75 Honest People Who Got Embarrassingly Caught

Jimmy Fallon is known for engaging with his audience on Twitter, and he’s at it again with another round of hilarious #hashtags.

This time around, the late night TV host sparked a wildfire of responses when he asked everyone to share their most awkward #IGotCaught moments.

After getting the ball rolling with his own embarrassing story, Twitter fans dived right in and shared all the moments they wish had never happened.

Here’s a look at 75 of the funniest #IGotCaught moments that will make you so glad you didn’t get caught doing the same!

1) The Google Stalker

Google is our friend! Except when it makes us look like a stalker. Note to self: don’t save pictures of strangers you’ve Googled on your phone.

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2) The Accidental Butt Squeeze

Have you ever done an “air guitar” motion, but instead of strumming the strings you’re squeezing a butt with your hands? Yeah, that’s probably not a good idea.

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3) Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

Forty percent of Americans knowingly call in a fake sick day to their place of employment every single year. Most of us don’t get caught, but then there’s this guy!

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4) He was being naughty again

If you’re going to take your wife to a sex shop, take her to a place where they don’t know you on a first name basis. I wonder, just how red did his face get?

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5) He’s the Lion King, hear him roar!

The thing is, he’s not the only Lion King fan. Everyone else is smart enough to keep their windows shut.

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6) Google drive-by’s

She got caught taking a shower by the Google maps van. All the guys probably want to know her address just so they can confirm the story is true.

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7) Just clapping along with her friends

Who cares if mom grounds you for staying up all night? You have plenty of Friends to hang out with!

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8) Wait, do I know you?

This guy tried to get a discount by claiming to be the manager’s friend. It worked every time except this time.

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9) Long, slow, and very obvious

Sometimes you can get away with silent farts if they’re quick. Unfortunately for this guy, his silent fart wasn’t so quick – or quiet.

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10) He got work confused with Sunday School

Well, he wouldn’t be the first person to fall asleep at church. Or work! But he’s one of the few who got caught saying “Amen.”

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11) Excited about her date

After Rachel’s aunt accepted a date with her now-Uncle, she forgot to hang up the phone when she screamed yes. Good thing auntie didn’t say no!

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12) Got caught loading up his prosthetic leg

He loaded up his prosthetic leg with Skittles candy for a funeral. It must have just been muscle memory from all those times he packed it in before going to the movie theater.

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13) Granny farts are the worst

Grandma thought she was being polite and discreet. The guy on the bench who was downwind of her didn’t think so.

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14) He cheated on the wrong test

He got caught cheating on a test, which was embarrassing enough. But it was doubly so after discovering he wasn’t even cheating on the right test!

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15) Impersonating her boss

Sometimes we like to make ourselves feel important by throwing around names of important people we know. Some people are just really bad at playing that game.

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16) Clogged the drain

That’s what the toilet is for. Guess it takes some people a few tries before they learn you’re not supposed to stuff your poop down the train!

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17) No fart-zone

This shy farter never let one loose in front of her husband. It was cheeky shock when she accidentally let one slip during childbirth!

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18) Sent text to wrong person

Hey, it happens to all of us! We get a little bit too quick with the send button before checking to see that we actually sent the text to the right person.

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19) She lied to her 3-year-old

Mom wanted to eat some cake without having to give any to her toddler. The truth always comes out!

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20) Worst date SOS text

Luke accidentally texted his date that she was the worst date ever. That’s what he gets for being so trigger happy with the send button!

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21) She knew all about his family

Don’t divulge too much about your stalker ways on a first date. It’s better to spring that on him after your first kiss.

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22) Being sneaky doesn’t pay

She tried to quietly sneak off with a piece of cake at work. Unfortunately for her, the frosting on her face gave her away.

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23) Texted her boss that work wasn’t a total waste

Thanks, boss. The pizza made working for you totally tolerable!

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24) Tried to hide from her in-laws

When the in-laws dropped in for a visit, mom tried hide herself and her kids in the bedroom. Unfortunately, her ringtone gave her away!

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25) She let down her daughter

Julie let down her both her daughter and Santa on Christmas Eve. She’s definitely on Santa’s naughty list for next year.

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26) Got caught with baby talk

Baby talk is expected with babies, and even dogs. But, cooing at plants? Not so much.

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27) Got caught mooning the neighbors

She showed her neighbors the crack in her driveway. Literally. Naturally, mom wasn’t so happy!

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28) Wait, did I say that out loud?

If you’re going to admire a hot neighbor, make sure you close your window before you let your mind wander. Otherwise, he’ll hear you!

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29) She ran up and hugged the wrong person

I don’t know who should be more embarrassed in this situation. This girl hugged the wrong person, but maybe her mom should feel a bit red in the face for apparently resembling an old Asian man.

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30) Husband showed off the wrong piece of work

Her husband accidentally showed a client his “before” abs as an example of his work. The problem is, he wasn’t a personal trainer!

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31) She peed her pants on the playground

She tried to hide it by rolling around in the sand. Unfortunately, her tactic didn’t work.

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32) Teacher caught him talking smack

The first rule about talking about someone behind their back is making sure they’re not behind you. This guy gets an F from his teacher.

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33) Accidental carjacking

Laurie got into the wrong car, put her keys in the ignition, and tried to drive away. I wonder which was worse – her embarrassment at making the mistake to begin with, or getting caught by the owner of the car?

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34) Don’t put your name on your homework

If you’re going to fly paper airplanes on the bus, don’t put your name on it. You’ll get an automatic F.

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35) It’s party time

Kids make a lot of mistakes when they’re in school. That’s how they learn an grow. Lauren learned to always look behind her anytime she opens her mouth.

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36) What are you looking at?

Collecting doggy urine samples is bad enough when you’re alone. When you’re neighbor catches you doing it, what are you supposed to say?

