75 photoshop fails that are hard to believe people didn’t notice

Photoshop is a really useful tool for business owners, advertisers, and product sellers. With it, you can delete unwanted components in a picture, correct errors, and even add drama to a product. However, the tool is only good if your editor is good. If you hire someone who’s not skilled enough to use it, you might end up with disaster ads and posters.

To give you examples, here are 75 extremely bad Photoshop fails that people didn’t easily notice.

1. That arm

It’s always a good thing to supervise kids during bath time. Just make sure that the one supervising is a whole human being. I don’t think an arm can save this kid if something bad happens.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

2. Reflection

I’d probably think twice about visiting this vacation spot. Something tells me they aren’t being honest about their pool.

Reddit Source: Reddit

3. This underwear

I feel a bit bad for this model. He probably worked hard to make sure his butt will look good on camera. Unfortunately, someone messed up in the editing room.

Reddit Source: Reddit

4. So “skinny”

If you’re editing your photo to make yourself look skinny and sexy, make sure to double-check. You wouldn’t want to draw more attention to the exact same area you’re trying to fix.

Imgur Source: Imgur

5. Not relaxing

This shower can do more than just cleanse your face and body. It can also flatten your face and break your neck.

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6. Polka dots

Those polka dots look like they’re done using Paint and not Photoshop. Well, if they were Photoshopped, it was a sloppy job.

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7. Creepy

Mirrors don’t work that way. Both the girl and her reflection shouldn’t be looking at the camera.

Reddit Source: Reddit

8. Ghosts

The house looks nice and cozy. However, I don’t think I’m brave enough to live there. As you can see, there’s a couple floating around with their dog.

Imgur Source: Imgur

9. That arm and hand

Arms aren’t supposed to be that long. Even her hand is quite big for her.

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10. How to play the guitar

These guys aren’t your average guitar players. They can play the instruments even without holding them. I guess their methods really work.

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11. Twisted

There are two things that I found bothering about this photo. A.) The model has two left feet. B. ) Both feet fail to face the direction of the body.

Twitter/Richard9605044 Source: Twitter/Richard9605044

12. Such long arm

Be careful about taking unlimited swimming sessions. If you’re not careful, you might end up with really long arms like this woman.

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13. Modeling

Models are supposed to wear the clothes they’re advertising. It helps consumers get an idea of what they’re buying. Unfortunately, this shop had a different idea in mind. They chose to Photoshop the shirt on this man instead of letting him model it.

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14. Missing horse’s body

This advertisement would have been perfect if the editor didn’t accidentally remove the horse’s body. Well, I guess they were too focused on the clothes they are selling.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

15. Almost a great job

The idea and execution were good. Unfortunately, someone messed up with the scaling. The man looked like a giant in this photo!

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16. Missing peas

It seems like someone forgot to buy peas before the photoshoot. They had to photoshop a few pieces just to make this dish look “appetizing”.

Reddit Source: Reddit

17. The secret

The secret is in the invisible handbag. We’ll never know what it is unless they show the bag to us.

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18. Using a selfie stick

Even if you don’t take pictures regularly, you’d know that this isn’t how selfie sticks work. The distance and angle don’t make sense. It’s also hard to figure out who took the photo.

Reddit Source: Reddit

19. Thigh gap

If you think thigh gaps are attractive, this photo will probably change your mind. Having that much space in between one’s legs feel is just weird.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

20. This mistake

Who do you blame for a mistake like this? Is it the one who edited the photo or the one who’s supposed to take a final look? Well, it doesn’t really matter. Both of them clearly got paid for this.

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21. Sold

This woman was successful in selling the house. The only problem? She sold it for $9 and she’s proud of it.

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22. Extra hand

It’s no wonder why the guy’s successful. He got extra hands to get the job done. I think it’s his secret.

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23. Big fail

You don’t need to have a keen eye for detail to notice this fail. It’s sticking out like a sore thumb.

