75 parents who clearly weren’t thinking when they decided to name their kid

The Ancient Romans had a saying ‘the name is an omen’ and that’s very close to the truth. Our names will stick with us for our whole life and in many ways, will determine who we are and how we see ourselves. That’s why parents think long and hard to come up with a perfect name for their baby. Unfortunately, some folks are rather inventive when it comes to naming their children and the results can be mindboggling and extremely funny at the same time.
A name like ‘Sam’ doesn’t sound funny at all, right? But what if we tell you that there’s someone out there who’s actual name is ‘Sam Sung’ and he works at Apple? And that’s only the tip of the iceberg.
Take some time to read this funny list of 75 people who were given the worst names by their parents.

1. Hitler Mussolini
We wonder what his parents were thinking when they were naming him. A name such as this is bound to attract some strange looks from people, to put it mildly.

2. P. Ennis
Getting through high school must have been quite an ordeal for this guy. Of all the names his parents could think choose from, they had to give him that one.

3. Mr. Perv
That name is unfortunate on so many levels. What were his folks thinking?

4. Sam Sung
Life is hard when you constantly have to explain to everyone that you’re not affiliated in any way with the world-famous multinational corporation. We do have to admit though, the name is quite catchy.

5. Saad Maan
There’s something sad about the guy on the image. No, it’s not just a pun. Or is it?

6. Dick Long
Here’s another name that must have been an absolute hit in high school. Any parents who name their kid Dick Long must have a pretty good excuse for doing so.

7. Chris P. Bacon
Word play can produce such interesting results but that’s often left to interpretation. That’s probably not the case here. A simple explanation may be this guy’s parents come from a long line of bacon lovers.

8. Paul Twocock
Isn’t it the best feeling in the word when your name and your calling correspond perfectly? Another reason why it’s hard to believe in coincidences.

9. Mr. Weiner and Mrs. Butt
Sometimes the best thing is to say nothing at all. Well, only one thing: parents can be cruel.

10. Cooking With Poo
If you suddenly lost your appettite after looking at this picture, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Kitchen nightmares is not just another cooking show, it’s real.

11. Dr. Whet Faartz
You’d think twice before telling fart jokes in this guy’s presence. In all honesty, it would still be hard to restrain yourself from giggling.

12. Mike Litoris
Was he even wondering why is he so popular with the ladies? Never mind. Forget we said anything.

13. Moe Lester
The only excuse we could think of for his parents is that they were blissfully unaware of what they were doing. Be that as it may, we’re sure he was a wonderful person.

14. Dickie Head
Something about this photo reminds us of Inspector Clauseau. It would have been a more appropriate name for the bungling fictional character than the poor Major on the image.

15. Jesus Condom
Is it just the case of religion gone bad or this kid was born immediatelly after Woodstock. Either way, it’s a pretty unusual combination to say the least.

16. Batman bin Superman
Superheroes are so popular that their fans can’t resist to name their kids after them. We guess no one would want to mess with this kid.

17. Lord Brain
Another example of why it can be hard to believe in coincidences. A very fitting name for a neuroscientists, don’t you agree?

18. Mrs. Rape
Never judge people by their name. Nevertheless, there’s something chilling about seeing this name next to the pictures of a bunch of kindergartners.

19. F. You
Why complicate things when we can keep them nice and simple? Don’t get any ideas about what letters stand between the ‘F’ and the dot.

20. Dr. Shit Fun Chew
Who said that science can’t be Fun? Dr. Fun is a living proof of the opposite.

21. Gay Neighbours
Without a doubt, it’s very brave to come out of the closet and tell the world who you really are. And what better way to acknowledge your neighbours than give your baby a name to commemorate the event.

22. Dick Black
Maybe it would not have been so funny if it hadn’t been for those few of words in yellow. But like they say, any publicity is good publicity.

23. Kash Register
If you want to borrow money you came to the wrong address. Try somewhere else. Like a bank.

24. Donald Duck
That’s a mean-looking guy with a pretty benevolent name. Now we know that the name is not necessarily a sign, like the Romans believed.

25. Crystal Methven
Don’t get the wrong ideas just because this girl is sitting in the defendant’s chair. It was just a rather innocent case of selling kittens to plaintiffs.

26. Robert Fagot
We believe that there’s always someone special waiting for us out there. It doesn’t matter how what’s your name, because as the saying goes, love is blind.

27. Dick Raper
You’d have a lot of explaining to do if you uttered those words in public. But how do you actually explain to people that it’s actually your name?

28. Chew Kok Long
Names can have different meanings in their native languages. Let’s hope the guy from the image was not born to English-speaking parents.

29. Dr. B.J. Hardick
It’s… hard to stay indifferent to a name like this one. It would probably be best if he just went by his first name.

30. Lieutenant Les Mcburney
Fire safety becomes a whole lot easier when you know people like Lt. McBurney are entrusted with fire protection. Looks like he has found his calling, or his calling has found him.

31. Lord Vol Demort
You have to be a huge Harry Potter fan to name your kid after the books main antagonist. Hopefully, he won’t think of us muggles the same way real Lord Voldemort did.

32. Judge Willie Stroker
Must a bit awkward for this judge to mete out justice considering his somewhat unusual name. But we won’t judge.

33. MacDonald-Berger
A match made in heaven. We guess they lived happily ever after.

34. Jack Daniels
The issue of underage drinking is not to be taken lightly. Parents should not name their kids after a world-famous whiskey brand.

35. Janice Keihanaikukauakahihuliheekahaunaele
Yes, you’ve read that correctly. While we can’t be quite sure, this woman’s name probably is one of the world’s longest. Writing it down is a bit tricky, let alone pronouncing it.

36. Christian Guy
Some people have their path laid out for them from the very moment of their birth. Christian is one of them.