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37) Mirror, mirror on the wall…

Mom didn’t have eyes in the back of her head, but she could see everything in the mirror. Note to self: don’t give your mom the finger.

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38) Procrastinating tooth fairy

Mom forgot all about the tooth fairy, but by the time she remembered, the gig was up. She got caught with her hand underneath her son’s pillow!

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39) Not happy with the tooth fairy

On the flipside, this little girl was unhappy with her earnings from the tooth fairy. She got caught trying to take more than her fair share.

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40) Stinks to be him

Stuart was a real piece of work at an art gallery. He tried to find a quiet spot to let one slip, but the whole group followed him.

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41) Who teaches class in a library?

Nobody, right? Her choice of a stealth place to play hooky from class would have worked had the teacher not been weird.

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42) Rough and tumble night

Don’t ever lie to your dad about where you’ve been. Especially if your car has pine cones sticking out of the sun roof.

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43) How not to tell your kids the truth about Santa

Do you remember the first time you found out that your parents were actually Santa Claus? These kids will certainly never forget how they found out.

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44) Don’t pee on a cop car

Maybe he was trying to make a statement. But, in the end he probably ended up making a different kind of statement down at the police station!

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45) Dear Diary, I got caught.

If you’re going to sneak out of the house, don’t write about it in your diary. As someone who used to break into my sister’s diary, I can confirm that that the locks are cheap and don’t work!

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46) Couch for sale, includes stockpile of vitamins

This mom should be glad it was just vitamins. I used to do this, except with boogers.

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47) Teacher put it there for safekeeping

What do you do when you catch a student with booze at school? Apparently, you’re supposed to pour it into your own coffee mug and have a great rest of your day.

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48) At least it wasn’t lumpy

Girls have been stuffing their bras since bras were invented. But this one may have mistakenly stuffed her bra with the kleenex box.

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49) His parents were cruel

If only he had known ahead of time not to pick Waterworld. Kevin Costner was probably thinking the same thing too!

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50) Copy me, copper!

Most of us spend our lives trying not to get caught by the cops. This police dispatcher should have known better.

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51) Oops, didn’t know it was you

Have you ever flipped someone off, and immediately regretted it? Next time, make sure you know who you’re giving the finger to.

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52) He forgot to hide the evidence

If you’re going to lie to your mom, make sure that you’re not holding the evidence in your hand. Not that it would have really mattered, because moms always seem to know what you’re up to!

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53) She changed her grades

She was so close to getting away with it! Her plan would have worked if her teacher hadn’t called her parents.

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54) How to play footsie with random drunks

Lacey accidentally took her foot fetish too far when she didn’t check to see whose foot she was playing with. The drunk guy probably enjoy it, though.

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55) Oh, Phil

Phil made a big Blockbuster of a mistake. Bet the staff at the video store most likely didn’t complain about it.

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56) Dear Diary

She got caught stealing a quarter when she was a kid. But mom also got caught reading her daughter’s diary!

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57) Mom positively identified her secret tattoo

Uh, honey, that’s not a bug bite. But, it sure does look like a tattoo!

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58) That old Elmer’s glue trick

Elmer’s glue isn’t exactly known for being the best sealant in the world. But, you have to hand it to him – at least it wasn’t as obvious as staples!

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59) Instant punishment for getting caught

Falling off the roof is a terrible way to get caught. That’s why you should always make friends who live in single story homes!

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60) Don’t get caught by dad

Dads are notoriously strict when it comes to protecting their daughters. If you’re going to get caught, make sure mom finds out first!

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61) Don’t watch adult movies on your work computer

This is hands down the most embarrassing thing to get caught doing. It’s even worse when your client is probably someone’s grandma!

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62) Got caught skipping class

If you’re going to skip class, don’t bring any evidence back with you. Grand opening balloons are a dead giveaway!

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63) Not home alone

He tried to prove to his mom that he was home alone. But, he didn’t quite think things through.

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64) She sat in a puddle

That’s what she tried to tell her teacher after she peed her pants. At least she was creative with her embarrassing lies!

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65) How sweet!

Leila’s #IGotCaught moment was actually very sweet on the surface. But she totally ruined the surprise for her sibling.

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66) At least getting caught tasted good

I wouldn’t mind getting caught eating McDonald’s hash browns. Most of us have to pay for that privilege.

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67) Responsible party girl

Most high school kids trash the house when their parents are away. At least Pam tried to act halfway responsible and clean up the mess. She just forgot to hide one little thing.

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68) Bossy ringtones

Sometimes the ringtones you assign people aren’t exactly nice. If you’re going to lose your phone, be very careful who you choose to call you.

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69) Becky, we salute you

Becky was so enthusiastic about singing the national anthem, she forgot to keep her voice down while she was in the shower. Thankfully, her neighbors are just as patriotic as she is!

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70) Mistaken identity

If you’re going to make a butt grab, make sure it’s the right butt. There’s nothing more embarrassing than having the cops called on you for grabbing the wrong tush!

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71) Growling at cats is not normal

It’s bad enough when you get caught doing something normal. If you’re going act like an animal, make doubly sure that no one else is around!

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72) Don’t impersonate your boss

When will people learn it’s just not a good idea to impersonate your boss? At the very least, get in the habit of turning around.

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73) He still got hired

Who knew? It turns out that silent farts aren’t always a deal-breaker at job interviews!

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74) Don’t argue with a cop

The cop will always win. Especially when the seatbelt you claim you were wearing is brushing up against his hand.

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75) Got caught sniffing

I’m not sure which scenario is more embarrassing for her. Was it telling the world that she likes to sniff her cousin like a dog, or the fact that she got caught doing it to a stranger?

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Source: Bored Panda