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24. Just awful

There must be something wrong with the original family on the photo because the editor had to paste different faces on them. Unfortunately, he made the ad a lot worse.

Reddit Source: Reddit

25. No budget

Can’t afford to hire models? Just photoshop the product on one. It’s cheaper and easier to do.

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26. Wrong body part

This is an ad for underwear. For some reason, whoever edited the image chose to focus on the model’s head.

Reddit Source: Reddit

27. Tall mom

This is one extremely tall mom even without the heels. I bet she can get on top on those stairs in just one step.

Instagram.He.lew Source: Instagram.He.lew

28. Doing yoga

When Jen said that yoga will change your body, she’s not joking around. Just look at what this pose did to her. She’s got three legs now!

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

29. Belly button

I know people being an innie or an outie when it comes to belly buttons. I haven’t heard or seen anyone with a belly button on the side.

Reddit Source: Reddit

30. Spot it.

The dress looks nice and there’s really nothing wrong with it. The model’s face looks perfect as well. Now, if you look at her side, you’ll see something terrifying.

Imgur Source: Imgur

31. Missing

Most Photoshop fails involve missing hands and feet. For some reason, the editor missed the model’s head in this ad. It looks scary, especially since the hands are there.

Reddit Source: Reddit

32. The number of holes

Photoshop and editing pictures require logic from time to time. In some cases, you’ll need to do basic math as well. This waffle maker is an excellent example. Count the number of holes in the waffle maker and the holes on the waffle to understand.

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33. That view

I wouldn’t be smiling if I see that view on my window. If the Great Wall of China is that close, it simply means that the airplane is bound to crash into it.

Imgur Source: Imgur

34. The missing butthole

It looks like human models aren’t the only ones subjected to unrealistic beauty standards. Dog models can experience the same thing, too.

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35. Awful scaling

This family is quite lucky to enjoy their favorite movie in the car. You see, I have never seen an enormous car with sofa seats.

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36. An extra bottle

This is one good reason why you shouldn’t lie about your resume. Don’t say you know Photoshop when you don’t.

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37. Losing weight

It’s hard to understand why you need to wait 6 months before you can shrink your picture in Photoshop. You can do it now if you want.

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38. Giant head

When they say celebrities can get big heads, this is probably what they mean. Olivia Munn’s head here is too big for her body.

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39. The wrong way

If this man is a pro, I guess basketball stars these days are playing the game the wrong way. They should be dunking away from the hoop just like this “pro”.

Reddit Source: Reddit

40. A place to get beer

I guess this is the place to go if you want an awesome beer. In this bar, you can get a beer with beer foam that defies gravity.

Reddit Source: Reddit

41. Help

He must be too happy to not notice the hand on his arm. I would have freaked out if I saw a hand without a body touching me like that.

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42. Too big

When you’re Photoshopping something, you’re supposed to make it look better. This one, however, was quite the opposite. The size of the hat and its angle made the photo look like a disaster.

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43. Uneven legs

That leg looks great for climbing. For walking, however, I think it’s a different story. He would limp if one of his legs is that long.

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44. Extra hand

That woman looks like she’s having an affair with a hand. Clearly, she needs to explain a lot of things to her husband.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

45. The same dog

You don’t have to be an expert on dogs to know that this book uses the same dog on its cover. Honestly, the editor didn’t have to copy and paste the same image. One dog was enough.

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46. A “straw”

When you’re advertising straws, you need to have one during photoshoots. That way, you wouldn’t have to use a line tool just to have one in the photo.

Reddit Source: Reddit

47. Something’s not right

The top looks nice. The bottom looks pretty, too. However, if you put them together, the result is a bit odd.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

48. Big failure

This photo proves that even big companies aren’t safe from Photoshop fails. Instead of relying on someone’s photo editing skills, this company should have just taken a picture of a person holding a real remote.

Reddit Source: Reddit

49. Skin color

This waist trainer will not just make your belly sweat. Apparently, it can also change your skin color.

