75 all too relatable photos only women will understand

Twitter can be a social media that can have funny posts for everyone! Whether it is a meme, joke, or picture that is posted, mostly everyone can find humor somewhere. Yet, there are certain jokes that only women can understand. We have compiled 75 hilarious tweets that all women will find relatable.

So, sit back and laugh at these tweets picked right for you! Tweets about ladies love lives, friendships, or personal moments that will have you laughing out loud!

1. Give Credit to Where Credit is Due

Every mom knows the dinner where she has done all the work, but not one person shows appreciation for the hard work. This mother was not going to have another night like that! She made sure everyone knew who handled the cooking that night.

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2. Confidence

Confidence can be a hard thing for a woman to have every moment. It’s not for this young girl, every body needs to take a little bit of the confidence and courage of her! Get it, girl.

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3. Uh-Oh

No matter how small the purse is, girls can figure a way to fit in everything they need. At times it’s almost like every woman’s purse is a Mary Poppins bag, just don’t spill it!

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4. Online Shopping

Online shopping can be a risky experience! You hope it looks exactly like it does on the model, but then your order ships and it’s like you ordered an entire different outfit. Good luck to all women online shopping!

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5. No Means Yes

Some men need a better guide at the secret language of women. The problem is, is their a new edition every year. One staple, though, will always be the passive aggressive no has always meant yes!

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6. Do Not Disturb

It takes a certain amount of time to get ready for any occasion, but let it take its time no matter how long. The precious time of getting ready is sacred and should not be disturbed!

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7. THE Haircut

Every woman goes through a stage where she believes she would like short hair. Short hair is only for the strong though because that haircut transformation from long to short can be shocking. Always give yourself some time before a dramatic haircut!

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8. Strawberry Pore Strip

Who knew that chocolate covered strawberries and pore strips had anything in common! It seems that chocolate sticks as hard to strawberries as pore strips does to women’s noses, just do not put chocolate on your nose!

Twitter Source: Twitter

9. Priorities

Good food should never be left behind, even during a fire alarm. These women were not letting their plates on Nando’s get cold! Bon Apétit.

Twitter Source: Twitter

10. Two Types of Girls

Which woman are you? The girl on the left or the girl on the right? Either way you cannot go wrong. All types of women look out for each other!

Twitter Source: Twitter

11. Pay Gap

The gender pay gap is still standing strong, sadly, even with vacuums. That smile needs to be wiped off that pink Hoover’s face. Rise up!

Twitter Source: Twitter

12. Uh-huh, Sure.

Ladies, we have all heard this one before. Once a man say these words, the eye roll happens because we all know he is. We will believe it when we see it through actions!

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13. Forever 21 Struggles

The struggle at Forever 21 can be real! Ladies look through the giant store at all the racks and then once they think they found something. GOTCHA! It’s a completely different look than you thought.

Twitter Source: Twitter

14. Curly Hair

What men and straight haired women will never understand is that it takes almost nothing to bring the curls back! Humidity, weather, or even just time passing by. The curly hair struggle is real!

Twitter Source: Twitter

15. Girl, Please

When a Disney sequel or live-action Disney film comes out, do not judge one adult woman in the audience! The first movie came out during our childhood, so really, the sequel is almost aimed to our demographic. This time we can even watch with a glass of wine, so much better!

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16. The “Natural” Look

Men have no idea how long it takes a woman to create a “natural” make-up look. So when a man tells a woman they only like natural women, they really have no idea what they are saying. Half of the time, natural is still an illusion.

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17. Preparation is Key

Preparation is key when a girl has to cover up a lie to her parents. The best part is that all girlfriends will help you and back your story 100 percent. Once you state your story, there is no going back either, so better make it good.

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18. Which Color?

There has to be a better way for women to look for make-up than our arms. Until then, we will stand strong and create a rainbow on our arms until we find the perfect shade.

Twitter Source: Twitter

19. Brow Game

When your brow game is strong, it is so hard to look at anything else! This moment, right after getting your brows done, is also the best selfie time too. Gotta show everyone else how great they look!

Twitter Source: Twitter

20. Perfect Man

In one picture, Ed Sheeran has proven himself to be the perfect man. Congratulations to his wife for a great find because not only does he sing the most romantic songs, he also does all this! Swoon!

Twitter Source: Twitter

21. TSA Tricks

Going through TSA is hard for everybody no matter the gender. Yet, this woman has shared her trick for all women on how to get through TSA just a little bit easier. Just hope for a man TSA agent because this will not scare off a woman!

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22. Sleepy Girl Problems

One thing you cannot hide from your parents, as a teenager, is how much you sleep. The sleepy girls are used to one thing as well, defending their sleepiness. Stay strong girls and nap because you will not get that time back in your life to do so again!