37. Krystall Ball
Being able to look into the future is a great gift. It should be no hassle for Mrs. Krystal Ball to predict the result of the next election. We need no pollsters anymore.

38. Ana L.
Name tags are definitively a thing of the past, or at least they ought to be. Ana should also be extra careful when using her initials.

39. Crystal Metheny
There’s something poetic about a woman called ‘Crystal Metheny’ getting arrested. We can only guess why.

40. Dick Swett
A long interview with Dick Swett can be quite interesting if you’re political junkie. What’s certain is that the former congressman’s name will attract attention in the political arena.

41. Tokyo Sexwale
The name is actually pronounced ‘Sekwaale’ in South Africa but it does little to change the impact of this guy’s name when you see it written like that.

42. Mister Love
There are different kinds of love. Too bad Mr. Love couldn’t tell the difference between the good and the bad kind.

43. Dick Assman
With a name like that, we bet there’s no need for an ad as large as the one on the image. Some people are just born for showbiz.

44. Tyrannosaurus Rex Mullens
It just goes on to prove that dangerous predators like the T-Rex have survived among us to this day. They just evolved to find a different kind of prey.

45. Dick Smalley
Does size really matter? We’re unlikely to get a satisfying answer to this age old question in the near future.

46. Wiener and Beaver
Voters like powerful messages. If these two can’t sway voters, nobody can.

47. Dick Paradise
What’s better for a future professional athlete than to be given a lucky name on birth. It seems to have worked like a charm for Dick.

48. Dick Power
With great power comes great responsibility. The parents of the man from the image understood that very well when they named him.

49. Flavour Balls
No dish is complete without good flavoring but when your name is ‘Flavour’ life must have a very special taste. No pun intended.

50. Dick Seeman
There are so many little details which make this picture incredibly funny. If you take a closer look, you can see why.

51. Sirius Bonner
It’s official, some parents need help and assistance when choosing names for their kids. Otherwise we can end up with a name such as this. That’d be no fun at all.

52. Mahboobeh
We know what you’re thinking but wait a minute before you draw any conclusions. Mahboobeh is an actual name in Persian which means ‘Lovely’

53. Gay Saylor
The 1950’s were a strange time. Back then ‘Gay’ really meant ‘Happy’.

54. Dick Tips
Let me give you a little tip: success doesn’t come easy. You have to work real hard and maybe one day you’d be featured on the cover page of a magazine and give tips, like Dick.

55. Dr. Pornsak
Here’s another reason to choose your doctor carefully. If you don’t, you may end up renting a room at Dr. Pornsak’s clinic.

56. Gaylord Silly
Gaylord Focker from ‘Meet the Fockers’ is no longer alone. He has a real-life counterpart and he’s an athletics champion.

57. Jed I Knight
The Star Wars franchise is more than just movies, it’s a lifestyle. A word of advice for future parents, though, no matter how much you love Star Wars, don’t name your kid Jedi Knight.

58. Anass Rhammar
We don’t know how safe it is enter a bus driven by someone whose last name is Rhammar. Always remember to drive safe.

59. Dixie Normous
It would be an enormous feat to restrain yourself from laughing if you saw someone with a name like this one. It’s a sort of name that makes one stand out.

60. Hashtag Follow
How much time do you spend on Twitter? If the answer is more than three hours a day, your future kid is at the risk of being named Hashtag Trends or something similar. Don’t do it.

61. Beautiful Existence
Everything in life must seem different with a name like that. What we all need is a positive outlook on life. A perfect inspiration for us all.

62. Man Fuk
The only good thing about this name is that it’s easy and quick to pronounce. Other than that, we can find little excuse for this guy’s parents for giving him a name like that.

63. Deja Viau
People are going to have a deja vu every time they see the girl from the image. Jokes aside, it does sound like a pretty name.

64. Dr. Joelle Rollo-Koster
Having a baby can often be an emotional roller coster for both parents. That would explain how Dr. Rollo-Koster got her name.

65. Shakespeare Mozart Armstrong
We get Shakespeare and Mozart, but Armstrong just doesn’t fit in there. Some parents simply love to give their kids fancy names.

66. Dick Burger
Here’s another name which can cause a sudden loss of appetite. On the other hand, ‘Mr. Burger’ would make a perfect name for a fast food restaurant.

67. Destinee Hooker
Do you also sometimes have trouble spelling certain names? Don’t give your baby a name you’re unsure on how to spell properly.

68. Sukhdeep
Take a deep breath before you read this one: yes, according to the receipt you see on the image it is a real name. That’s unfortunate on so many levels.

69. Peanisbreath
We can argue about the meaning of some words but that name just sounds wrong. It seems that this phonebook contains many unpleasant secrets.

70. Jurassic Park
Here’s another case of movie fandom gone wrong. Park is an innocent last name but never combine it with Jurassic when naming your kid.

71. Cherries Waffles Tennis
If one of your parents likes eating cherries and waffles and playing tennis on top of that, you already have a perfect name for yourself. Whether you like it or not is a different matter alltogether.

72. Speed Weed
What a fantastic name for a co-producer of a crime series. You can’t really get into the mind of a criminal if you don’t have a dark side yourself.

73. Cookey Facey
Remember those annoying ladies telling you ‘You’re so cute I could eat you up’ as a kid? That little sentence takes on a whole new meaning if your real name is Cookey.

74. Boring
Nothing sells a book better than a good title but having ‘Boring’ as the author’s name on the cover kind of spoils the fun. To be honest, in this case the title is not so engaging either.

75. Kim Kashkashian
This name does seem very familiar. Unlike a certain famous peson with a similar name, Kim Kashkashian seems to be really good at what she’s doing.

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Source: Bored Panda