75 ugly ducklings that blossomed into super attractive people

Everyone loves an inspiring story about personal transformation that’s perhaps best epitomized in the famous fairytale ‘The Ugly Duckling’. We all know how the story goes: an abandoned and spurned duckling turns into a beautiful swan and becomes envied and admired by all the other ducklings in the pond.

It’s much more than a fairytale because, like most other fairytales, it teaches us important lessons about life. No matter how unlikely it may seem, with enough effort and dedication, we can overcome discover our long-dormant inner beauty and let everyone see the proud swan that was hiding inside.

Take a look at these inspiring examples of ugly ducklings who turned into good looking and successful adults.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-286920″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/01175028/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-3.jpg” alt=”” width=”699″ height=”692″ />

<h2>1. Amazing transformation</h2>

This is a striking example of how an ugly duckling can transform into a beautiful and attractive woman, despite experiencing some rough times during early adulthood. The girl from this picture wrote: “I must say, being an ugly duckling (both self-described and by the perception of others) made me a much better person than I might have been had I always been “pretty.”

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-286913″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/01155105/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-586bb4749e6f4__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”461″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>2. “Taking The Cake On This One”</h2>

Many of us have been a little chubby as kids and there’s nothing wrong with it. For this guy, it was only a motivation to work on himself and become an super attractive young man.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-286919″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/01174402/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-010.jpg” alt=”” width=”701″ height=”311″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>3. “So Much Can Change In Few Years”</h2>

Good looks often go hand-in-hand with self-confidence and as we can see, it looks like the situation was improving slowly in this guy’s case. The end result is pretty impressive. We’re pretty sure he could be a movie star if he wants to try his hand at acting.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-286920″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/01175028/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-3.jpg” alt=”” width=”699″ height=”692″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>4. Before and after</h2>

It’s hard to believe that both of these photos show the same person. We can see very clerly from this example, how much a person can change with time. In this case, the change was for the better.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-286921″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/01175407/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-06-1.jpg” alt=”” width=”698″ height=”458″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>5. “Here’s Freshman Year Of College (17) Vs. Now (25)”</h2>

So much has changed for this guy in the eight year gap between these two photos. Let this be an encouragement to all guys out there who don’t feel good about their looks, everything can change quickly if you believe in yourself.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-286922″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/01175717/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-07a.jpg” alt=”” width=”701″ height=”436″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>6. “Oh, I So Got This One”</h2>

A mullet can easily make anyone look bad and those braces don’t help either. Fast forward a couple of years and it all looks a lot better for him.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-286923″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/01180245/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-4.jpg” alt=”” width=”699″ height=”472″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>7. “Puberty Hits”</h2>

Puberty can do strange things to your body and some of us handle it worse than others. If you’re going through rough puberty, remember you can always blossom into a super-attractive person, just like this guy.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-286934″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/01181524/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-1.jpg” alt=”” width=”698″ height=”447″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>8. “So This Is Me In 8th Grade And This Is Me Now As A Senior”</h2>

It must have been an exciting personal journey for this guy who’s come a long way since he took that first photo back in the 8th grade. He’s grown into a fine young man.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-286935″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/01181816/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-12.jpg” alt=”” width=”701″ height=”419″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>9. “Freshman 20 And 3 Years Later”</h2>

Here we can see clearly what a little workout can do to your body. He also looks like he’s gained a lot of self-confidence during those three years, which is great.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-286938″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/01182441/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-102.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”398″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>10. “Holy Freckles Batman”</h2>

It wouldn’t be fair to say he was an ugly duckling as a kid and those freckles look cute on kids. On the other hand, he’s grown into a handsome man.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-286951″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/01183510/dsd.png” alt=”” width=”697″ height=”925″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>11. Fast forward</h2>

This is a truly amazing personal transformation. We all possess an inner beauty that’s just waiting to be discovered and manifested into good looks that everyone can admire. If it worked for him, it can work for everyone.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-286952″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/01184203/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-47-586bb315f266d__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”471″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>12. “I Feel Like I’ve Improved A Bit”</h2>

Let’s forget about that childhood photo, it’s the present that counts, right? We’re not going to be modest like she was and call it a small improvement; it’s huge.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-286954″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/01184654/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-6.jpg” alt=”” width=”699″ height=”462″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>13. “People From High School Usually Recognize Me Just Enough To Ask If I Have A Younger Brother”</h2>