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23. Bottled Up

Too many times women will bottle up their emotions and once it explodes out, it explodes. Issues from months before will be resurfaced that others thought were long past done. Good luck to all during these meltdowns because they are rough!

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24. Wrong Size?

This mother had the ultimate online shopping fiasco! We definitely do not think she will fit in those Bratz doll leggings, but we do hope she found some leggings her size!

Twitter Source: Twitter


When you have something important to say and no one is listening, some women might want to turn into this cat! If they do not listen now, she might forget what she wanted to say.

Twitter Source: Twitter

26. Where Should We Eat?

Every man has asked the hardest question, “Where should we eat?” 99.9% of the time they will hear the, “I don’t know” response. Most of the time, women really do not know so just give us some ideas!

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27. Happy, Sad

All too many times women smile through their tears. This tire is laughable because of how true it is. Stay strong ladies and cry because it is okay to cry.

Twitter Source: Twitter

28. “Roll”ing with Laughter

It does not matter how in shape a woman can be, when she sits down the rolls will come. How about we all just accept them and laugh instead of judgement?

Twitter Source: Twitter

29. Exceptions

The exceptions of women versus in men in magazines can be so frustrating. Side by side it can make women go even crazier! At times, all we can do is laugh.

Twitter Source: Twitter

30. No In Between

It is one or the other everybody! We will be all dolled up and once that is done, it is straight to sweats. After being uncomfortable for so long dressed up, we deserve those days in sweats! Go enjoy those sweats!

Twitter Source: Twitter

31. Say What?

How did this even happen? Was there a need to iron while drunk eating marshmallows late at night? Whatever happened we are just glad everyone is safe, well besides those marshmallows!

Twitter Source: Twitter

32. Self-Care

Sometimes a girl just needs a night in. Self-care is important, so the “I am busy” is a lie that needs to be told from time to time. We all have done it!

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33.Glass Cage of Emotion

The emotions come and when they do, they come. If Squidward can get through it, we can to ladies! Stay Strong.

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34. V-O-L-E

What is right in front of us, we sometimes cannot even see. Or we do see it and pretend we do not in protest? The best part is you might never know, women are that good!

Twitter Source: Twitter

35. Image Issues

Men wonder why women have such image issues, well here is the perfect example. When selling furniture to a man, we doubt a man would ever be shown like this. *cue eye-roll*

Twitter Source: Twitter

36. Robotic

When working in customer service sometimes a person can start being robotic. You have to repeat the same words over and over again. So when you get caught acting robotic, it can be one of the most embarrassing moments.

Twitter Source: Twitter

37. Work is Hard

Hey, starting is the hardest part they have said. So, once we have started we deserve a little reward! The hard part is, is starting again. Do we have to?

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38. Hard Year

When it’s been a hard year, we cannot blend it in anymore. A tip though ladies, throw that blender out! With every new year, we can start with a fresh blender.

Twitter Source: Twitter

39. The Cover

Horrible men are usually wrapped up with a pretty cover, but we know the truth. Pretty wrappers do not mean anything, what’s under the wrapper is what matters most!

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40. Never Forget

Oh man, the worst memories always tend to be remembered at nighttime. Especially, right when you are about to fall asleep. It is usually an awkward memory that only you remember and no one else either. Why do we do this to ourselves?

Twitter Source: Twitter

41. Too Hard To Resist

Diets are hard. So when a women breaks a diet, do not judge. Also, do not ask for a piece of her food. That will only get you a dirty look!

Twitter Source: Twitter

42. Dateless

When you have not been on a date in a long time, it almost seems like every one is on a date but you. In this instance even a six year old was on a date, so maybe everyone is on a date! Time to get back on those dating apps.

Twitter Source: Twitter

43. What’s Important

Sometimes, a night in with internet quizzes is way more fun than having to go outside. Every woman understands this too well. We are not lying when we tell our friends we have too much to do, they just do not need to know what it is.

Twitter Source: Twitter

44. Can’t Move

Some days the world is too hard. Those days we will put our head down and stay in bed. Tomorrow we will get up, until then, just leave us alone.

Twitter Source: Twitter

45. Model Life

While most women wish they could live that model life, lets be honest and admit it is probably not going to happen. Just repeat “photoshop, photoshop, photoshop” until you feel better!

Twitter Source: Twitter

46. Period Life

Once a month women all have to spend money on a part of our bodies we cannot change. So, when men complain to us about us complaining to much. What a pet peeve!

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47. Buffet

We all have to eat, with men around or not. Stop trying to impress with those salads ladies and eat what you want! We can all admit tacos are for everybody.

“I got 99 problems but eating in front of people aint one.”

Twitter Source: Twitter

48. Strength

If we all had relationships this strong, there would be no doubts in any relationship. Take about goals!

