75 People Who Surprised Everyone By Losing So Much Weight They Transformed Into A Whole New Person

How many times have you looked at someone and thought they need to lose weight? Have you considered just how difficult that might be for some?

Or maybe you have tried to lose weight yourself. Even shedding 20 pounds can be difficult. Imagine having more than a hundred pounds to lose—even more than 200!

The amount of effort and tenacity these people go through for the sake of feeling better and looking better is truly incredible.

Here are 75 people that deserve kudos for their hard work.

1. Down 230 pounds

It took him 3 years, but he did it. He says he’s now “half the man I used to be.”

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2. 8 years in the making

She says that 8 years ago she could barely get out of bed. Look at her now. She just ran an 8.7 mile marathon in under 1.5 hours.

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3. Down 90 pounds

Not only did he lose a significant amount of weight, look at that new body. From puffy and soft to defined and hard.

Imgur Source: Imgur

4. Love handles

From roly-poly to svelte. Look at the difference a 100 pound loss can make.

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5. Down 104 pounds

It’s incredible how much the face changes with a huge weight loss. She looks like a different person.

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6. Lost 90 pounds

Look at that slim, trim figure! She says it took making healthy food choices and staying committed.

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7. Down 250 pounds

Imagine losing this much weight. Her start weight was 526 pounds. That’s basically the size of 4 smaller women.

Imgur Source: Imgur

8. Down 222 pounds

He looks so huge! Even his head is smaller—and not as round. Quite the transformation.

Imgur Source: Imgur

9. From 300+ pounds

She says her only hope when starting was to make it out of the 300s. Look at what she achieved! And now you can see her beautiful eyes too.

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10. Down 110 pounds

He’s gone from being a self-proclaimed couch potato to so much more. Now he is a 4 times world champ obstacle course racer. And looking fine!

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11. A whole new man

What a difference 4 years has made. Same shirt, but the differences are stunning.

Imgur Source: Imgur

12. Incredible

I imagine most people would have a hard time losing 125 pounds. This man has done it in 7 months! And what a change!

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13. Down 170 pounds

Wow! Look at that happy face. I think she’s proud of herself, don’t you?

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14. Down 141 pounds

It’s hard to believe this is the same woman. And even though she says it’s hard to stay motivated, she is clearly doing it.

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15. Down 110 pounds

Not only has she dropped that much weight, she did it in a year. These are vacation shots taken in 2017 and 2018.

Imgur Source: Imgur

16. Down 107 pounds

Look at the changes she made in a year and a half. She says her vacation was a little bit different this year. I image so!

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17. 86 pounds off

Over the course of 4 years she lost weight. And gained a whole new look. Love the hair!

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18. Incredible!

She’s clearly happy with herself and so she should be. She’s gone from 340 pounds to 199. And she says she’s not stopping there.

Instagram Source: Instagram

19. Lost 310 pounds

When you can fit in one leg of your old shorts, you know you’ve come a long way. And he says he’s never felt better.

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20. Down 151 pounds

She lost that much in 15 months. Math isn’t my thing, but even I can figure out that’s an average of about 10 pounds per month. Good for her!

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21. Down 79 pounds

This is astonishing! Not only did she lose that weight in 5 months, look at the years she dropped off her face. She looks so much younger. Not only that, look at how her eyes pop now.

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22. Down 105 pounds

They say that the older you are the harder it can be to lose weight. Kudos to this gentleman. He started at 417 and in about 6 months lost more than 100 pounds.

Imgur Source: Imgur

23. Look at those abs!

Someone has been working out. Look at the transformation that took place over just 10 months. Fantastic.

Instagram Source: Instagram

24. Down 130 pounds

And now she can add a pencil skirt—or two-to her new wardrobe. All she need to do is repurpose those shorts.

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25. Down 90 pounds

Look at that big smile! But she says she accomplished a lot. Not just the weight loss but gaining control of other health issues has helped her reclaim her life. All in 18 months.

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26. Down 155 pounds

Buffed and puffed! He lost weight, buffed up the body and puffed up the hair and beard.

Imgur Source: Imgur

27. Down 128 pounds

Either way, she has a beautiful smile. And apparently several accomplishments to be proud of, including her weight loss.

Imgur Source: Imgur

28. Down 106 pounds

It’s incredible how much weight can be carried on the face. And how different a person can look after a significant weight loss.

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29. Down 90 pounds

Same beach less than one year apart. In 10 months she recreated herself into a whole new woman.

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30. Down 160 pounds

There is no doubt that hard work pays off. Look at this transformation. She looks fabulous.

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31. Down 100 pounds

There are two years between these pictures. However, she lost her 100 pounds over the course of 19 months. Same happy smile, but a different outlook on life.

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32. In a single year

Look at what you can accomplish in a year when you put your mind to it. She looks incredible.

Imgur Source: Imgur

33. Down 161 pounds

What a change! And in just 20 months. And she says she’s still a work in progress.

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34. Wow, just wow!

I have such respect for older people who tackle weight loss and win. She’s down 100 pounds just watching calories and walking.

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35. Down 200 pounds

It’s taken 2.5 years and lots of hard work. But diet and exercise have changed his life.

Instagram Source: Instagram

36. Probably much safer!

This is before and after shot. Before losing 44 pounds her stomach pressed against her steering wheel. Look at that change!