People who didn’t appreciate him back in high school are probably going to change their opinions when they see him now. Good looks are only one part of the picture, though, we should value people primarily for their personal qualities, good looks only come as an icing on the cake.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-286955″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/01184953/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-18-586bb2ce076e9__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”391″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>14. “Me Age 15 And Me Age 21″</h2>

Battling with acne can be a daunting and traumatic experience for teenagers. It’s awesome to see that this guy came on top in his struggle with acne, and showed everyone what a good looking young man he is.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-286958″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/01185616/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-08.jpg” alt=”” width=”697″ height=”555″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>15. “Still Don’t Think I’m Quite Over The Syndrome, But I Do Know I’m Heaps Better”</h2>

We love her smile in the first photo. She’s become a very attractive young woman but it’s what on the inside that matters most, right?

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-286959″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/01185848/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-01a.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”405″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>16. “My Prepubescent Grandma-esque Appearance Is Still The Butt Of Many Jokes From Friends And Family Today”</h2>

Most of us need time to figure out our style. It usually comes as we grow older and more secure about ourselves. She was kind of cute in that special geeky way as a teen, though.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-286960″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/01190153/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-09.jpg” alt=”” width=”694″ height=”465″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>17. “I Went Through A Mega-Awkward Stage”</h2>

The past should stay in the past. The best thing about photos like these is that we can look at them from our present perspective and laugh at those awkward stage we went through.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-286961″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/01190721/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-17-586bb2cc108fc__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”361″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>18. “Me In Grade 9 Vs. This Summer At My Cousin’s Wedding”</h2>

Who says that we can’t grow younger? This guy rejuvenated himself in just a couple of years. We’re sure he’s a girl magnet now.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-286962″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/01191135/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-011.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”405″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>19. “Man, I Was Good Looking”</h2>

It’s often about the attitude, not the looks. The former influences the latter to a large extent. This guy sure looks a lot happier now, without a doubt. Well, a cool haircut makes a difference too.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-286963″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/01191601/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-41-586bb309221f9__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”447″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>20. “Me At 13, And Again At 22″</h2>

A lot has changed for this guy in nine years. It’s a great transformation which can serve as an example to others.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-286964″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/01192040/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-78-586bb35439592__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”531″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>21. “Bowl Cut + No Eyelashes + Lipstick On A 1st Grader”</h2>

The dashing young woman we see in the photo to the right was once a boy. Jokes aside, we still like that haircut.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-286965″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/01192547/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-13-586bb2c20414e__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”327″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>22. “Who Would Have Thought That First Guy Would Ever Reproduce”</h2>

The first guy wasn’t exactly bad looking but everything just looks better when you lose that extra weight. Today, he’s a happy dad.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287673″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02160724/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-14-586bb2c52c8ad__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”596″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>23. “Before, Depressed, In The Closet, Overweight And After, Doing My Thing In Chicago”</h2>

It takes time to figure things out and find the self-confidence that we all need. This guy’s example shows how important it is to be at peace with yourself.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287684″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02162912/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-60-586bb331353f0__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”457″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>24. “Chubby Kid With Afro Vs. After”</h2>

One thing hasn’t changed in both these images: his smile. The rest is just building on good foundations.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287689″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02163142/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-32-586bb2f21a0f1__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”446″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>25. “Here’s Me Then; Shy, Socially Awkward, Big Eared And Unlucky With The Ladies And Here’s Me Now; Shy, Socially Awkward, Big Eared And Unlucky With The Ladies”</h2>

We must learn to look beyond physical apperance. Chasing some ideal of beauty society imposes on us can cause a lot of unhappiness. We can only applaud this guy’s bravery.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287690″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02163536/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-23-586bb2da24055__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”420″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>26. “I Got This”</h2>

Some of us need more time to blossom and realize our potential. It doesn’t happen overnight but if we set our mind to it, we can achieve anything.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287695″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02164033/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-9.jpg” alt=”” width=”699″ height=”391″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>27. “I Think I Got Less Creepy Over Time”</h2>

Her eyes do look kind of creepy in the first and last photo but her looks improved steadily over time. She can be sure that she’ll always leave an impression with her stare.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287699″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02164843/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-20-586bb2d211ff9__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”700″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>28. “1999, 2005 And Now”</h2>

Growing older does have its advantages. We can see that things only improved for this girl over time.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287701″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02165414/Then-and-now-586c0c86c1a43__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”998″ />
Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

<h2>29. “Took About 8 Years Of Not Being A B*tch But I Think Things Turned Out Okay”</h2>