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49. To-Do List

When the to-do list is just a little bit too long, just ignore it and pamper yourself. That to-do list is not going anywhere anyways, right?

Twitter Source: Twitter

50. Money Matters

The struggle of the price of make-up. Every woman should make her man buy her makeup as a gift, just once, so they can understand the true price! In this instance, a little does not go a long way.

Twitter Source: Twitter

51. Celebration

Small celebrations might be more important than the smalls ones! Like getting out bed or not calling into work. A good day is a good day!

Twitter Source: Twitter

52. Burn Book

If women are not burning pictures or ripping apart than they are taking photos! It does not matter the age either, as this mother has proven.

Twitter Source: Twitter

53. New Face, New Me

When a woman gets a makeover, she can feel like a whole new woman! Letting the employees at Sephora test on make-up brings that same feeling. Well at least if they are making you look good!

Twitter Source: Twitter

54. Do Not Judge

Girls like to eat like everyone else. So do not look at the ladies if they decide two dinners is going to happen that night! Judgement-free zone only.

Twitter Source: Twitter

55. Just Another

Ladies need selection when posting their new photo. This means we want at least thirty pictures of the same thing to have variety. Instead of asking, just keep clicking the camera!

Twitter Source: Twitter

56. Queen Bee

Every woman is a queen in her own right. This also means that every woman is always right. Just accept the queen’s proclamation now.

Twitter Source: Twitter

57. Under Pressure

The pressure to be perfect at an unrealistic expectation starts at a young age! Take a breath and try to think it will get better, maybe. *nervous laugh*

Twitter Source: Twitter

58.Clink, Clink

Life is falling apart, there is nothing to do but enjoy a drink! If we ignore it all, it will go away. Right? *sips drink*

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59. Doctor’s Advice

Ok, thanks for the heads up.

“Me: “Me NOT drinking is bad for YOU””

Twitter Source: Twitter

60. 15 Minute Nap

We have heard that 15 minute nap can give you energy? So, maybe if we do that we will be able to focus better. Two hours later and we are just waking up and it seems like that was a bad idea! Ha.

Twitter Source: Twitter

61. Sugar and Spice

They do not say girls are sugar and spice for no reason. There is two sides to women and you only want to meet one! Our spice can be sharp!

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62. Mac and Cheese

The way to a woman’s heart is always macaroni and cheese. If any man has a chance to get a girl a drink or macaroni and cheese, always choose macaroni and cheese. Always.

Twitter Source: Twitter

63. Being Ready

Ladies do not want to admit it, but when it comes to getting ready we can procrastinate a bit.

“I have done this more than I care to admit after responding ‘I’m almost ready'”

Twitter Source: Twitter

64. Are They?

We have read the headline “Celebs are just like us” one too many times that we actually do start to wonder. This is one question that we might never get the answer to, but it does not stop us from wondering!

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65. Underrated

This is definitely the most underrated struggle as a girl! Once the glasses are stuck, they are stuck. It is usually a two person job to get the glasses out. All girls know this one!

Twitter Source: Twitter

66. Three Stages

The stalking on social media is a must for any new crush. By the time a first date actually happens, women will already know your family tree! Social media does have its perks!

Twitter Source: Twitter

67. On Fire

Being the person that pushes a woman right over the edge is a bad person to be.

“Stop it before you make me cross! Too late, you’re already cross!”

Twitter Source: Twitter

68. Oooooh, a dog!

When a dog is in eye line of any woman, it is already game over! If there is a dog to pet, that is the new direction we are going. Do not come between a woman and a dog!

Twitter Source: Twitter

69. All The Dogs

The brightest future is a house full of dogs. Give us all the dogs!

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70. Pep Talk

It does not matter if you call it an affirmation or a pep talk, it is necessary! A good pep talk in the morning can boost your confidence for the whole day.

Twitter Source: Twitter

71. This Close

What a perfect example of how many times we are just that close to a breakdown but we keep on going. Every step during the walk of life is right on the verge, but what if the fear is what keeps us going? Keep walking!

Twitter Source: Twitter

72. The Signal

Every woman knows the secret signal from her girlfriend. Which makes us wonder …

“this is a universal code !!! i wonder if guys have a code too !!”

Twitter Source: Twitter

73. Just Do It.

Nike is the one that gave her the idea, just do it! Talk about a cheap fashion trend. Ladies, we all need to be as thrifty as she was!

Twitter Source: Twitter

74. So Smooth

There is no better feeling than when you are freshly shaved. Just do not judge how long it took in between to shave! The winter can get cold.

Twitter Source: Twitter

75. One-Armed Look

There is always unreal expectations that come and go for the ladies. So when something unrealistic comes along it is hard not to take it seriously. Some ladies can see the bright side though.

“You can scratch your feets without bending over”

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Source: Bored Panda

