75 Hilarious Coronavirus Jokes People Have Posted To Lighten The Load

With everything going on in the world, it’s nice to find time to laugh. While many may find it difficult to find anything to laugh about during a pandemic, there are some who are taking the time to try.

We might not be able to gather in one another’s living rooms for a hangout but we can still laugh together. Thus, if you’re having a rough day or you’re just tired of refreshing your social media pages, come and have a laugh on us. We can all use it!

Whether you’re cooped up in the house all day or are required to leave the house for work, there is a meme that is bound to put a smile on your face.

Facebook/9GAG Source: Facebook/9GAG

1) Busy.

This little guy sure picked up some professional skills somewhere along the way. He’s feeling quite confident if he’s telling his dad that he’s too busy to be disturbed. Can we blame him? Check out the suit! Hopefully, his teacher can’t see the rest of the room though!

2) “Don’t pet the dragon.”

Some folks are just bound to go down this path. After all, people are panic buying just about everything nowadays. Instead of toilet paper, just buy the random toys you’ve always wanted. You just might come out looking like this guy.

izismile Source: izismile

3) Art mimics reality

Yikes. Kinda scary how close to home this statement hits. Let us all do better! We saw how things ended for them… If you don’t, let’s just say it isn’t the idea scenario.


4) I’m not human

We hope you didn’t drink (or inject) anything you shouldn’t! This meme is making the reprecussions of doing so seem brighter than it would be. In reality, things would get pretty dark… really dark…

Imgur/EricksonOle Source: Imgur/EricksonOle

5) Watch out

Well, that’s one way of being heard. It sure seemed to have gotten someone’s attention… perhaps it’s not the attention she wanted.

imgur/Insurgentvoter- Source: imgur/Insurgentvoter-

6) Work never ends

True. But I think they’ll be a lot more gentle on their own things. Too bad for their housemates though. Things could get ugly.

Imgur/thomasshifflett30 Source: Imgur/thomasshifflett30

7) A talk with Thor

If you have Thor questioning your logic, it’s time to rethink yours! We gotta admit, Thor means well. But c’mon…

Anyone else hear this convo in their head?

Imgur/Mulvers Source: Imgur/Mulvers

8) Try not to laugh

Yep, just like this. Across the border, they’re probably wondering about a lot of things. There isn’t much that can be said in our defense. Still, this cat meme is everything.

Facebook/Trina Sloman Source: Facebook/Trina Sloman

9) Secure the bag

This guy grabbed the family size bag… he plans on watching this entire thing unfold. Buckle up, it’s quite the movie.

Facebook/The Iron Snowflake Source: Facebook/The Iron Snowflake

10) The racoons are back

Do we really want to return to a library with racoons hanging out inside? I don’t know about you but I’ll pass. Someone call in Parks and Rec!

11) You missed a step

What an insightful point to make. But seeing as how we have all this extra time… “Maria, Jacob, Alice —”

reddit/Flyers45432 Source: reddit/Flyers45432

12) Choices

Well when you put it like that… I don’t mind not really knowing if I’m being tailed or if the person is trying to save both of our lives by keeping their distance.

Social cues may never be the same!

reddit/JPDragao Source: reddit/JPDragao

13) Is that a “maybe?”

Perhaps. We may never know. It might be a better idea to check back in a few days. Or just lockup the kitchen to be safe. Does anybody know anymore?

Pinterest Source: Pinterest

14) Density

Well, this didn’t go too well for the person who responded. But it definitely proved the point of the poster. Still, you have to admit how perfect this is.

Imgur/OctopussSevenTwo Source: Imgur/OctopussSevenTwo

15) Back to the future

Weren’t we supposed to have flying cars by now? Life is full of setbacks. This reality is summed up in this hilarious tweet.

16) Target practice is postponed

Pigeons are probably living their best lives right now. We can’t blame them. We humans can be quite a nuisance!


17) “I can be your hero, baby!”

The timing of this photo is quite amazing. Dan might be onto something with the caption. About 141,000 users seem to think so too.

18) Chef Roxi

This is an accurate portrayal of quite a few people. There’s no shame in it though! Innovation is everywhere. You might be surprised with the flavors you come up with.


19) 6-9?

There’s so much that can be done in 69 weeks, right? After all, it is over a year… Is anybody having fun yet?

reddit/RockiBoi Source: reddit/RockiBoi

20) Everyone has an opinion

This shouldn’t be too surprising but it sure puts things into perspective. It seems like everyone has a podcast nowadays. The fact that Amazon is sold out of their podcast microphones just proves it.

21) Found a spot

This is probably the best and worst coworker anyone can have. Cats can be feisty and unpredictable. But they can also be antisocial. You just never know who is going to show up for work each day.

Funny Junk/las Source: Funny Junk/las

22) You still want those?

Though a lot of things have changed during the pandemic, some things have remained the same. We all know those ‘reminder’ messages of the things we leave in our carts. Maybe… now isn’t the time!