Sometimes we look at our old photos to remind ourselves where we were then and where we are now. It’s always reassuring to know that we improved.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287702″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02165727/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-8.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”391″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>30. “How I Looked At The Start Of 2006 And That’s Me At The End Of 2011″</h2>

Isn’t it hard to believe both these photos show the same guy? The transformation he went through over a period of only five years is nothing short of amazing.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287705″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02170055/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-11.jpg” alt=”” width=”701″ height=”471″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>31. “Three Ugly Ducklings Then And Three Full Fledged Geese Now”</h2>

What separates a man from a boy? Well, it depends on who we ask, as perspectives differ. These three guys seem to have found the right answer to that perennial question.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287706″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02170425/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-44-586bb30f53799__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”916″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>32. “Needless To Say, Middle School Was A Rough Time”</h2>

Surving middle school can be challenging for many kids who have difficulties with their appearance and social skills. Things turned out well for her in the end and it shows we can all change for the better.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287708″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02170701/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-54-586bb3240cd77__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”564″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>33. Epic transformation</h2>

There’s a world of difference between these two versions of the same guy. All we can say is that we’re impressed with this transformation.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287711″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02170954/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-49-586bb319cc002__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”360″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>34. “Perhaps It Wasn’t “Ugly Duckling,” As Much As It Was “Kind Of Overweight Duckling.”</h2>

Being overweight in puberty has a negative effect of self-confidence. It’s awesome to see this guy sorted it all out and grew into a good looking young man.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287712″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02171136/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-30-586bb2ee19d07__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”500″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>35. “It Took Me Some Time To Finally Become A Man!”</h2>

It doesn’t matter how much time it takes as long as we arrive at our destination. What an amazing transformation from a boy to a man.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287716″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02171333/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-36-586bb2fd073e6__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”421″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>36. “I Don’t Think I’m Anything Special Now But The Before Picture Cracks Me Up”</h2>

Isn’t it a fun to compare a photo of you as a kid and the one on which you’re holding a kid of your own? He looks like he’ll be a great dad.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287721″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02171524/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-69-586bb342a6bf2__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”373″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>37. “25 Years Of Transformation…dear Teens, You’re Fine Just As You Are!”</h2>

He’s right. Going through that awkward stage during puberty is another part of growing up. There’s little point in being negative towards yourself as a teen.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287722″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02171746/godine-586bd42f67a87__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”329″ />
Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

<h2>38. “Ugly As F*ck Duckling Vs. Now”</h2>

We can’t quite agree that she was ugly back then, just a bit of chubby. The haircut was questionable as well yet it all fell into place later.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287725″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02172046/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-51-586bb31d64761__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”471″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>39. “Here’s Me At About 14 And Here I Am A Few Months Ago”</h2>

Kids can rarely have the refined looks that come later in life. Despite that, nothing quite beats the sweet innocence of childhood.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287728″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02172342/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-5.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”631″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>40. “Middle School Vs. Now”</h2>

Here’s another example of a profound transformation that’s almost hard to believe. The future looks bright for this amazing young woman.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287731″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02172629/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-586bb47760d16__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”602″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>41. “First Pic (fat One) Grade 9. Second Is First Year University”</h2>

‘Remember that fat kid in 9th grade? That was me.’ People would have a hard time believing it’s the same person in both of these photos.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287734″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02173033/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-34-586bb2f702f14__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”500″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>42. Late bloomer</h2>

“I was always the “ugly” friend and never had guys like me until years after high school. I had cystic acne since age 13 and was bullied immensely in high school,” wrote the girl who uploaded this photo. It’s a sad fact that kids are bullied in school just because of their looks. She certainly triumphed in the end, despite all the difficulties she faced back in high school.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287738″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02173822/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-12-586bb2c0167bd__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”455″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>43. “I Really Can’t Explain The Quote. I Had A Profound Admiration For Antionio Banderas”</h2>

Back at the time when ‘Zorro’ had first hit the big screens, many kids wanted to be like him. This guy didn’t become Zorro but he become a fine young man.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287749″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02174441/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-66-586bb33c60e3b__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”462″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>44. “5 Years Ago Vs 6 Months Ago…”</h2>

This is a big transformation in a relatively short timespan. If you work on yourself, only the sky is the limit.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287755″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02175311/20170103_210612-586c125631603__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”437″ />
Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

<h2>45. “A Sad Insecure Girl Into A Happy Less Insecure Woman”</h2>

Life is much harder when we’re insecure. Improvement can start only when we realize that only we can overcome this self-imposed obstacle. Unlike the first photo, there’s now a smile on her face and that shows how things changed for the better in her life.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287757″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02175625/b4aftergrace-586c091075957__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”501″ />
Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

