or silver-colored hair, but we can clearly assume that she got her edginess from her mama! Both women are lovely and look like they are pretty badass.

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28. Generation after generation

Here is a compilation of photos from three generations of women who share some pretty prominent maternal genes. They literally have the same face!

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29. A trademark charming smile

Isn’t her smile cute and charming? Now, we know who she got it from!

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30. Mom’s carbon copy

There’s no argument on this one. She absolutely is a duplicate of her mom and it’s not just because of their glasses or bangs. They are definitely identical!

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31. Unbelievable resemblance

We can understand it when people find it hard to believe that it’s her mom in the old photo. They probably think it’s also her!

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32. A hairstyle that runs in the family

This mother and daughter duo surely has the same taste in hairstyle. Her mother may not have a pink fringe, but their huge bangs are definitely identical!

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33. Identical with Momma

At twenty-something, she absolutely resembles her Mom who was in her teens when the photo was taken. Can you see the similar way they stand or the unique haistyle?

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34. Nana’s duplicate

They may have come from different eras, but these women exude the same brand of elegance and we know just why they do. Thy also share the same genes and it’s amazing to see how alike they are!

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35. A copy of each other

Grandmother, mother and daughter. Three generations, three similar faces. Well, that’s how genetics work folks.

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36. Identical laughter

Sometimes, it’s not just the facial features that are alike. Even mannerisms and actions are also identical when it comes to family members. See how this girl’s laughter looks so much like her Mom’s?

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37. The same mischievous grin

Parents or grandparents can eve see the amazing likeness between them and their children even at a young age. This picture is a side-by-side comparison of a woman and her mom when they were about three or fours years old. They look so much alike and even have the same mischievous grin!

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38. They’re practically clones of each other

Here’s another case of hereditary beauty from one generation to another and to another. They simply look like they are sisters, but from different eras.

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39. Dad and daughter

Most daughters resemble their moms, but this girl resembled her father even from when she was a young girl. The likeness in their smiles is definitely hard to miss.

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40. At 17 years old

Both pictures of mother and daughter were taken when they are seventeen years of age. Oe may be smiling while the other one isn’t, but we can certainly see the resemblance!

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41. Identical toothy smiles

Can you see the same tooth grin this duo has? They are grandma and grandson and their shared smile is quite amazing.

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42. Father and daughter

Here’s another father-daughter look-alikes, and I must say they are like identical twins here. She looks like a young boy here.

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43. Matching faces

Their photos were captured at different angles, but their features are undeniably similar. They have the same luscious dark hair and innocent smiles.

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44. Gramps look-alike

Who looks like Grandpa? This guy does. They don’t look exactlyalike but the similarities are hard to miss.

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45. A side-by-side proof

We totally see the likeness in the nose and the expressions. Some families really do have trademarks.

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46. Great-grandma and I

This gal and her great grandma are look-alikes, more so because they almost have the same hairstyle. And when they smile, they can pass as twins!

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47. The same face at the same age

This is a mother and daughter duo who are at the same age when these photos were taken. Don’t they look like twins from different eras here?

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48. A fascinating resemblance

Sometimes, aunts and uncles look more like their nephews and nieces. Someone found a photo of their great-great-aunt and realized they look like their teenage son! How uncanny is that?

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49. We all see it

These women may have never met, but they certainly have a lot of similar features. Yes, we can’t see it right away, but their faces have the same shape and their eyes are identical!

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50. Twins!

Looking atthis comparison at a glance, I might even say I am looking at twins. But, it turns out they are mother and daughter!

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51. Mothers and daughters

This woman could not believe how their Moms (who are sisters) could look exactly like her and hr cousin. Genes sure are fascinating.

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52. Matching smiles!

They have the same smile, a dead giveaway that we are looking at a father and son duo here. Who can miss it when they practically look like twins?

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53. We see it right away!

Shemay not see it right away, but we can understand why people think she looks so much like her mom. Their hairstyles and sales are pretty identical!

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54. That look

It’s not just the way they held their faces. They have the same look in their eyes!

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55. Wow.

These two women may not look exactly the same, but I think most people would agree that they give off the same vibe. They are both elegant and beautiful, too!

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56. Like mother, like daughter

They always say “like mother, like daughter”. This photo is a perfect match for that.

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57. Carbon copied Mom

Even the way these women smile and look are the same! They are absolute doppelgangers!

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58. A similar smile

She looks different from her grandma at first sight. But looking closely, anyone can see the amazing likeness of their smiles!

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59. They look so alike!

The likeness of these two, who are Grandma and granddaughter by the way, is simply extraordinary. Minus the bangs, they can totally pass as twins!

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60. Twinning

They are mother and daughter. But, looking at these photos could easily lead people to believe that they are looking at twins!

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61. Definitely brothers

The way these brothers are identical even with the way they blow their birthday candles is quite charming. They are brothers through and through!

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62. Mom’s doppelganger

Yes! She absolutely looks like her mom. And if she does remove her make-up, we agree that they will look so much more identical!

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63. Spitting image

This man’s father died when he was only two. He may not have remembered his exact face, but it turned out he only needs to look in the mirror.

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64. A lot of similarities

Oh, these women definitely have various similarities. They are mother and daughter by the way.

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65. Looking like Mom every passing day

He used to get comments about how he looked like his mom. After each passing day, he realized people were right all along.

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66. Are they twins?

Are they twins? They are mother and daughter but they look like each other so much, they could be mistaken as twins just by looking at these photos!

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67. Identical beauties

These women are grandmother and granddaughter, but they look so identical, they can be sisters!

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68. Mommy’s girl

Not just because they have matching shirts or hair color. These women are identical because their faces are literally one and the same.

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69. A younger version of Mom

This photo is like looking at a woman’s older and younger version of herself. Their faces are not of the same age but they are very, very identical!

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70. Three generation of beauties

And finally, this mom who compared her photo with her daughter when she was at her age and a photo of her and her mom when she was also at her age. The genes at work here are simply incredible!

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Genetics is undeniably a fascinating thing. The next time you look in the mirror, you may want to look for tell-tale features that you got from either of your parents and know that you are also a work of art made from an incredible combination of genes.

Source: DeMilked, Twitter