Imgur Source: Imgur

37. Not overnight

Some people seem to lose their weight fairly quickly. Others fight the battle longer. This is the change 7 years made for one woman.

Imgur Source: Imgur

38. Down 142 pounds

It took him a year, but what a change! He’s trimmed right down and it looking good!

Imgur Source: Imgur

39. Down 125 pounds

Still rocking a purple dress! But wow, doesn’t she look hot in the new style her new body car wear?

Imgur Source: Imgur

40. Down 120 pounds

They say less is more. Doesn’t she look fabulous? And those glasses are perfect for her new, slender face.

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41. Down 63 pounds

She was in for the long haul. It took 6 years to lose that weight, but she should be proud of every moment she worked at it. It has certainly paid off!

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42. Down 93 pounds

He says he lost it in 26 months. And has gone from a painted forest background to the real thing. He’s now able to manage 7 hours hikes.

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43. Down 148 pounds

It took her 8 years of perseverance, but she did it. And she still can’t believe she can fit into a size 10. But she’s rocking it!

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44. Down 165 pounds

In 8 months! That’s incredible. And he is super excited with himself.

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45. Down 63 pounds

She found a dress she wore to a wedding 2 years ago. She says looking at the difference made her tear up.

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46. 140 pounds down

She says she’s lost half of herself. And it looks like she did. How thrilling for her to achieve that.

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47. 101 pounds down

A year ago he had a decision to try and lose some weight and fix some other issues in his life. He says he smile reflects how he feels about what he’s achieved.

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48. 57 pounds down

She points out that she’s lost her double chin too. But she hasn’t lost her smile!

Imgur Source: Imgur

49. 60 pounds down

It took her a year of doing Weight Watcher’s and counting calories. I’d say that year was worth it, wouldn’t you?

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50. 76 pounds down

Okay, she is gorgeous either way. But she’s very happy about the differences she sees in these pictures, which were taken 2 years apart.

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51. 79 pounds down

He says his weight loss has changed his life. He used to be very unhappy, but now he’s happy and very glad to be alive.

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52. Down 128 pounds

I’m amazed at people who need to lose large amounts of weight and do so. I’m doubly amazed at people who manage to do it in a short period of time. She lost her weight in just 9 months!

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53. Down 110 pounds

It took her 22 months to lose the weight, but she says it’s changed her entire life. To the point where she is now training for a 21-mile-long marathon.

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54. It took her 2 years

We don’t know how many pounds she lost, but does it really matter? Look at her body language. Look at her confidence!

Imgur Source: Imgur

55. 180 pounds down

Wow. You can’t even tell this is the same guy. He lost all this weight during his first two years of law school. As if that is hard enough.

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56. Down 197 pounds

The year previous on her birthday, she made a wish. That the following year she would be a healthy weight. Her wish came true.

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57. Down 240 pounds

In less than two years! And look at how much younger he looks.

Imgur Source: Imgur

58. Down 71 pounds

Not only has she lost the weight, she has managed to maintain it for a year. As many who have lost weight will tell you, that can be the hardest part. Not putting the weight back on again.

Imgur Source: Imgur

59. Down 65 pounds

She says 120 was her goal weight and she reached it. Life, including clothes shopping, is fun again.

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60. 80 pounds down

In 3 years, she’s changed her life. And she’s proud of what she’s done.

Imgur Source: Imgur

61. 164 pounds down

She has completely redefined herself in 4 years. It’s too bad we can’t see her face in the first shot. She’s a beauty.

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62. 56 pounds lost

This is no act. In a year she’s lost weight and is proud of her progress with that and her cosplay.

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63. 157 pounds down

Incredible. As she puts it, she lost herself but she also found herself. I guess her weight loss has changed her life.

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64. 130 pounds lost

It took her 2 years, but look at the change! From being obese to being an bodybuilder.

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65. What a change!

She didn’t think she could do it. What helped? She says you need to change your thinking before you can change your body.

Instagram Source: Instagram

66. Wow

We don’t know how much weight she lost or how long it took, but who cares? Just look at that amazing change!

NewLeafFitness Source: NewLeafFitness

67. Down 60 pounds

It’s taken her 9 months and she still has a way to go, but she’s happy with her progress. And she should be! Look at how her body is reshaping.

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68. 28 pounds down

What in incredible difference only 28 pounds has made. In just a year he has completely toned up his body.

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69. 119 pounds down

She’s celebrates her weight loss. If she has any complaints, they’re that she’s now cold all the time and she lost the natural seat cushion on her butt. Hard chairs hurt now.

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70. Happy Halloween

She says she was the most depressed she’s ever been when she was over 300 pounds and getting ready for Halloween in 2015. She was much happier on the same day two years later.

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71. 106 pounds lost

Once he found the motivation he needed, he lost his weigh in a year. And he looks like a different person!

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72. 100 pounds down

He says for the first time in his life he isn’t completely fat. Once he started his journey, it took him 17 months.

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73. Down 90 pounds

A pretty smile just got prettier. She lost her weight in 12 months and has been maintaining it. And she says life is now so much more fun.

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74. Down 103 pounds

Imagine losing that much weight in less than year. But she says she finally feels her age and is no longer afraid of trying on clothes.

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75. Down 125 pounds

He says that 3 years ago he was fighting a loosing battle with severe depression. But things have certainly changed, and now he greets each day with a smile.

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Source: Bored Panda