23) Someone’s heart went on

Thank goodness. Poor Jack deserved better. He still looks great after all of these years. Rose aged quite a bit the last time we saw her. That ocean water works wonders!

reddit/allyn-_-gracious Source: reddit/allyn-_-gracious

24) Analogies

Yeah, that doesn’t make much sense… The truth can be pretty painful. Sometimes literally… Try not to do this.

Medium Source: Medium

25) Could have been worse

Checkmate! Kat didn’t hold back with what a lot of people might be thinking. It can certainly feel as if your life is going by as we wait in our houses. Just know, we’re in this together!


26) Everything is changing

There’s a lot of this going around. Rightfully so! It doesn’t hurt to check in to make sure your friends and family are in good health even if it’s the beginning of every interaction.

27) Mad bunny!

Another accurate tweet. Choosing to stay home sure does feel different than having to stay home. This meme tells no lies!


28) See the difference?

This might never make sense. There should never be an argument against doing more for the essential workers. Unfortunately, all they seem to receive are thank you’s.

imgur/Licklysplit Source: imgur/Licklysplit

29) Gotcha

This is a perfect summary for when you have to explain the days of the pandemic to future generations. Our stories deserve to be told! No matter how odd they are.

reddit/kaydenhines Source: reddit/kaydenhines

30) The struggle

A lot of people with glasses are discussing how they fog up when wearing facial masks. Like many, this guy isn’t happy about it. Don’t fret! TODAY shared how to prevent this.

31) “Is my mic on?”

Pretty much. It’s either that or telling someone that they should mute their mic instead. Either way, things could go back-and-forth for some time. When in doubt, mute!

32) When lightning strikes

Maybe this is how they came up with the name for that popular beer? We may never know. Until we do… (insert Twilight Zone theme song)

reddit/JoeHaydn Source: reddit/JoeHaydn

33) We’ve got a winner

She isn’t holding back! Judging from several tweets by various users, social distancing is hitting some harder than others. It sounds like competition will be fierce.

34) Point made

These memes are on a roll. They do say that comedy is truth. Maybe that’s why some of these are so painfully funny.

Imgur/savemeobiwankenobi Source: Imgur/savemeobiwankenobi

35) Stimulus moola

That’s some house! Of course, we all know that this is pretty unlikely. In reality, she donated her check to Feeding America. Good call.

36) Twister

Well, this sure is one way of looking at things. These memes are doing a great job at turning a crazy situation into a more bearable one. If even for a moment.

Facebook/Carolyn Byers Source: Facebook/Carolyn Byers

37) Vacation time: indefinite

This might not have aged like fine wine but what’s done is done. At least she finds humor in the tweet. Now, she has all the time she needs.

38) The future is unpredictable

Never say never. There are several people realizing that all of the apocalyptic movies we watch are not very far-fetched. Let’s just hope we don’t do anything dumb… wait.


39) When time doesn’t matter

It’s important to try and maintain a schedule! Or not. If it only adds more stress and anxiety, do what feels right! People have shared some very interesting sleeping hours since this all began.

40) It’s real!

As we have seen… not the best decisions are made during catastrophic times. But Brett isn’t alone here. Many thought those movies were just, well, movies.


41) Who wants to go first?

This sums things up nicely. Not too many people are volunteering to open that door. After all, doing so could have disasterous affects.

Facebook Source: Facebook

42) “Wanna run 5 miles?”

Everyone seems to want to get out and exercise now. But can we blame them? Being cooped up indoors can drive you crazy. Besides, it’s important to get your exercise. Just stay out of the road!

Reddit/anxietykazoo Source: Reddit/anxietykazoo

43) One without the other? Doable

Isn’t it supposed to be… never mind. We’re all a little loopy lately. Some, more than others!

44) “Is it safe yet?”

Uh-oh! These memes do get political at times… This one is pretty clear on who they think should test the coronavirus waters.

Facebook/Susan Eileen Morgan Source: Facebook/Susan Eileen Morgan

45) Magic

Recently, Trump suggested taking cleaning disinfectant to help rid oneself of the virus… Needless to say, people ran with it and the jokes haven’t stopped.

Imgur/youcrabbybro Source: Imgur/youcrabbybro

46) First class ticket

You go, girl! It can be challenging to will oneself into wearing jeans when it’s so easy not to. We should all be proud of ourselves when we do it.

47) Recipes galore!

Ah, the joys of cooking. Don’t be discouraged! There are many simple recipes out there that you can try! Just not this one…

48) Bring in the dough

Yeah, these two occupations will be thriving when things settle down. It’s funny how two careers that seem to have nothing in common will end up doing quite well after this. They probably won’t get much sleep either.

reddit/mijuzz7 Source: reddit/mijuzz7

49) Just chillin’

That might be accurate for some, Dana. Those paintings have a way of showing us ourselves. It looks like there are a lot of users who agree with her!