<h2>46. Improvement takes time</h2>

No one could say this guy was an ugly duckling as a kid but he’s come a long way since high school. He just needed time to find his style.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287759″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02180143/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-586bb472c7eb8__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”476″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>47. From caterpillar to butterfly</h2>

We’re not doing ourselves any favors when we compare photos of us taken when we were going through an awkward phase with the photos of us as grown-ups. It’s much better to come to terms with the way we looked in our teenage years.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287767″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02180710/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-25-586bb2df1d511__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”388″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>48. “So This Is Before In High School And This Is Me Now”</h2>

He hasn’t changed that much, though he looks much more mature in the second photo, and a lot slimmer as well. The beard looks nice on him too.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287775″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02181450/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-8-586bb2b601d60__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”399″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>49. “I Cringe At My Before Picture. What A Handful Of Years Can Do”</h2>

Father Time can be our friend and not the enemy. It helped this guy find his style and much needed self-confidence.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287778″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02181815/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-586bb47093698__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”476″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>50. “3rd Grade Vs. Senior Year”</h2>

She was a cute kid and certainly no ugly duckling. We change so fast during childhood and early adulthood which often makes it hard to connect the person we were at 10 with the person we are at 22.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287780″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02182210/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-7.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”462″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>51. “I’m Still Really Awkward And Make Idiotic Faces In Most Of My Pictures But At Least I Have Boobs Now”</h2>

Boobs are really a bonus, but they shouldn’t be a girl’s only asset. We still prefer the photo number two, though.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287781″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02182634/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-21-586bb2d506071__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”402″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>52. “I Had A Rough Childhood”</h2>

She overcame her rough childhood to become a beautiful and attractive young woman. Everything must seem so much better from her present perspective.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287786″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02183049/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-02.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”408″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>53. “My Own Transformation – From Fat Bastard To Marathon Runner In Just 4 Years…”</h2>

It is a great personal triumph to go from being overweight to a marathon runner in only four years. Just goes to prove that with the right mindset, we can achieve our goals, no matter how unlikely they may seem at first.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287796″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02184017/IMG_5785-586c0ac19a410__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”700″ />
Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

<h2>54. “2008/2016″</h2>

So many things can change in eight years… presidents, new Olympic champions, and our haircuts. This guy looks badass thanks to his beard and haircut and he’s photogenic as well.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287803″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02184508/Image-1-586c0c1e110d4__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”700″ />
Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

<h2>55. Beauty takes time</h2>

Glasses don’t have to be geeky, quite the opposite. She looks so much better with glasses than without them. While puberty is often painful, it still teaches us important things about ourselves and life.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287805″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02185027/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-6-586bb2b142402__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”586″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>56. “Before When I Was 12, Nowadays At 22″</h2>

Isn’t it ironic that kids want to grow up as soon as possible and grown-ups want to be kids again? We should just learn to be content with our age and make the most of the present. She’s all grown up in that second photo but still has those chubby kid cheeks which is cute.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287807″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02190159/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-84-586bb362f36dd__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”457″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>57. “13 Yo Vs 28 Yo”</h2>

We all need a bit of color to make our lives brighter. She realized that perfectly well, hence the flamboyant hairstyle.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287815″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02192025/image-586c0e3a1cb63__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”700″ />
Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

<h2>58. “Just A Few Years Apart”</h2>

Braces – they are every teen’s nightmare, the world would be a much better and happier place without them. We bet everything improved for him once he got rid of those horrible braces once and for all.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287817″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02192315/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-27-586bb2e522dab__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”975″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>59. “One On The Left Vs. Now”</h2>

When you’re a kid you can afford not to think about anything other than playing with friends all day long. Real problems start when we become too self-conscious. She looks pretty in both these images, albeit in different ways.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287818″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02192649/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-22-586bb2d7385e2__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”500″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>60. “Then And Now”</h2>

The most important thing is that she’s smiling in both photos. Good looks work only if they’re a manifestation of the true beauty which lies within.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287819″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02193212/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-81-586bb35af10a3__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”433″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>61. Many years later…</h2>

She looked good in both photos, in our modest opinion, only the style has changed, which is to be expected when we compare a child with a grown-up. It always helps when we put things into perspective.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287821″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02193849/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-10-1.jpg” alt=”” width=”701″ height=”503″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>62. “Me 3 Years Ago Vs Now”</h2>