Reddit Source: Reddit

50. A cooperative cat

It’s hard to make a cat sit pretty for a photo shoot. As a solution, this company decided to just Photoshop their product on a random cat.

Reddit Source: Reddit

51. A little too flexible

This ad is a bit confusing. Are they promoting yoga or exorcism? Looking at that woman’s head, I’d be scared to train with them.

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52. Beard

Can’t grow your beard? Don’t worry. With Photoshop, you can make any type of beard you want.

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53. Everything but the head

The head is usually the first thing buyers see so it’s hard to understand why the editors missed this woman’s head. They literally shrunk everything but that part.

Reddit Source: Reddit

54. This romper

The company probably had a hard time finding a model who’d wear their design. They chose to just Photoshop the romper on a random guy.

Reddit Source: Reddit

55. Unique side mirror

The characters look like they are arguing about how ridiculous they look in their movie poster. That’s an impossible reflection to catch with a car’s side mirror.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

56. Positioning

If the editor moved this model’s lower body a bit more to the left, the ad would have been perfect. Since he didn’t, its a Photoshop fail.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

57. Upside down peas

When you’re advertising food, you need to make it look delicious and inviting. This plate with upside-down peas looks far from that.

Reddit Source: Reddit

58. Useful arm

With the length of her arm, she can do a lot of things. For one, she can scratch the back of her knee even without bending down.

Imgur Source: Imgur

59. Neck “comforter”

Apparently, you can’t buy this product if you have a short neck. You’ll just end up suffocating yourself.

Reddit Source: Reddit

60. Failure

She’s got no arm and her torso is a bit long. Instead of fixing issues, whoever edited this ad created more problems.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

61. Strong lady

This old lady is quite strong. The way she’s lifting those bags is effortless.

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62. A unique fidget spinner

You can only play this spinner if you have really long fingers. It wouldn’t spin if your finger is short.

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63. Too thin

You won’t be able to hide anything with this top. It exposes everything, including oddly placed nipples.

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64. Copy+paste

The company couldn’t afford to let a real family try out their ball pit. They chose to just copy and paste people on their product. Well, at least they chose smiling subjects.

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65. Everything

The cat isn’t the only thing that looks Photoshopped in this picture. The bowl and the toy don’t look convincing either.

Reddit Source: Reddit

66. Spot the errors.

The longer you look at this ad for a splash pad, the more errors you see. I hope it’s not the same thing with the actual product.

Reddit Source: Reddit

67. An ad for a litter box

I guess they didn’t have the time to schedule a real Photoshop before releasing their product. They just Photoshopped a random cat and their litter box into a random kitchen.

Reddit Source: Reddit

68. Getting the rebound

It looks like someone beat these guys for the rebound. We just can’t figure out who because they erased the owner of those fingers.

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69. Leg problems

When you’re Photoshopping body parts, you’re supposed to make them look perfect. However, this editor chose to be different. He made one leg look skinny while the other one appears bumpy.

Reddit Source: Reddit

70. A pizza ad

The pizza slices, those faces, and even the table- everything looks fake in this ad. I wonder why they can’t get real people to eat real pizza slices and take pictures of them. It’s simpler than Photoshopping different elements into an ad.

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71. A helmet for chicken

Two issues here: 1.) Why would you put a helmet on a chicken? 2.) Who would need helmets for chicken? They can’t even make the model chicken wear their helmet in real life.

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72. Confusing photo

The guy isn’t the only issue in this photo. That woman is also holding her phone upside down.

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73. Getting down

No doubt, the space on top looks comfortable. Getting down, however, is hard to say. There’s no opening on the side of the ladder.

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74. The size of this shower head

That’s a seriously large shower head. It even looks bigger than that woman’s head!

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75. *speechless*

This looks more like an ad for paper dolls. Seriously, how can they sell a dress if they can’t even properly show it in pictures?

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Source: Bored Panda