50) Give everyone their credit

Takeout drivers deserve some love too! After all, they’re helping to keep us fed. Make sure to tip your driver!

reddit/minefortblox Source: reddit/minefortblox

51) Wrong package, doll

It would have been perfect if she said that she was the package. But there’s always next time. We’ll keep an eye out for that post.

52) Parenthood in play-doh

This is perfect! It’s probably how most of us look, parent or not. But those wrinkles, girlfriend… Wowzers! The result still looks like a masterpiece.

53) The truth sounds… dark

Sad but true. These workers are putting their lives on the line everyday. While they are essential and have to be on the frontlines, there is a lot they put at risk everytime they leave the house to help save lives.

54) Salute

This is pretty accurate as well. For those who don’t know, this is the three finger salute in The Hunger Games. It’s used as a sign of gratitude and admiration when saying goodbye to a loved one.

Twitter/@Taylor_ashlynnn Source: Twitter/@Taylor_ashlynnn

55) What day is it?

Who knows where these underwear went. For some people, they could still be a thing. Amazon, anyone? Asking for a friend.

56) ‘Scuse me?

Ryan Gosling is perfect for this meme. Just look at the disdain on his sweet face. How can he serve this look and still look so nice?


57) All of them

Kids know more than we give them credit for! The questions they ask might sound silly to some but they’re actually very wise. Her kid seems to have picked up on something.

58) What about me?

That poor cat’s face! I can only imagine the ways that cat got back at the dog later on. Maybe that’s why he’s being coddled by their human — too many cat slaps.

reddit/DrLawyerPI Source: reddit/DrLawyerPI

59) Just look down…

These epidemiologists know what they’re talking about! But there is always someone… We’re only human, people! There are things that we have to figure out. Fortunately, some people decide to specialize in certain areas to help get us to solutions quicker. We should trust them.

imgur/phrost Source: imgur/phrost

60) Run and hide!

Does anybody else hear that Cranberries song when looking at this photo? “Zoooombay!” This woman looks… kinda crazy. The mob behind her doesn’t look any better.

Feminist News Source: Feminist News

61) “I’m okay!”

This about sums it up. They’re still going but have been through the wringer. Unfortunately, this is life for them everyday. Still, they fight!


62) Back in the day

Behold, the future. Every generation has stories to tell. Thus far, this generation has some pretty phenomenal ones.

63) Without hesitation

The speed of that hand/decision is unsettling. The photo is certainly comical but also a harsh reality. The workers deserve better.

Instagram/@muberty Source: Instagram/@muberty

64) Hmm…

Yep, still buy a car. Though we are advised to stay at home and away from people, companies still want us to spend money on a vehicle. Are they aware of how this looks?

65) Cats and dogs

These two species can’t seem to agree on anything! No matter how many cute videos we see of them getting along. They’re just different!

Facebook/9GAG Source: Facebook/9GAG

66) Arthur deserved better

Poor Arthur. We knew he would do amazing things . It’s just so hard to see him happy/sad. He deserves better than this!


67) This doesn’t look fun

Ouch! No matter how you slice it, it’s going to hurt. It’s likely the slide is also hot because it always is. Talk about a double whammy!

Facebook/9GAG Source: Facebook/9GAG

68) It’s always a pirate’s fault

Darn those pirates! She may never see the characters from Pirates of the Caribbean the same. On the other hand, Sarah could come up with some pretty fascinating stories about these pirates… the next J.K. Rowling?

69) Uh… thanks?

Does anyone hear a high-pitched voice when reading his dialogue? You have to love the honesty of these memes! Maybe some people will wake up.

reddit/blazetop21 Source: reddit/blazetop21

70) Maybe not

This is where we are right now. So many people see this as the worst time to reopen states when the country, as a whole, is struggling. It’s like saying these exact words as the Titanic is going down.

imgur/BaronVonBirdman Source: imgur/BaronVonBirdman

71) Drake has spoken

Oh Drake memes, you always know what to say. Even if it’s a truth that we don’t want to hear. He has the face of a thousand memes.

reddit/littlewandrer Source: reddit/littlewandrer

72) How wasteful

Look at all that meat! Put those pieces together and you’re bound to have one full sheet. What a waste!

Facebook/Someecards Source: Facebook/Someecards

73) So close

Can’t you just envision the pink character slowly pulling this hopeful worker back into the shadows? So dark! Clearly, the worker knows what’s coming. Just look at that sweat.

reddit/GhettoGranola Source: reddit/GhettoGranola

74) Gotcha

This is a hilarious portrayal of what is possibly to come. Though the events themselves won’t be, this visual representation is one of those, ‘it’s funny because it’s true’ scenarios.

Twitter/@BtSquared2 Source: Twitter/@BtSquared2

75) Roll out

Another hilarious meme! Big Bird is a character who means business. With a voice that carries and his size, how can we not pay attention?

reddit/OwOJustinistaken Source: reddit/OwOJustinistaken

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