It take a lot of courage and determination to change your lifestyle to become a healthier and better looking person. This girl pulled it off in just three years and the transformation she’s undergone is a staggering example of what we can achieve if we put our mind to it.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287824″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02195223/photocollage_201713221412708-586c06cd72cc3__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”700″ />
Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

<h2>63. “Why Do Parents Give Bowl Haircuts On Girls?!”</h2>

Parents sometimes have no idea of the kind of damage their choices inflict upon their kids. Fortunately, her boyish looks belong to the past. We love that big smile.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287829″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02200356/D765519D-5EBB-4570-82DD-FE554A2CD144-586c1b98a139c__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”700″ />
Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

<h2>64. “Me About 3 To 23 , My Mom Calls Me The Ugly Duckling That Turned To Swan (not Sure If I’m A Swan Or A Sheep”</h2>

Some things are bound to change in two decades, for example, adults can never have that sweet, innocent smile we see on kids’ faces. Do you think she looks more photogenic in that second photo, or the first one?

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287832″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02201044/A81DCDFB-E54D-4627-8E4D-D2089D7D6C6A-586c38036c434__700-1.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”700″ />
Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

<h2>65. Smile and say cheese</h2>

Both photos are nice in their own way, though she actually looks younger on the second one. It’s probably due to lighting and the fact she’s learned how to be more photogenic since that first photo was taken.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287835″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02201612/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-586bb46eb3ec4__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”489″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>66. “12 Vs. 22 Years Old. Still A Proud School Nerd”</h2>

We love her attitude. Feeling bitter about our past selves never helps.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287836″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02202022/IMG_1646_2-586c10db49144__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”358″ />
Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

<h2>67. Amazing transformation</h2>

An ambitious workout routine does wonders to your figure. At the risk of repeating ourselves, we’ll say that it’s hard to believe that we’re looking at the same woman in these two photos.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287838″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02202229/IMG_20170103_154231-586c379c9c9b1__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”700″ />
Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

<h2>68. “So Embarrassed….”</h2>

There’s nothing to be embarrassed about here. Braces can make anyone look bad.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287840″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02202611/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-76-586bb3501cee7__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”500″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>69. “Here’s A Timeline Of My Ugly Duckling-ness”</h2>

That’s a great transformation. Her ugly duckling days are a thing of the past.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287842″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02202838/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-57-586bb32aa3d93__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”286″ />
Reddit Source: Reddit

<h2>70. “14yo Vs 24yo”</h2>

The only thing these two photos have in common is the haircut – well, to some extent, at least. Everyting else is a massive improvement.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287843″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02203143/image-586c0a4ad3f28__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”700″ />
Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

<h2>71. “About 10 Years Apart”</h2>

Those of you who’ve been through a goth phase in their teen years know what an impact it can have on your looks. It was fun for a while but we have to agree that she’s far more beautiful now compared to back when the first photo was taken.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287847″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02203527/82B1D9CD-1CFE-4325-9DA2-41EA9DAC5C46-586c15ba04aae__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”700″ />
Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

<h2>72. “Start Of 2009 (15) Vs. End Of 2016 (22)!”</h2>

He was no ugly duckling at 15. Only the haircut and his fashion style have changed and the result is amazing.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287850″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02203936/Collage-2017-01-04-01_37_20-586c03b500916__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”679″ />
Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

<h2>73. “13 Years Old And Now, 24 Years Old”</h2>

It must have been tough to battle with acne during the already sensitive age when it’s easy to lose self-confidence. The acne are gone now and that’s great to see.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287852″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02204220/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation-156-586bb5b03fdf3__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”410″ />
Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

<h2>74. “2009 Vs 2015″</h2>

We can’t even begin to imagine the amount of effort it took to achieve what he achieved during those six years. Rocky would be proud.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287858″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02204858/WhatsApp-Image-2016-10-12-at-82542-PM-586c34bf74ff1-jpeg__700.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”695″ />
Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

<h2>75. “Left: Taken A Few Months Ago, Age 26! Right: When I Was 17…”</h2>

She’s not only managed to look slimmer and fitter than when she was 17, but younger as well. All in all, an amazing transformation.

<img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-287861″ src=”https://cdn.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/02205309/2015-05-21-192846-586c078379f6f__700-1.jpg” alt=”” width=”700″ height=”700″ />
Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

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<p class=”p1 article-source”>Source: <a href=”https://www.boredpanda.com/before-after-ugly-duckling-beauty-transformation/” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>Bored Panda</a></p>
